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Krishworks Technology & Research Labs Pvt.


Krishworks Web Assignment

User Profile Management

Table of Contents

Solution Brief 1

Technological Requirements 1
Mandatory backend/cloud technology to be used 1
Frontend technology (any of the following language/stack) 2

Features 2
User Sign-Up/Sign-In 2
User Profile Completion 2
User Password Reset 2
Responsiveness 3

Submission Format 3

Solution Brief
Create a solution which performs basic user profile management. The user should be able to:
1. Do an email login.
2. Update this profile details & picture upon login.
3. Logout
4. Reset/Forgot password.

Technological Requirements

Mandatory backend/cloud technology to be used

1. Firebase |
Krishworks Technology & Research Labs Pvt. Ltd

Frontend technology (any of the following language/stack)

1. ReactJS/MERN
2. AngularJS/MEAN
3. Python/Django


User Sign-Up/Sign-In

1. Present the user with an interface that prompts the user to either sign-up, or sign-in.
2. For sign-up, users should provide their name, email address and password.
3. Once they click on the sign-up button, log in the user, and create a Firebase User
4. Once logged in (dashboard), the page should show the user’s name and other profile
details, with option for updating the profile.
5. Once logged out, the user should be able to login again with the created credentials.

User Profile Completion

1. Upon first login, the dashboard page should show the user’s name, and empty user
details like, address, date of birth, and empty image box for profile picture. The labels for
address and date of birth should be present with empty values. The page should show a
Save button.
2. Upon entering the values for address and date of birth, and tapping on Save, the details
should be saved to Firebase Cloud Firestore db.
3. Upon tapping the empty image box, the user should be able to upload a picture and
save the same in Firebase Storage.
4. Upon logout and subsequent login, the user profile details (name, address, date of birth
and profile image) should be shown. |
Krishworks Technology & Research Labs Pvt. Ltd

User Password Reset

1. Log the user out. After log out, the user should see the sign-in/sign-up form again.
2. Provide an option for Forgot Password in the sign-in interface. If they click on
forgot/reset password, send the user a password reset email link.
3. Once they click on the reset email link from their email, allow the user to sign-in with a
new password, log in the user, and show the user profile details on the dashboard page.
4. Once they log out, they should be able to log in with the new password.
5. For sign-in, the user provides the email and password created during sign-up. Once they
click on the sign-in button, log in the user and show their name. ( Similar to step 4)

1. The solution should work on both mobile and desktop resolutions.

Submission Format
1. A youtube link of a screen recording of the working solution, showing and explaining all
the required features.

Please note:
a. The explanation should show all the above mentioned scenarios of User
Sign-up/in, Profile Completion and Password Reset.
b. The video should also show the user account, database values and storage
image created in the Firebase account.
c. The videos should also show responsiveness across mobile and desktop

2. Github link of the source codes for evaluation. |

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