Handout 7 - Communication in Cargo Operation

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TOPIC 8 – Communication in
Cargo Operation

Ship/Shore Communication
Effective means of communication are to be
established between the ship's deck officers and the
cargo terminal which shall remain effective
throughout the cargo operation.


Ship/Shore Communication
This communication link should establish:

1. An agreed procedure to STOP cargo operations.

2. Personnel responsible for terminal cargo operations.

3. The ship's officer responsible for the cargo loading/unloading plan

and the officer in charge responsible for the on deck cargo operation.

4. Confirmation of information received in advance.

5. An agreed procedure for the terminal to provide the officer in charge with the
loaded cargo weight, at frequent intervals and at the end of each hour.

6. An agreed procedure for draught checking.

7. The reporting of any damage to the ship from the cargo operations.

Ship/Shore Communication

SOLAS Convention Mandatory

1) the plan, and any subsequent amendments thereto, shall
be lodged with the appropriate authority of the port state,

2) the ship's Master and the terminal representative shall

ensure that the cargo operations are conducted in
accordance with the agreed plan.


Ship/Shore Communication
Before Commencing Cargo Operations
The cargo terminal should not commence any cargo operations until the
loading/unloading plan and all relevant procedures have been agreed and
the ship's Master has, where necessary, received a Certificate of Readiness
issued by the respective maritime authorities.

Prior to the commencement it should be determined that:

1. no structural damage exists. Any such damage is to be reported to

the respective classification society and cargo operations are not to be

2. the bilge and ballast systems are in satisfactory working condition.

Ship/Shore Communication

The ship's officer responsible for the cargo

operation plan should submit the proposed
loading/unloading plan to the cargo terminal
representative at the earliest opportunity to allow
sufficient time for any subsequent modifications
and to enable the terminal to prepare
accordingly. The ship's officers should be familiar
with the IMO Ship/Shore Safety Checklist.


Ship/Shore Safety Checklist

It is joint list provided

by the terminal and also
by the ship in their SMS
Manual which is signed by
a ship and a terminal


Ship/Shore Safety Checklist

List of item that is included in the checklist
1. Appropriate personnel notified that the cargo operation are
about to commence
2. Sufficient personnel available for the operation
3. Agreed ship/shore communication system working
4. Fire Fighting equipment are ready for use
5. Mooring tight and emergency towing in position
6. Safe ship/shore access
7. Emergency shutdown communication procedure understood
8. Appropriate flag and light signal to be show

Ship/Shore Safety Checklist

Coding of checklist
The safety of operation requires that all relevant
statements are considered and the associated
responsibility and accountability for compliance is
accepted, either jointly or singly. Where either party
is not prepared to accept an assigned accountability,
a comment must be made in the ‘Remarks’ column
and due consideration should be given to assessing
whether operations can proceed.


Ship/Shore Safety Checklist

Coding of checklist
Column entitled ‘Code’ indicates
the following:

“A” (‘Agreement’). This indicates

that the referenced consideration
should be addressed by an agreement or
procedure that should be identified in
the ‘Remarks’ column of the Check List,
or communicated in some other
mutually acceptable form.

Ship/Shore Safety Checklist

Coding of checklist
Column entitled ‘Code’ indicates
the following:

“P” (‘Permission’). In the case

of a negative answer to the
statements coded ‘P’ no
operations are to be conducted
without the written permission
from the appropriate authority.


Ship/Shore Safety Checklist

Coding of checklist
Column entitled ‘Code’ indicates
the following:

“R” (‘Recheck’). This

indicates items to be re -checked
at appropriate intervals, as agreed
between both parties and stated
in the declaration.

Ship/Shore Communication

Lack of effective ship/shore communication

The lack of effective ship/shore communication may increase
the risk of inadvertent overloading of the ship's structure. It is
important that there is an agreed procedure between the ship's
officers and the terminal operators to STOP cargo operations.
The communication link established between the ship and the
terminal should be maintained throughout the cargo operation.

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