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Oe Co oe MATHBABE bout HCSSIN 2012 Cool math books Type texto seach hore Cool math books. RSS feed oto comments Leave a comment Straght-up math books: 1. Understanding Analysis" by Abbott 2."The At of Proof by Beck 5. Contributions tothe Founding ofthe Theory of Transite Numbers’ by Cantor 44. What ls Mathematics? by Courant & Rebbine $."The Mathematical Experience by Davis and Hersh 6 “Inoducton to tathematal Tokng by Devin BABE 2 Jouney Through Gents: The Great Tears o Matemtl’ by Dunham {one we Three Infinity by Gamow 3.0K of Poot by Hammack To. mathematics: a Human endeavor’ by cobs 1. Mathematics andthe Imagination’ by Keener and New 12 Surreal Nomar by Knuth 13. The Pleasures of Counting’ by Korner AP @ Follow 14, roots and Refutatons: The ope of Mathematical Discovery’ by Lakatos, Mra nd f Zanar 1. The Word of Mathematics by Newman 16 "Numbers: Ratlonl and atonal by van Niven (35 wells other stuf nts saves 17. "The Gene At of Mathemaic’ by Pesce 16, "The Mathemaial Tours by Paterson 18. Mather! sropshots’ by Stinaus 24. "The Joy ofA Guided Tor of Hath, rom One to Ifa’ by Strogatz ‘Occupy Finance now available online! 21. Mind Tools: the five levels of mathematical reality’ by Rucker Top Posts & Pages 221 "Math Girl’ by Yok, "© Guest post: Dirsy Rant About The 23, Math on Trial How Numbers Gat Used and Abused inthe Courtroom by Leila Schneps Human Brain Project = No, let’ not go easler on white colar ump Math (fr kids) Math andthe caveman imagination Khan Academy eee ete) Kelty Davis Coursera course "Introduction to Mathematical Thinking A math book list for kids 3 1 Cool math books 5. Martin Gardner’ tuft (this for example) 6 8 1» K-Nearest Neighbors: dangerously en ef Patemats by Bel yu ke Sop operas festurng math sile ‘Sel, Escher, Bach: om tana Golden Bai by Hotter, yu ke philosophy About ‘A Mathematicians Apology by Hardy © Columbia data sien course, was tohot le cat scence? © Why Larry Summers lost the presidency of Harvard 12 The bores of uonttative modeling lange commant on ths page if you have something toad, Als fel fee to give your epnions fon the above, since I haven't actualy read them. Fm now on twitter. ‘© "This has completely changed our ~~ BSOemae pe ted iver in tnkesn @ 7 legge he 22 hours ago 12 The #AltBanking group of #OWS @ Leave a comment GQ Trackback ‘Trctack (2) | Corman 8)

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