Sample Chapter 1-3 - Quantitative Study

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Chapter I



Medicinal plants have been used virtually in all cultures as a source of medicine of

various purposes, including treatment of infectious diseases (Singh, 2015).

In the Philippines, the

promulgation of Republic Act (RA) 8423 known as the Traditional and Alternative Medicine Act

empowered through the promulgation of RA 7394 or the Consumer Act of the Philippines which

acknowledges herbal plants as legitimate drugs (Magno, 2012).

According to WHO, 80% of the population depends exclusively on plants

for their health and healing. However, awareness on medicinal plants and its uses has been

threatened in many parts of the country due to modernization. The researchers, who are students

of Santiago City National High School (SCNHS), accepts the fact that only few of the medicinal

plants are being recognized and are not aware of the medicinal uses of the known plants.

Researchers believe that the level of awareness of SCNHS students is the same as theirs.

Santiago, where the locale of the study is located, is

an urban city and indigenous knowledge about medicinal plants may be threatened to extinction.

To intensify and support the nationwide undertaking and with the above foregoing

premises, this study sought to discern the familiarity and functionality of medicinal plants among

Senior High School (SHS) students of SCNHS.

Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework of the study is an organized skeletal structure that was
developed as a guide regarding the flow of the study. As the world is continuously stumbling upon
modernization, the researchers conducted a study that discerned the level of familiarity and
perceived functionality regarding the medicinal plants among students.
The researchers anchored the framework of the study from the idea of Mahish, Mahobia,
and Yadav (2016), that there is a need to assess the level of awareness regarding medicinal
plants among the students.

Below is the paradigm of the study.

Figure 1 Paradigm of the Study

The figure shows the skeletal structure which illustrates the flow of action the researchers
followed in order to pursue and finish the study. The different profile variables of the respondents
which were included in the study are: age, sex, residence, and grade level. These variables were
tested to know if there is a certain effect in which these variables may possess on the awareness
of the Senior High School students of SCNHS regarding medicinal plants.
Furthermore, the researchers have developed the study to test the level of familiarity and
perceived functionality of the SHS students of Santiago City National High School on the
medicinal plants included in the study. Moreover, this is related also to know the awareness of
the Senior High School students of SCNHS in terms of familiarity and perceived functionality.

Since, the Senior High School students of SCNHS are known to have several profiles, the
study is dealt to determine and utilize few of these profiles in order to provide scientific basis of
the possible differences of the profiles to the perceived functionality of medicinal plants among
Senior High School students of SCNHS.

Research Questions

Generally, the study sought to discern the familiarity and perceived functionality of
medicinal plants among Senior High School students of Santiago City National High
School. Specifically, the study aimed to answer the following problems:

1. What is the profile of the respondents as to:

a. age?
b. sex?
c. residence?
d. grade level?
2. What is the level of familiarity as to the physical structure of the medicinal plants
among Senior High School students of Santiago City National High School?
3. What is the perceived functionality of medicinal plants among Senior High School
students of Santiago City National High School?
4. Is there a significant difference between the perceived functionality of the medicinal
plants and respondents’ profile?


To answer the general as well as the specific problems of the study, the researchers
developed the hypothesis:
1. There is no significant difference between the level of perceived functionality of the
medicinal plants and respondents’ profile.

Scope and Delimitation

The study was conducted from September 12, 2018 to November15, 2018, on the school
year 2018-2019. It focused on the assessment of the familiarity and perceived functionality of
medicinal plants among the Senior High School students enrolled at Santiago City National High
School. Respondents are from the General Academic and Technological-Vocational and
Livelihood (TVL) Track who are enrolled during the first semester of school year 2018-2019. The
211 respondents came from both Grade 11 and Grade 12 students of Santiago City National High
School. The medicinal plants that were selected and included in the study are the plants that are
promoted by Department of Health (DOH) and Philippine Herbal Medicine. These 15 medicinal
plants are the following: Akapulko (Tagalog), Ampalaya(Tagalog), Atis (Ilocano and Tagalog),
Banaba (Ibanag, Ilocano, and Tagalog), Bawang (Tagalog), Bayabas (Ilocano and Tagalog),
Lagundi (Ibanag and Tagalog), Luya/Ginger (Tagalog), Malunggay (Tagalog),Niyog-niyogan
(Tagalog), Oregano (Tagalog andIlocano), Pansit-pansitan (Ilocano and Ibanag), (Sambong
(Tagalog) and Yerba Buena (Ilocano). Furthermore, this study was conducted to assess the
respondents’ awareness on the familiarity limited only to the physical structure and the perceived
functionality of the medicinal plants among SHS students.

Significance of the Study

As to the aims and objectives of research, the following are the benefactors of this study.
Santiago City National High School Management.This study will provide baseline data
that will guide the school administrators or any group of individuals who are promoting the use of
medicinal plants in crafting programs for advocacy campaign on the use of medicinal plants in the
school and in the community.
Teachers and Students of Santiago City National High School.This study is also
significant to teachers and students because it will help them intensify their knowledge on the
medicinal plants particularly its medicinal functions.
Community.This study will provide them new and further knowledge regarding the
knowledge of the youth on the familiarity and perceived functionality of medicinal plants in their
vicinity. Furthermore, this will provide them scientific basis for them to know the programs and
activities that they would establish for the enhancement of the knowledge of the citizens,
especially regarding medicinal plants.
Parents. This study will also make parents more aware on the significant benefits of
medicinal plants in the treating common diseases and not relying right away on synthetic

medicines being bought within their vicinity. Hence, it is expected that each household will allot
areas to grow medicinal plants.
The Researchers. The processes in conducting this study have given more opportunity
for the proponents to develop their research skills as well their personal traits because this
undertaking help them to become more patient, resourceful and persevering in achieving the
goals of the study.
Future Researchers. The results of the study will serve as baseline data in order for future
researchers to further the study especially on areas that were not covered in the study.

Definition of Terms

To deeply understand the study, the following terms were herein defined.
Akapulko(Cassia alata). It is an erect, shrubby legume with dark green compound leaves.
Its leaves have orange rachis that has 16-28 leaflets (Stuart, 2016). It is a medicinal plant known
to treat tinea infections, insect bites, ringworms, eczema, scabies and itchiness.
Ampalaya(Momordicacharantia). Its leaves are heart-shaped, which are 5 to
10 centimeters in diameter. The fruits of this vine are fleshy green with pointed ends at length. It
can never be mistaken for any other variety because its ribbed and wrinkled surface (Philippine
Herbal Medicine, 2018). It is an herbal medicine found to be effective in the treatment of diabetes,
hemorrhoids, coughs, burns and scalds, and being studied for anti-cancer properties.
Atis(Annonasquamosa). It is a small tree 3 to 5 meters in height. Leaves are oblong and
somewhat hairy when young. Flowers are long, pendulous, hairy, three-angled, light green to
yellow. Fruit is large, somewhat heart-shaped, the outside marked with knobby polygonal
tubercles. When ripe, the fruit is light yellowish-green. Flesh is white, sweet, soft, and juicy, with
a mild and very agreeable flavour (Stuart, 2016). The leaves, fruit and seeds of atis are used in
the treatment of diarrhea, dysentery and fainting.
Awareness.This pertains to the extent consciousness of the respondents regarding the
medicinal plants.
Banaba(Lagerstroemia speciosa). It grows to a height as high as 20 meters. Its leaves
are large, and ranges from the shape of elliptical-ovate to oblong (Philippine Herbal Medicine,
2016). It is a tree known to have medicinal properties for the treatment of diabetes and other
ailments. Also used as a purgative and a diuretic. Bawang/Garlic (Allium sativa).It is a plant
with long, flat grass-like leaves and a papery hood around the flowers. The bulb is made up of
many smaller bulbs covered with a papery skin known as cloves (Gale Encyclopedia of Alternative

Medicine, 2005). Bawang is used as an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer and anti-
hypertensive. It is widely used to reduce cholesterol level in blood.
Bayabas(Psidiumguajava L.).A small tree to 33 ft (10 in) high, with spreading branches,
the guava is easy to recognize because of its smooth, thin, copper-colored bark that flakes off,
showing the greenish layer beneath (Stuart, 2016). It is a small tree with medicinal properties
such as: antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic, antioxidant hepatoprotective, anti-allergy,
antimicrobial, anti-plasmodial, anti-cough, antidiabetic, and antigenotoxic.

Familiarity. This refers to the knowledge as to the physical structure of the medicinal
plants by the respondents.

Functionality.It refers to the respondents’ perception or knowledge in treating common

ailments and diseases.

Ginger (Zingiberofficinale). Ginger root is beige in color with a knotted, rough appearance.
The part of the plant above the ground is a foot long upright stem with long, narrow leaves. The
leaves are green and ridged in texture. Ginger flowers are small and white or yellow-green in color
(Alburger, 2018). It is used as antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, antiviral, diuretic due to
its antiseptic properties.

Lagundi(Vitexnegundo Linn.).It is an erect, branched tree or shrub, 2 to 5 meters high.

Leaves are usually 5-foliate, rarely with 3 leaflets only, and palmately arranged (Stuart, 2016). It
is a shrub with medicinal properties for cough, colds and fever. It is also used as a relief for asthma
and pharyngitis, rheumatism, dyspepsia, boils, and diarrhea.
Malunggay(Moringaoleifera).Moringa flowers can be seen: barely 2.5 cm (less than 1
inch) across, the white petals and yellowish sepals form a vertical line of symmetry, bending
gracefully to offer up its anthers and stigma to bees and other pollinators (Clarke, 2018). It is a
shrub with medicinal properties to lower blood pressure, aid in pains caused by rheumatism,
headaches and migraines, as well as an anti-tumor plant. Malunggay is also used for purgative
and anti-fungal purposes, as well.
Medicinal Plants.Any plants known with therapeautic effect due to its medicinal
properties. It may be an herb, shrub, tree, or a vine.

Niyog-niyogan(Ficuspseudopalma Blanco).It is an erect, glabrous, unbranched shrub

growing to a height of 5 meters. Leaves are crowded at the end of the stems, spreading and short-
petioled, oblanceolate with a cordate base and an acute apex. Blade is coriaceous and dark-
green (Stuart, 2016). It is an herbal medicine used to eliminate intestinal parasites.

Oregano (Origanumvulgare).Oregano is an erect perennial, 30 to 60 cm tall, with stalked,
ovate leaves that are 1 to 4.5 cm long. The purplish flowers are borne in dense, rounded
terminal panicles with purplish bracts (Saphiro, 2002). Oregano is a perennial herb with
antioxidant and antimicrobial properties. A decoction of oregano leaves is taken internally for the
prevention of degenerative arthritis, relief of cough, osteoarthritis, asthma and upset stomach.
Perception. This refers to the personal understanding of the respondents about the
medicinal plants to its functionality or uses.

Physical Structure. It pertains to the physical appearance of the medicinal plants.

Republic Act No. 7394. It is also known as Consumer Act of the Philippines. This serves
as a legal basis in the study. It is the policy of the State to protect the interests of the consumer,
promote his general welfare and to establish standards of conduct for business and industry
(, 1992).

Republic Act No. 8423. An act creating the Philippine institute of traditional and
alternative health care (PITAHC) to accelerate the development of traditional and alternative
health care in the Philippines, providing for a traditional and alternative health care development
fund and for other purposes (, 1997).

Sambong(Blumeabalsamifera).It is a half woody, strongly aromatic shrub, densely and

softly hairy, 1 to 4 meters high. Stems grow up to 2.5 centimeters in diameter. Leaves are simple,
alternate, elliptic- to oblong-lanceolate, 7 to 20 centimeters long, toothed at the margins, pointed
or blunt at the tip, narrowing to a short petiole which are often auricled or appendaged (Stuart,
2016). This pertains to the shrub used to treat kidney stones, wounds and cuts, rheumatism, anti-
diarrhea, antispasms, colds and coughs and hypertension.

Sex. It is a demographic profile of the respondents referring to either male or female.

Tsaang-Gubat(Ehretiamicrophilla Lam.). It is an erect, very branched shrub growing up
to 1 to 4 meters high. Leaves are in clusters on short branches, obovate to oblong-obovate, 3 to
6 centimeters long, entire or somewhat toothed or lobed near the apex and pointed at the base,
short stalked and rough on the upper surface. (Stuart, 2016). It is a medicinal plant taken as tea
to treat skin allergies including eczema, scabies and itchiness, and wounds in child birth.
UlasimangBato or Pansit-Pansitan(Peperomiapellucida (L.) Kunth).It is an erect,
branched, annual herb, shallow rooted, reaching up to 40 centimeters high, with very succulent
stems. Leaves are alternate, heart-shaped and turgid, as transparent and smooth as candle wax

(Stuart, 2016). This pertains to an herbal medicine known for its efficacy in treating arthritis and

Yerba Buena (Menthaarvensis Linn.).It is a prostrate, smooth, much-branched, usually

purplish, strongly aromatic herb, with stems growing up to 40 centimeters long, with ultimate
ascending terminal branches. Leaves are elliptic to oblong-ovate, 1.5 to 4 centimeters long, short-
stalked with toothed margins, and rounded or blunt tipped. (Stuart, 2016). It is used in Philippine
herbal medicine as analgesic to relive body aches and pain due to rheumatism and gout. It is also
used to treat coughs, colds and insect bites.

Chapter II


This chapter includes the ideas, finished thesis, generalizations or conclusions,

methodologies, and others. Those that were included in this chapter helps in familiarizing
information that are relevant and similar to the present study. Various websites of news,
magazines, articles, and other sources were visited tackling the familiarity and perceived
functionality regarding medicinal plants of students was visited. With so, the following details and
information significant to the study were considered.


Modern and traditional health care often exist side by side but rarely collaborate despite
the vital role of traditional medicine in primary health care, mostly due to the view that it has no
scientific basis. With respect to the raw materials, methods of production, and the quality of the
product, there is a lack in regularization making it tough for traditional medicine to cooperate with
modern medicine. Until the late 1980s there was relatively little attention shown by the
developed world in indigenous traditional knowledge, and minimal assistance was provided to
under-developed countries for the preservation, collection and systemization of this knowledge.
Recently this attitude has undergone a substantial change, and the current interest in natural
products has led to increasing respect for the indigenous peoples and their knowledge (J.L.S.
Taylor et. al., 2001). The development and commercialization of medicinal plant- based bio-
industries in the developing countries is dependent upon the availability of facilities and
information concerning upstream and downstream bioprocessing, extraction, purification, and
marketing of the industrial potential of medicinal plants. Furthermore the absence of modernized
socio-economic and public healthcare systems reinforces reliance of rural and lower-income
urban populations on the use of traditional medicinal herbs and plants as complementary aids to
routine pharmaceutical market products (Signh, 2015).
The exploration of original traditional medicines and phytotherapy is receiving scientific
attention, aiming to develop effective new drugs that are non-toxic and inexpensive, with the latter
being most important to developing countries.


The term of medicinal plants include a various types of plants used in herbalism and some
of these plants have a medicinal activities. Medicinal plants are the “backbone” of traditional
medicine, which means more than 3.3 billion people in the less developed countries utilize
medicinal plants on a regular basis (Singh, 2015). According to World Health Organization
(WHO), about 70 percent of the world’s population relies on plants for their primary health care
and some 35,000 to 70,000 species has been used as medicaments, a figure corresponding to
14-28% of the 250,000 plants species estimated to occur around the world, and equivalent to 35-
70% of all species used worldwide. In today’s global market, more than 50 major drugs originated
from tropical plants (Mamedov, 2012).Medicinal plants, also called medicinal herbs, have been
discovered and used in traditional medicine practices since prehistoric times. Medicinal plants are
considered as alternative medicines which can possess different functions and capabilities to help
and cure. About 1900 medicinal plants are found in the Philippines alone. With this fact, its
functions has the most interesting study and unlocks an opportunity to open a window to people
and its cultures (Ahn, 2017). In support to this factual information, the DOH has given its provision
towards the promotion of medicinal plants in the nation by providing a list of common medicinal
plants in the Philippines. Only 10 medicinal plants have been promoted by DOH since 1993 and
Philippine Institute for Traditional and Alternative Health Care (PITAHC) since 1997, these are
the following (Galvez and Sia, 2014): Akapulko (Cassia alata) is a medicinal plant used to treat
tinea infections, insect bites, ringworms, eczema, scabies and itchiness. Ampalaya
(Momordicacharantia). This Philippine herbal medicine has been found to be effective in the
treatment of diabetes (diabetes mellitus), hemorrhoids, coughs, burns and scalds, and being
studied for anti-cancer properties. Bawang (Allium sativum) is used in Philippine herbal medicine
to treat infection with antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer and anti-hypertensive
properties. It is widely used to reduce cholesterol level in blood. Bayabas (Psidiumguajava) –is
used as antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic, antioxidant hepatoprotective, anti-allergy,
antimicrobial, anti-plasmodial, anti-cough, antidiabetic, and antigenotoxic in folkloric medicine.
Lagundi (Vitexnegundo) - used in Philippine herbal medicine to treat cough, colds and fever. It is
also used as a relief for asthma and pharyngitis, rheumatism, dyspepsia, boils, and diarrhea.
Niyog-niyogan (Quisqualisindica L.) - eliminates intestinal parasites. Sambong
(Blumeabalsamifera)- is a Philippine herbal medicine used to treat kidney stones, wounds and
cuts, rheumatism, anti-diarrhea, antispasms, colds and coughs and hypertension. TsaangGubat
(Ehretiamicrophylla Lam.) - is a Philippine herbal medicine taken as tea to treat skin allergies
including eczema, scabies and itchiness wounds in child birth. UlasimangBato or Pansit-Pansitan

(Peperomiapellucida) is a Phillipine herbal medicine known for its effectivity in treating arthritis
and gout. Yerba Buena (Clinopodiumdouglasii) - is used in Philippine herbal medicine as
analgesic to relive body aches and pain due to rheumatism and gout. It is also used to treat
coughs, colds and insect bites. Moreover, the ten promoted medicinal plants by DOH was
publicized by the Philippine Herbal Medicine (PHM) as widely used and popular medicinal plants
together with Ginger/Luya - it is used as antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, antiviral, diuretic
and antiseptic properties, Atis (Anonasquamosa L.) - leaves, fruit and seeds are used in the
treatment of diarrhea, dysentery and fainting, Banaba (Lagerstroemia speciosa) - the leaves,
roots, fruit and flowers all have medicinal uses. It is used in the treatment of diabetes and other
ailments. It is a purgative and a diuretic, Oregano (Origanumvulgare) – is a perennial herb with
antioxidant and antimicrobial properties. A decoction of oregano leaves is taken internally for the
prevention of degenerative arthritis, relief of cough, osteoarthritis, asthma and upset stomach and
Malunggay (Moringaoleifera Lam.) - can be used to lower blood pressure, aid in pains caused by
rheumatism, headaches and migraines, as well as its being an anti-tumor plant. It is also used as
purgative and anti-fungal purposes, as well (Philippine Herbal Medicine, 2018)
Upon looking at the benefits of medicinal plants, many herbalist started to cultivate their
own herbs. In using the above mentioned herbal medicines, some may require some degree of
skill, unbiased judgment in deciding to use one (Galvez and Sia, 2014) and also the capability or
knowledge in order when to use and where to get these tested and beneficial medicinal plants.
Through this, medicinal plants will not lose their general goal, to help cure and prevent illness and
diseases that might affect the normal flow of human lives.


Perceived Functionality and Familiarity

People around the world are always looking for the potential of plants as medicinal sources
in curing various diseases. This led the people to practiced herbal medicine as an alternative
healthcare. The common knowledge of people on the utilization of medicinal plants is passed by
the traditional healers from generation to generation but since the new generation is not interested
in carrying the old tradition the disappearance of traditional knowledge is in danger and the
traditional healers are decreasing in number. So before the traditional knowledge dies, there are
already documented studies and literature about medicinal plants. Clemente et. al., (2007)
reported in their study “Perceived efficacy of herbal remedies by users accessing primary
healthcare in Trinidad” that 265 herbal users entered the study and cited over 100 herbs for the

promotion of health/wellness and the management of specific health concerns. Garlic was the
most popular herb (in 48.3% of the sample) and was used for the common cold, cough, fever, as
'blood cleansers' and carminatives. It was also used in 20% of hypertension patients. 230 users
(86.8%) indicated that herbs were efficacious and perceived that they had equal or greater
efficacy than conventional allopathic medicines. A study of Fiscal (2017) qualitatively documented
the traditional knowledge of traditional healers of Laguna, Philippines on the use of medicinal
plants in treating different diseases. The study found that the species Pandanustectorius,
Blumeabalsamifera, Elaeagnusalingaro, Chrysopogonaciculatus, Imperatacylindrica and
Triumfettabartramia have the most number (6 or 7) of different medicinal uses and the top uses
were (1) urinary tract infection, (2) wound infection, (3) stomachache, (4) cough, (5) diabetes, (6)
headache, (7) cold and (8) hypertension. It was also mentioned that the most utilized plant part
for medicinal preparation was the leaves. The leaves of the plants are the most abundant and
easier to utilize where the chemical makeup was present. Moreover, the leaves of the plants
provide conservation for the plants as compare to roots.
The literatures above show the level of awareness of the respondents on the use of the
medicinal plants and how they are knowledgeable when it comes to the illnesses that they can
cure. It is related to the study since it aims to know if the students are well knowledgeable when
it comes to medicinal plants in terms of their physical properties or appearance and their


Documentation of indigenous knowledge about utilization of medicinal plants is important

because it ensures that indigenous culture heritage is preserved from being lost for the use of
both present and future generations since studies have indicated that indigenous knowledge
about herbal medicines is continuously being lost.

The study of Mahwasane et. al. (2013) titled “An Ethnobotanical Survey of Indigenous
Knowledge on Medicinal Plants used by the traditional healers of the Lwamondo area, Limpopo
province, South Africa” stated that most of the traditional healers obtain their extracts by boiling
the medicinal plants. Their methods of administering treatment vary from dying and burning the
plants for treating warts with the smoke, to inserting the remedy rectally for hemorrhoids. In the
case of edema, the plant extracts are ingested orally or padded on the legs as a poultice. The
traditional healers usually collect the plants in the field, dry and crush them, before storing the
plants in bottles. Some healers prefer storing plant material in powdered form in bottles to reduce

the number of field collection trips that they may otherwise be obliged to undertake or to store up
inventory for times when some plants may be seasonably unavailable, as to be able to offer
treatments throughout the year. Moreover, Baodu and Asase (2017) generalized that there
were no standards in the methods of preparation of the herbal medicines by even the same healer
and this lack of standardization is a major disadvantage of traditional medicine. It also means that
herbal medicines made by the same healer could vary in potency, which has implications in their
use for treatment of patients.

It is important to understand how local communities use and manage natural resources.
The use and commercialization of traditional medicinal plants, has been found to be an important
livelihood strategy, in developing countries where rural people are economically vulnerable, hence
improving incomes and living standards.


According to world health organization (2008), the term “traditional medicine” is to be

understood as the sum total of the knowledge, skills and practices based on theories, beliefs and
experiences indigenous to different cultures that re used to maintain and improve health as well
as to prevent, diagnose, and treat physical and mental illnesses. The world health organization
has a keen interest in documenting the use of medicinal plants by native peoples from different
parts of the world (Buragohain, 2011).
An increasing reliance on the use of medicinal plants in the industrialized societies
has been traced to the extraction and development of several drugs and chemotherapeutics from
these plants as well as from traditionally used rural herbal remedies (Singh 2015).

Clemente et. al., (2012) suggest that one of the major factors contributing to the
increasing popularity of herbs in developed countries and the sustained use in developing
countries is the perception that herbal remedies are efficacious, and in some cases more so than
physician-prescribed allopathic medicines. This favourable level of perceived efficacy would
support continued use, and in a significant number of patients, concomitant use with conventional
allopathic medicines.

Many documented studies already showed the increasing attention that medicinal plants
and traditional medicine are getting throughout the world. Medicinal plants are slowly merging
with the modern medicine for a better maintenance of good health. Hence, efforts must be geared

towards measures that will enhance the effectiveness, efficacy and rational use of medicinal

Chapter III


This chapter presents the procedures and methods that were used in the gathering and
analysis of data needed in the study.

Research Design

This study used the descriptive method in determining the profile of the respondents,
respondents’ familiarity and perceived functionality of medicinal plants. This method is an
organized way of presenting, analyzing, interpreting, and explain relationships that exist between
and among variables of the study. Furthermore, it is a type of observational research that
involves the analysis of data collected from a population, or a representative subset, at one
specific point in time. This type of research design helped gave the transparency on the significant
difference between the perception of Senior High School students of Santiago City National High
School with respect to their: age, sex, residence and grade level.

Research Samples and Sampling Procedure

The respondents are the Grade 11 and Grade 12 Senior High School students of Santiago
City National High School. The sample size was determined using the Calmorin’s Formula
presented below.

𝑁𝑉 + [𝑆𝑒 2 + (1 − 𝑝)]
𝑆𝑠 =
𝑁𝑆𝑒 + [𝑉 2 + 𝑝(1 − 𝑝)]

Additionally, every member of the population was given an equal chance to be selected
as one of the respondents because the researchers utilized stratified random sampling. Samples
were grouped based on the attributes and characteristics.

Below is the table showing the population and the sample sizes

Table 1 Population and Sample Size of Respondents as to Grade Level and Section

Grade 11 Population Samples

GAS Chaucer 51 14

GAS Euripides 54 15

GAS Aristotle 49 14

GAS Dickens 53 15

STEM Euclid 38 11

STEM Dalton 38 11

HE Auguste Escoffier 41 12

HE Cook 36 10

ICT Bill Gates 49 14

Arts and Design Pavlova 38 11

Total 447 127

Grade 12 Population Samples

GAS Bacon 54 15

GAS Shakespeare 54 15

GAS Aeschylus 55 16

STEM Pythagoras 54 15

HE Ramsay 29 9

ICT Steve Jobs 49 14

Total 295 84

TOTAL 742 211

From among the 742 Senior High School students of Santiago City National High School,
211were taken as sample that would represent the total population.The table portrays the
population from the students’ track, strand, grade level and section. There are 127 Grade 11 and
84 Grade 12 samples, respectively. As shown in the table, most of the sample respondents from
Grade 11 came from the section of GAS Euripides and GAS Dickens both having 15 as their
sample. While 10 is the least number of sample respondents were drawn from HE Cook. While in
Grade 12, most of the sample respondents are from GAS Aeschylus which is 16. While the least
number of sample respondents which is 9 came from HE Ramsay. Having 127 total sample from
Grade 11 and 84 from Grade 12, this makes the 211 total sample students of SHS.

Research Gathering Procedure

The researchers followed a step-by-step procedure in order to finish the study. The
researchers were able to forward a request letter addressed to the School Principal for approval
to conduct the study. Then, the researchers have done intensive readings of related literatures
and studies which helped the researchers conceptualized the study particularly the crafting of the
questionnaire. After the construction, checking and validation of the main research instrument, it
was administered to the respondents.
The researchers then retrieved, tabulated, computed, analysed and interpreted the
collected data to answer the questions posted in the study.

Data Analysis

The researchers utilized various statistical tools to analyse and interpret the gathered data
that served as the way to answer the research questions.

1. What is the profile of the respondents as to:

a. age?
b. sex?
c. residence?
d. grade level?

This research question was answered and satisfied through the use of statistical software
known as IBM Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (Trial Version). It is a software package
used for statistical analysis. Long produced by SPSS Inc., it was acquired by IBM in 2009. The
current versions (2014) are officially named IBM SPSS Statistics. Frequency distributions were
done to acquire the numerical data and equivalents of the various included profiles of the
respondents. Furthermore, the resulting numerical data were presented through whole numbers
and percentage.

2. What is the level of familiarity as to the physical structure of the medicinal plants
among Senior High School students of Santiago City National High School?

This research question was dug through the use of statistical software known as IBM
Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (Trial Version). Through the use of the software
descriptive computations were carefully done in order to produce reliable and meaningful results
that would enhance the results and use of the study. The 15 medicinal plants were ranked
according to their generated means and were interpreted with respect to the verbal interpretation
apposite to the value obtained,

3. What is the perceived functionality of medicinal plants among Senior High

School students of Santiago City National High School?

This research question was answered and satisfied through the use of IBM Statistical
Packages for Social Sciences (Trial Version). Descriptive computations were done through the
use of the software in order to manipulate and transform the collected raw data into a usable and
significant set of data that were verbally interpreted with respect to the various values that were
obtained through descriptive tests.

4. Is there a significant difference between the perceived functionality of the

medicinal plants and respondents’ profile?

Through the statistical software known as IBM Statistical Packages for Social Sciences
(Trial Version), the researchers manipulated and used the obtained data to performs statistical
tests such as t-test for independent and uncorrelated means and f-test or ANOVA. The
aforementioned tests are the tests that are suitable and appropriate to use in order to obtain a
new set of data from the raw data that was used for the tests. Decisions were done based on the
results of the test: failed to reject the null hypothesis and reject the null hypothesis.


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