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A Detailed Lesson in Arts (Grade 3)

Prepared by: Ivy Jane M. Arcega

I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the student should be able to:
1. Identify the designs in finger printing.
2. Create good printing designs using repetition of lines and
shapes with emphasis on their contrast.
3. Appreciate art works through different experiences of making
II. Subject Matter
Materials: pencil, bond paper, brush, acrylic paint, water container,
rags, sponge,recycled flat Styrofoam.
Reference: Active MAPEH 3 pages (176-177)
III. Procedure:
A. Learning Activities:
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Pre-Activity
“Good Morning Class” “Good Morning Ma’am”
“Let’s pray first” (one student will lead prayer)
(checking of attendance)
“say present as I call your name” (Student will raised their hand and say
present as the teacher calls their name.)

“So how’s your weekend” “It was good ma’am!

“Well that’s good to know”
“Do you remember our lesson last week “Yes ma’am”
“About marbling?”
“Okay that’s good.”
“Let’s see if you can recall”
“What materials were used in marbling? “Ma’am we used enamel painting,oslo paper,
“Very good class!” basin water,sticks,old newspaper,rags,scissors
A. Activity Proper and recycled plastic spoons.
“Today, you will explore another way of
Print designs.
“Will you show me your hands? And sing the (All children will sing)
Song “I have two hands”
I have two hands, the left and the right

Hold them up high, so clean and bright

Clap them softly

One, two, three

Clean little hands are good to see

My face is bright, my teeth all white

My dress is clean and all of me
So, dear playmates, follow me
So that our mother will be happy
I have hands, the left and the right
Hold them up high, so clean and bright
Clap them softly
One, two, three
Clean little hands are good to see
My face is bright, my teeth all white
My dress is clean and all of me
So, dear playmates, follow me
So that our mother will be happy.
”Today, you will paint using your fingers”
“You will use all the materials that you bring
And make any design that you want using your
fingers I have here example of an artwork using
a finger.

“Finger printing is an act of making designs

With the use of finger prints. This artwork is

simpler than other art process because artist

can make different designs with their finger.”

“Children do you have any question before

We start?” “None Ma’am!”

“Okay, when you’re done with your artwork put all “Okay Ma’am!”

your works in the blackboard and as I call your name

Present it in front and tell us how you feel with your

IV. Generalization
“Finger printing is a simpler artwork process. It is a technique of making designs through
printing with the use of fingers. Good print designs are created by using repeated shapes or
lines and giving emphasis on contrast of colors, shapes, and lines”.

V. Evaluation
Mark your own activity using the table below. Put (√) mark on the appropriate box and answer
it on your paper.

STANDARDS Excellent Good Satisfactory

1. I can make an
Artwork through
Finger printing.
2. I use two colors
For my art.
3. I am proud with
With my artwork

VI. Assignment.
Display your finger painting at home.

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