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Entrepreneur (noun) - those with the skills and capabilities to see and evaluate

business and opportunities.

Entrepreneurship (noun) - strategic process of innovation

Entrepreneurial (adj.) - converting your ideas to goods and services which you can
offer to other in order to gain profit and help others to improve their quality in life.

Creative (adj.) - imagination; empathy; innovation

Profit-Oriented (adj.) - it generates income; gold-digging

Disciplined (adj.) - it refers about obeying rules; to train; organized; controlled

Sound decision maker (noun) - looking at all possibilities

Confident (adj.) - self-assured

Hardworking (adj.) - Self-Improvement; consistency

Committed (adj.) - Solid dedication

Computer System (noun) - is the sum total of all components that makes a fully
functional computer.

Hardware (noun) - These are all the physical aspects of a computer system.

Input Hardware (noun) - To input data into the computer system.

Output Hardware (noun) - To translate and display the result of the data

Processing and Memory Hardware (noun) - it is also the workspace of the


Secondary Storage Hardware (noun) - It is where the computer system stores data

Software (noun) - It is a set of programs.

Operating System (noun) - It regulates the startup process of the computer.

Application Software (noun) - These are designed to perform a specific task

Utility Software (noun) - It helps maintain and protect the computer.

Language Processors (noun) - It is a software that interprets computer language.

System Software (noun) - it controls the software.

Connectivity Software (noun) - It facilitates the connection between the computer
system and the server

Peopleware (noun) - people who use computer systems.

People (noun) - the ultimate users of the computer systems.

Programmers (noun) - professionals who allows users to interact with the


System Analyst (noun) - They mainly design data processing systems.

End-users (noun) - Also known as operators.

Data (noun) - information stored by a computer.

Procedures (noun) - these are a set of instructions.

Hardware-Oriented Procedure (noun) - it instructs the computer components of the


Software-Oriented Procedure (noun) - It provides instructions to run programs.

Internal Procedures (noun) - It directs the flow of information

Connectivity (noun) - This is when the computers are linked to a network.

Analog Computers (noun) - They can only perform several mathematical operations

Digital Computers (noun) - they are suitable for complex computations.

Hybrid Computers (noun) - they are a combination of analog and digital computers.

Mainframe (noun) - they have capacities to host multiple operating systems.

Minicomputers (noun) - also called mid-range systems or workstations.

Servers (noun) - they are computers that provide services to client machines.

Supercomputers (noun) - they are used for quantum physics, weather forecasting,

Microcomputers (noun) - a computer with a microprocessor.

Motherboard (noun) - it allows components to communicate with each other.

CPU Socket (noun) - It holds the processor.

Power Connectors (noun) - it is where the power supply’s main connector gets

Expansion Slot (noun) - to install additional components to enhance your pc.

SATA Slots (noun) - it is used to provide connectivity for storage devices.

BIOS Chip (noun) - it contains the basic code needed to boot your computer.

Northbridge (noun) - responsible for coordinating the data flow between the
memory, the video card and the processor.

Southbridge (noun) - it coordinates data between processors and peripherals.

Desktop (noun) - it is intended to be used in a single location.

Laptop (noun) - it runs on a single battery

Personal Digital Assistants (noun) - it is also known as handheld computers.

Tablets (noun) - they use touch screen technology.

Function (noun) - it holds all the computer components together.

Form Factors (noun) - it is determined by the function of the motherboard.

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