Pistils Mature Earlier Than Stamens: EXAM No. 14 Exam Conducted During:15 February To 17 February 2019

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EXAM No. 14
Model Answer Sheet
Exam conducted during :15 February to 17 February 2019

Que. 1 In Protogyny condition --

Stamens mature
Pistils mature Both mature at
earlier than None of these
earlier than stamens same time

Que. 2 Which of the following crop shows protandry condition ?

Onion Maize Sugarbeet All of these

Que. 3 Chemical used to induce cytoplasmic male sterility is --

Ethidium bromide EMS Colchicine GA

Que. 4 Which of the following is autocidal technique of insect control ?

Release of sterile Release of bio- Use of
Cultural practices
male control agents insecticide

Que. 5 The site of pupation of Helicoverpa armigera is ---

Leaf Seed Soil Boll
Pest which causes damage more than --- % in the field is called as major
Que. 6
5 15 10 20

Que. 7 Capillary water is held at atmospheric pressure ---

1/3 to 31 31 to 10000 > 10000 o to 1/3

Que. 8 Downward entry and movement of water in soil surface is --

Percolation Infiltration Permeability None of these

Que. 9 Reclamation of saline soil which of the following practice is followed ? --

Leaching of
By good quality
Adequate drainage salts below root All of these
irrigation water
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Que. 10 For reclamation of alkaline soil --- is used.

Lime Gypsum None of these
When C : N ratio goes on increasing the availability of nutrients to crops
Que. 11
Increases Decreases Does not change None of these
Which of the following nutrient is involved in reproduction in plants and
Que. 12
germination of pollen grains ?
Boron Calcium Potassium Sulphur

Que. 13 The deficiency of calcium and boron are found on --

Old and new
Old leaves New leaves Terminal leaves

Que. 14 Under drought condition --- nutrient deficiency is observed in Cotton.

N Mg B P

Que. 15 Split application of fertilizer is useful in --- soils.

Clay Loamy Sandy None of these

Que. 16 Application of MOP fertilizer is not suitable for --- crop

Soyabean Gram Wheat Tobacco

Que. 17 Soyabean seed is sown at ---- cm depth.

3 13 21 30

Que. 18 Infrared thermometer is used to measure ---

Atmospheric Crop canopy
Solar radiation Soil temperature
temperature temperature

Que. 19 NRC for Groundnut located at --

Junagadh Bhopal Indore Hyderabad

Que. 20 Rancidity in sunflower oil is due to -- reaction.

Reduction Oxidation Both a & b None of these
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Que. 21 Which of the following crop is known as camel crop ?

Bajara Jowar Castor Wheat

Que. 22 The condition in which flower opens only after pollination is called --
Chasmogamy Cleistogamy Autogamy None of these

Que. 23 Angora breed of Goat is --- type

Meat Milk Dual Hairy

Que. 24 Gestation period of Goat is --- days

100 150 180 200

Que. 25 Osmanabadi goat breed origin is

Sangamner Osmanabad Solapur Pune

Que. 26 Standardized milk have --- % fat

4.5 3.5 6 7.5

Que. 27 Cultivation of resistant variety is ---- method of pest control.

Physical Chemical Biological Cultural

Que. 28 Sun drying is --- method of pest control.

Physical Chemical Biological Cultural

Que. 29 Female of red cotton bug lays eggs on --

Leaf Seed Soil Boll

Que. 30 Damaging stage of citrus psylla is --

Adult Larva Nymph None of these

Que. 31 What is optimum plant population for Bt cotton ?

10,000 plants /ha 25,000 plants /ha 30,000 plants /ha 45,000 plants /ha

Que. 32 Epiricania melanoleuca is used as bio control agent against --

Citrus psylla Red cotton bug White fly
3 to 9 m deep and 18 m or more with 8 to 15 % slope gullyformed in
Que. 33
water erosion is ---- type
Very small gully Small gully Medium gully None of these
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Que. 34 Sustainable agriculture is also known as--

Ecological farming Natural farming Permaculture All of these

Que. 35 In additive series of intercropping base crop population is ---

Same as
Same as pure crop Both a & b None of these

Que. 36 Moisture availability index (MAI) equal to

Rainfall at 50 %
Rainfall at 50 % PET / Rainfall at
probability x None of these
probability / PET 50 % probability
The actual mass of water vapour present in a given volume of moist air
Que. 37
is --
Absolute Specific
Relative humidity All of these
humidity humidity
Que. 38 Direct solar radiation is measured with --- instrument.
Pyranometer Pyrheliometer Photometer Altimeter

Que. 39 Line joining the points of equal sunshine hours is known as ---
Isobaths Isotech Isohels Isobar

Que. 40 National extension service was established on ---

2nd Oct 1953 1st Jan 1953 2nd Oct 1955 1st Jan 1955

Que. 41 Buttoning is a physiological disorder in

Cabbage Onion Garlic Cauliflower

Que. 42 Calyx splitting is major disorder in ----

Gerbera Rose Anthurium Carnation

Que. 43 NRC for orchids is located at----

Sikkim Andrapradesh Maharashtra Gujrat

Que. 44 Mallika, a variety of mango is cross between -----------------.

Dashehari x Alphanso x
Neelam x Dashehari None of these
Neelam Neelam
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Que. 45 2n chromosome number of guava is ----

20 22 24 30
Market in which durable commodities are traded and it is of a
Que. 46
permanent nature --
Retail market Secular market Seaboard market

Que. 47 In --- farming income from subsidiary enterprises does not exceed 10 %
Diversified farming Dry farming Mixed farming

Que. 48 Marriage outside group or cast is called as --

Endogamy Exogamy Ectogamy None of these

Que. 49 Lab to Land Programme was started in the year --

1959 1982 1979 1991

Que. 50 Generally in extension programme block consist of --- number of villages

500 200 1000 100

Que. 51 Central element in effective learning situation is --

Extension Physical
Learner Message
worker facilities

Que. 52 What is the objective of agriculture extension education in India ?

All round
Dissemination of application of
improvement of All of these
useful information useful
rural people
Que. 53 Which of the following is non-projected aid of communication ?
Slide projector Flash card None of these

Que. 54 Adsali Sugarcane take ---- months for harvesting.

10 to 12 12 to 15 15 to 18 18 to 20
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Que. 55 Millets belongs to --- group of plants.

C3 C4 CAM None of these

Que. 56 Sowing time of Pigeon pea is ---

First fortnight of Second fortnight First fortnight of First fortnight of
June of July September October

Que. 57 In Cotton the term Square means ---

Appearance of
Harvesting Defoliation Boll formation
flower bud

Que. 58 Seed rate of Jute is --- kg/ha

6 to 8 10 to 12 20 to 22 35 to 38

Que. 59 In Groundnut pegging stage comes after --- DAS

35 45 55 65

Que. 60 Goal is trade name of --- weedicide.

Isoproturon Propanil Paraquat oxyfluorfen

Que. 61 The first antibiotic was --

Penicillin Sterptomycin Tetracycline Erythromycin

Que. 62 The five kingdom classification was proposed in 1969 by --

R. H. Whittaker Haeckle Robert Hooke Leeuwenhock

Que. 63 Plant quarantine method is useful only when pathogen is --

Wind borne Seed transmitted Soil inhabitant
Que. 64 Income tax is
Direct tax Indirect tax Both a & b None of these
Line passing through the least cost points in the iso-quant map is called
Que. 65
Ridge line Expansion path Iso cost line Iso quant line

Que. 66 Variable cost is also known as

Implicit cost Fixed cost Prime cost Marginal cost
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Que. 67 Moniliform antennae present in ----

Termite Honey bee House fly Weevils
The lowest population density of pest that will cause economic damage is
Que. 68
called as --
Economic Economic injury Damage
None of these
Threshold level level boundary

Que. 69 Which of the following is monophagous pest ?

Coconut black
Rice yellow stem Mango stone
headed All of these
borer weevil
Que. 70 Bemisia tabaci is scientific name of --
Cotton leaf American
Cotton white fly Pink bollworm
roller bollworm

Que. 71 Standard of living means quantity & quality of

Expenditure Investment Consumption None of these

Que. 72 End point of ketch up is judged by

Absence of free
Flakes test Sheets test Lump test
flowing water.

Que. 73 Which of the following goat breed is use for Pashmina

Chegu Jamunapari Barbari Beetal
Que. 74 When MC = MR at that time profit is
Minimum Zero Maximum Unknown

Que. 75 Which of the following is not a three R's of Credit ?

Risk bearing Returns from Repayment
None of these
capacity investment capacity

Que. 76 Loans given on security of jewellary are termed as

Personal Security Chattel Security Mortgage
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Que. 77 Fortified milk is addition of --- in milk

Vitamin Carbohydrates Protein None of these

Que. 78 The word Smut means --

Sooty or
Smooth powder charcoal like White powder Cottony like

Que. 79 Powdery mildews are controlled by spraying --

Mercury fungicide Copper fungicide None of these

Que. 80 The largest sub division of fungi is --

Ascomycotina Mastigomycotina Basidiomycotina Deuteromycotina

Que. 81 Symbiotic nitrogen fixing bacteria is --

Azatobacter Azospirillum Rhizobium None of these

Que. 82 Little leaf of brinjal is transmitted by --- vector.

Aphids White fly Leaf hoppers Mites

Que. 83 The shortest phase of all the mitosis phase is --

Prophase Ananphase Metaphase Telophase

Que. 84 Jagannath is mutant variety of --- crop.

Soyabean Tobacco Rice Cotton

Que. 85 Isogenic lines are ---

Identical for all Identical for one
genotype except None of these
genes gene only
for one gene
The system resulting from the interaction of living and non-living factor
Que. 86
is called as
Environment Micro climate Ecosystem None of these

Que. 87 Golden revolution is related to --- production

Fish Meat Fruit Food grain
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Que. 88 Banana rhizome weevil Cosmopolites sordidus belongs to

Pyralidae Curculionidae Thripidae Aphidae

Que. 89 The ladder shaped scrapping on the rice leaves is due to ---
Cnapholocris Nympha
Dicladispa armigera None of these
medinalis deptinctalis

Que. 90 Butterfly proboscis is formed from---

Galea of
Mandible Labium Maxillary palp

Que. 91 Pork is meat of --

Cattle Buffalo Swine Goat

Que. 92 Act of parturition in cattle is called as --

Kidding Hatching Furrowing Calving

Que. 93 Red brown colour breed of cattle is ---

Deoni Dangi Sindhi Phule Triveni

Que. 94 In India Bt cotton is released for commercial cultivation in the year --

2000 2002 2006 2009
Repeated crossing of hybrid progeny back to one of its parents is called
Que. 95
as --
Back cross Top cross Recurrent cross Double cross
Breeding method mostly used for development of disease resistance
Que. 96
variety is ---
Pedegree method Selection Back cross
Que. 97 Difference in pure line is due to --
Genotype Environment Both a & b None of these

Que. 98 The quickest method of plant breeding is --

Mutation breeding Back cross Selection
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Que. 99 Heterobeltiosis is estimated over --

Best local
Mid parent Better parent None of these

Que. 100 Anthur culture technique is develop by --

Guha &
Muller Stanley Johannson
Transfer of genetic material from one cell to other by using viral vector
Que. 101
is called as
Transduction Translation Transcription None of these

Que. 102 Alternative form of gene is --

Gamet Genome Allele Muton

Que. 103 13:3 is the ratio of --- type of gene interaction.

Complementary Inhibitory Polymeric Additive

Que. 104 Chromosome number (2n) of Soyabean is --

14 22 36 40
Which of the following contains two or more distinct genomes which are
Que. 105
derived from different species ?
Autotetraploids Allopolyploids Autotriploids Haploid

Que. 106 The milk sugar present in mammalian milk is --

Sucrose Lactose Glucose Galactose

Que. 107 In Yoghurt preparation --- bacterial culture is used.

Lactobacillus Streptococcus
Both a & b None of these
bulgaricus thermophilus

Que. 108 Reconnaissance survey is done to determine

Feasibility and Precise estimate For setting out
rough cost of of quantity and the work on None of these
scheme cost ground
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Que. 109 Phule Arjun is variety of --- vegetable crop

Bitter gourd Brinjal Okra Cabbage

Que. 110 Virus resistance or virus free variety of Okra is ----

Phule Utkarsha Phule Vimukta Parbhani kranti Both C & D

Que. 111 Aster is propagated by ---

Roots Bulbs Seed Cuttings

Que. 112 Mango variety Sai sugnadh is hybrid of ----

Keshar x Totapuri x Totapuri x
Totapuri x Keshar
Alphanso Neelam Dashehari
Que. 113 Edible Banana fruit is seedless because of ---
Vegetative Lack of
Embryo abortion None of these
parthenocarpy pollination

Que. 114 Vegetables are canned in ---

Distilled water Syrup Brine None of these
Seed which do not remain viable for long time at low temperature is
Que. 115
called -
Orthodox seed Recalcitrant seed Dry seed None of these

Que. 116 Purple color tag is used for --- seed.

Nucleus seed Breeder seed Registered seed Certified seed
Minimum isolation distance maintained for foundation seed production
Que. 117
in Cotton is --- m
1000 100 50 200

Que. 118 Anamorphosis is found in --- insect order.

Diptera Protura Hymenoptera Hemiptera

Que. 119 Central plant protection training institute is located at

New Delhi Hyderabad Lucknow Mumbai

Que. 120 Eri silkworm is reared on --- plant.

Castor Okra Guava None of these
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Que. 121 HACCP stands for

Hazard analysis and Human analysis Hazard analysis Hazard analysis
critical control and critical and critical and critical
pressure control point control point corelation point
Que. 122 Which of the following is measure of central tendency ?
Arithmetic mean Geometric mean Range All of these

Que. 123 The probability of sure event is ---

0 1 -1 2

Que. 124 Progeny test is given by

Shull Johannsen Lutz Vilmorin

Que. 125 The horn shape of surti buffalo is

Sickle shape Round shape Long Tightly curved

Que. 126 Almond shaped eyes are found in females of -- breed of cattle
Kankraej Haryana Red sindhi Gir

Que. 127 Marwari is --- purpose Sheep breed.

Mutton Wool Duel None of these

Que. 128 In Goat estrus cycle is of --- days

19 20 21 22

Que. 129 In animal Render pest disease is caused by

Bacteria Fungi Myxovirus Protozoa

Que. 130 Allahabad safed, Lalit are varieties of ---

Grape Guava Apple Aonla

Que. 131 Litchi is commercially propagated by ---

Cutting Air Layering Grafting Seed

Que. 132 Karonda belongs to family ---

Apocynaceae Euphorbiaceae Boraginaceae Anacardiaceae

Que. 133 what is cybrid ?

Hybrid formed
Sexual hybrid Tissue culture None of these
by cell division
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Que. 134 Colchicine is generally used for

Hybridization Embryo rescue None of these

Que. 135 ATMA stands for

Agricultural Agricultural Agricultural
Technology Technology Technology
None of these
Management Management Mission
Agency Authority Authority

Que. 136 Select the correct statement.

Method Method Result
demonstration is
demonstration is demonstration is demonstration is
based on
basedon principle of conducted by effective in
principle seeing
learning by doing farmer adoption process
is believing
Que. 137 Balvant Rai Mehta committee is related with ---
Co-operative Panchayat Raj
NABARD T & V system
movement system
Que. 138 Rinderpest disease is caused by
Mould Parasite Virus Bacteria

Que. 139 The best age of dehorning is

1 week 4 weeks 8 weeks 16 weeks

Que. 140 Central insecticide laboratory (CIL) is located at

Faridabad Kanpur Lucknow Jaipur

Que. 141 Barbari breed of goat is native of

England India China East Africa

Que. 142 Pasteurization kills

Bacteria spores
Bacteria & Virus Bacteria & Fungi None of these
Que. 143 Phule keshari, Phule Raja are improved variety of --- vegetable crop ?
Onion Brinjal Tomato Pea
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Que. 144 SMCRE model of communication proposed by

Roger &
Aristotles Shanon Berlo
In Adoption process when an individual uses a new idea continuously on
Que. 145
full scale is -- stage
Awareness stage Interest stage Trial stage Adoption stage

Que. 146 Calcium deficiency in blood causes --- in animals

Mastitis Anthrax FMD Milk fever

Que. 147 Grade A eggs are of --- gm. Weight ?

35 to 40 40 to 45 45 to 50 50 to 53
Resetting of cotton flowers and double seed formation in cotton bolls are
Que. 148
symptoms of --
Red cotton bug Pink bollworm None of these

Que. 149 Cockroach classified under --- insect order.

Isoptera Hemiptera Odonata Dictyoptera

Que. 150 Larval stage of Hemiptera order is --

Caterpillar Grub Maggot Nymph

Que. 151 NRC for Pomegranate is located at ---

Solapur Kolhapur Ahmednagar Pune

Que. 152 Canthaxanthin pigment responsible for --- colour in papaya

White Yellow Red Pink

Que. 153 Jamun belongs to family

Moraceae Myrtaceae Caricaceae Bromeliaceae

Que. 154 Which of the following is the method of mass communication ?

Farm visit Demonstration News Paper
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Que. 155 The last adopter of idea are called as --

Innovators Late majority Average Laggards

Que. 156 Best crop for silage making is --

Bajara Wheat Oat Maize

Que. 157 Fat globules in milk are in the form of

Colloidal Emulsion Granular None of these

Que. 158 In India highest wool producing state is --

Rajasthan Maharashtra Bihar Uttar Pradesh

Que. 159 In grape forward prunning is done in the month of ---

Jan April June October

Que. 160 Red gram pod fly maggots pupates in ---

Pod Leaf Soil None of these

Que. 161 Nematodes are ---

Monoblastic Diploblastic Triploblastic None of these

Que. 162 Study of economics as a whole is ---

Microeconomics Both a & b None of these
Que. 163 Wants satisfying quality or power of goods is called as--
Wealth Utility Price All of these

Que. 164 Consumption goods are called --- order goods.

First Second Third Fourth

Que. 165 Who define economic as Science of wealth ?

Dr. Alfred
Adam smith Robbin Keynes
Que. 166 Which of the following is active factor of production ?
Labour Capital Machinery All of these
Change in demand for one commodity owing to change in the price of
Que. 167
another commodity is called as --
Price elasticity Income elasticity Cross elasticity None of these
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Que. 168 Land , Buildings are --- assets.

Fixed Working Current None of these

Que. 169 What are the objectives of farm management ?

Minimizing the Maximizing Minimizing
All of these
farm cost farm profit unemployment

Que. 170 Law of equimarginal return is also known as----

Law of
Law of
Law of Substitution maximum Both a & b
opportunity cost

Que. 171 Which is the basically a decision making science ?

Macro Micro
Farm management None of these
economics economics
Que. 172 Profit is equal to
Gross income - Gross income - Gross income - Total cost -
Fixed cost variable cost Total cost Gross income

Que. 173 Botanical name of Tossa jute is --

Corchus Crotalaria
Corchorus olitorius None of these
capsularis junceae
Que. 174 Which state is recently renowned as Rice bowl of India ?
Chhattisgarh Assam West Bengal Punjab

Que. 175 Khaira disease of rice usually attack at --- stage.

Nursery Grain felling Flowering Harvesting
The minerals which formed, deposited or introduced as result of
Que. 176
subsequent changes in rocks are known as --
Secondary Accessory
Essential mineral Primary mineral
mineral mineral
The minerals having specific gravity less than --- g/cm3 are considered
Que. 177
as light minerals.
2.85 3.55 2.3 3.55
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Que. 178 Mohars scale is used to determine the --- of rocks.

Hardness Luster Color None of these

Que. 179 The soil contains ---- % organic matter.

25 58 5 65

Que. 180 Peel of rock due to temperature variation is called as --

Flocculation Exfoliation Folliation Decomposition

Que. 181 Science which deals with study of rocks is called as --

Pedology Edaphology Petrology Rock science
The vertical section of soil showing the various layers from surface to
Que. 182
unaffected parent material is known as --
Horizon Soil profile Pedon None of these

Que. 183 Gleization occurs due to --

Due to poor High organic Removal of Mixing of the
drainage matter sodium ions soils
To be designated as Clay soil, A soil must contain at least --- % clay
Que. 184
40 15 35 75
Which property of soil depends upon the amount, size, shape,
Que. 185
arrangement and mineral constituent.
Physical Biological Taxonomic None of these

Que. 186 If particle size is reduced then total surface area will be ---
Decreased Constant Increased None of these

Que. 187 The movement of soil heat take place mainly by --

Diffusion Conduction Mass flow Diurnal variation

Que. 188 Which water is available to plant ?

Gravitational Capillary Hygroscopic None of these

Que. 189 In high rainfall area soils are ---

Acidic Saline soil Alkaline Black
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Que. 190 Ratoon cropping is most popular in

Sugarcane Wheat Rice Sugarbeet

Que. 191 Origin of Merino sheep is

France Spain Switzerland UK

Que. 192 The ruminant have --- compartment chamber.

1 2 3 4

Que. 193 Sheep milk have --- % water

79.4 89.4 75.55 85.55

Que. 194 Soil water which moves mostly in Vapour form is ---
Gravitational Hygroscopic
Field capacity water Capillary water
water water
Que. 195 Select the correct statement .

Tensiometer is used
Tensiometer is
in frequently Tensiometer is
sensitive upto
irrigated crop for not suitable in All of these
0.85 bars of soil
irrigation Clay soil
Which of the following pair of crop & critical growth stage for irrigation
Que. 196
is not correctly matched ?
Maize - Gram - Groundnut -
Wheat - CRI
Tasseling Flowering Pegging

Que. 197 The practice of taking second crop from previous crop is known as ---
Alley cropping Relay cropping Ratoon cropping Intercropping

Que. 198 Crop belonging to family Pedaliaceae is ---

Jute Sesame Ginger Sunflower

Que. 199 Pollen viability of Wheat is related with --- nutrient.

Mg B Fe S

Que. 200 Maize is --- pollinated crop.

Self Often cross Cross None of these

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