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JOLO English

1. Describe a person you were friendly to, although you did not really like them (him or
her)/Describe an experience you had as a member ofa team.

Describe a person you were friendly to, although you did not really like them (him or her)

You should say:

who was this person?
when and where did it happen?
what was the situation?
why didn't you like this ?
why were you (or did you have to be) friendly to this person?
what were the results after you were friendly to this person?
Describe an experience you had as a member of a team.

You should say

where was it ?
who were the members of the team?
what did you together in this team?
why did you become a member of this team or what was the purpose of
the team ?
2. Describe an ambition that you have not yet achieved.
You should say:
What is your ambition ?
When did you first have this ambition (or, how long had you have this ambition)?
How do you plan to achieve it?
(Possibly) what have you done towards achieving this ambition ?
why have you not achieved it yet?
3. Describe something special you would like to buy (in the future).
Describe something you really want to buy (in the future).
You should say:

What is it ?
How have long you wanted to buy this?
Where would you like to buy it?
why would you like to buy this?

4. Describe an exciting sport you know.

You should say:
What sport is it?
How do you know about it?
How difficult do you think it is?
Why do you think it is exciting?

5. Describe a member of your family who you would like to work with.
You should say:
Who is this person ?
Whether do you have worked together before?
What work would you like to do together?
why would you like to work with this person?
6. Describe a foreign country you would like to go to. ( A country you have not been to
You should say:
what is country it (including where is it in the world)?
what is this country like?
what can people do in this country?
and explain why would you like to go to this country?
7.Describe a place you went to that was full ofcolour/a garden or park you visited and liked.
Describe a place you went to that was full of colour
You should say:
what place was it ?
why did you go there?
what did you there?
why do you think it was full of colour?
Describe a garden or park you visited and liked.
You should say:
where was it?
what did it look like ?
what did you do (or, were you doing) there [or, what were people doing there] ?
why did you like it?
8. Describe a change that you think would improve your local area/Describe a law about the
environment that you would like to see.

You should say:

what local area is it?
what change or how could the change be made ?
how would this change be an improvement to your local area?
Describe a law about the environment that you would like to see.
You should say:
what would the law be about ?
how would the law would work ?
what effects would this law have (= what changes would result from this law) ?
why would you like to see this law in existence or why do you think this law is needed ?
9. Describe a happy family event from your childhood.
You should say:
what was the event ?
where did it happen?
what did you see and do?
why do you remember this event so well?
10. Describe a person you know who dresses well/ Describe a person you know who speaks a
second (or foreign) language well. /Describe a person (you know) who travels a lot by
plane./Describe the member of your family who you spend the most time with.
Describe a person you know who dresses well

You should say:

who is this person ?
what kind of clothes does this person like to wear ?
how do you know this person ?
Describe a person you know who speaks a second (or foreign) language well.
You should say:
who is this person ?
how do you know this person?
what language does this person speak ?
how often do they speak it ?
why do you say they speak it "well"?
Describe a person (you know) who travels a lot by plane.
You should say:
who is this person?
how do you know this person ?
where does this person travel to ?
why do they (= he or she) choose to travel by plane?
Describe the member of your family who you spend the most time with.
You should say:
Who is it ?
when you are usually together ?
what you do together ?
and explain why you spend the most time with this member of your family?
11. Describe a film you watched at home or in a cinema.
You should say:
what film was it ?
what it was about?
why you chose to watch that film ?
who you watched it with?
whether did you learn anything important from the film?
12. Describe a photograph in your home
You should say:
what is in the photo?
where is this photo in your home?
how was this picture taken?
What does this photo mean to you?
13. Describe an educational TV program that you have seen./Describe something that you
would like to learn (how) to do. (Something that you cannot do now) /Describe an art
or craft activity that you did at school.

Describe an educational TV program that you have seen

You should say:

what was (or, is) this program about ?
how often have you watched it ?
why do you think it was (is) educational or explain what did you like or dislike about this program.
Describe something that you would like to learn (how) to do. (Something that you cannot do now)
You should say:
what you would like to learn to do ?
where you would learn it how you would learn it ?
and explain why you would like to learn to do this?
Describe an art or craft activity that you did at school.
You should say:
what activity it was?
how you did it ?
who you did it with ?
how did you feel about this activity?
14. Describe a time when you forgot something important/Describe something useful that
you (once) borrowed.
Describe a time when you forgot something important.

You should say

when did it happen?
what did you forget ?
who were you with ?
what was the result of your forgetting ?
why was it important?
Describe something useful that you (once) borrowed.
You should say:
What did you borrow?
who did you borrow it from?
how was it useful to you ?
why did you borrow it.?

15. Describe some good news you got from television or the internet.
You should say:
Where did you get the news ?
what was the news about ?
why do you think it was good news?
16. Describe a time when you got lost.
You should say:
where was it?
who was with you?
how did you feel?
how did you eventually find your way?
17. Describe a street that you like to visit./Describe what you would do if you had a day
off, free from work or study.
Describe a street that you like to visit

You should say:

where is it ?
how often do you go there .?
what do you usually do there?
why do you like to go there?
Describe what you would do if you had a day off, free from work or study.
You should say:
where would you go ?
what would you do there?
who would you go with ?
how do you think you would feel at the end of this day?
18. Describe a situation (or time) when you received some useful advice./Describe an
important conversation that you had with someone.
Describe a situation (or time) when you received some useful advice

You should say:

what was the situation ?
who gave you the advice?
what was the advice ?
Describe an important conversation that you had with someone.
You should say:
when did you have this conversation?
who did you have the conversation with ?
what was the conversation about ?
how did this conversation influence you?
19. Describe the stage of life that you have enjoyed the most.
You should say:
what was stage it ?
what did you use to do during that stage ?
where were you during that stage ?
who did you spend time with during that stage ?
why did you enjoy that stage so much?
20. Describe a time when you did something to help someone you didn't know.
You should say:
Where did it happen?
who was the person ?
how did you help this person?
how did you feel after helping this person?
21. Describe a subject you didn't like before but are interested in now.
You should say:
What was that topic ?
Where did you study it?
Why didn’ you t like it?
Why do you like it now?
22. Describe a time when (you think) someone (you know) did not tell you the complete truth.

You should say:

What was the situation?

said or did not say that was a lie)

23. Describe an occasion when you got up very early./Describe a long car journey you went on

Describe an occasion when you got up very early.

You should say:

When did it happen?

Why did you get up early?

Who were you with?

How did you feel about getting up early?

Describe a long car journey you went on

You should say:

Where did you go?

Why did you go there?

Who did you travel with?

What did you see during the trip (on the way)?

Why did you go by car?

24. Describe situation when a child made you laugh.

You should say:

Who was the child (when and) where did it happen?

What did he or she do to make you laugh?

Why did you laugh?

25. Describe an indoor game that you liked to play when you were a child

You should say:

What was the game?

Who did you play it with?

How did you play it?

Why did you like playing that game?

26. Describe an item of electronic equipment that you would like to have.

You should say:

What is it?

Where would you get (buy) it from?

What features would it have (or, special features you would like it to have)?

Why would you like to have it?

27. Describe some paid work (or, a paid job) that you or a friend enjoyed doing.

You should say:

What the work was?

Where did you do this work?

Who did you work with?

Why did you or your friend enjoy doing this work?

28. Describe an article you read in a magazine or on the internet about healthy living.

You should say:

What was the article about?

Where did you read it (which magazine or website)?

What did you learn from the article?

29. Describe something you do that keeps you fit. (or, that helps to keep you fit)

You should say:

What is it when you do it?

Why do you do it ?

How does it help to keep you fit?

30. Describe a gift you gave that took a long time to choose.
You should say:

What was it?

Who did you give it to?

How did you choose it?

Why did you spend a long time choosing it?

How did the receiver of the gift react when you gave it to him or her?

31. Describe a house or apartment you would like to live in.

You should say:

Where would this house or apartment be?

What would it look like?

When would you like to live there?

Why would you like to live in such a place?

32. Describe a person you know whose job is important to society/Describe someone in the news who
you would like to meet.

Describe a person you know whose job is important to society

You should say:

Who is this person?

How do you know this person?

What job do they do (= he or she does)

Why do you think their job is important?

Why do you think their work contributes to society.

Describe someone in the news who you would like to meet.

You should say:

Who is this person?

Why are they in the news?

Why would you like to meet this person?

33. Describe someone or something that made a lot of noise.

You should say:

Who or what made the noise?

What was the noise like?

What did you do when you heard this noise?

34. Describe a time when you waited for (or, had to wait for) something (or someone).

You should say:

Who or what did you wait for?

Where did you wait why did you wait (or, have to wait)?

How did you feel while you were waiting?

35. Describe an occasion when you were surprised to meet someone you know.

You should say:

Who was it?

Where did you meet this person?

What did you do when you met ?

Why were you surprised to meet this person?

36. Describe a song that has special meaning for you.

You should say:

What is this song about?

When and where did you first hear this song?

How often do you listen to this song?

Why does it have special meaning for you?

37. Describe an important holiday (or festival) that is celebrated in your country.

You should say:

When does this celebration take place?

What do people do during this celebration?

What do you especially like and dislike about this celebration?

Why is it important?

38. Describe a (recent) time when you looked at the sky (either day or night)

You should say:

What were you doing when you looked at the sky?

Who were you with?

What did you see?

How did you feel when you looked at the sky?

39. Describe a recent event (or something you did) that made you happy.

You should say:

What did you do?

Where were you?

Who were you with?

Why did it make you happy?

40. Describe an historic building that you have visited.

You should say:

What was it?

Where was it?

What features of the building did you find interesting?

41. Describe an experience you had as a member of a team/Describe a disagreement that you had
with a friend.

Describe an experience you had as a member of a team

You should say:

Where was it?

Who were the members of the team?

Why did you become a member of this team?

What was the purpose of the team?

Describe a disagreement that you had with a friend.

You should say:

Who did you disagree with?

What was the disagreement how it happened?

How was this disagreement resolved?

42. Describe a successful small business that you know.

You should say:

What is the business?

Where is it?

Who runs the business?

How do you know about this business?

Why do you think it is successful?

43. A Difficult Decision (Jan. 2016)

Describe a difficult decision that you made.

You should say: what decision it was

what difficulties you faced

how you made the decision and explain

why it was a difficult decision.

44 . A Polluted Place (Jan. 2016)

JOLO English

You should say: what place it was

why you went there how it has been affected by pollution

and explain how you felt about this pollution.

45. A TV Program that Made You Laugh (Jan. 2016)

Describe a television program that makes you laugh. *

You should say: what program it is *

how often you watch it *

what it is about *

and explain why you laugh at this program (= explain what is funny in this program).

46. A Good Friend (Jan. 2016)

Describe one of your best (= one of your close, or good) friends.

You should say: who this person is .

and explain why you think this person is a good friend.

47. A Family You Know (Jan. 2016)

Describe a family (not your own family) that you like.

You should say:

where this family lives

who the members of the family are

how you know them what each person in this family does in life (student/work/retired etc.)* and
explain why you like this family.

48. A Sport You Have Learned (Jan. 2016)

Describe a sport that you have learned. * Y

ou should say: what sport it is *

when you learned it *

JOLO English

and explain how you feel about this sport

49. The First Time You Used a Foreign Language (Jan. 2016)

Describe the first time you used a foreign language to communicate. *

You should say: what the situation was *

where you were *

who you communicated with *

and explain why you used a foreign language to communicate on this occasion. *

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