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ALPINO, Bon Andre’ Monet M.

Directions: True or false. Read and analyze each statement below; write true if
the statement is correct false if the statement is incorrect on the space provided
True 1. Now and then, arnis alluded to Eskrima or Kali, maybe military
craftsmanship from the Phillipines that contrasts with most military expressions.
It instructs the use of weapons from the start.
False 2. Arnis thought of as "kick fighting, "but there's more to it than that.
True 3. Romy Presas was the originator of Advanced Arnis, a well-known
Filipino Military Expressions.
False 4. Fair over a century afterward, in 2010, the Philippine government
announced arnis to be the military craftsmanship and National Sports of the
True 5. The Spanish trade individuals who take after Ferdinand Magellan
amid the mid-1500s presented 'their Espada y Daga" styles, and the locals were
able to adjust rapidly to this new military expression framework.
True 6. Arnis ordinarily did utilize one (1) or two (2) sticks or any
comparative executes or with bare hands and feet.
False 7. President Joseph Ejercito Estrada marked the Republic Act. 9850 on
December 11, 2009, pronouncing arnis as the Philippine national military
True 8. The Philippine Sports Commission is the lead office to execute the
arrangement of republic act 9850.
True 9. Arnis Joins three strategies:
- Espada y Daga (sword and dagger)
- Solo Baston (single stick)
- Sinawali (to weave ) which uses two stick
False 10. The two major sorts of arnis practiced as wear is the framework
taken after by WEKAF (Eskrima kali arnis league) and Arnis Philippines (ARPI).
Assemble a few pictures, almost the history of arnis. Allow a brief description of
each photo. (Utilize Microsoft Word)

Arnis sometimes alluded to as Eskrima or Kali. It could be military craftsmanship

from the Philippines that change from most military expressions.

The current shape has Spanish impact from old fencing which, begun in Spain
within the 15th century. The Spanish businesspeople who take after Ferdinand
Magellan amid the mid-1500s presented their & Espada y Daga & styles.
Remy Amador Presas (December 19, 1936 –August 28, 2001) was the originator
of Present-day arnis, a prevalent Filipino military art.

The WEKAF (World Eskrima Kali Arnis Alliance), built up in 1989 and recognized
universally. The arrangement, taken after by Arnis Philippines (ARPI), was built
up in 1986, which was utilized conspicuously amid the 2005 Southeast Asian.
Espada y Daga (sword and blade) Solo Baston (single adhere)

Sinawali (to weave)

Espada y Daga (sword and blade), solo Baston (single adhere), and sinawali (to
weave) are the three techniques that in arnis, which employments two bars.
Arnis ordinarily done with the utilize of one (1) or two (2) sticks or any
comparable executes or with bare hands and feet moreover used for striking,
blocking, locking, and hooking, with the utilize of the same rule as that with the

Arnis pronounce the Philippine

National Military Craftsmanship and
on December 11, 2009, through
Republic Act 9850 marked by Pres.
Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo. As per R.A.
In this action, give a few points of interest almost the history of
Present-day arnis. Can understudies expound on the history of arnis?
The few important points almost the history of present-day arnis is,
that it was founded by Remy Presas a Filipino and make it as a self-
defense system. The other interesting strategies about arnis is “Espada
y daga” (sword and dagger), which employs a long blade and short
dagger; “solo baston” (single stick) and “sinawali” (to weave), which
uses two sticks of equal length twirled in “weaving” fashion for
blocking and striking. It’s one of the martial art of the Philippines, this
art is important because it emphasizes the same foot stances and hand
movements needed for open-hand fighting. Understudies expound on
the history of arnis because by simply learning and knowing the Filipino
martial art arnis is important since we put efforts to give our best to
revive our own culture.

Based on the talk, almost arnis advanced history, what are the things
you have found approximately learning modern arnis record? Compose
your considerations through Microsoft Word.
I realize that learning arnis will benefit you in many ways particularly in
our physical health. It enhance your cardiovascular endurance,
increases your flexibility, it gives us recreation as well as purpose in life
to those people who has a problem, it also improves your reflexes
since its skill related etc., lastly it teaches us to do self control from
both physical and mental capacities. I realize that arnis as a Filipino
martial art is vital for being a Filipino as a whole.
Direction: Answer the following in 5 sentences through Microsoft word
1. Type in a brief detail or discourse approximately the values of arnis.
- Arnis contributes to the improvement of our physical wellness. People
whose physical qualities and capabilities are restricted can discover in arnis
the fulfillment of competition and the excitement of achievement in apt
physical action.
2. What is the purpose of arnis?
- Arnis is the national military craftsmanship don of the Philippines, known
by the title Eskrima and Kali. The don gives accentuation to weapon-based
battling. Typically frequently done utilizing bladed weapons such as blades,
sticks, and other extemporized weapons. It moreover incorporates hand to
hand combat, hooking, and weapon incapacitating methods.
3. What are the benefits of arnis?
- Arnis educates us on discipline and control. It gives a full-body workout. It
makes a difference to make strides your stamina, muscle tone, adaptability,
adjust, and quality. It gives you a reliable way of life.
4. Provide three points of interest and three drawbacks of arnis.
- My three points of interest in arnis , its beneficial in our physical wellness,
it teach us to control our physical and emotional wellbeing, it provide us
self protection. While the three drawbacks of arnis is, the risk of arnis user
of getting hurt is at risk, also the movements are unnecessarily theatrical
and flowery rather than being practical and functional, etc.
5. In your possess conclusion, how does arnis assist you in your life?
- For me arnis assist my life by somehow keeping me grounded. In a sense
that it provides recreation as well as purpose in my life.

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