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Component Guide Questions Your Answer

Target Audience Who is the intended  Workers in ABS-CBN,
audience? People in our province
Sender/Author Who is the producer? Cyrus James T.
Purpose What is the purpose?  To stop ABS-CBN
Key Content What is the topic? ABS-CBN Shutdown
What are the facts?
In our province, ABS-
CBN is the only one
that have a signal so
they can watch news
and they will be notify
if there is a disaster.
Forum or Style How Can I present this  I present this as a
information? Forum to let people tell
How would this affect their side or opinion.
my audience?
Many workers will lost
their job and the
people in our province
doesn’t have a news
so they don’t know if
there is a disaster. 
Medium or Format What platform will I  Format

This is one of the issues that can wait and can be discussed after the covid 19 why did the NTC
released a closure order when all of these matters cannot be discussed yet in the first place due
to pandemic. So why not wait for the crisis to end before closing ABS CBN, the closure will
inevitably terminate 11,000 jobs and we don't want this to happen because we are facing a
pandemic, everyone needs their job to earn money for daily necessities.
Why not just give the ABS CBN a chance to still air their TV channels in times of COVID 19, the
reality is we are facing a health care crisis, we need everyone to cooperate such as news
agencies, public affairs and entertainments because we are under quarantine.
There are far more important matters to focus with such as
• Providing Social Amelioration to the deserving indigent families that doesn't receive their part

• How to flatten the curve of COVID 19 pandemic statistical data.

• Making sure that public health facilities are enough.

• The extension of ECQ (Enhanced Community Quarantine) and implementation of GCQ

(General Community Quarantine).

• Food Provisions and everyday necessities for poorest of the poor.

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