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Old buildings can become an eyesore.

What once was a beautiful structure has since become

somewhat of a burden.

So, what do you do with it?

Demolishing old buildings comes with both advantages and disadvantages, and to help you
decide if tearing down an old building is your best option, we’re going to lay it all out for you.

What makes an old building “historic?”

First and foremost, a distinction should be made between “old buildings” and “historic
buildings,” because they are not always one and the same.

An old building is just that: an old building. How old? Well, that’s relative to who you’re asking.

A historic building, on the other hand, is an old building deemed worthy of preservation for its
historical significance by the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP).

Generally speaking, a historic building is at least 50 years old, but it’s also
significant to the community, state, or country in some way, shape, or form.
To become listed as a “historic building,” private individuals/organizations, local governments,
and American Indian tribes seeking to protect the property are generally the ones who get the
ball rolling.

Determining which buildings qualify as “historic” requires research from NRHP.

With that said, being listed does not necessarily protect a building from being demolished, but
cities around the country are actively working to minimize demolitions of homes on the NRHP

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