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''Christ the Antidote Regarding Death''


Part 28.
A Resurrection Of Life, And Of Judgement!
Some of our many readers were querying a statement that we made in our last article Part 27 as regards
the resurrection in !ohn "#28$2%. & wish now with the hel' of the S'irit of (od to gi)e you the *hird
Realm understanding of what we were stating we ha)e touched on this +efore. & would li,e to say at the
outset of this discourse - as many of us are aware of - that in the translating of many words - )erses the
em'hasis has +een on the 'erce'tion of the translator.s at their way of seeing things at that time. /or
instance the word DA01A*&21 at the end of the 2%
)erse in the 3!4 is not only o)er$stressed for in the
light of the original conte5t it is out of conte5t. 2n my com'uter & ha)e access to 62 translations - only
two of them render the word DA01A*&21 - that is the 3!4 - 7e+ster's the ma8ority render
!9D(:0:1* 7hy; <ecause of a way of thin,ing tradition - 'eer 'ressure of the time of the translation.
0any times when !esus was teaching =e was using meta'hors> fields treasures storehouses shee'
goats mountains seas fo5es - so it goes on all to show us 'ictures or illustrations. ?et us now loo, at
the (ree, literal word translation of these two )erses.
!ohn "#28$2%. (3. ''Not wonder you this; because comes an hour, in which all those in the tombs,
shall hear the voice of him, 2% and shall come forth, those the good things having done, to a
resurrection of life; those and the evil things having done, to a resurrection of udgement!'' ?et us see
if we can cast some *A<:R1AC?: light on these wonderful words of !esus. 'TOMBS'! !esus could ha)e
well said tombs @ The hour has come; the dead will hear the voice of Him who is within & LIVE as the
word tom+s is from the word @ mnemeion as well as meaning *om+ it also means a place of

!esus said that 'you were dead in your tres"asses # sins' or in your mistaen i!entities. :'h 2#A. *he
word for sins is from the words harmatano or harmatia B2CD$2CC - sim'ly means to miss the mar the
word mar is from the word chara"ma or charater # "D8E$"D8A which is where our word Character is
from - means e5actly the same thing @ our $haracter or I!entity. So whene)er we see the word S&1
many times this is what it is meaning @ %issin" our $haracter or %istain" our I!entity remem+er that
the ?aw of Sin - Death has +een re'ealed - +een re'laced +y (race +ecause of the life re)elation death
- resurrection of !esus Christ. /or further reference 'lease read Part AD ''& And 0y /ather Are 2ne.''
''$or all have sinned - mistaen their I!entity - # %O&' ()OR* of the +lory of +od!''
1ow ha)ing said that let us loo, at the word Tomb& we were once loc,ed u' in our '(lace of
remembrance' which was our 'Egypt' which means @ ) place of the Tombs from which we now are
arising or resurrecting out from - un$remem+ering that which we come out of> Egypt! 1ow what is all
this saying to us right now; Remem+er that the 3ingdom of (od is where ; 7&*=&1FF And within is is
the a+ode of our S'irit - Soul. *he S'irit is re'resented +y our True I!entity Christ> - our Soul is
re'resented +y our %istaen or *alse i!entity...... *he word resurrection is from the word Anstsis.
*his same word rising in ?u,e 2#6D also comes from the word same word Anastasis - means t!e
reco"ery o# spiritu$ trut! it also means to %ri"e out o# !ome& %isturb& troub$e& turn upsi%e %o'n&
m(e n upror. &t is also related to the word @ Anastatoo - :geiro which means rise #rom s$eep&
%isese& %et!& obscurity& incti"ity& resurrection #rom %et!) Strong's B 68C 687 AD"6. ''7hilst one
is dead in their - mistaen i!entity they are coming short of the (lory of (od.'' ''And causest him to
lac, a little - or come short - of +odhead, And with honour and maesty com"asses him!'' Psa 8#".
G291(S.... So our (racious (od caused us to e5'erience a resurrection of life an Anstsis as it were a
reco"ery o# spiritu$ trut! a rising u' of heretofore hidden :den$ic re$awa,enings of our True I%entity
- in doing so it caused an u'roar distur+ed trou+led turned things u'side down - dro)e many of us out
of our +efore welcome 'laces - e)en in some cases turned us out of out own homes. 0other against
daughter /ather against son does this sound familiar. <ut my good friends it was a resurrection from
''Christ the Antidote Regarding Death''

death. A reco"ery o# 'on%er#u$ spiritu$ trut!) <9* it also +rought us to a resurrection of
!9D(:0:1*. 1ow where does !udgement +egin ; At the =ouse or *em'le of the ?ord. APet D#A7. A
)ery im'ortant thing to consider in that this !udgement is a rig!teous *u%gement. A 8udgement unto
+ictory) ''&ercy and loving.,indness and truth have met together; righteousness and "eace have
,issed each other!'' Psa 8"#AE. A0P. And where may we as, is the *em'le or =ouse or dwelling 'lace
of (od ; 7ithin usFF 127FF
+od's /onderful Judgements, 0risis!
*he word !udgement comes from a (ree, word 3risis the main meaning is - for or a"ainst this is where
our word - $risis is from - it means )irtually the same thing in other words it re'resents a @ for or
a"ainst situation. 7hen we are 8udged +y (od =e +rings +efore us oursel)es what we are in =is eyes
- =e re)eals this to us so that we might ma,e a decision a+out oursel)es one way or another @ for or
a"ainst it +rings a+out a Crisis. 1ow this 8udgement is not unto condemnation as under the ?aw +ut it
is for our +enefit that we would through - +y it +ecome more Christ$li,e. As we mentioned earlier a
rig!teous *u%gement& *u%gement unto +ictory) So let us read on.

''And in the same way he s"rin,led both the *abernacle - +ur consciousness or ,o!'s abo!e - and the
vessels - +ur co creative *aculties of our $onsciousness - of ministry - service - with the blood! and
without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness - The !isplacement of our %istaen I!entity with
our True I!entity - *herefore it was necessary for the co"ies - the tabernacle of %oses etc - of the things
in the heavens to be cleansed with these, but the heavenly things themselves - The true Temple ma!e
without han!s& man's inner Holy (lace - with a better sacrifice than these! $or %hrist did not enter a
holy 1lace made with human hands, a mere co"y of the real one, but into heaven itself, - once a"ain
,o!'s innermost Throne -oom in %an - now to a""ear in the "resence of +od for us; Nor was it that )e
should offer )imself often, as the high "riest enters the holy "lace year by year with blood not his own!
Otherwise, )e would have needed to suffer often since the foundation of the world; but now once at
the consummation of the ages )e has been manifested to "ut away sin by the sacrifice of )imself! And
in as much as it is a""ointed to men to die once - Lowere! into a separation& which happene! throu"h
)!am& even before& -om ./01. - and after this comes the udgements, - $risis - &sa 2C.% APt. D#A7 -
ACor.AA.6A. (o %hrist also, having been offered once to bear the sins of many, shall a""ear a second
time for salvation without reference to sin, to those who eagerly await )im!'' Looin" for Him after the
2pirit. =e+. %# 26 $ 28. 1A<.
7here it mentions 'once to die' most inter'ret this to mean that all men are going to die - go to the
gra)e which is not true as we ha)e at least three men that did not 'ossi+ly four. Gou as, who are they; &
do not +elie)e that :noch e5'erienced the gra)e nor :li8ah nor !esus for long - there is no relia+le
record of !ohns death. Some tried to +oil him in oil +ut failed. *here are at least fi)e records of his death
in )arious 'laces of which none are relia+le. Also if & am to +elie)e the writings of Paul the sons of (od
who are to +e manifested are not going to the gra)e. Rom 8#26. Re) A2#". *hat is a 2
Realm in prt
conce't. 1ow there is a dee'er 6
Realm conce't which if ta,en in conte5t to my mind answers the
question 'erfectly - that is a - !eath of separation -om 33/40& ,al 4/00 of which Christ is now the
Anti%ote which are a 'art of the wonderful Crisis or !udgements......&n the last )erse of the Am'lified we
)eb 2345 'ven so it is that %hrist, having been offered to ta,e u"on )imself and bear as a burden
the sins of many once and once for all, will a""ear a second time, not to carry any burden of sin nor to
deal with sin, but to bring to full salvation those who are 6eagerly, constantly, and "atiently7 waiting
for and e8"ecting )im! Also APet A#". ''*he salvation to be revealed in the last day!'' *his is the
8udgement unto +ictory) *he full realisation of what !esus Christ accom'lished in ''*asting death for
every man'' will +e re)ealed to those who are waiting - e5'ecting =im. &n other words the in "art
understanding will +e com'letely gone from the minds of those mentioned. 7hat a wonderful righteous
8udgement unto 4ictory.
*his now +rings us to our ne5t ma8or most im'ortant thought.
''Christ the Antidote Regarding Death''

/ithin Ourselves!
*he resurrection is actually in the 3ingdom of (od 7&*=&1 it is +oth the RA&S&1( 9P of our *rue
&dentity - the !9D(:0:1* of our 0ista,en &dentity. 7e ha)e +een sharing the truth of the 0an of our
0ista,en &dentity +eing in the *em'le in the 'lace where he ought not to +e. &n this resurrection it is a
coming out of the dead 'lace or in other words the tombs - coming into a li)ely 'lace of Resurrection
life. 7hen we s'ea, of the o$% mn dying two things are ha''ening. A. &t is a ceding or surrendering of
our to date self will which entails +oth the mind - soul which is our mista,en self$identity. 2. &t is at the
same time a merging of our false or mistaen selves into the *rue Christ &dentity which is at the same
time as dying it is also +eing recreated - new life +eing a+sor+ed a !ouble e!"e! swor! if you lie. 1ow
& am going to share something quite wonderful with you. &f anything has the ring of truth to it & will
always search it out. 7hen & left the organisation connected to the in prt re$m & determined that &
would ne)er again +e +ound +y man's idea or tradition. /or a while now & ha)e +ecome )ery interested in
T!e Gospe$ o# T!oms) &f we recall !esus 'aid s'ecial attention to *homas - & +elie)e that he came
through wonderfully. *here are some amaHing dee' *hird Day gems in this unadulterated +oo,. & will not
go into the history of it for it would ta,e to much time +ut & will let it s'ea, for itself. &t was first written
in (ree, it was then written in Co'tic an :gy'tian language influenced +y (ree,. *homas inaugurated a
Church in &ndia - is su''osedly still in e5istence today. Please ,ee' in mind that when we read the
translation of any other language the grammar the idiom - the way of 'hrasing is always different to our
:nglish way of thin,ing - s'ea,ing. Plus this was written almost two centuries ago. *he 'oint that &
wish to ma,e is that +ecause of our 'ast :nglish 7estern way of thin,ing which was influenced +y the
fallen Church of the dar, ages a lot of the original thin,ing of the day of !esus has +een lost +ut 'raise
the ?ord we ha)e +een 'romised a C20P?:*: R:S*2RA*&21 2/ A?? *=&1(S. And this & +elie)e is one
of the many hel's. 1ow you may disagree - that is your 'rerogati)e +ut 'lease allow me the same
'ri)ilege that & am granting you.
*he *wo 9ecoming One!
According to *he 9oo, of *homas!
T0O 0HAT 0I11 .O/ DO2'' *homas. AA#AE$A6.

*his is no dou+t referring to :)e eating from the tree of (ood - :)il - then gi)ing it to Adam.
7here is this di)ision of the two; 7ithin us of courseF 7hen man,ind first went into duality he thought
that he was lost. 7hat was the answer; *he answer of course is that he needs to +ecome 21: again. *he
duality is not 8ust an eating from the tree of - "oo! & evil +ut within us are two trees or two identities
- eepin" in min! that the ori"inal 56V containe! a foot note to the effect that the first three chapters of
,enesis were myths or as we woul! say to!ay metaphors & were not factual - the conflict lies in the fact
that the @ tree of "oo! & evil or our mista,en $o'er i%entity is at loggerheads with the @ tree of life
our true !ig!er C!rist i%entity & 7&*=&1 9S. <oth are within us in our garden> ':ou are a garden
enclosed!' Song of Sol. D#A2 C#6. &sa "8#AA. !er 6A#A2. ?et us com'are this with the following )erse.

''/hoever finds his 6lower7 life will lose it 6the higher life7, and whoever loses his 6lower7 life on
&y account will find it 6the higher life7!'' 0at AE#6%. A0P. *his )erse is self e5'lanatory when
com'aring it with the a+o)e )erse.

*his & +elie)e is referring to our true Christ self - the 0ista,en self the inner - the outer. *he Christ
Spirit is - male - - the soul pneum - female - are to +ecome merged until they are one - the same. *he
''Christ the Antidote Regarding Death''

answer here is the same the ad)ice is e5actly the same as a+o)e they are to +e merged - ma,e a single
unified entity. Consisting of how many; 21:> *he first we hear of Adam is that he was +oth male -
female 21: :1*&*G in the &mage of (od. So this means that (od must +e - is +oth masculine -
feminine as this is +orne out +y the fact of the name - title of :l$Shaddi @ the lar"e or twin breaste! one
if Adam was +oth male - female - was in (od's image (od dou+tless must +e the same - neither is
to +e 're$eminent they are to +e 21: as at the +eginning. 2ur (od has +oth a /A*=:R - 02*=:R
conce't. <y the way this is not to +e considered from a human se5ual 'oint of )iew +ut rather from a
s'iritual gender which is )ery )ery different in outloo,.
''And 6)e designed7 to reconcile to +od both 6Jew and +entile, united7 in a single body by means
of )is cross, thereby ,illing the mutual enmity and bringing the feud to an end! And )e came and
"reached the glad tidings of "eace to you who were afar off and 6"eace7 to those who were near!'' :'h
2#AC$A7. ''that )e from the two might create in )imself one new man 6one new ;uality of humanity
out of the two7, so ma,ing "eace!'' :'h 2#AD+.
2nce the )eil is com'letely lifted in our understanding the #eu% or the so calle! war is over.
,esus si%- ''0HEN HE IS EM6TIED HE 0I11 BE 5I11ED 0ITH 1IGHT7 B/T 0HEN HE IS
DI+IDED HE 0I11 BE 5I11ED 0ITH DAR3NESS)'' *homas. CA#AD$A8.
& feel that this is self e5'lanatory. :m'tied of self of course or of our @ mistaen i!entity - &f he is
di)ided that is if ones 0ista,en &dentity is at loggerheads with the Christ Self or identity dar,ness will
''$or )e is 6)imself7 our "eace <our bond of unity and harmony=! )e has made us both 6Jew and
+entile7 one 6body7, and has bro,en down <destroyed, abolished= the hostile dividing wall between us,
A" 9y abolishing in )is 6own crucified7 flesh the enmity - feu! - 6caused by7 the Law with its decrees
and ordinances 6which )e annulled7; that )e from the two might create in )imself one new man
6one new ;uality of humanity out of the two7, so ma,ing "eace!'' :'h 2#AD A0P *he dilemma is the
*72 the answer is the 21: or 12 D&4&S&21FF
0I11 SA. TO THE MO/NTAIN ''MO+E A0A. AND IT SHA11 MO+E)'' *homas. D8#A$C.

2nce again this is referring to our duality ma,ing 'eace in the single house is referring to the =ouse or
*em'le of (od which is oursel)es. &ncidentally & feel that this a+o)e )erse is referring to 0anifest Son$
shi'. 7hat two are to ma,e 'eace; 2ur - mistaen i!entity or self life is to ma,e 'eace I+e su+ser)ient
to - agree withJ our @ true or $hrist i!entity then the middle wall of 'artition that feud will +e done
away with - 'eace then 'ower - authority will ensue. '%ountain be remove!.' 0t 2A#2A.
''And )e came and "reached the glad tidings of "eace to you who were afar off and 6"eace7 to
those who were near!'' :'h 2#A7 A0P.
,esus si%- ''0HEN .O/ MA3E THE T0O ONE& .O/ 0I11 BECOME SONS O5 MAN& AND
I5 .O/ SA.- ''MO/NTAIN MO+E A0A.&'' IT SHA11 MO+E)'' *homas.AEC#A$C.
2nce again we are em'hasising that the two &dentities are +ecoming one - when they do ''>f you
abide in &e # my words abide in you, you shall as, what you will # it shall be done unto you!''
''1eace, "eace, to him who is far off 6both Jew and +entile7 - by breain" !own the mi!!le wall 7of
partition8 therefore main" one - and to him who is near! says the Lord; > create the fruit of his li"s,
and > will heal him - both spiritually as well as physically - 6ma,e his li"s blossom anew with s"eech in
than,ful "raise7''! &sa "7#A%.A0P.
,esus si%- ''T0O 0I11 REST THERE ON A CO/CH- ONE 0I11 DIE& THE OTHER 0I11
''Christ the Antidote Regarding Death''

1I+E)'' *homas. CA#A$6.
=ere we see again the two one will die or +e a+sor+ed into the other. *he following )erse is from the
1ew *estament.
''> am saying to you, in this night there will be */O on one couch; the one shall be ta,en along
and the other shall be left!? ?u,e A7#6D. C?4.
''> say to you3 >n this the night will be two on bed one; one will be ta,en, and the other will be left!''
?u,e A7#6D (3.
1otice that the original does not mention a man or woman or 'erson. *he 3!4 - se)eral other
translations ha)e also +een tam'ered with +ut in most of the more recent translations they are now
,ee'ing to the original descri'tion.... *72 7=A*; &dentities> our =igher - our ?ower self. *72 shall
+e in the one 'erson on one couchFF *he one shall +e ta,en com'aring it with the a+o)e )erse. 9sually
this has +een inter'reted to fit into the ra'ture theory - thought to mean that there were two 'eo'le in a
+ed the good one flies u' into the air for a 'eriod of time while the other is left to face the music - ha)e
a terri+le time - those who ha)e +een floating away u' in the clouds somewhere return when it is all
o)er to re8oice. & want to say to all that this is a terri+le error if e)er there was a time when the sons o#
Go% will +e needed in this world it will +e in the soon dar, times. *his is where we will see in action
''/here sin abounds grace does abound much, much more!'' *he true inter'retation of the a+o)e
'assage - & I am not the only one that believes this either - is this. *his is actually referring to our two
entities +oth our @ true $hrist i!entity & our mistaen or lower self in one 'erson. 21: identity will +e
ta,en a+sor+ed changed - in this soon time when those who ha)e +een 'wal,ing in the light as )e is
in the light' the culmination of what (od has +een saying to many of us will ta,e effect - there will +e a
catchin" away - many will +e '%aught u"' into a higher e5'erience - it will +e the time that the
mistaen i!entity will +e fully merged into the $hrist i!entity& - in so doing in this merging the o$% mn
D&:S - in the dying will also 'ut on incorru'ti+ility as we ha)e +een 'romised. 1ow what many find
hard to understand is that if the mistaen i!entity dies how can it li)e; *he answer of course is that in
the dying to itself it is a+sor+ed into the Christ self - gains a =igher realm of change a =2?G (2D?G
D&4&1: e5'erience.
) thou"ht for my precious brothers & sisters who hol! to other un!erstan!in"s of scripture& this is not
meant to be conclusive as truth is ever revealin". 9ith respect & without bein" too simplistic on comple:
issues& I woul! submit this biblical point of view as a le"itimate ;ible base! un!erstan!in" worthy of
open & impartial consi!eration. Even thou"h we may have to a"ree to !isa"ree& this interpretation
cannot be !iscounte! as not havin" scriptural cre!ibility & inte"rity.
''(o let those 6of us7 who are s"iritually mature and full.grown have this mind and hold these
convictions; and if in any res"ect you have a different attitude of mind, +od will ma,e that clear to
you also!'' Phil 6#A". A0P.
@welling >n *he (ecret 1lace!
As we ha)e mentioned +efore that there are three Realms - also three le)els of inter'retation in the
scri'ture let us consider once again the highest or *he 0ost =oly Place as'ect of this te5t.

'')e that dwells in the secret "lace of the most )igh shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty!''
Psa %A#A 3!4. *he first thing that & want to say is that this wonderful e5'erience is a)aila+le only
through - +y the grce of (od =e is the 2ne that leads us to disco)er this 2ecret (lace. *he second
thing that & wish to share is that there is a choiceFF =e that dwellsF =e that li)es> he that wishes to li)e
there or to dwell if we dwell on something we ,ee' our mind on it. Someone said +ut we cannot li)e in
this 'lace unless (od calls us into it yes assuredly so +ut we do ha)e a choice if we wish to stay there.
'&any are called but few are chosen!' 7hy is this so; & do ha)e a choice as to where & li)e stay$dwell
in. =e that wishes to dwell in the secret place of T!e Most Hig! or Ho$y) 7e ha)e a conundrum on
one hand we ha)e some in a low realm are saying the de)il made me do it or '' whatever'' - on the other
''Christ the Antidote Regarding Death''

hand many in a higher realm are saying that (od didn't ma,e me do it or ma!e me able to !well in the
2ecret (lace. <oth sides 'ut the +lame on someone else to try to ma,e themsel)es <?A0:?:SS as far as
choice is concerned. Come on now Saints we do ha)e a C=2&C:> <ut in so saying this it is only as we
a)ail oursel)es of the Grce o# Go% that any of this is 'ossi+le.

*he (ecret 1lace is 'erfect in descri'tion for how many truly ,now where this secret is. &t is hidden
to the man of flesh it is hidden to the man of the 2uter Court - it is still hidden to those who are still
dwelling in the =oly Place or the faithful in part Pentecostal +elie)ers. <ut to those who are wal,ing in
the re)elation truth of the *hird Realm it is no longer hidden or secret. *he full reality of it is found
inside the *em'le> your *em'le - it is actually found in the identity of Christ who is within - is your
*rue :)erlasting self. =e that D7:??S in this wonderful secret place shall A<&D: under the S=AD27
one translation inter'rets . s!%e 8 of the Almighty!
&n this Secret Place is our Anastasis e5'erience our reco)ery of the s'iritual truth of our Christ
identity or we could say the realisation of a 'resurrection of life' all of these wonderful truths are tied
together as what we are sharing is really a s'iritual e5'erience of which words really cannot descri+e or
do 8ustice. 7hen Paul come down from his catching u' to the the *hird =ea)en e5'erience. 7hat did he
say ''that he was snatched away into "aradise and hears ineffable declarations, which it is not allowed
a man to s"ea,!'' Co A2#D C?4. 7hat we are sharing are only ty'es - shadows to hel' us understand.
*o those who wish to mo)e on in (od nothing can re'lace your one on one close friendshi' with your
?ord Sa)iour - Creator. :)ery man needs that wonderful re)elation of s'irit which is without words.
& also truly +elie)e that the truth of our +eing one the two +eing merged one into the other is also
+eing realised in this '(ecret 1lace of the &ost )igh' e5'erience within oursel)es. 7ith it there also
comes the true understanding that within oursel)es that the +ei$ is +eing lifted or the two +ecoming ONE)
*he Life >s >n *he 9lood!
/ithout the shedding of 9lood there is NO $orgiveness!

''Jesus said3 > tell you for certain that only thieves and robbers climb over the fence instead of going in
through the gate to the shee" "en!'' !n AE#A C:4
''> A((AR' you, most solemnly > tell you, he who does not enter by the door into the shee"fold, but
climbs u" some other way <elsewhere, from some other ;uarter= is a thief and a robber!'' !n AE#A A0P.

At times there can +e a seemingly )ery fine line +etween truth - error +ut when e5amined closely in
the s'irit they are worlds a'art# *he unco)ering of the ?ord !esus Christ will not come into our li)es
e5ce't the 0an of sin is re)ealed in the *em'le. *he man of sin is within e)ery man's carnal nature -
unless it is re)ealed you will ne)er recognise it. &t is only to the e5tent that we see the authentic Christ
can we recognise the counterfeit or the anti$christ. &s not the man of sin our sin consciousness our -
mistaen i!entity or false self image; *he Adam nature in man is trying to +uild the house of the ?ord
himself. *he Adam nature can ne)er 'roduce the Christ nature any more than the Adam nature can sa)e
itself. '')aving a form of godliness but denying the "ower that is there!'' *he 'ower of =is life - the
life is in the +lood. ''9ut let every man be careful how he builds on it! $or any other foundation can
no one lay than the one being laid, who is Jesus %hrist! And if anyone builds on this foundation gold,
silver, "recious stones, wood, hay, stubble, each one's wor, shall be revealed! $or the @ay shall
declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire; and the fire shall try each one's wor, as to what ,ind it
is!'' & Cor 6# AE+$A6. 03!4. ''even from Jesus %hrist the faithful /itness, the $irst.born from the
dead and the Ruler of the ,ings of the earth! *o )im who loved us and washed us from our sins in )is
own blood,'' Re) A#". 03!4.
(itting /here )e Ought Not!
2*hes 2#D C:4. '')e will brag and o""ose everything that is holy or sacred! )e will even sit in +od's
tem"le and claim to be +od!''
''Christ the Antidote Regarding Death''

7hen we read Scri'ture - ha)e a greater confidence in our own understanding of Scri'ture than in
the Scri'ture itself we ,now that the man of our @ mistaen i!entity is sitting on the throne. *his ty'e
of 'resum'tion needs to +e re)ealed in us where we are own lords rather than !esus Christ. *his needs to
+e re)ealed +y *he S'irit. &t is no use me seeing it in you you need to see it for yourself. 7e also need to
ha)e re)ealed to us in that we are deri)ing our consciences from the eating of the tree of good - e)il
which is the source of death in all of man,ind. &t is also a tra' of our carnal mind to ha)e a greater
confidence in our own understanding of (od than in (od =imself. 2ur faith in (od must must out weigh
our conce't of =im. 0any sincere searchers who go no further than trying to access Christ solely within
themsel)es are lost in an elite form of se'aration - self$ism. ''>f we wal, in the light as )e is in the
light we have fellowshi" with one another # the blood of Jesus %hrist cleanses us from all sin!'' A!n
A#7. 03!4.
%laiming to be a god!

:He 28#2. C:4. '''Be,iel, son of man, tell the ,ing of *yre that > am saying3 :ou are so arrogant that
you thin, you're a god and that the city of *yre is your throne! :ou may claim to be a god, though
you're nothing but a mere human!''
Another thin line of danger is intellectualism this also can +e mista,en for s'irituality +ecause we are
fast intellectually - more learned - ha)e all the answers at out finger ti's does not necessarily denote
s'irituality. & am reminded of the words of Paul not many mighty not many no+le +ut he has chosen the
wea, des'ised - foolish. *he 3ing of *yre really had tic,ets on himself +ut =is Creator quic,ly 'ulled
him down to siHe. ':ou may claim to be a god but you are very, very human' 7e need to +e reminded
that in scri'ture that there are two ty'e of gods - once again there is a seemingly )ery fine line +etween
the two. 2ne is wonderful - the other is far far from wonderful.
9e are to humble ourselves un!er the %i"hty han! of ,o! & if we !o He will e:alt us in !ue time. &n
these articles it is not so much in the winning of any 'oint or argument +ut are we hel'ing each other to
draw closer to (od - =is 'ur'ose. *here is seemingly a )ery good reason for doing away with the
efficacy of the <lood that the ?ord !esus Christ ga)e for =is Church - if & +elie)ed it & would need to do
away with a )ery great 'art of the 1ew *estament. & ha)e loo,ed at this )ery closely - e)en though it
may seem to ha)e some clout this is the decision that & ha)e arri)ed at.

''$or > did not ,ee" bac, from declaring to you all the counsel of +od! 28 *hen ta,e heed to
yourselves and to all the floc,, in which the )oly ("irit "laced you as overseers, to she"herd the
assembly of +od which )e "urchased through )is own blood! 2% $or > ,now this, that after my
de"arture grievous wolves will come in among you, not s"aring the floc,; 6E and out of you
yourselves will rise u" men s"ea,ing "erverted things, in order to draw away the disci"les after
themselves!'' +r their own particular way of thinin". Acts 2E#27$6E. ?&*4.
As with any error those who are under a dece'tion are totally con)inced that they are right - of
course their )ery con)incing ways does not in any way alter the su+tleness or insidiousness @ that which
is more !an"erous than seems evi!ent of that which they ha)e em+raced. &n essence what some are
inferring is that we might as well throw away the <i+le +ecause it is a load of untruths. &f we allow
someone to get their foot in our door on one im'ortant de)iation of truth where will it all end if we allow
them come right inside. Anything that is as u' to date +een called !eresy will always ha)e a truth
somewhere +ut the error is in ta,ing that trut! 29* 2/ C21*:K*.
''And through )im having made "eace through the blood of )is cross, it "leased the $ather to
reconcile all things to )imself through )im, whether the things on earth or the things in )eaven!''
Col A#2E 03!4.
''*herefore, brothers, having boldness to enter into the )oly of )olies by the blood of Jesus,'' =e+
AE#A%. *he *hird Realm of which so many are claiming to ha)e em+raced from the <i+le are now
ignoring - denying the only way that this +oo, gi)es us to enter into this Realm in the way that was
originally intended.
''Christ the Antidote Regarding Death''

''9ut if we wal, in the light, as )e is in the light, we have fellowshi" with one another, and the
blood of Jesus %hrist )is (on cleanses us from all sin!'' A!n A#7. Remem+er how (od ga)e 0oses
s'ecific instructions of how to +uild the *a+ernacle - how to enter it. 7ith this new way of thin,ing it
is really saying that (od did not gi)e 0oses instructions as the +lood sacrifice came from other cultures.
&t com'letely undermines the word - ta,es away any confidence in it. And so to ma,e it fit it now
denigrates - infiltrates into the 1ew *estament. So if we do this where does that lea)e the truth as
regarding our ?ord !esus - =is sacrifice. 1o my +elo)ed friends we must ta,e a stand against this
infiltration of terri+le error. /urthermore we read ''who serve the e8am"le and shadow of heavenly
things, as &oses was warned of +od when he was about to ma,e the tabernacle! $or, )e says ?(ee
that you ma,e all things according to the "attern shown to you in the mountain!? =e+ 8#". 7e are
told that what 0oses was gi)en was a S=AD27 or ty'e of the hea)enly things. 7here; in us. 1ow my
question is. Do we +elie)e that 0oses was warned of (od; &f we say that the +lood sacrifices were not
ordained of (od we are saying that what we are reading right now is a lie - that 0oses was not warned
of (od - if that is a fact then most e)erything that we read in the 1ew *estament is not to +e trusted.
A+solute ru++ishFF & say this with a care to all those who ha)e +een smeared with this teaching - also to
'rotect those who may in the future ru+ u' against it.
'')e was o""ressed, 6yet when7 )e was afflicted, )e was submissive and o"ened not )is mouth; li,e
a lamb that is led to the slaughter, and as a shee" before her shearers is dumb, so )e o"ened not )is
mouth!'' &sa "6#7 A0P. A lam+ denoting a +lood sacrifice. Isi! +elie)ed it.
''*he ne8t day John saw Jesus coming to him and said, Loo,! *here is the Lamb of +od, /ho ta,es
away the sin of the world!'' !ohn A#2% A0P. 6'8od! C43D;7 Also ,o!n t!e Bptist is of the same
o'inion a lam+ which denotes a +lood sacrifice.

''And )e 6that same Jesus )imself7 is the "ro"itiation <the atoning sacrifice= for our sins, and not
for ours alone but also for 6the sins of7 the whole world!'' A!n 2#2 A0P. ,o!n the writer of " +oo,s
including the +oo, of Re)elation was of the same o'inion.

'':ou must ,now <recognise= that you were redeemed <ransomed= from the useless <fruitless= way of
living inherited by tradition from 6your7 forefathers, not with corru"tible things 6such as7 silver and
gold, A% 9ut 6you were "urchased7 with the "recious blood of %hrist <the &essiah=, li,e that of a
6sacrificial7 lamb without blemish or s"ot! 2E >t is true that )e was chosen and foreordained <destined
and fore,nown for it= before the foundation of the world, but )e was brought out to "ublic view <made
manifest= in these last days <at the end of the times= for the sa,e of you!'' APe A#A8$2E. A0P. & notice
that 6eter was of the e5act same o'inion as his contem'oraries.

''And from Jesus %hrist the faithful and trustworthy /itness, the $irst.born of the dead 6first to be
brought bac, to life7 and the 1rince <Ruler= of the ,ings of the earth! *o )im /ho ever loves us and
has once 6for all7 loosed and freed us from our sins by )is own blood,'' Re) A#". A0P.

''And 6now7 they sing a new song, saying, :ou are worthy to ta,e the scroll and to brea, the seals
that are on it, for :ou were slain <sacrificed=, and with :our blood :ou "urchased men unto +od from
every tribe and language and "eo"le and nation!'' Re) "#% A0P. !ohn is so con)inced of this truth that
he +rings it right o)er into the +oo, of Re)elation. Also there is Cha' 7#AD.
Abraham's Lamb!

&f we thin, that our conscience can +e a''eased +y the e5cuse of 0oses su''osedly co'ying other
nations. ?et us go a little further +ac, - consider the story of A+raham offering &saac. (en 22#C$AC.
''Christ the Antidote Regarding Death''

''*hen Abraham too, the wood for the burnt offering and laid it on 6the shoulders of7 >saac his
son, and he too, the fire <the fire."ot= in his own hand, - from his own altar in 34/< - and a ,nife; and
the two of them went on together! 7 And >saac said to Abraham, &y father! And he said, )ere > am,
my son! 6>saac7 said, (ee, here are the fire and the wood, but where is the lamb for the burnt sacrificeE
8 Abraham said, &y son, +od )imself will "rovide a lamb for the burnt offering! (o the two went on
together! % /hen they came to the "lace of which +od had told him, Abraham built an altar there;
then he laid the wood in order and bound >saac his son and laid him on the altar on the wood! 6&att!
CF3DG!7 AE And Abraham stretched forth his hand and too, hold of the ,nife to slay his son! 6)eb!
CC3CG.C2!7 AA 9ut the Angel of the Lord called to him from heaven and said, Abraham, Abraham! )e
answered, )ere > am! A2 And )e said, @o not lay your hand on the lad or do anything to him; for
now > ,now that you fear and revere +od, since you have not held bac, from &e or begrudged giving
&e your son, your only son! A6 *hen Abraham loo,ed u" and glanced around, and behold, behind
him was a ram caught in a thic,et by his horns! And Abraham went and too, the ram and offered it u"
for a burnt offering and an ascending sacrifice instead of his son! AD (o Abraham called the name of
that "lace *he Lord /ill 1rovide! And it is said to this day, On the mount of the Lord it will be
"rovided! A" *he Angel of the Lord called to Abraham from heaven a second time AC And said, > have
sworn by &yself, says the Lord, that since you have done this and have not withheld 6from &e7 or
begrudged 6giving &e7 your son, your only son,'' 2r +eing willing to offer him as a +urnt offering. *his
whole circumstance was instituted +y (od =imself. &f we thin, otherwise then we are really off course in
Cha'ter A6#D we see that A+raham had an altar from way +ac,. At that Altar he called on the name of the
?ord. &f we are still not con)inced then let us go right +ac, to the D
cha'ter of (enesis.
/ithout *he (hedding Of 9lood *here >s No Remission!
>f we do not believe this then we are a follower of %ain!
7e wonder why there are differences of o'inion o)er this su+8ect> 7hy; *he first murder was o)er this
)ery thing. 7hy; <ecause (od acce'ted A+el's offering - the fat. Cain was thin,ing through earthly
eyes he was of the flesh a )ery carnal thin,er his whole demeanour was of the earth earthy.
(en D#6$7 A0P. ''And in the course of time %ain brought to the Lord an offering of the fruit of the
ground! D And Abel brought of the firstborn of his floc, and of the fat "ortions! And the Lord had
res"ect and regard for Abel and for his offering, ''=e+. AA#D''. " 9ut for %ain and his offering )e had
no res"ect or regard! - 9hy= >o bloo! sacrifice - (o %ain was e8ceedingly angry and indignant, - is not
this happenin" amon" many to!ay - and he loo,ed sad and de"ressed! C And the Lord said to %ain,
/hy are you angryE And why do you loo, sad and de"ressed and deectedE 7 >f you do well, will you
not be acce"tedE - In other wor!s& hearin" that which is within you& your hi"her self & if only you realise!
it $ain your attitu!e & outloo will be a testimony a"ainst truth& & will help many in the future - And if
you do not do well, sin crouches at your door; its desire is for you, but you must master it!'' The bloo!
of 6esus $hrist was she! for the remission & for"iveness of sins & this was the first type& )>? IT 9)2
>+T LI5E? +- )$$E(TE? then& even as >+9..... 0r - 0rs Cain come out of the earthly way of
thin,ing - recei)e (od's way - not the natural - humane way of worldly thin,ing.
+od's A""roval # Hindication On *he (hedding of 9lood!
?e) %#A8$2D A0P. '')e also ,illed the bull and the ram, the sacrifice of "eace offerings, for the "eo"le;
and Aaron's sons "resented to him the blood, which he dashed u"on the altar round about, A% And the
fat of the bull and of the ram, the fat tail and that which covers the entrails, and the ,idneys, and the
lobe of the liver! 2E And they "ut the fat u"on the breasts, and Aaron burned the fat u"on the altar; 2A
9ut the breasts and the right thigh Aaron waved for a wave offering before the Lord, as &oses
commanded! 22 *hen Aaron lifted his hands toward the "eo"le and blessed them, and came down
6from the altar7 after offering the sin offering, the burnt offering, and the "eace offerings! 26 &oses
and Aaron went into the *ent of &eeting, and when they came out they blessed the "eo"le, and the
''Christ the Antidote Regarding Death''

glory of the Lord 6the (he,inah cloud7 a""eared to all the "eo"le 6as "romised7! L?e). %#C.M 2D *hen
there came a fire out from before the Lord and consumed the burnt offering and the fat on the altar;
and when all the "eo"le saw it, they shouted and fell on their faces!'' Please do not try - tell me that
(od did not a''ro)e of the +lood sacrifices.
A (eeming %ontradiction!
Reveals A +odly 1rinci"le!
Psa DE#C A0P. ''(acrifice and offering :ou do not desire, nor have :ou delight in them; :ou have
given me the ca"acity to hear and obey 6:our law, a more valuable service than7 burnt offerings and
sin offerings 6which7 :ou do not re;uire!''
Psa DE#C. C?4. ''(acrifice and a""roach "resent :ou do not desire, :et a body have :ou "re"ared
for me! *he ascent a""roach and sin offering :ou do not as, for!? Get in seeming contradiction in the
following we read.
&sa "6#"$A2. C?4. '':et )e was wounded because of our transgressions, and crushed because of our
de"ravities! *he disci"line for our welfare was on )im, and by )is welts there is healing for us! C All
of us, as a floc,.ling, have strayed; each man to his own way, we face, yet :ahweh, in )im, intercedes
because of all our de"ravity!? 7 )ard "ressed is )e and being humbled, yet )e is not o"ening )is
mouth! As a floc,.ling to slaughter is )e fetched, and as a ewe before her shearers is mute, so )e is
not o"ening )is mouth!? 8 $rom restraint and from udgement is )e ta,en, and on )is generation,
who shall meditateE $or )e was severed from the land of the living; because of the transgression of
&y "eo"le was )e touched by death! % And )e is given )is tomb with the wic,ed, a cave from the
rich, in )is death! $or )e does no wrong, and no deceit is in )is mouth, AE yet :ahweh desires to
crush )im, and )e causes )im to be wounded! (hould you "lace )is soul for a guilt a""roach, )e
shall see a seed! )e shall lengthen )is days, and the desire of :ahweh shall "ros"er in )is hand! AA
$rom the toil of )is soul shall )e see light! And )e shall be satisfied by )is ,nowledge! &y righteous
(ervant shall ustify many, and with their de"ravities shall )e be burdened!? A2 *herefore > will
a""ortion to )im among many, and to the staunch will )e a""ortion the loot, insomuch that )e gives
u" )is soul unto death, and with transgressors was counted; and )e bore the sin of many, and for
transgressors is ma,ing intercession!?

1o true lo)ing father li,es to ma,e it hard on his son +ut of course disci'line is a necessary thing
we ha)e to +e taught to learn. &n my o'inion this is one of the main reasons that we ha)e so much
disres'ect among the 'resent generation. /irst Dr S'oc, - now the welfare 'eo'le who condemn any
hands on disci'line whatsoe)er. &n the nature of (od is +oth life - death we ha)e not yet fully
understood that death is a necessary e)il for out of death comes life. ''8ce"t a grain of wheat is "lanted
# dies it abides alone!' (od - from who the true lovin" father inherits his nature - realises that the
sacrifices that =e instigated himself are a thing that is needful - this is why read ''(acrifice and
a""roach "resent :ou do not desire, :et a body have :ou "re"ared for me!'' ?et us read this
contradictory )erse )ery closely e)en though (od did not desire sacrifice '':'* @ a seemin"
contra!iction a body :ou have "re"ared for me! *he ascent a""roach and sin offering :ou do not as,
for!? *he corres'onding ne5t )erse which is found in =e+ e5'lains the whole question 'erfectly.
*he %ontradiction %larified!
=e+ AE#"$AE. A0P. '')ence, when )e 6%hrist7 entered into the world, )e said, (acrifices and offerings
:ou have not desired, 'but instead' :ou have made ready a body for &e 6to offer7; C >n burnt
offerings and sin offerings :ou have ta,en no delight! 7 *hen > said, 9ehold, here > am, coming
to do ':our will, O +od'..6to fulfill7 what is written of &e in the volume of the 9oo,! LPs. DE#C$8.M 8
/hen )e said ust before, :ou have neither desired, nor have :ou ta,en delight in sacrifices and
offerings and burnt offerings and sin offerings..all of which are offered according to the Law.. % )e
then went on to say , 9ehold, 6here7 > am, coming to do :our will! *hus )e does away with and
''Christ the Antidote Regarding Death''

annuls the first <former= order 6as a means of e8"iating sin7 so that )e might inaugurate and establish
the second <latter= order! LPs. DE#C$8.M AE And in accordance with this will 6of +od7, we have been
made holy <consecrated and sanctified= 'through the offering made once for all' of the body of
Jesus %hrist <the Anointed One=!'' Please read the a+o)e )erses )ery carefully - you will see clearly the
full answer to the question - the reason why there has +een such a difference of thought among some
regarding this 'articular su+8ect.
A Needful @is"leasure # Necessity!
7ith any correction e)en though it is necessary - needful we must not allow the negati)e to o)ershadow
the 'ositi)e. 7e must realise that in Christ that it is =&S ?&/: that o)ercomes - swallows u' the death
realm in us. & ha)e seen in the S'irit that when we realise the full im'lication of 2*h 2#6. A0P. ''Let no
one deceive or beguile you in any way, for that day will not come e8ce"t the a"ostasy comes first
6unless the "redicted great falling away of those who have "rofessed to be %hristians has come7, and
the man of lawlessness <sin= is revealed, who is the son of doom <of "erdition=,'' that this is ha''ening
to some that ha)e +een in high 'laces. *he son of 'erdition in the time of !esus was !udas his treasurer
he had a trusted 'lace - yet he +ought the field with 'with the wages of inustice,' Acts A#A8 C?4. not
the 6E 'ieces of sil)er as he threw those +ac, into the =oly Place 0t 27#". *hese wages of in8ustice were
what he stole whilst he was the treasurer ta,e time to read his history regarding finances. *he sad thing
was his +etrayal of Christ. *o deny the +lood +y which we were 'urchased is worse it i s not only a sad
thing +ut a terri+le thing. Acts 2E#28. ''*herefore ta,e heed to yourselves, and to all the floc, in which
the )oly ("irit has made you overseers, to feed the church of +od which )e has "urchased with )is
own blood!''
Psa DA#% 'ven my own familiar friend, in whom > trusted <relied on and was confident=, who ate of my
bread, has lifted u" his heel against me! '!ohn A6#A8'. 7e need to realise that this could allude to all of
An >ndictment Against *he *rue %hurch!
All of us who ha)e wal,ed with the ?ord )ery closely ha)e had the 'otential to deny the need for a +lood
sacrifice> =is +lood sacrifice which was for the forgi)eness remission of sins. 7e could easily ha)e +een
waylaid +y error we each of us could easily ha)e allowed own human self or our lower self @ the man of
our mistaen i!entity - to ta,e the 'lace of Christ in our li)es in this area - ha)e +etrayed him - +ecome
sons of 'erdition. 7e who ha)e wal,ed in a high 'ri)ileged 'lace in (od who - as 6u!as !i! & was one
of the twelve - could ha)e the +ias to +e a !udas it is only +y the s'irit of almighty (od that we ha)e +een
,e't from this error or if we ha)e gone astray that can unco)er - reco)er our s'iritual )ision. 2nce
again we each ha)e the 'otential to fulfil these scri'tures. 2Pe 2#A.''9ut there were also false "ro"hets
among the "eo"le, even as there will be false teachers among you who secretly will bring in destructive
heresies, even denying the &aster who bought them!'' 2*h 2#AE+ $AA. ''because they did not welcome
the *ruth but refused to love it that they might be saved! AA *herefore +od sends u"on them a
misleading influence, a wor,ing of error and a strong delusion to ma,e them believe what is false!''
< They are seare! consciences. )nother tells us that their consciences are cauterise!.8 A *im D#2. &n !n
6#A% we are told of those lo)ing dar,ness rather than light.
*he Rectification!
& now address those of you who are - ha)e +een caught u' in this heresy which is another ,ospel. (od
will ne)er forsa,e you +ut we can do - !espite to the spirit of "race - whilst we are holding to that error
in fact we are denying the )ery reality of the true Christ who bou"ht us with a price. Denounce this
heresy turn from it - 'ut it +ehind you. S'ea, to your (od who is +oth within yourself - inha+its
infinity ?o)e =im with all that is within you - all will +e well.
!ohn "#DC$D7. A0P. ''$or if you believed and relied on &oses, you would believe and rely on &e, for
''Christ the Antidote Regarding Death''

he wrote about &e 6"ersonally7! D7 9ut if you do not believe and trust his writings, how then will you
believe and trust &y teachingsE 6)ow shall you cleave to and rely on &y wordsE7''
9oth *he Jewish # +ree, Attitudes!
ACo A#22$2". A0P. ''$or while Jews 6demandingly7 as, for signs and miracles and +ree,s "ursue
"hiloso"hy and wisdom, 26 /e "reach %hrist <the &essiah= crucified, 6"reaching which7 to the Jews
is a scandal and an offensive stumbling bloc, 6that s"rings a snare or tra"7, and to the +entiles it is
absurd and utterly un."hiloso"hical nonsense! 2D 9ut to those who are called, whether Jew or +ree,
<+entile=, %hrist 6is7 the 1ower of +od and the /isdom of +od! 2" 6*his is7 because the foolish thing
6that has its source in7 +od is wiser than men, and the wea, thing 6that s"rings7 from +od is stronger
than men!''
*he (ree,s who were )ery 'hiloso'hic in their out loo, - felt that one would im'ro)e oneself only
through the 'urifying of the mind =90A1 7&SD20 was their ,ey source of s'iritual reasoning - so of
course the CR2SS to them was far far from what they desired or thought was needful for s'iritual
'rogression - so they missed it. 9nfortunately many Christians ha)e this slant of thin,ing in their not
yet full s'iritual understanding +ut let us who are so inclined not let this +ias in our thin,ing effect us in
the +elie)ing in the need of the efficacy of the 'recious +lood that is needed for the R:0&SS&21 of our
*he !ews who ought to ha)e +een thrilled in the 'ro'hesied coming Sacrificial Sa)iour had distorted
certain te5ts that were not for their time were loo,ing for a 3ing to come - sit on a literal throne that
would do away - annihilate all their enemies - were a+solutely disgusted with one who was called the
3ing would ride into town on an Ass - would allow =imself to +e a+ased - crucified na,ed. *o them it
was a S?A1D:R they not realising that the a+asing the humiliation the shedding of +lood was all a 'art
of this 3ingdom of lo)e humility - the a+asement of self @ or fleshly carnal thinin"& our mistaen
i!entity - was indeed the essence of the actual 3ingdom of (od which is within you. *hey were +linded
+y the understanding - reasoning's of the flesh which entailed their corru'ting the true inter'retation of
Scri'ture. And so it is with many today through the reasoning's of the flesh 0A1 has not learned +y his
'assed mista,es - the Adam in us ne)er will for he has to die in all of us =e must +e s'$$o'e% up in
"ictory - that can only come +y - through the true 4 #u$$ 4 comp$ete 7AG of the CR2SS.
All of this is hel'ing to lead us to
A $ull Resurrection Of Life, And Of Judgement!
Praises +e to our 0ost 7onderful =igh (od and Sa)iour e)en our ?ord !esus Christ.
0ritten by R$p! 3no'$es& Apri$ 9:;;)
&f we ha)e +een 'rone to human error in this article it is not 'ur'osely - & trust that a little ,indness would allow for any fault - that we will
consider - im+i+e the +etter or s'iritual 'art of that which is 'resented - intended. R73..

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