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Radcliff Ashley P.


What’s more

Situation Result of the Function of

Just recently, I was approached Message was clear that the To promote, To Sell, and to
by an online product seller. The product that I was about to buy inform
sellers were telling me the will not be a waste of money
description of their products, and time.
the result that I will accomplish
if I buy their product, and
persuading me to buy there
When I was in 6th grade, I was It was very informative, I learnt To criticize, To teach, To
in a science fair defending a the difference between anti- question
research study about the anti- viral and anti-bacterial. The
bacterial properties of judges now knew that there
malunggay leaves in treating was a plant that can help cure
sore throat. The judges were sore throat.
asking me if it was anti-viral or
anti-bacterial. I stood my
ground and told them that it
was anti-bacterial. I ended up
losing the competition as it was
supposed to be anti-viral
because the cause of sore
throat was a virus.
What I can do
Activity 1
Activity 2: Reflection
Today, I learned ….
 Nature and process of communication
 That communication isn’t just two people exchanging words
 Why do people communicate
 And the functions of communication

I realized …
 That there is more to communication
 there are still ways to improve my communication skills
Therefore, I will…
 I will use what I have learned for this week’s module in other to become a better listener
and speaker

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