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"You called me?"

The massive man swallowed the last bit of a tambaccoo and cleaned his beard with dirty fingers. He then smiled at
the other man.


"What's so funny? Why are you smiling?"

The massive man came around the counter, passed the other man and locked the door.

"C'mon, I have to show you something."

"Hey, Kampu, please tell me."

Kampu was all smiles and cleaned his dirty fingers at his blue shirt.

"I have to show you our new item. We got a new toy to play with."

The other man couldn't hold himself together. He felt his cock rising.

"A girl or a guy..."

"C'mon," Kampu opened a wooden door that would lead them down into his cellar.
The stairs were creaking under the weight of the two men. An odour of old cloth and sweat was in the air when
Kampu clicked on the dim light that produced more shadows than it was creating brightness.

"I have a real celebrity this time."


"You know, I had to make a delivery this afternoon. Some security guys wanted to have some items delivered directly
to a sort of stage. They were doing filming for a new movie."

They had reached the bottom and Kampu led his friend through the dark cellar, towards their destination.

"Some song it was. You know, and guess who the star was..."

The other man, dressed in a police-uniform, was making a gesture of total not understanding.


But again Kampu did not tell him. He waved his hand and pointed at another wooden door.

"There she is. Ready to get the full treatment."

The policeman was hurrying past his friend. He was already breathing heavily and the big man had to laugh when he
saw how his buddy was behaving.

"You behave like you never had a fuck"

"Who...who is it man..."

"Well, she was the star of this movie, you know..."

"You already told me that...."

"And she is young..."


"Well, around twenty five..."

", I will kill you when you don't tell me."

"Wait...," the big man said. He moved past the shivering man in the light blue shirt. He then opened a spy hole and
pointed at the lens.

"Take a look and go down to your knees to thank me for my idea."

Kampu stepped aside and the police man bend forward to look through the little hole.
And what he saw made his jaw drop down.

There she was, dressed in a bright red suit. He wasn't sure yet whether it was leather, some sort of plastic or even
patent leather. But it did not matter anyway.

He saw how the 'leather' was smoothing around her curves. He saw it at her hips, saw were the material puckered.
The whole suit was like a second skin. And he could see that the beautiful girl, who was lying on the grey concrete,
was in perfect shape. Midsized breasts, framed by the leather...

Her long, dark black hair was flowing down her back. And when he looked at her face, he could see all the fear in the
world. She was laying on her back, arms and legs stretched out. She seemed to be breathing heavily, her eyes wide

"Isn't that..."

Kampu was barking his laugh of acknowledgment.

"No...It can't"

"Yeah man, that is her. Katrina Kaif...the big star in our little playground-cellar."
The thin policeman got upright, turned and looked into the face of the big man.
"I...I can't believe it....Katrina Kaif. Here...."

"You better believe it, man. She is our little toy now. And as far as I know, nobody knows that she is with us. We can
have her as long as we want."

"And...and we can fuck her...all night long..."

"And all day...and all night..."

A huge smile moved onto the police-man's features. He raised his hand...

And Kampu did the same...

Their hands hit each other and they started a loud laugh that made Katrina Kaif shiver in her cold cell.

She was alone. All alone.

The walls around her were coming closer. Or, so it seemed. And it was cold in there. The light grey floor was worn
out and hard. She felt it in every bone. But what made her real shiver, was the uncertainty. She did not know what the
man...or the men...would do to her. She had been kidnapped...

Never, ever in her life did she waste a thought about being kidnapped. She knew she was permanently at risk. She
was rich, was famous. But, no, that wouldn't happen to her. Or...would it?

Katrina sat up, wrapped her arms around her body and lifted her head. The door was locked, that she knew.

Those men were outside. She had clearly heard two voices. Men...had kidnapped her...and they would...

"No..." But yes...she knew what they would do to her.

"No, no, no..." But yes...

"No," Katrina whispered the word into her armpit and watched her own tears hitting the red leather.


Yes, they would rape her.

"Let's go get her..."

"No..," Kampu placed a hand on his friends shoulder and turned him around.

"No? What are you talking about? I want to stick my cock into that beautiful bitch. And right now...I mean," the police-
man was furious. His cock hurt, and he just couldn't hold himself together...

"So, you want her...Mhh?!"

He nodded...

"And you like that red suit, don't you?!"

Again he nodded.

"So, in order to stick your cock into her pussy, you will have to undress her. You will have to pull the
so...stimulating...suit down. And..., I mean she still would be a great fuck. A naked Katrina..."

"Yes, man, of course she is great. I ... I mean I cannot fuck her through the red leather...even if I want it..."

"Yes, you can."


The cop looked confused.


The big man was laughing hard. His belly shook and he hit his friend again onto his shoulder.

"You remember Mahesh, that guy from the Crime branch?"

The cop thought for a moment and then he knew it.


"You know, he was here, this morning. And he brought a gift. Something from the lab."

This time the man in the light blue shirt did not even try to guess what is friend was talking about.

"Well, he gave me this."

He took a spray bottle from a shelf.

It was a tall bottle, dark blue, and it looked just like a normal hair spray bottle.

"What's that?"

"That is our dream comes true."

"Show me..."

"Yes, I will."

Katrina leaned back against one wall, pulled her knees close and wrapped her arms around her legs. And then the
thick wooden door was unlocked.


She screamed and did not know what to do.

"No, please..."

The door was opened and she saw the men.

One of them was tall, was the man who had pulled her into his van; the man who had kidnapped her.

"Oh God..."

She stood up and looked around...there had to be a way out...

And the other man was thin, was a cop.

"Oh God, I am so glad you are here. Please help me. The man has kidnapped me, has brought me here."

The cop came closer and started smiling.

"Well, well, well....has this man kidnapped you?"

Katrina suddenly wasn't sure that this man was a cop. Why did he behave so strangely? He...

"God, you really are a beauty, aren't you."

He came closer and his face came so close that the man's nose almost touched Katrina's nose.

Than he padded her left leg. And the strangest thing was...he seemed to enjoy the sound his hand made when it hit
the bright red leather.

"My dear you know why you've been brought here?"

She was so afraid, was shivering...


"Well, my friend here....," he pointed at the bulky man, "...and I am running a business..."

Katrina did not comprehend...

"Well, and this business is to have as much sexual fun as possible in one man's life."

A dark cloud started moving about the horizon...


"You will be fucked, Katrina. We will stick our huge cocks into this..."

And then he grabbed Katrina Kaif between her legs.

She was in shock. Her eyes wide open, Katrina forgot to breathe. She looked into the Cop's face, unable to think.
And then he started rubbing over the red leather, between her thighs, over her vagina.

"No«," the girls face distorted into disgust and fear.

The man, on the other hand, smiled and did not stop stroking the red leather framing her slim body. The pure
imagination that her sensitive lips, the pubic hair, the entrance into her young body were separated from his hand
only by the red material he liked so much, just made him mad.

And then his other hand reached around Katrina and a second later she felt his fingers grabbing, framing, and
kneading her firm ass, her left buttock.

He was closer, closer and his whole body pressed itself onto her figure.

"Oh Katrina, my darling; the three of us will be having so much fun. You will have our cocks that deep into your
beautiful body that you will think they are actually parts of your body."

She turned away her face in disgust, unable to say anything.

"No, please«let me go."

He suddenly let go of her and stepped back. Then the man looked up and down on her.

"My God, this suit is certainly worth all this«."

"Let's fuck the bitch!"

The bulky man couldn't wait any longer. He had gone through all of the kidnapping procedure, that he now had no
sense of patience left. He just wanted to fuck Katrina Kaif.

"Right. Let's fuck Katrina."

The cop reached out and grabbed Katrina's left wrist. Pulling the girl towards him, kicking into the knee pit, he put the
actress to the ground.

Katrina screamed out in pain when his black shoe hit her and she went down.

Lying on the ground, Katrina started shivering. All of her muscles, restrained by the skin tight suit, were shaking in
total panic. She realized that she was about to get raped. Raped! She just couldn't believe it. She had to get out«.

But there was just no chance for her to leave her confinement. The cop and the bulky man went down to their knees,
holding her body with strong fingers.

"Who will be first?"

The bulky man looked at his cop-friend.

"You brought the bitch. Why don't you stick him into this«?"

The cop again grabbed Katrina's vagina.

She held her breath, looking up at the two men, feeling the pressure between her legs. Why would they do this to
her? Why?

"Why don't you get the table?"

They smiled at each other, and then the cop got up and left the bulky men with Katrina on the ground. He looked at
her and let his gazes wander up and down her slim body.

"You know, Katrina, I always wanted to fuck you."

Have heartedly the girl lifted her upper body, supporting it with outstretched arms.

"Please, let me go. I« please«"

She did not know what to say; only that she had to say something. The man looked at her and laid one hand on her
left thigh.

"God, this is so tight," he started stroking her leg, moving his fingers even further towards her lap.

She looked at the hairy hand, shivering slightly and expecting the worse. Like a deer she waited for doom to strike.
The bulky man kept on smiling while he pushed his fingers between Katrina's legs, pushing, pressing the middle
finger onto the bright red leather of her jumpsuit were underneath her vagina was.

But before the sweating man could inflict any harm to her soul he was stopped by his returning comrade. Katrina
looked up, feeling a little relieve when the bulky man was stopped. Even a touch, even his hand on her leg or

Even the thought was unbearable.

The cop carried a wooden table into the naked room. He was smiling down on the sexy girl.

"You wonder what this is, don't you!?"

She simply nodded.

"Well, you'll see."

Then he turned to his friend.

"Bring her«"

The big man, sweating and breathing heavily grabbed Katrina's right arm and pulled her with one swift move to her
feet. She screamed in pain. His grip was brutal, and the red leather twisted somehow and so did her skin.

But there was no pity, no sympathy for her suffering here.

She was pushed and pulled over to the table.

"Al right«.," the bulky man now placed his hands on each hip of hers and looked into frightened eyes. He saw that
there would be no resistance, no attempt to escape.

Her will was already broken. And in only one moments time he finally would fulfil his dreams. His cock already was
hard like a rock.

Then he lifted her up from the ground. She was so light, so incredibly light. Like a leave in fall. He sat her down on the
table. And when his hands left her hips, he grabbed her muscular thighs and spread her legs apart.

The table was a little higher than the usual one. And Katrina figured that it certainly had something to do with the
upcoming rape. She looked down her body and looked, by pure incident between the legs of the fat man. His cock
had risen and it was« directly opposite of her lap. So, she had been right. This table had been created in order to
rape a victim. No, not any victim. This table would be her doom to come.


He placed one fat hand on her left shoulder and pressed her backwards.

"Lie down and wait for me to fuck you, Katrina Darling."

She did as she was told«.breathing hard, shivering and sweating. A fine layer of sweat already covered her young
body and since the leather suit could not absorb the sweat, it ran down her body, between skin and leather.

But«what would they do now. Would they somehow cut the red leather between her legs in order for their cocks to
ram down her body, to stick them deep into her vagina?

"Get me the spray, will ya?"


Katrina couldn't see what the men were doing. She could only assume that the 'Cop' would leave the again to bring
the spray. But what spray? What would they do with it«?

Katrina lay on the light brown table, starring at the ceiling, crying and pleading for help. Praying to a god that wouldn't

The cop returned quickly.


She heard the faint sound of a spray bottle being turned. That one of these men started shaking it.

"I still can't believe that something like this exists."

"But it does. It does."

"You think it does anything bad to," pause, "« him?"

No sound. They were communicating nonverbal.

And then she heard and « felt the spray. She felt it« between her legs, over her pussy.

"God« no«!"

she lifted her upper body, had to see it. What did they do to her?

But the two men did not care her attention. They seemed to be transfixed with what they did to her lower body. The
cop had a plain spray bottle in his right Hand and looked at the tight, red leather between her legs.

"That should do it."

Both of them started giggling and Katrina's felt like she had to go crazy. She had no idea what those monsters did to
her. She had a very good idea that those men would rape her any moment now. And she was afraid to death just by
the shear thought of those men sticking their cocks into her. But what made her real crazy was the total loss of ideas
to what those men were doing to her lower body.

But that would change.

The men straightened up and looked at their frightened victim. They smiled. And then the bulky man went straight to
the lower end of the table, positioned himself between her firm legs. His hands found their way on top of her thighs.

"Time to test the creativity of our foriegn product."

Katrina shook her head. What?

He pressed the girl's legs apart till it hurt Katrina in the joints. She than heard the chiming sound of his belt, his zipper,
his pants being opened. And, since she still was in a more upright position«took an in voluntary look at the dark
coloured penis in his left hand.

A scream went over her lips.

"No«please«please don't. I... I am still«.!"

All strength left Katrina's arms and she hit the table with her back. Her chest started moving heavily and she began to
shiver in an unknown quality.

"No, no, no«.," the young singer whispered. She couldn't even think about what was to happen. She still was«

-Oh please, not with those« not the first time«.-

A groaning sound filled the room when the big and fat man stood between Katrina Kaif legs, holding his own cock in
the hand. He positioned the tip over the part of the red suit where the vagina was underneath and still couldn't believe
that this spray would work. Any moment now his best part would touch the cool leather, being stopped from doing his
most driving desire. He would feel it on the tip« now«. Now«now«

But then something happened. Something so strange, something so unheard of« a sensation when his cock slid into
the leather, when the tip instantly touched the sensitive lips, the vagina of his girl. He looked down on her, looked
down between Katrina's thighs and his forehead wrinkled. It was the strangest sensation«

He saw his cock sliding deeper; feeling the lips of Katrina's vagina closing around it and still« the bright read leather
seemed to be undamaged. It was like the leather had melted around his penis. Unconsciously the bulky man shook
his head when« when he realized what was happening.

"Oh my God, this bitch still is a virgin!"

His cock separated the thin skin, pushed the lips apart. A little river of blood ran out of her opening, down between
the red leather and her body.

Katrina Kaif screamed in pain.

She wasn't a virgin anymore.

Tears shot in her eyes. She was in the process of being raped. She had lost her virginity to a rapist. No turning back.
No first time with the man she loved. No wonderful memory that she could tell her grandchildren. Robed off the one
precious gift she had to give. Lost« forever. Being raped.

"A virgin?!"
The cop's voice was shrill, his scream painted in disbelieve.

"You're kidding' me!"

Katrina felt the man's cock deep inside her body. The massive, long penis filled her out, stretched her vagina. Her
face distorted into a grimace of endless pain; tears streaming down her soft cheeks.

"No, man. She is«.," the bulky man coughed while pushing his cock deeper into the young woman's vagina. He
started pumping«

"God, she's tight!"


Katrina's vagina went into a cramp; the pain was unbearable. And with each thrust the pain grew in intensity.

The bulky man grabbed her hips, pressing his fingers hard around the bones, hard into the skin, hearing the sound
the red leather made«enjoying it.

But there was nothing in the world«no feeling, no action, no«that came close to the joy he felt while having his rock
hard cock in this virgins vagina.

He pushed her hard, thrusting deep and hard into her. And her wining, her sounds of pain let his arousals grow.
Faster and faster he went, noticing that the make shift table shook underneath the weight and intensity.

The cop just couldn't believe what was happening. Why had he been so dumb to let his pal take the first fuck? If he
had known that this Katrina bitch was still a virgin, he would have found some excuse to be her first. God, she was a

He walked over to the side of the table, watching the uneven pair having sex. He looked her face. It was distorted by
all the pain and fear. His own erection grew.

The cop let his gazes wander down her body. Her midsized tits, her flat stomach, and their« his friends cock went
into the beautiful body without harming the red leather. He shook his head; this was unbelievable«

The bulky man had his eyes half closed while his fingers still held their firm grip of the girl's hips. His lower body had
become a machine, self guided and without any control by him. He rammed his cock deep into the tight hole; again
and again«

Subconsciously his hands let go of her hips and moved upwards over the cool, red leather. It was so incredibly
erotic«skin tight, bright red, no room for any lazy fat«her figure was perfect«and he cupped her breasts, pressing
them hard, hearing the sound when the leather was squeezed«

And a thought came up«

The man opened up his eyes and looked at the cop while he kept on fucking Katrina Kaif.

"The«," he couldn't find his breath, "«.the sprays«.!"

The cop shook his head, his forehead in a frown.

The bulky man, his head in a deep red, pointed at the actress's breasts«

And then his pal smiled; he knew what the man wanted.
He went over, grabbed the spray bottle and pointed it at the firm hills, protected by the durable leather. And he
pressed the button«

A fine layer of the liquid hit the leather. The cop moved the bottle from left to right and then pulled the bottle away
again. He then pointed at the breasts.

"Your pleasure«"

"Thanks man."

The bulky man coughed, breathing hard, still moving in and out of her. His big hands were hovering over Katrina's
breasts. It was as if he couldn't decide whether he should touch them, whether it was working«

But then he let his hands down on the tits.

Katrina's eyes opened up and she saw everything in a blur. Blinking she tried to clear her sight from tears. She was in
a state of trance. All the pain in her body seemed to be unreal, distant and not connected to her self. She felt each
bump, felt the bulky man's cock entering her body each and every time. She felt« she felt his massive hands on her
breasts. And when her sight had been cleared she saw his fingers « on « or more accurately in the red leather. Her
suit had become somehow liquid; somehow moving around the man's fingers (and his cock)«

And the bulky man started massaging, started pressing her firm breasts.

It hurt« More tears filled her eyes and her head sank back.

A cry of pain escaped her mouth.

A cry of pain filled the small cellar room. The bulky man looked down on his prey and screamed out his satisfaction,
his pain«sweet pain«sweet« He kept on moving, still «harder, even harder « his cock went deep down her body.

And, oh God, she was tight, so tight«

He was close, so close«

Pressing the warm, soft tits, pushing him self again and again into the hole. Pure lust, pure satisfaction, God, she was

She had closed her eyes again, holding herself on the table with hurting fingers. She felt him and was thinking that
this was it. So, this was how it was« this thing in her. Her first time. How often the young woman had dreamed about
her first time. How often she had thought about a man, still only a shadow, the man of her dreams.

This man was supposed to be her first lover. Love, endless love and the warm physical union. It was supposed to be
a very special occasion in a woman's love. And now Katrina lay on a makeshift table in a dark cellar. She lay there,
on her back, her legs spread and a fat and smelling man had pushed his fat cock into her vagina. And she still
couldn't accept the fact. She couldn't believe that this ugly and violent creature was her first man.

More tears«

It hurt so much.

And then the creature began to move faster, harder. It was like he could feel the end coming. Against her better
judgement Katrina opened up her eyes and looked at the fat creature between her firm thighs. She looked up and felt
a difference«
He moved faster with each push«

He coughed«

Breathing faster, pushing harder«

Even harder«faster«.faster«

And his fingers were digging as deep as possible into Katrina's breasts. This time holding them, not moving any
longer. Only harder, deeper into them«

And then it happened«

He was screaming out loud«

His lower body hit her pelvis one last time«

Sperm shot out of this creatures cock.

Sperm shot out it and entered Katrina Kaif vagina.

Sperm shot deep into her. Sperm had entered her.

And some of it ran back out; slowly down her ass and hitting the makeshift table.

Katrina Kaif became one shivering, shaking bundle when the bulky man pulled himself out of her red and swollen

He let go of her aching breasts and stumbled backwards. The young sexy actress felt his weakening cock gliding out
of her body. And when it was out, when the vagina was in a situation like minutes before, a very strange sensation
filled her. Somehow she had become another person. A person detached from the innocent young lady on the table.

She wasn't stronger«

She wasn't a tough girl.

She only was different.

And after all, she became somehow more aware that she had been raped.

Katrina let her legs come together and felt the joints screaming out loud in pain. She felt the hot and burning
sensation of her breasts. They had been squeezed and mistreated for some time now and the pain subsided only

And then, all of a sudden the girl figured out why she felt different, why she was another person now: -There is no
joy« no joy any longer«-

As long as Katrina could remember there had been fun and an incredible sense of an open sky where everything was
possible. She had led a life of possibilities, a life that had made sense, was valuable. But those days were over now.
Those days«

No she was a bundle of shivering flesh. A woman, who had been raped, had been robed of her innocence. There was
no joy.
The bulky man had stumbled against one of the cellar walls. There he stood, breathing heavily and felt his flesh
returning to a normal state. He felt his breathing slowing down and involuntarily grabbed his pants to pull them up
again. When he had closed them without looking at the zipper or the button, he looked at his friend.
And this friend, this cop, was also leaning against one of the walls where he had the broadest grin on his face.

"Good, hmm?!" A smile.

"Yeah man, real good. Why don't you take your turn?"

The cop pushed himself from the wall and moved closer to the slim woman in a read leather suit. And while he
moved, he already opened up his pants.

"Katrina, honey, you are about to get the fuck of your life."

She looked at him and the cop felt immeasurable joy when he detected the fear in her features.

He saw her pressing her legs together, saw the bright red leather going into small waves. And he felt his cock rising
to a state where it hurt.

"Come on, Katrina, you're not really thinking you can stop me from having a little fun with your « body, aren't you!?"

She just lay there, starring at him. She was shivering and crying and he knew she would do anything to get away
from him if only she was able to.

But luckily she wasn't able to get away. No man, she wasn't«

"Alright, babe."

He had reached the slim, young woman and was standing over her now, thinking.

"What shall I do with you, babe«what shall I do?"

Suddenly the corners of his mouth lifted.

"Mhhh, babe«you want to have another pussy fuck? Or «," the cop stopped talking and the smile broadened.

"Now I know«"

And before Katrina could react, before she had the chance to form a single thought she was grabbed by her
shoulders and turned around.

A scream escaped her mouth when her face hit the untreated wood of the table. She saw blood, her own blood and
without thinking her hands grabbed the upper edge of the wood to hold herself. He couldn't « no, he«

-Oh God, please don't. It can't be. Please make him stop-

But God was on a vacation.

He did not listen to Katrina Kaif.

"So baby," the thin man, the cop, bent over her side till his face was close to Katrina's face.

"Ever had a cock up your«.," and he padded the firm, the muscular buttocks, framed by skin tight read leather. Small
sounds so typical of hitting a buttock filled the small room.

"«ever had a cock up your anus, Katrina baby?!"

It was like a bucket of ice cold water had been turned over her head. Katrina stopped moving, stopped thinking.


"I didn't think so."

But her remark wasn't supposed to be an answer to his question. Of course she didn't have a cock in her ass before.
She had never been fucked«

-No, no, no, no«God, please«please«-

"But there is a first time for everything«."

He was laughing out loud when he again hit her ass.

Katrina closed her eyes again and pressed her forehead hard onto the table.

-Don't think, don't think«.-

But there was still the pain in her vagina. Still there was the pain in her breasts. There was no way she could make
herself believe that everything was fine.
And there were those images her mind was creating. Images, pictures of what was about to happen. And those
pictures made her just crazy.

Suddenly no word was said. She could hear herself breathing, could hear a rumbling behind her back.

A sound«

Too familiar«

The sound of horror. The signal for endless pain« a hissing sound«

Katrina Kaif was screaming on the top of her lungs when she felt the spray hitting the read leather that so far had
protected her anus.

And only a short moment passed when the girl heard the sound the zipper made. She heard the chiming, heard the
hard breathing of a man who was aroused.

Fingers touched her thighs from the inside and pressed them apart.

"No, no, no, no«.," she whispered knowing that there was no way out.

And the thin man in his light blue shirt placed his hands on her back while he was speaking no word. There was no
word to be spoken. No word left. He had told her what she had to know, what he wanted to do.

A small, a light touch on the red leather, a little more pressure, pressing«

-It's his penis«.-

Tears hitting the light brown wood«

And then again there was this most peculiar sensation.

Chemicals were altering the consistency of the leather«and matter passed through.

The tip«wet«filled the small whole«

More pressure«.and the buttocks gave way, were moving aside.

A loud groan«fingers pressing hard into her flesh, into her pelvic bones«

He stepped forward«giving more and more pressure, pressing his penis as hard as he was able to against Katrina's

And all of a sudden the red and swollen cock entered the young woman's ass.

At first it was a slow process since the cop had to push into a part of her body that had never been used this way. But
his erection was so strong, his will to perform the rape so high, that there was no real barrier. He pushed his
manhood deeper and deeper, pressed her buttocks apart, and opened up the small hole.

Katrina Kaif anus was screaming out loud in total pain. Her face was a distorted grimace, a reflection of the pain she
felt. Tears were starting to stream down her soft cheeks. And then he was entirely inside her ass.

The cop, his face red, streams of sweat running down his features, held the girl by her hips and started fucking her.
He pushed his cock deep into the shaking body, pushed it hard, with all the lust, all the might he had. Each and every
time he entered her he heard the sound of pain escaping her. He enjoyed it, loved it, felt power like he always did
when he had one of those victims in this cellar. He pushed hard and without thinking his hands were gliding up the
red leather. He somehow was stroking the cute girl, the celebrity. Yes, this was the ultimate satisfaction. Katrina«

He legs were shaking; her muscles almost gave way when she laid there, her front pressed to the makeshift table.
Her fingers wrapped around the edge of the wood, pain soaring up her nerves. But that pain was completely wrapped
in the pain she felt in her anus. Katrina felt humiliated, felt used as a piece of meat, felt less than an ant on the
ground, underneath one mans boot. She felt the hot and soaring pain in the ass, felt the mans cock were it did not
belong, felt him filling her ass«
And she was yelling out loud. She did not care if she was going to be punished or not. She just did not care anymore.
The pain was unbearable. And each thrust of his cock brought her closer to fainting out.

Sweat was running between the red leather and her skin while the table made noises that told her that it would break
down some time soon. Again and again the peace of meat was gliding into her ass, hurting her, bringing her closer to
the end.

The cop only saw the slim and very beautiful girl underneath him. The only thing he regretted was that he wasn't able
to see her face. Only the back of her head« but there was this magnificent body in that leather suit. It fitted her like a
glove, like a second skin. And the best was that thanks to the spray he got from his pal, he was able to give it to her
without removing the suit. God, he was thankful for being alive«

He pushed it again into her, heard her moaning, heart her crying and the pleasure was building up. It was the heat
that came rushing; it was the pleasure, the pain in his manhood, the lust that grew. And he gave it to her, oh yes; he
gave it to that little bitch. That rich little bitch. That beautiful little whore. She was suffering, he knew, but he liked it
very much. He was groaning when he pushed his hurting cock deep into the slim girl's ass. He felt it being tight
around him, felt it vibrating in pain and the feeling of intense pleasure grew by the second. The room spun around
him and distorted in a blur. He heard his pal, heard the fat man, the bulky man say something. Yet, the cop did not
comprehend it, did not comprehend anything«
Again and again he pushed himself deep into the tight hole. He heard her mumbling, heard his victim, heard« heard
his own moaning as it grew louder and louder. It hurt, his cock hurt so much, but he was unwilling to stop what he
was doing. The horizon came close, the road of pain, the road of pleasure thinned out when«

The cop was screaming out loud«

The girl in red was screaming«

The girl in the leather suit was screaming«

Katrina Kaif was screaming out loud when she felt him explode insider her body«

Sperm shot out of him, shot out into the depth of Katrina's ass.

Her buttocks started shaking in pain; her knees suddenly became so weak that she was not able to hold herself any
longer. And even her fingers gave way«
But when the cop felt her body weakening he just grabbed her pelvis again, held her steady when he kept on
pushing. He did not want this to end. He felt all there was leaving him, flooding the back of the young woman's body.
He felt himself growing weaker, felt the pleasure subside. Though he did not want it, though he kept on pushing till it
hurt too much, he realized that the end of this had come.

The man in the light blue shirt, with a shiny golden badge on his front, was breathing hard and felt himself relax. He
looked down on the woman in red and then suddenly pulled himself out of her anus. And he still couldn't believe his
eyes when he saw the red leather returning to its original state. There was no scratch, no hole, nothing that told him
what just had happened. But the man had raped to many people that he did not know how Katrina's ass would looked
like, right now.
It certainly was red and wet and as sure as hell there would be blood between her buttocks. The cop started laughing
out loud.

"Oh man, this babe is hot."

Katrina fell down and hit the floor.

This time neither the cop nor the bulky man cared about it anymore. They were looking down on her, observing her
pain. They then looked at each other and started grinning.

"What do you think?"

"Well," the cop said, "I think we keep her."

"Yeah man, it is a shame that we can't go any further right now."

Katrina looked up at her captors, her eyes red and swollen, and tears covering her face. She just had gone through
hell, had been robed from her dreams and had been treated like a piece of meet. But what she had just heard turned
everything else in to something not worth thinking about.

"What«?" she shook her head in disbelieves, "please don't, please«please let me go."

But the two men did not seem to care about her words.

"Don't worry; man«we'll have her in no time."

They had closed their pants and both of them looked very much relaxed when they started leaving the small cellar
Katrina reached out for them, begging, asking, and crying. They had to let her go«

She was too weak to stand up, her body hurt too much, but she started crawling over the light grey floor, still holding
out one hand.

"Let me go!"

Her fingertips touched the cop's right leg and he shook a little; like he had been hit by light electricity.

"Don't you ever do that again, pussy hole."

Then he kicked Katrina hard into her side.

The young girl was screaming out in pain. She stopped asking her captors, stopped trying to get out, to persuade the
men. Instead she rolled up in a foetal position and let the pain take over. More tears were streaming down her face
while she was covered by pain.

The men left the room and the bulky man shut the door.

When they were in the other room they looked at each other again.

"What do you reckon we do to her next time?" the bulky man asked.

The cop smiled at him and caressed his own chin.

"I think young Katrina Kaif should get something to drink."

The bulky man looked at his friend. First not getting the meaning of his friends words, but soon he figured that out.

He then started laughing out loud.

"You mean something white?"


The cop and the bulky man started going up the stairs to the little shop. They shook with laughter and each of them
already felt the urge to pay her involuntary guest another visit.

Katrina lay broken on the floor of her cell, crying constantly. She felt empty and hollow, felt beyond pain, beyond the
comprehension of her situation.
Raped, raped, raped«

Her brain was filled by that single word. She still felt a throbbing pain in her vagina and in her anus while she
involuntarily shifted position in order to ease the pain.

But over all there was the threat of the future.

-They will come again« oh God, please let me go. Please«.-

They would come again.

Again... and again.

And nobody knew if ever Katrina Kaif would see the sky again.



Katrina who was raised in Hawaii, United States and later moved to london, England. Her Visit to see her old

It was about 12:30 in the morning and the nightlife of the city was in full swing as people of all sorts headed out to
shows, nightclubs, bars, and the like. The dazzling neon lights and glare of vehicle headlights did little to phase the
slender, trenchcoat-clad figure who wove about the crowds of people with ease. For anyone watching, they would not
have guessed this person was female, as aside from the brown trenchcoat with its collar turned up, she also wore a
large, wide-brimmed hat that had most of her hair tucked beneath it, and dark sunglasses to avoid being recognized.
The only thing that might have given her away (if anyone had bothered to look down at her feet) was the pair of black
pumps that she wore. Yet it was nighttime in the city, and the people she passed barely gave her a second glance,
too wrapped up in their own affairs and immediately forgetting about the strange attire as quickly as they noticed it.

The trenchcoated woman rounded the corner of a busy avenue and headed quickly down a side street. Here it was
less crowded and noisy; nothing of general interest was located here save for a few cheap bars and a couple of adult
bookstores. She paused by one of these bookstores and, after a moment of looking around, ducked into the small
alley beside it. A partially-concealed door, marked only with an ³X´ in faded graffiti, was there, and the woman
stepped over to it. Raising a slim hand, she knocked three times.

A slot opened up and a voice grunted. "Who is it?"

"It's me." She dug in her coat pocket and pulled out a card. Flashing it to the person behind the door, she said "Let
me in, it's freezing."

The slot slid shut, locks clicked undone and the door opened. A burly black man wearing a stained T-shirt and jeans
pulled open the door, a wide smile on his face.

³Hey girl, how you been?´ Spreading his thick arms wide, he wrapped the woman in a big bear hug, who responded
in kind. ³It¶s been a while«how come you don¶t come down to see us no more, huh?´

³I¶ve been busy, Marcus, you know that,´ She walked into a narrow brick corridor lit with only a few bare light bulbs,
her heels clicking on the linoleum floor. Marcus, the bouncer, shut the door behind her and locked it again. She
removed her sunglasses and stowed them in her pocket. Stunning brown eyes turned to the hulking bouncer. ³You¶ve
seen my movie De Dana Dan, right?´

³Hell yeah, about four or five time. Well, I don't like bollywood movies much but how can I miss to watch you sweet
heart?´ he responded as he followed her down the hall. By now she was undoing the buttons of her long brown coat.
³I gotta say, you were bitchin¶ in it. Watchin¶ you in that fuckin¶ thin top and fine-ass frocks.´ He made a noise of
approval as they stopped in front of a flight of stairs going down and grabbed his crotch obscenely. ³Gave me a
fuckin¶ hardon all through the movie.´

She laughed delightedly and turned to face him. Her coat hung open and loose around her frame, showing off her
gorgeous, tanned C-cup breasts and trimmed pussy. The verse on her side showed clear against the light. To top off
her looks she was absolutely beautiful; azure eyes and exotic-looking features on a face that was now famous,
known to millions of people in India and worldwide«and only half of them could only fantasize that she would visit,
much less frequent, a place like this.

Finally removing her hat and shaking out her long mane of dark hair, Katrina Kaif, female star of the blockbuster
Race, Namastey London, plunked the hat on the head of her friend (and sometimes fuck-buddy) and kissed him on
the cheek. Her lithe body pressed into his burly form and she ran a hand down his pants until it was cupped around
his balls. She leaned over and whispered in his ear ³Maybe later I can give you a special screening, hmm?´

³Fuck yeah,´ Marcus grunted and closed his eyes, feeling her fingers stroking his testicles gently, teasing them. ³Like
that«just like that«´

³Hmm,´ Katrina smiled as the 6¶2, 240-pound bouncer shuddered under the touch of a woman only 5 ½ feet tall. ³Why
don¶t I give a preview now«´ She stuck out her pink tongue and gave his neck a long slow lick. Marcus had been
working hard all day, and he was sweaty and filthy²just the way she liked her men. The perspiration and grime left a
bitter taste on her tongue and she savored it. ³«and we can have some more fun later?´ Marcus only grunted in
agreement. Katrina could feel his big cock straining against her wrist, the veins pulsing as he fixed to cum.

³That¶s it«that¶s it«cum for me,´ Katrina continued to stroke his balls, and then slowly dragged her hand up the
underside of his dick, enjoying the expression of intense pleasure on his face. She reached the head of his prick and,
after circling it with her index finger once, twice, three times, she ran her finger over it before pressing her fingertip
gently into his pisshole.

³FUCK!´ Marcus shouted loudly and began cumming all over Katrina¶s hand and the front of his boxers. Katrina
wrapped her hand around the spurting cock as he jetted hot sperm all over her fingers, her palm, and the back of her
hand. She remained like this until Marcus stopped climaxing and then withdrew her hand carefully. It was shiny and
streaked white with fresh cum, with smears and dollops all over her palm and webbed strings of it between her

Marcus leaned back against the wall to recuperate as Katrina methodically licked off her hand inch by inch, cleaning it
of semen. When she finished she smacked her lips and grinned. ³Mmm, I¶d forgotten how good your cum tastes.´ She
winked at him as she turned to walk down the stairs. ³Save some more of that for me later, okay?´
Katrina laughed to herself as she descended down the steps. The juicy handjob she had just given reminded her of a
certain interview she had given to act in the movie Boom. Katrina Kaif didn¶t just love sex, she LUSTED for it. Since
she had first been introduced to sex at age 15 while secretly watching one of her dad¶s hardcore porn flicks she had
found, fucking was one of the main things that existed in her mind. For years she had viewed her dad¶s collection,
then when it had lost its appeal, she had spent countless hours on the Internet searching for harder, more extreme
porn. She had found some pretty sick shit, to be sure²and while some of it did turn her off, most of what she¶d found
got her hot and sent her dashing for the shower where she finger-fucked herself into a stupor. Even when she began
acting for a living she still surfed for porn, firmly establishing herself in some of the more twisted fetishes that existed.
She had been 17 when she first had sex, and it was an exuberant feeling. However some of her previous boyfriends,
while they loved that she was pretty wild when she fucked them, backed down when some of the things she wanted
to do were too much for them. This left her feeling horny and disappointed, having to search for other ways to satisfy
her fetishes.

Now at 25 she frequented underground sex clubs on her days off, special places that could suit her needs in
worldwide. She was particularly lucky this time; after doing De Dana Dan and a slew of interviews, she had finally
been granted a month¶s time for herself, which she greatly appreciated and intended to use to the fullest intent with
the three S¶s: sleeping, shopping, and sex!

As she reached the bottom of the stairs the familiar sounds and smells of perversity assaulted her and she breathed it
in deeply. Her pussy was tingling and wet as she entered.

It had once been a large storehouse for stashes of alcohol during Prohibition before being legalized again. It had
remained empty for decades until a group of like-minded perverts had found the place and decided to revamp the
place into their own private pit of sexual depravity. Katrina had found the address of this place on one of her porn
searches and, after working up the nerve to risk public exposure in coming down for the first time, she quickly
became a semi-regular and a favorite of the staff and other visitors. The fact that she was a well-known celebrity who
rubbed elbows with Bollywood was also a huge turn-on for the people down here, and in return for her semi-regular
visits they agreed not to give out the secret that Katrina Kaif was down there with them.

Pausing only to shrug off her coat and step out of her heels, Katrina stored them in an empty locker by the door
before walking naked and barefoot into the main room. It was essentially the room for breaks between fucks, where
people could sit at the bar, get drinks, and talk casually before heading back to one of the various rooms that satisfied
their particular kinks. Right now there were only a few people scattered around the room, drinking and engaged in
conversation. The sight of the newcomer caught their attention. As one everyone got up and began clapping as the
Bollywood star walked in.

³Awesome movie Katrina!´ ³Really great!´ ³You were HOT!´ Katrina blushed at the praise and, smiling, gave a little
wave. ³Thanks guys,´ she said, walking over to a barstool and sitting down. The leather felt cool on her bare ass.

The bartender, a pretty blonde named Kayla, welcomed her. ³Can I get your autograph?´ she asked jokingly. She
didn¶t bat an eye at the nude beauty in front of her, as nudity was the common ³attire´ around here.

³Sure!´ Katrina agreed, taking it a step up. She took a napkin from the bar, wiped it against her pussy a few times,
then gave it to Kayla. ³There you go. Careful, the ink¶s still wet.´

The two women laughed. ³The usual, then?´ Kayla asked.

³Definitely,´ Katrina relaxed as she got her first drink of the evening. After so many long hours of working, she could
finally take a load off and just be herself, back in her element.

³So did you miss us?´ Gary, a young, good-looking guy and one of the regulars, asked her.

³Every day, baby, every day!´ she responded. ³Working took so much damn time I hardly managed to get time to
masturbate in my trailer. And even then I wasn¶t satisfied!´
³I can fix that,´ Gary said with a lecherous grin. He picked up Katrina¶s drink and held it at crotch level. Carefully he
dipped his semi-erect penis into the liquor and swished it around for a few moments before withdrawing and handing
it back. Katrina took it, threw her head back, and downed the dick-tainted drink in one gulp.

³Mmm, I taste Laura¶s cunt on your cock!´ Katrina licked her lips. Laura was Gary¶s girlfriend and also a regular here.
Just as she said that small hands reached around and cupped her tits. The sultry redhead was behind her, her own
sizable breasts against Katrina¶s back, breathing into her ear.

³You want another taste?´ Laura whispered. In response Katrina leaned back and kissed Laura passionately, their
tongues sliding slickly against each other. Laura and Gary were high-powered attorneys at a law firm, and the
constant stresses of their jobs always led them down here to relieve themselves. They also managed the paperwork
needed to get the club its various supplies and equipment, keeping it hidden from public scrutiny.

Katrina stood up and walked down the hall, the two following. They passed several rooms, their specialties posted as
silhouetted pictures on the door: a whip, a length of rope, a drop of water, a dog. Katrina pricked her ears when she
passed this room, hearing the sounds of moaning and barking behind the closed door. They were familiar sounds,
once she regularly heard (and took part in with each of her six dogs) at home, so she didn¶t stop to partake in what it

They entered the rooms used for regular fucking. The lights were turned low for a sexual atmosphere, and there were
already several couples and a few small groups engaged in sex. The air was heavy with the smell of sweat and
musk, and the floor was sticky with sperm and cunt juice.

Once inside Laura took charge.

³Over here, skank!´ Grabbing a handful of Katrina¶s silky dark locks Laura dragged her over to a mattress on the floor.
Forcing Katrina to her knees and bending her over so her tits brushed the sticky floor, Laura lay down on the mattress
with her legs spread. Laura was a firm believer in being ³au natural,´ and so kept her pussy unshaven. As a result she
had a wild forest of coarse pubic hair covering her cunt. Thick gobs and streaks of semen were caught within it;
apparently Laura had just gotten out of a gangbang. Laura gripped Katrina¶s head in her hands and pulled her
towards her well-fucked crotch.

³Clean me, you Bollywood whore!´ She thrust Katrina¶s head into her groin, who began licking immediately. The bush
of pubic hair felt rough against the smooth corners of her mouth, leaving smears of cum behind. It tickled her nose,
and strands of it were coming off on her tongue as she licked Laura¶s cunt fervently, moaning joyously at the copious
amount of sperm leaking out.

Gary stood behind her, jerking his cock at the sight of the movie star being treated like a dirty bitch. He knelt down
and leaned forward so that the purple head of his cock rubbed against Katrina¶s moist slit.

³Fuck yeah!´ Katrina cried out, her voice muffled by cunt hair. ³Stick that cock in my cunt and drill the piss out of me!
Fucking do it!´

Gary drove his cock halfway into Katrina¶s cunt, and it seemed to wrap around his thrusting member like a glove. The
walls of her pussy were hot and wet, and he began fucking her in earnest.

Still swabbing Laura¶s pussy with her tongue, Katrina began sawing back to meet his thrusts. It felt so good to have a
real, throbbing penis inside her after so long. The sensations were driving her wild and she was grunting and
moaning like a bitch in heat.

³Fuck! I¶m fucking gonna cum!´ shouted Laura. Her thighs squeezed around Katrina¶s head as she orgasmed loudly,
squirting cunt juice into her mouth and down her chin. Katrina swallowed everything that entered her mouth, including
the pubic hair. Behind her Gary was pumping her cunt furiously, his large hands firmly gripping her slender, well-
toned ass.

By now word was spreading throughout the club that Katrina Kaif had come down to the club, and was engaged in a
hot threesome. Enough time had passed since she¶d last been down; there were many newcomers to the club since
then, and they couldn¶t believe that an actual celebrity, had come to join their debauchery. There was a mini
stampede as men and women came into the room to view the spectacle for their own eyes.

³Holy shit, it IS her!´ One man gaped.

³No way!´ a slender woman with what looked like blonde hair standing next to him said, refusing to believe her eyes.
³It¶s some hooker they got off the street that just looks like Katrina Kaif. It has to be.´

³Trust me, Sasha´ Laura panted, coming down from her orgasmic high. ³This is definitely her. See for yourself.´ She
grabbed Katrina by her hair again, pulled her head up and made her turn to look at the crowd, who gasped and made
noises of awe. ³Tell them your name.´

³I¶m Katrina Kaif.´ Katrina Kaif said to them. Her mouth and chin were shiny with cunt juice and there were a few red
pubic hairs sticking to them.

³look, looking fucking hot ass!´

³Well, I¶ll be fucked!´ Sasha said, awed as she stared at the famous actress' beautiful body lying nude before them.

³Gladly.´ One of the men moved to do so.

³Not you!´ She pushed him away. ³I want to get a piece of that celebrity ass!´

There was a chorus of agreements. ³You¶ll all get your turn with this cunt.´ Laura said, grinning wickedly at the mixed
expression of surprise and apprehension on the star¶s face²apparently she hadn¶t considered getting into a orgy
tonight. Well, tough titties for her! ³But Gary and I found her first, so naturally we have first dibs. She¶s already made
me cum, so now she has to make Gary cum before we pass her around.´

³That¶s not gonna take long,´ Gary said, panting with exertion. His face was red and shiny with sweat as he
jackhammered into Katrina¶s twat. ³Her pussy¶s so fucking wet, she¶s begging for it!´

³Is that so?´ Laura reached down and pinched Katrina¶s left nipple, making her grunt and bite her lip sexily. ³You want
his hot cum in your fuckhole, don¶t you? Tell them how much you want it!´

³Fuck yes!´ Katrina was on the verge of screaming now, incredibly aroused by all the people watching her copulating
shamelessly in front of them. All uncertainty of getting into a full-blown orgy vanished, replaced by the overwhelming
desire to get well and truly fucked before the night ended. ³I want his cum! I want him to shoot a huge fucking load of
thick sperm into my whoring twat! Fucking give it to me, give it to me, GIVE IT TO ME!!´

³Ahhh SHIT!!´ Boiling hot semen bolted through his cock and erupted deep into Katrina¶s snatch. This set off Katrina¶s
climax, and she came loud and long. Her pussy clamped down on Gary¶s cock, milking it for all it was worth as she
threw her head back and let out a near-animalistic scream.

Gary shot the last few squirts into her pussy and had barely withdrawn before being pushed aside by two of the
burlier guys who had watched them. They grabbed her and flipped her over so that she was lying on her back on the
sticky floor. Her ass stood out starkly against the light.

The man at her legs spread them wide and thrust himself inside her in an instant. She was still coming down from her
climax, and the new meat shoved inside her made her cum again.
³You¶re a good rug-muncher,´ said the man kneeling beside her head. ³Let¶s see how good you are with a dick.´ He
pushed his manmeat inside her mouth, muffling her cries of pleasure. She closed her mouth and began sucking in
earnest, swirling her tongue around the shaft. ³Damn, you ARE good,´ he said.

The rest of the group began swarming around the celebrity whore. A few women dropped down and began licking her
body all over, paying extra attention to her large tits and stiff nipples. Other women tried shouldering for a chance,
pawing and groping every inch of her tattooed body. The men stood around, jacking themselves at the sight. Some of
them leaned in and tried rubbing their cocks against her face and hair.

Katrina was in heaven. Hands were all over, massaging and rubbing her smooth skin, while wet tongues were sliding
over her flat stomach and long legs. She could feel warm mouths suckling at her fleshy tits, every so often gently
flicking her nipples with their tongues or nipping them with their teeth. Meanwhile a thick prick was sliding in and out
of her cunt while she sucked on another like a lollypop. Two men took her arms and made her grab their dicks, and
she began jerking them off. There were cocks rubbing against her neck, cheeks, and forehead and she even felt one
or two men take handfuls of her dark hair and wrap them around their dicks while jerking off.

The man in front of her started to push himself forward, his dick sliding deeper into her mouth until the bulbous head
prodded the back of her throat. Katrina had deep-throated cock before, but she didn¶t make a habit of it. Opening her
throat as much as she could, she attempted to swallow the prick in her mouth. Tears came to her eyes as the man
pushed into her throat, making her gag. Not wanting her to pass out, the guy pulled himself out, letting Katrina gasp
for air. Strings of spit drooled out of her mouth as she coughed. She swallowed hard and opened her mouth. ³Again,´
she said.

In half disbelief, he pushed into her mouth again. This time she leaned forward as much as she could and worked the
head of his cock into her throat, letting herself get adjusted as the veins in his dick pulsed on her tongue. She leaned
forward more and managed to get the first inch into her throat before she reached her limit.

³Fuck, she can deep-throat!´ someone shouted, and there was cheers of excitement. The guy in her mouth moved
slowly so that he was gently fucking her mouth. She slobbered and drooled all over it, letting it slide easier into her
throat. Her cheeks and throat were bulging with cockmeat and she was turning red from the effort.

³Fuuuucck!´ The guy in her mouth couldn¶t hold it for too much longer. He grabbed her head as he began cumming,
thick ropes of sperm shooting down her gullet. She pulled back and let him shoot the rest of his load in her mouth,
tasting its salty goodness on her tongue. He pulled out, his dick slapping wetly against her cheek as he did so.
Katrina held her mouth open for a moment so they could see the white semen in her mouth before she swallowed

The two dicks in her hand were next to shoot, and jism rained down on her face, covering her movie-star features. It
splattered on her forehead and cheeks, with a single shot hitting her directly on the nose, before being smeared all
around by the cocks still rubbing her face. Some of it dribbled off her chin and landed wetly on her tits, where it was
licked off greedily by a couple of the women.

Letting out a shout of pleasure, the man pounding her cunt lunged forward and began cumming also, his sperm firing
deep inside her. ³Jeez, I figured she was a whore, but I didn¶t know how much of one,´ he said while pulling out. ³This
is a grade-A piece of ass.´ He slapped his dick on her spermy labia a couple of times to emphasize his point.

³Let¶s see what we can do with it.´ Another guy stepped forward and got her to turn over so that she was on all fours,
with her fantastic ass facing him. He spit on his fingers and rubbed it against her tiny asshole. ³You ever been
assfucked, Katrina?´ He asked.

³Mmm-hmm,´ Katrina made a noise of agreement, her mouth stuffed with cock again.

³Good, µcause I¶m not gonna take it easy on you.´ He positioned himself at the entrance to her butt and pushed
himself in slowly, inch by inch until all of his cock was buried inside her ass. He could hardly believe it if he wasn¶t
feeling it flex around his cock, trying to accommodate its width. It was a tight, snug fit.

³God, you¶re as tight as a virgin! You sure you¶ve had a dick up here?´ Katrina was too busy sucking to answer. Her
ass felt full and itched to begin taking a pounding. Mentally she begged him to start going at her; even go so far as to
move her ass on his dick. He held her in place though, relishing the fact that he was finally going to fulfill his fantasy.
He was in control here.

He ran his hands up her sultry body. Cupping her big tits, he leaned forward until his mouth was against her ear.

³You know, Katrina, you a fucking whore´ He groped her breasts roughly, squeezing handfuls of them and enjoying
the muffled sounds of delight as he continued. His voice to a rough whisper, hands pinching her stiff nipples, and he
said directly into her ear ³«until a boy fucked her ASS!!´

With a heavy grunt he pulled back and began reaming her ass with hard, fierce strokes. Katrina was screaming, at
first in pain at the hot cock stroked deeply into her bowels, but quickly changing to pleasure as lust took her senses
once again. People all around them were jeering, calling her disgusting names and urging the man to fuck her even
harder, to really rip the shit out of her asshole.

He needed no encouragement, thrusting himself deep into her shit-chute before pulling out almost all the way and
pushing back in again. ³Let¶s hear you scream for it, whore!´ He grabbed her mane of hair and pulled her off the cock
she blowing. ³Let¶s hear how much you love it!´

³I FUCKING LOVE IT!´ Katrina shrieked, eyes wide and glazed with pure lust, spit flying out of her mouth, dripping
heavily off her full lips and down her chin. She screamed out to all the people watching her. ³FUCK MY ASS! FUCK

Letting out a roar, the man fucking her ass jetted hot bolts of cum deep in her ass before pulling out and popping her
mouth on his ass-flavored cock. He pumped her mouth a few times, making her taste her own filthy ass on his prick,
while squirting out his last and pushing her away. The rest of the men closed in on her.

For over an hour Katrina Kaif was fucked in all three holes, in as many positions as she could manage. There were
many triple penetrations, times where she felt so tightly full of cock that she couldn¶t stop cumming. Her cunt was
sopping, squirting out juice almost endlessly as she came again and again. Soon her pussy and ass were gaping
open as cocks of all sizes and shapes were shoved inside with ease. Sperm flew all over her, showering her lovely
body, and soon she was plastered in thick cum. Her gorgeous tanned form looked like it had a gallon of silvery-white
dick juice. Heavy drops of goo hung off of her nipples, chin, and nose, and she had to wipe her eyes repeatedly
before it caked them shut. Long white streaks of spunk showed brightly against her dark hair, pasting it to her
forehead and scalp, and making it become tangled and knotted. Cum leaked out of her stretched orifices in
continuous streams, pooling on the floor.

During a pause in the animalistic copulations, Katrina spotted Marcus the bouncer, hanging back against the wall. He
was nude, his long black prick jutting out like a tree branch, but he had apparently decided to wait for the other guys
to have their fill of her. She thought that was sweet of him, and made to call him over. Her throat and mouth were
thickened from all the sperm she had swallowed, and she couldn¶t get out anything but a gurgle and semen bubbled
from her lips. Marcus took the hint, and came forward as she swallowed hard to clear her throat

³You wanna play?´ asked Katrina, her voice still slightly slurred. Marcus nodded, not saying a word. ³Turn around.´
He turned so that his ass was facing her and bent forward slightly on his knees, already knowing what was to come.
She sat up and grabbed each asscheek and spread them. The rank smell of his sweaty, dirty ass hit her nose, and
she would have gagged if she wasn¶t already used to it. She worked her mouth and spit a large wad of saliva and
cum on his asshole before unflinchingly diving in with her tongue.

There was a new stir of commotion as people watched the disgusting spectacle of this beautiful actress rimming a
large black man twice her age. Degrading epithets were tossed at her as she buried her pretty face into his asscrack,
her tongue probing deeper and deeper into the unwashed shithole. Katrina didn¶t like scat, normally, but she loved
being nasty and kinky and doing this always got her hot. The dark, bitter taste of his ass mixed with the salty
aftertaste of cum and she moaned as she dug her tongue in, relishing the filthy flavor in her mouth. Her hands
dropped to her spemy cunt and she began fingering herself.

³Damn, I didn¶t know this bitch could be so nasty!´ someone said. ³Look at her, she¶s getting herself off while eating
out his ass!´

³Give him a rusty trombone!´ There were jeers to this statement, and more debasing names came her way as Katrina
took her hands away from her cunt, pushed them between Marcus¶ legs, and wrapped them around his throbbing
genitals. She began jerking him off roughly while cupping his sweating balls, rolling them between her sticky fingers.
Her tongue swirled and fucked into his ass in an awesome attempt to reach his prostate.

She heard him grunting and cursing loudly, and knew he was going to cum soon. Katrina pulled away and turned him
around before quickly lying back, pulling her legs up and wide so that her cum-dripping ass gaped at him. Marcus
thrust his hot cock deep in her well-fucked shithole and they rutted like beasts, both shouting obscenities at each
other before Marcus exploded a hot load deep into her bowels. Katrina came hard at the feeling, her juices spraying
over his thrusting pelvis.

At this point the women took over, nearly tackling her in their frenzy. They intended to be especially rough with her;
after seeing her on the big screen becoming the sexual fantasy of their husbands and boyfriends, they wanted to get
back at her by teaching the cockteasing bitch a hard lesson. Seeing Katrina Kaif debase herself for the last hour,
acting like the lowest gutter whore in front of them and reveling in it, made this desire even stronger. Four women
held her arms and legs down while the rest of them crowded around. Laura, the sultry redhead who had made
Katrina eat her out and had hung back watching while her friend was used as a cock-socket, straddled her.

³God, you¶re disgusting,´ she said by way of greeting. ³Look at you, covered in cum and the taste of ass in your
mouth.´ She grabbed two handfuls of Katrina Kaif¶s fleshy tits, which were slippery and slimy with seed. ³Your jugs
are fucking covered in jizz, I can barely hold them. You¶re nothing but a cum rag, aren¶t you?´ She gripped Katrina¶s
tits in her hands and pulled them, causing Katrina to thrash wildly, screaming in half-pain, half-pleasure. ³Aren¶t

³Yes, yes, I¶m a filthy fucking cum rag!´ Katrina panted out. Her breasts felt like they were swollen and throbbing
under Laura¶s rough hold, and she was sure they were turning a harsh red under the covering of sperm.

³Much better,´ said Laura, and pulled her up by her tits to kiss Katrina lustily, forcing her tongue into Katrina¶s mouth.
She tasted Marcus¶ ass and pulled away, wearing a look of mock-disgust. ³You taste like shit, you fucking twat!´ She
slapped Katrina across the face, the slap making a wet sound as it hit the mask of semen. The women let out jeers of
derision. ³How can anyone want to make out with an ass-eating cum slut like you? Take the nasty taste of ass back!´
And with that she hawked and spit a large wad into Katrina¶s face, which ran down the side of her nose.

³I¶ve had enough of this bitch,´ Laura announced. ³She¶s all yours, ladies.´ The women cheered as Laura got off
Katrina, only to be replaced by a short-haired woman who nearly sat of Katrina¶s face and demanded Katrina to eat
her cunt. Meanwhile, a few others had broken out dildos and strap-ons from the toy closets and were choosing which
girl would get to fuck her first.

For yet another hour Katrina was made to eat out the cunts of dozens of women, and she did her best to bring them
to climax. Her mouth and tongue were really getting a workout as she sucked hard on their clits and licked deep into
their creaming fuckholes, eating everything that came out, and she lost track of how many women she had tasted. At
the same time, she was mercilessly being plowed in the ass and cunt by huge sex toys. At one point they made her
get on her hands and knees, pounding her as hard as they could while screaming that Katrina was a twat-sucking
bitch, a good-for-nothing cockwhore, and so on.
The women didn¶t bother too much with licking the sperm off Katrina¶s body, as they felt it was an appropriate look for
a whore like her. They slapped her ass as hard as they could with each thrust, making Katrina's ass turn red and
become sore. They also molested her large tits fiercely, slapping and squeezing Katrina's bouncing jugs, as well as
pulling hard on her nipples as they fucked her stupid. Many of them fucking her from behind also grabbed her cum-
knotted hair and pulled it back hard while the women in front spat in her face as Laura did, letting their envy show
through. Soon Katrina¶s face was soaking with spit over the drying mask of seed.

Rather than be turned off, Katrina was cumming furiously at the treatment; in all the lesbian porn she had watched,
the rough stuff had really set her off. The sight of beautiful, glamorous women being treated like pieces of meat by
others of their kind got her juices flowing, and the fact that she was now taking part in it sent her quim spasming
again and again, her moans vibrating into the pussies she was made to eat.

Katrina felt hands pushing her down on her back and was then presented with a full, rounded ass in her face. The
women Sasha, who had initially disbelieved that Katrina Kaif could be so depraved, was squatting over Katrina¶s face.
Her hands were spreading her asscheeks apart, showing off her flexing brown hole. It looked like it was on the verge
of leaking semen.

³I just got fucked in the ass by four guys while they were watching you get put in your place,´ Sasha hissed. ³They
want to see you eat the cum out of my ass. Here it comes, skank!´

Sasha¶s ass flexed, and long strings of cum dribbled out of her shithole. Katrina held her mouth open, tongue out to
catch the falling drops. Semen fell onto her tongue and she swallowed it as it leaked out from the ass above her. It
seemed to stop, but Sasha grunted and strained, her asshole opening and closing a few times before several more
drops, tanned from being inside Sasha, fell into Katrina¶s waiting mouth. Sasha lowered herself so that she was
practically sitting on Katrina¶s face and said, ³Make damn sure you got it all!´

Katrina drove her tongue into Sasha¶s ass, digging out the last few pockets of sperm still buried within. Sasha
moaned loudly at the feel of the celebrity¶s expert tongue swabbing her ass, and cursed as she climaxed, sending
juices over Katrina¶s neck and chest.

³Shit, that was pretty good, whore,´ she said as she got off and looked down at Katrina, giving the star a good look at
her. Sasha looked young and was of medium height, somewhat skinny but with noticeable curves, and had been to
the tanning salon regularly as she was almost as dark as Katrina. Her most distinctive feature was her hair: it hung
straight and shiny down her back and looked to be a natural chestnut brown, yet had so many golden streaks running
through it that it looked blonde at some angles. She also had small, perky breasts and, Katrina noticed for the first
time, a shaved twat.

Sasha noticed Katrina looking, and laughed. ³What, skank, didn¶t get enough of my pussy already?´ she asked.
Apparently she had been one of the many women who had made Katrina eat her out. ³I can give you another taste, if
you want.´

³Yes please,´ Katrina replied eagerly, then gasped as a particularly hard thrust penetrated her ass for the umpteenth
time. She wondered dimly how swollen and gaping her genitals would be after she left.

Sasha lowered herself down on Katrina, and she licked at the shaved twat, running it over and over again on her
labia before tongue-fucking her. Sasha didn¶t take too long to cum again, and Katrina sucked and relished her juices
as they flowed into her mouth.

³Good enough,´ said Sasha, and without warning she reached over and slapped Katrina directly on the clit. Despite
all the fucking she had done, this sharp sensation was enough to trigger a last long, hard climax. Katrina shuddered
and groaned as she came, and then lay back exhausted.

Sensing her fatigue, Sasha made the other women release the fucked-out star and then, surprisingly, helped Katrina
to her feet. She was wobbly, her legs bowlegged and her arms worn out, but still managed a smile and half-wave at
the standing ovation she received from all her ³fans´.

Sasha helped Katrina back to the bar in the main room. ³Kayla, get us a pitcher of ice-cold beer on me, she definitely
earned it,´ she called to the bartender. Kayla, who had already taken advantage of Katrina¶s oral skills, agreed and
got them the pitcher while Sasha and Katrina sat down at a booth. Katrina could barely sit still, as her ass and pussy
felt raw from all the cocks she had taken and streams of cum were still dribbling out from the stretched holes. She
reeked of sex, the sperm drying into a layer all over her body, and her hair was still knotted from all the sperm within

Sasha and Katrina got to talking as they drained the pitcher of beer and got another. Sasha, surprisingly, was a
college student at the university just outside the city. She had come down to the club almost six months ago with a
few of her sorority sisters on a dare and immediately became hooked by all they had to offer. Since then she came
down at least once a month, fucking her brains out between exams and papers. Sasha was a born slut, she
proclaimed, and always willing to try and do anything. She got to talking about some of the kinkier things she had
done and Katrina, though her pussy was still sore, could feel herself getting turned on as Sasha described in
perverse detail what she had done last month in the Dog Room. Sasha grinned as Katrina said that was no stranger
to bestiality, as she owned six dogs that usually satisfied her when she couldn¶t get away from Hollywood. Sasha
leaned forward and said in low tones ³If you¶re interested there¶s a little farm outside the city, not too far from the
college, where they have more than just dogs«´

Before she could continue they were joined by Gary, Laura, and the guy who had first fucked her ass that evening,
who introduced himself as Tom. Tom worked in the adult bookstore above and could get in the club for a discounted
price. Even though he had already reamed the movie star hard in her butt, he was still somewhat thrown by her
beauty and couldn¶t help staring at her cum-dried body.

They ordered another pitcher of beer as the five of them talked and laughed like old friends. Katrina looked at the
clock and saw it was around 2:30 A.M. Though she was tired and needed to shower and go home, she wanted to
satisfy one last kink before she called it a night. She felt buzzed by all the beer she had drank, and the pressure on
her bladder brought an idea to her drunken mind.

She rose from the booth and cracked several stiff muscles before announcing to the group, ³I¶m going to go take a
piss.´ The bathrooms were near the bar behind her. However, she turned and walked straight past them, going down
the hall of doors instead. The four of them watched her go and looked at each other for a moment before quickly
rising and following.

The heavy smell of urine hit Katrina¶s nose as she stopped outside the door labeled with a drop of water sign and
pushed it open. The room was made to look like a wide, dingy bathroom: the lights above were a harsh yellow, the
walls were cracked ceramic tiles with profane graffiti on them, and the floor was dirty and marked with large puddles
of piss everywhere. A row of toilets lined up against one wall while a row of urinals took up the opposite wall. Only a
few people were in their at this point, urinating on each other¶s bodies when the celebrity walked in, followed by her

Nobody said a word as Katrina Kaif stepped into the room, her bare feet splashing as she deliberately walked through
several puddles of urine before choosing a dry spot on the floor and squatting down, legs spread wide and hands on
her knees. She looked at her audience and smiled brightly before closing her eyes and letting a torrent of steaming
hot piss flow from her cunt onto the floor. It felt good after all the cocks she had taken in, and she didn¶t bother aiming
it in any direction, not that it would have mattered because her pussy was still stretched out. It gushed sloppily from
between her legs, splashing against the inside of the thighs and splattering all over the floor beneath her, some of it
getting on her feet. She pissed for nearly a full minute before the heavy flow lessened to a small stream. Cupping her
hands against her crotch to catch the rest of her piss, she quickly raised it to her lips and slurped up her piss, holding
it in her mouth before gulping it down. She wiped her cuntlips with her fingers and licked them off before sighing
pleasurably and sitting down with a splash in the pool of her own warm piss, legs splayed out lewdly.

There was silence. Tom couldn¶t believe how filthy this gorgeous girl really was. ³So you liked being gangbanged
AND piss?´

³Hell yeah!´ Katrina responded. ³I love doing a lot of things, but watersports are one of my favorites. Don¶t like shit,
though«too messy for my tastes.´ She looked at her enraptured audience. ³C¶mon people, don¶t just stand there
gaping,´ she said to everyone. ³Give me a load of your hot piss! I need to clean off my filthy body anyway. Piss on

Several people came forward and let loose streams of amber fluid spraying over the depraved beauty. Katrina leaned
back and rubbed her cunt with one hand, the other softly squeezing her tits, as yellow juices rained down on her.
Laura and Sasha went to get more people as Tom and Gary came forward to let loose their full bladders all over
Katrina. Gary let his stream flow over Katrina¶s head, trickling urine down her face and soaking her hair. Tom, feeling
braver, pointed his penis towards Katrina¶s mouth. Katrina took his softening prick inside and looked at Tom to relieve
himself inside her mouth. With only a moment¶s hesitation, Tom let go, his piss streaming into the Hollywood star¶s
throat. Katrina was moaning as she tasted the bitter fluid on her tongue and swallowed it noisily.

"Your piss tastes so good!" she said with a sexy smile. "Almost as good as my own!"

By now Laura and Sasha had gathered more people and they stood in a circle, pointing their cocks and cunts at
Katrina and pissing thick golden streams on her gorgeous body. Urine splashed over her fat tits, soaking them and
dripping from her nipples. Piss was aimed at her sore anus and vagina, and the hot sensations on the sensitive areas
made her squirm with excitement. A lot of piss was aimed at her face, drenching it and giving her pretty looks a shade
of near-yellow. She kept her mouth open as an easy target, and urine filled it repeatedly, letting it overflow onto her
chin and down her chest before swallowing mouthful after mouthful wantonly as more people came up to relieve
themselves on her, calling her a toilet whore and a cum-sucking, piss-drinking skank.

Katrina writhed under the hot shower of piss, her hands moving all over her body as though she was taking a bath.
She scrubbed away the dried cum on her body and rubbed the liquid waste into her skin, even going so far as to
massage her scalp with it while untangling her cum-knotted hair. Pretty soon most of the cum was gone and Katrina
Kaif lay on the dirty ³bathroom´ floor, her body shining with a coat of piss and her hair slick and soaking. She looked
like her gorgeous self²just after taking a swim in a urinal.

A man knelt down in front of her and pushed his half-stiff prick inside her pussy. She expected him to start fucking
her, and was doubly surprised when he instead began pissing into her cunt. The feeling of heat was too much for
Katrina and she came around his pissing cock.

³Do it again!´ she begged as he finished. Another man dropped down before her, but instead of pissing inside her
twat, raised her legs up so that her ass winked at him, inserted himself, and started giving Katrina a piss enema.
Katrina was gasping and moaning at the sensation. While she had done watersports before, this was something else
altogether, and it felt incredible. ³Yes! More, more!´ she cried out. Two other men came forward and added their own
waste fluids within Katrina¶s bowels. Her ass felt full and she could tell some of it was leaking out already, yet she
clenched it shut, wanting to keep in the dirty liquid as long as possible. Laura and Sasha, who were watching the
whole thing but had not pissed yet, were whispering to each other. Laura seemed to disagree about something,
shaking her head as Sasha whispered. Finally Sasha shrugged, apparently giving up.

³How does it feel, Katrina?´ asked Sasha, laughing as Katrina strained to keep her butthole shut.

³It feels fucking fantastic!´ Katrina breathed, rocking back and forth slightly so she could feel the urine moving in her.

³Make sure you hold it in for us, Katrina, Laura and I have to piss now,´ Sasha said as the two women stepped up.
³Open wide, Katrina, and have a drink on us!´

The two women sprayed Katrina down with their own gushing torrents of urine, aiming for her heaving tits first before
splattering her face. They were as sloppy as Katrina had been with her own piss; yet they deliberately made sure
they were hosing her all over. Some of it got into her nose, and Katrina coughed hard, her coughs turning into
squeals as Laura managed to get a spray into her eye. There was laughter as Katrina sputtered and struggled to
keep her ass from letting the enema of urine out too soon. Finally the deluge of urine stopped, and Katrina Kaif sat
there looking like a piss-drowned rat.

³You can let go of the piss in your ass now, Katrina,´ Sasha said, after giving Laura a final look and seeing the
redhead shaker her head. She gesturing to one of the toilets.

Katrina decided to one up her, though, and moved so that she was squatting again, her knees to her chest and her
back shining wet against the light. Katrina relaxed her colon, and a rush of rank dark-yellow urine rushed out of her
shithole and onto the floor Katrina groaned in relief. The flow tapered off, and Katrina leaned up against the wall. She
then worked each finger of her right hand into her ass until half of her hand was inside her butt, to the stunned looks
of her audience. Looking at all of them, Katrina slowly fisted her own ass for a few minutes before withdrawing her
hand and licking it clean of her filth. She slumped against the wall, grinning at them. The men who had been watching
this spectacle grunted as they whacked off, their loads landing on the walls and floor next to Katrina. Katrina swiped
some off the floor with her finger and sucked on it in her mouth.

³Wow, Katrina´ Sasha finally said, still a little awed by what she¶d seen. ³I didn¶t think you¶d actually do something like
that! I mean, I wanted you to get butt-fucked with the piss in your ass, but Laura said you¶d be too exhausted from
everything to do it. This, though«´ She shook her head. ³That was nasty and incredible all at once.´

³Apparently Ms. Kaif wants one more shower before she calls it a night.´

³Uh-huh,´ Katrina moaned, her eyes fixated on the pitcher. ³Drench me, go on and do it.´ who let out her loudest,
longest scream of the night as she came wildly as Her hand blurred over her cunt as she continued to cum hard, her
body thrashing and her juices squirting out all over their feet. Her asshole clenched on her fisting hand tight, and for a
few moments looked like it was jammed deep inside her butt before popping loose. The downpour of filthy enema
water ended fairly quickly, and Katrina eventually came to the end of her climax, gasping heavily and shuddering in
the afterglow. There was a final round of applause for the famous movie star, who had proved to them in a single
night just how filthy she could be when the cameras were turned off.

It was past 3:00 in the morning. Sasha and Laura got Katrina to the real showers, where they gently helped clean her
off. Now cleaned and dry, Katrina took her things and got a ride from Sasha back to the hotel where Katrina was
staying. As she bid her new friend goodnight, Sasha reached into the pocket of her denims and pulled out a card.
She wrote something down on it and gave it to Katrina.

³This is the number of the sorority house I¶m in,´ she said. ³Just ask for Sasha, I¶m usually available all night!´ She
winked, and the two laughed at that. ³Also, if you¶re still ³interested´ in animals, give me a ring and we¶ll go out to the
farm together. Directions to get there are on the front, in case you want to check it out for yourself.´

Katrina turned the card over. It was white and had a small list of directions on it. Next to it was the silhouetted picture
of a horse.

Katrina grinned wickedly at her friend and raised her eyebrows. ³How about next week?´

The End«?
I stood my distance as I watched Priyanka Chopra making her way home from the grocery shops. It was late and
unusually dark for this time of night. Priyanka had gone to the local grocery shops, which was a couple of minutes
away from her house. She wore a white shirt that was buttoned up and a short black skirt. She had flip flops on and
her hair in her usual style.

Me and my friends, Ajay and Karan, moved into Juhu, near the beach. Main reason for this was so we could drool
over all the hot chicks in wet tops. One day I noticed Priyanka Chopra walking along the beach with her shoes in her
hands and remembered from MTV news that she own a beach house, so naturally I followed her to see that she
didn't live too far away from me. Since then I've been drooling over her and remembering back to the days, when I
use to jerk off to her.

Ajay and Karan kept telling me to talk to her, but I could never build up the courage to talk to her. Ajay came up with a
plan for me to meet her. It was bizarre and I said no straight away but after a month of watching her and feeling like a
stalker, which is pretty much what I was doing, I decided to go with Ajay's plan.

Priyanka Chopra walked along the sidewalk that lead up towards the beach, she held a paper grocery bag in one
hand and her hand bag in the other. Two guys approached her from behind. It was Ajay and Karan, they were
dressed in black, with black masks on, the kind that bank robbers wear. The plan was for them to rob her and then
when they see who she is, they decide to rape her. But before they can do anything, I come in as the knight in shining
armour and save her, which finally allows me to meet her. Like I said, not the best of plans, but I was desperate to
meet her.

Karan snatched her hand bag out of her hand. "Let's see how much money we have here!"

"Please! Just give me my hand bag back. You can take whatever money I have." Karan opened the hand bag.

"12,000! Fucking sweet!" He said pocketing the money. "You know what? I think my girlfriend would like this hand
bag a lot."

"No! It was a gift from my mom." She protested.

"Wait a second!" Ajay said. "Aren't you Priyanka Chopra?"

"Yeah she is." Karan said, not looking up, still going through her handbag. "There's no mistaking those tits!" He said
grabbing one. Priyanka Chopra slapped his hand away and he went back to looking in her hand bag.
"I get it all the time." She said uncomfortably.

"Really!" Ajay said. "You must get your pick of the hunkiest guys."

"If that's true." Karan said pulling something out of her handbag. "Why does your driver licence say 'Priyanka
Chopra?' You lying to us?" Priyanka Chopra looked down.

"You know what she should get for lying to us? A spanking!" Ajay said. "Now pull up your skirt!" He said to her,
changing his tone from joking to serious.

"I'm sorry." Priyanka Chopra replied getting scared. "I didn't mean to. Let me make it up to you."

"You can make it up to us alright." Karan nodded his head. "By giving us some pussy!." I started to approach them
and Priyanka Chopra tried to run away from them but Ajay grabbed her hair and she let out a scream, dropping her
groceries. Which was the cue for our rehearsed ass kicking.

I pulled Ajay off her hair and kicked him on the back of his legs which made him buckle and fall to his knees. Karan
pushed me back as they both ran off.

"Fucking cowards!" I yelled at them. "Can pick on an innocent woman, but when it comes to going up against a man,
they're wimps." I turned around and looked at her. "You ok?"

"Yes. Thanks to you!" She said hugging me. I hugged her back, feeling her huge tits pressed against my chest. She
broke the hug, squatted down and started to pick her groceries up off the floor. I squatted down and helped her,
putting her stuff into the paper bag. It was mainly fruit and veg.

"A vegetarian?" I asked. She looked at me and smiled.

"not really" She replied. I looked down and noticed her legs were spread apart. If it was daytime or if there was any
light, I'd probably be able to see up her skirt. We both stood up and I noticed her hand bag on the floor. Karan
must've dropped it. I picked it up.

"I think this is yours." I said handing it to her and she put her arm through and had the straps resting on her shoulder.
"I'm Krish by the way." I extended my hand.

"Priyanka." She smiled as she shook my hand.

"Here. Gimme that." I said taking the grocery bag off her. "I'll walk you to your place. You know, keep anyone else
who tries to rob you away."

"Thanks! I really appreciate that." She said, holding me by my arm.

"So what are you doing out this late?" I asked.

"I felt bored and cooped up at home, so I decided to do some grocery shopping, get it out the way with so I can spend
all day tomorrow working."

"You sure you're fine?" I asked again.

"Yeah, that's my house over there." She pointed at her house near the beach as we approached it. I walked her up to
her door. "I don't feel very safe. Those guys could come back. You think you could hang around for a bit, if you have
nothing else to do."
"Sure!" I replied as we entered her house.

"Shoes!" She said pointing at my shoes, as she stepped out of her flip flops and left them near the door way. "So
where's other people in your home" I asked.

"Who else" She replied as we entered the kitchen.

"You're Priyanka Chopra. You're living alone" I set the bag down on the counter.

"My servents left early today."

This right now, is some quality, alone time with Priyanka." She answered my question. "I take it your a fan?" She said
taking the groceries out of the bag.


"A fan of my acting or a fan of me?"

"I have everything you've done that's available on DVD." I replied.

"Because I have good performances or because I wear less clothes?"

"A bit of the first, a lot of the second." I replied honestly.

"Honesty! I like that!" She smiled. She led me to the living room area and sat on the sofa, sitting on one leg. I took a
seat beside her. "How old are you?"

"23." I replied.

"too young"

"Maybe the first time you were on the Miss India Contest, but you were a big deal at my college, every guy fantasized
about you including the teachers. I think everyone jerked off to you."

"Did you?" She asked looking into my eyes. I got a little embarrassed, but then thought that talk of sex could lead to
sex. Or maybe not, but I was hoping it would.

"You helped me into manhood." I replied.

"Ahhh! I'm so glad I could help." She said leaning forward giving me a quick kiss on the lips. I wasn't sure if she was
making a move or if she was overly friendly. "What about the video?"

"I didn't see that until a couple of years ago. Me and my friends tried our best to find it when we were in college. Back
then the internet wasn't as big as it is now and we didn't have a computer amongst us."

"You jerk off to it when you finally saw it?"

"Not really. It was kind of disappointing. It had shaky camera work but it was home made and as far as home made
goes, it was pretty descent. Not up there with proper made porn but definitely better than Lara Dutta's."

"Yeah, hers was shit." Priyanka commented. She sat there, it looked like she was thinking about something. "I've
never really talked to a fan like this before. Usually I get obnoxious guys tell me I'm hot and that they loved my sex
videos and when I'm doing the next and if they can be in it." There was a moment of silence. "What do you think
about when you jerk off to me?"
"What do I...? I... er... sex?" I felt like I was asking her a question instead of giving an answer.

"So you don't just think, 'Oh yeah! Priyanka Chopra's tits.'" She mimicked with her hand, as if she was a guy jerking

"Sometimes." I replied. "Like having my dick in between your tits and just fucking them."

"That's hot." She commented. "What else?"

"Doggy style sex, blowjob, hand job, foot job, anal sex..."

"Anal sex?" She wrinkled her nose.

"Yeah! More than anything else. You have an incredible ass. I like to imagine my cock jammed all the way up your
ass." I added more detail in then I needed to.

"Well... I am very hot. I can understand that." She said. "Foot job? Do you have like a foot fetish?"

"Not really a hardcore foot fetish. I just like feet that look nice and... sexy."

"You think my feet are sexy?"

"Yeah!" I replied.

"Here!" She spun around to face me, placing her feet on my lap. She wriggled her toes around on top of my cock.
"Massage my feet." She said. I don't think that she knew, that she was wriggling her toes around on my cock and
turning me on. "Most guys are always really into my tits. You're the first guy who's said very little about them and is
into everything else!" She said. "And I like that!"

I picked up one foot and started to press my thumb onto the balls of her foot, just below her toes. My boner was
growing and I was starting to get nervous that it was gonna show.

"I've never given a foot job before." Priyanka stated. "All this talk about you fucking my tits and ass is getting me
horny too." I worked my thumbs up and down the soles of her foot and rubbing the heel.

"Too?" I said realising what she just said.

"Too." She said rubbing my cock through my pants with her feet. "That's quite a massive hard on you got there. Are
you imagining my feet losing their virginity to your cock?"

"You're just turning me on." I confessed.

"Let me give you a little relief. Take your dick out! I was shocked at what she had just asked me to do.

"Take my dick out?" I repeated. "Didn't you have a boy friend?"

"Oh come on" She said, still rubbing my cock with her foot. "You think he's not cheating on me right now? I know he
does it all the time and he knows I do it too whenever I get horny and need a dick, but at the end of the day we
always come home to one another. So it's all good. A win win situation for everyone, especially you. Having the
woman you grew up jerking off to jerk you off." I didn't say anything else, I started to quickly undo by belt and zipper.
My thick cock sprang to life, already near it's full hardness.

"A thick one!" Priyanka said rubbing the sole of her left foot along my shaft, while I carried on massaging her right foot
that rested on my knees. Priyanka leaned forward and licked my cock, instantly causing pre-cum to ooze out. "My
penis karma is still as good as ever!" She said, moving her hair to one side to give me a better view of her face,
leaning forward and kissing my cock head, getting my pre-cum all over her lips. She pouted her lips like she was
kissing, showing me the traces of my cum on her lips. She than licked her lips, taking in my pre-cum.

"Only one way to get more of that." Priyanka said putting her mouth over my large cock head, working her lips up and
down the head. I tried to carry on massaging her foot to take the focus of the fact that I had Priyanka Chopra sucking
my cock, but she just pushed me back onto the seat by my chest. "Relax. It's your turn first. We'll get to me once you
cum." She said before wrapping her lips around my cock head. She worked her lips up and down my shaft, only going
half way down, pushing my cock up and down her wet tongue.

Priyanka took my cock out of her mouth and started to jerk me off with her hand. I was getting very turned on. I felt
like I was gonna cum soon from having the women that I jerked off to more than any other woman jerking me off.
Priyanka grabbed her foot that was on my knees with her free hand and bought it up to my cock. The soft soles of her
foot touched my fore skin as she used her hand to rub the sole of her foot up and down one side of my cock.

"You like that Krish? You like the way my foot fucks your dick? Losing it's virginity with every stroke." She moaned out
loud as she carried on rubbing the sole up and down my cock. She moved her foot away from my cock with her hand,
then leaned forward and started to suck the end again, licking up the mass amount of pre-cum that had leaked out.

"Sorry Krish. But your cock just tastes too good!" She said licking her lips as she used her hand to rub her foot up and
down the side of my cock again. "Let me see if I can reach." Priyanka said and leaned forward, placing her warm
mouth over my cock head as she continued to stroke my shaft with her foot.

"Mmm... Mmm..." Priyanka moaned as she worked her lips and foot up and down my shaft. "She pulled her mouth off
and lay her foot that she was jerking me off with flat and spat on it. She held my cock with her other hand and rubbed
her saliva around the sole of her foot with my member.

"That's better!" Priyanka said, taking my cock back into her mouth and rubbing her foot up and down the side of my
shaft with her hand. The double assault that she was laying on my cock was getting to be way too much and I knew it
was a matter of seconds before I came.

"Look at the way your huge dick is throbbing!" Priyanka said taking her mouth off my cock, but keeping her lips just
inches above my pole. "Is it gonna cum for me?" She said in a very sexy voice, her hot breath hitting the tip of my
cock. This was way too much and I felt my cum start to get pushed up. Priyanka could feel it coming and stroked my
cock even faster with her foot, leaving her mouth wide open. Priyanka quickly grabbed my cock with her free hand
and held her foot in place at the base of my cock with the other.

"Shiiiiit!" I yelled as my first load shot up into her mouth. Priyanka closed her mouth catching it and savouring the
taste and then quickly opened her mouth letting it flow out on to the sole of her foot as the second load shot into her
mouth. Again she closed her mouth and then opened it, letting my cum flow out of her mouth and on to her foot. She
did the same thing on the next two loads and swallowed the fifth as my cock stopped shooting the loads out with
force and just pushed it out, letting it flow down the side of my cock.

"Mmm..." Priyanka moaned as she closed her mouth, looking at me and looking like she was chewing my cum before
swallowing. "Mmm... more!" She said leaning forward, licking up the sole of her foot, taking in as much into her mouth
as she could. She licked up the sole of her foot again, pushing a thick glob of cum up and on to her big toe. Priyanka
put her mouth over her big toe, sucking my cum off it. She started to lick around her toes, getting any cum that she
had around there and once she was done she sat back up.

"Oh my God!" She said stroking my cock. "Your dick is still huge! It hasn't shrunk or anything. A little soft but nothing
that a little sucking can't fix." My cock was almost at full length even though I had already cum, something that never
really happen, but I think it's because I'm with Priyanka Chopra, that's why my cock's not shrinking.
"Your turn now" I said. "First take off your clothes." Priyanka stood up and pulled her skirt down, revealing a tiny pink
thong. She pulled her top off over her head to show she had no bra on. I quickly yanked my pants and boxers down
and I started to stroke my cock as I watched Priyanka strip off. She turned her back to me, put her thumbs under the
waist band of her thong, looked back at me with a cheeky smile and started to slowly pull her thong down, slowly
bending over as she pulled them down to the back off her knees. Her round ass stuck out, showing off her tight little
ass hole. She let her thong fall to the floor and stepped out of them.

I started to feel my cock growing harder as I started to stroke myself faster. The site of her gorgeous, tanned butt was
starting to make my mouth water. I leaned forward pulling her ass towards my mouth. Priyanka let out a little giggle
as she got caught by surprise. I pushed my tongue out, licking her ass hole. I spread round ass cheeks apart as I
pushed my tongue into her tight hole.

"Ooh! man!" Priyanka said. I slid my tongue down her ass crack, down towards her pussy. Her legs were together so
her pussy lips were clamped together. I started to lick her pussy lips, Priyanka started to slowly part her legs. I started
to push my tongue into her moist hole, causing her to moan as I forced more of my tongue into her. I started to push
my tongue in and out of her pussy, getting faster every time I pushed my tongue into her woman hood.

Priyanka was starting to get louder and louder, her legs trembling as the signs of her orgasm were coming. She was
getting really wet, her juices flowing into my mouth. I wrapped my arms around her tiny little waist and reached down
to her the top of her pussy and started to rub her clit. Priyanka started to grind her hips back and fourth, pushing her
ass back forcing my tongue deeper into her cunt.

She was soon coming close to her orgasm, her pussy started to twitch around my tongue faster and faster. By now I
was back to full hardness and decided I needed to feel her pussy around my shaft. So I picked her up and quickly
slammed her down onto the couch on her front, I landed on top of her and quickly reached down and pushed my cock
into her wet cunt. I wrapped my arms around her tiny waist, pressing my body down onto hers. My head was at the
side of hers.

"Arrrgghhhh! God!" She screamed as I thrust my full length into her tight pussy in one hard and fast thrust and I could
feel her pussy start to twitch around my cock again instantly. I quickly pulled back and thrust into her, going into a fast
pace instantly. "Shit! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" Priyanka was screaming at the top of her lungs now as I rammed into her,
hard, from behind. I felt her pussy contract around my shaft fast and then her pussy just tightened around my shaft
hard as she came to a screaming climax. I slowed down my thrusts as her hips shaked and bucked underneath me.

"Fuck!" Priyanka moaned and then laughed. "That was so good!" she said, turning her head to face me and then
kissed my top lip. I sucked her bottom lip. I was pushing into her slower with every thrust until I stopped. "Let me taste
my pussy." Priyanka said. I got of her and stood beside her head. She opened her mouth and looked up at me as she
moved her head forward taking my cum covered cock into her mouth.

"Mmm..." She moaned out loud, closing her eyes as she tasted her own cum on my cock. She started to bob her
head back and fourth, working her mouth more than half way down my shaft, not using her hands. Priyanka took her
mouth off my cock and stood up. I still had my sweat shirt on and she grabbed it at the bottom and pulled it up, over
my head.

"Look at this gorgeous body of yours!" She complimented me, even though I didn't really have a great body. I had a
big build, not fat, but not a skinny guy or someone with ripped muscles. She started to kiss my chest circling around
my nipple with her tongue. I pulled her away from my nipple and kissed her, she pushed her tongue into my mouth
and it tasted like a mixture of her cum and a little salty from my cum, but I didn?t care. I sucked at her tongue hungrily
until she broke the kiss.

Priyanka turned around and walked into her bedroom, I followed her in. She turned around to face me as I looked
around. I noticed a purple dildo on the side of her bed and she caught me looking at it.

"That's no where near as good as the real thing!" She said. I walked over to her and started to kiss her. She jumped
up and wrapped her legs around my body. I could feel her heels on my butt cheeks, and one of them felt wet,
probably from when she spat my cum out onto her foot. I placed her down onto the bed, reached down and guided
my dick into her cunt. I wrapped my arms around her, dropping my weight on top off her. Her tits were huge and I
could feel her big erect nipples poking into my chest.

I started to thrust into her as fast as I could, knowing full well that it was gonna take me a long time to cum again, so I
didn't need to worry about cumming too quickly. I had seen her sex videos and I felt like I had a lot to compete with. I
had a big dick, so that was one point to my advantage and although we had been at it longer than her any of her sex
video, it was all foreplay, Now I had to prove myself while I was deep inside her.

"You like that tight pussy?" Priyanka asked.

"Yeah!" I moaned as I carried on thrusting into her, realising just how tight she was considering all the big dicks that
she's had. I positioned myself onto my knees and then sat up, placing her legs, one on each shoulder and then
leaned forward again, locking our lips together. She moaned into my mouth loud and was breathing hard, from being
rolled up. I carried on thrusting into her and I was surprised at how long it took for her to break the kiss and try and
get some air.

Priyanka was wriggling around underneath me, and managed to reposition her legs and get the soles of her feet
resting on my shoulders. The foot that I had cum on earlier on, felt a little dry, probably from my cum drying and
leaving that dry skin feeling. As I continued to thrust in and out of her tight hole, Priyanka carried on screaming with
every thrust. The longer we continued, the more we started to perspire and I could feel her foot getting wet, the sweat
of my shoulders was staring to get the sole of her foot moist.

I pulled myself back, kneeling in between her legs, not leaving her cunt. I moved her feet off my shoulder realising
that our sweat was starting to give my cum that had dried on her foot moisture. I carried on thrusting into her,
watching her huge tits bouncing up and down, hitting her on the chin. She giggled at first and then after her tits hit her
on the chin a few more times, she put her arm around her chest holding them into place. Priyanka placed the soles of
her feet on my chest and wriggled her toes around, playing with my nipples with her toes.

"Do my feet look sexy?" Priyanka asked.

"Yeah!" I said picking up the foot that I didn't cum on and bought it up to my mouth. I sucked on her big toe as I thrust
my hips back and fourth, gently biting her toe. I started to circle around her toes, taking her toes in my mouth one by
one, circling my tongue around the heads of her toe as I sucked hard on them.

Priyanka pulled her foot away from my mouth, placed one on each thigh and used her feet to push herself up and off
my cock. She pushed herself about a foot up the bed and sat up.

"We need to keep that cock of yours hard!" She said leaning forward and taking my cock into her mouth. I was
surprised at how flexible she was. If she wanted to give herself head, she'd definitely be able to do it. She worked her
lips up and down my shaft. She was going so fast my dick ached to cum. She just stopped and lay back down.

"A little more feet action." She said placing her foot on my lap as I was still on my knees. She sandwiched my cock in
between her feet and started to gently stroke up and down my shaft with the balls just under her toes. She already
knew what turned me on and was using it to keep me rock hard. She teased my cock, gently working her feet along
my shaft.

"You like it when I caress your cock with my feet?" Priyanka asked and I just moaned. "You want me to fuck your dick
with my feet faster?" She asked getting faster with every stroke without me even giving her an answer. "Yeah! Your
dick feels so good against me toes! Throbbing so hard, pulsing in between my feet." She was moaning in a very sexy
tone, getting faster with every stroke.

"Oh GOD!" She was moaning like having my cock sandwiched in between her feet was causing her pleasure. Her
moaning was getting me even harder and I pulled her legs apart and thrust my cock into her tight cunt and started to
thrust into her as fast as I could. I could feel her pussy starting to twitch around my cock and knew from before that
she was on the verge of cumming and I didn't slow down. I tried to go even faster if that was possible and it was a
matter of minutes before I felt Priyanka's pussy grip my cock like a vice and I thrust into her hard as she came to
another screaming orgasm, her hips bucking up and down wildly like she was trying to shake me off her.

I pulled out of her and stood beside the bed and I stood there watching her moan and writhe around in ecstasy, letting
her orgasm subside. Once it did I bent over and kissed her, pushing my tongue into her mouth.

Priyanka got up onto all fours and shaked her big round rump. I got back onto the bed, and took my position behind
her. I pushed her butt cheeks apart and pressed my cock head in between her crack, pushing down looking for her
pussy. "Wrong hole." I said as I realised that I was pressing the tip of my dick against her ass hole.

"I thought that was the hole you were going for." Priyanka said twisting her upper body, looking back at me. "Didn't
you say you jerked off to fucking me up the ass more than anything?"

"Yeah." I replied stunned at what she was offering to let me do to her. "You sure?"

"It's not like I haven't had anal sex before." She replied. I pulled her ass cheek to reveal her tight puckered ass hole. I
spat on her ass hole and pressed the tip of my wet cock against her ass hole. "I've dreamt about this moment since I
was old enough to get an erection." I pushed the head in and Priyanka closed her eyes and bit her lip to stop herself
from screaming. I slowly pushed forward, getting an inch in and then pulling back slowly and thrusting forward, easing
another extra inch into her butt. I did this repeatedly until I had over half my dick into her warm orifice.

"You okay?" I asked, worried that I might be hurting her.

"It's your fantasy. What happens next?" Priyanka smiled, looking back at me. I pulled back and thrust forward hard,
my groin slapping on to her butt cheek hard, getting most of my cock into her ass, causing her to let out a ear piercing

"You like that? You like having a big dick up your ass?" I asked, thrusting in and out of her unbelievably tight ass hole

"Yes!" Priyanka moaned. "I love getting ass fucked! Please! Fuck me harder!" She begged. I thrust into her really
hard, making her jump forward. I pulled back, only leaving the tip in and then thrust forward again even harder,
making her scream as her body jumped forward. The next thrust came faster but just as hard as the last thrust.

"Ahhh!" Priyanka screamed every time I slammed into her. I felt her tight ring loosen around my shaft and I started to
thrust into her faster and faster, casing her screams to be joint together instead of being spread apart. I placed my
hands on her butt cheeks as I rammed my rod in and out of her tight shit hole.

"Here!" I said pulling my cock out of her ass.

"You want me to taste my ass?" She moaned seductively, turning around, opening her mouth and taking my cock
head in, sucking hard. "Mmm.. My ass tastes so good!" Priyanka said licking the underside of my cock, resting my
cock head in between her upper lip and nose. She moved her head so my cock dragged along the side of her mouth,
covering her cheek in saliva. I pulled my cock away from her mouth.

"Get back onto all fours." I said.

"You want to fuck that ass some more?" She asked as she got on to all fours. I didn't say anything, I just pushed my
cock head into her tiny ass hole and thrust forward, straight away going into a fast pace. Priyanka pushed her ass
back, arching her back, leaning on her forearms.
"Oooohhhhhhhh!" Priyanka moaned, looking back at me. Her tits were bouncing around, hitting her on the chin. She
leaned forward, resting the top of her head on one of her forearms and used her other hand to hold her tits, to stop
them from flopping around. I drilled into her ass deeper and deeper with every thrust. I don't know how long I brutally
fucked her ass, but it was a miracle that I hadn't pumped her bowels full with gallons of cum.

Both me and Priyanka were starting to sweat so much that every time I thrust forward, visible drops of sweat flew up
into the air from the impact of my groin slapping onto her butt cheeks. Priyanka was still moaning as loud as ever and
I was now breathing hard, trying my best to get my breath back. I started to slow down, I spread her butt cheeks
apart, getting a good view of my dick going in and out of her rectum. Her butt hole was a red colour from the assault it
was enduring from my thick cock.

I pulled out of her and lay down on the bed beside her. My body was aching from trying to satisfy Priyanka's
insatiable appetite for sex. I pulled her sweaty body on to mine, with her back turned to me and half on my body. I put
my arms under her arms and wrapped them around her. I kissed the side of her mouth while she breathed hard trying
to get her breath back too.

I positioned her on her side, while I was still behind her. I pushed her leg up, the one that wasn't on the bed, to get a
better view of her ass. Priyanka held her leg up with her hand and I pushed her butt cheek up with one hand and with
the other, pushed my cock back into her sweaty bowel. I thrust my hips forward, forcing my cock into her butt and
caused her to let out a cute little yelp.

I held her hip as I thrust in and out of her ass, the feeling was unbelievable. I wrapped my arms around her waist,
cupping her tits, one in each hand, gently groping them. I held her close to me as I grinded my hips back and fourth,
in and out of her tight ass hole. I felt like I could stay in this moment forever.

After a while of this slow paced ass fucking, I decided to up the tempo. I tightened my grip around her and started to
pump my cock in and out of her ass as fast as I could, getting faster with every stroke. Priyanka's gentle moans
started to get louder and turned into screams as I felt my orgasm nearing with every thrust.

I looked over and saw the purple dildo still at the side of the bed. I reached over her and got it. I lifted her top leg up
and pushed the dildo into her moist vagina. I started to gently work it in and out and I felt Priyanka's hand on mine. I
let go of the dildo and let her work it in and out of herself. I started to concentrate on getting maximum pleasure from
her ass.

Priyanka kept up with my strokes, the faster I went, the faster she dildo'd herself. Soon she was starting to go faster
than me and I found myself struggling to keep up. Every time she pushed the dildo in, I could feel the inside of her
ass get pushed out against my cock. Priyanka's moans turned into really loud screams as another orgasm was
approaching her.

"OH FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUUUUUCCCCCCCKKK!" She screamed as she pulled the dildo out of her snatch and
rubbed it on her clit. Her pussy started to stretch out wide as she came, forcing her ass hole to clench tight around my
cock. Her ass hole had gripped my cock so hard, I couldn't pull my cock back, I just stayed in this position as her
orgasm subsided. Priyanka looked at me with a dirty look in her eyes and bought the dildo up to her mouth and
started to suck her cum off it. She bought her wet hands up to my mouth and I started to lick the juices off her hand
and suck her cum off her fingers.

As soon as I felt her sphincter loosen it's grip I started to thrust in and out of her rectum and I could already feel my
cum starting to build up. There was one thing left that I hadn't done with her and it involved her most famous asset.
As she was screaming with every thrust, I gave her a couple of last hard, deep thrusts and pulled out of her, rolling
her on to her back. I straddled her stomach and placed my cock in between her massive tits. Priyanka knew exactly
what I was going for and tossed the dildo aside and pushed her tits together as I started to quickly thrust up and down
her chest. I built up momentum very quickly, using the sweat in between her large mounds as lubrication.

Her tits were so big, that when they were pushed together, I couldn't see my dick except for when it poked up and hit
her on the chin. As I continued to fuck her tits, I looked at her face and notice that one of her cheeks had dry skin,
which was from when she was sucking me earlier, when she rubbed my cock on her cheek, my pr-cum must've gone
on her cheek and dried.

"You like fucking Priyanka Chopra's big fucking tits? That's it! Fuck my big tits with that huge fuck stick! Yeah!"
Priyanka yelled. "Come on! Cum for Priyanka! Come on her big tits." Priyanka started the dirty talk, urging me to cum
and as I slid up and down those huge tits, feeling her soft flesh rubbing along the sides of my shaft, I felt my balls
start to tighten and with one last thrust up her chest, my hot, thick cum spurted up hitting her right on the chin. As I
pulled my cock out my second load shot out in between her tits. I aimed the third load on her left boob, and the fourth
one on her right boob, stroking my cock up and down as small loads started to dribble out onto her tits.

"Oooh!" Priyanka cooed, as she started to rub my cum into her tits. She wiped the cum off her chin and started to lick
it off her chin. "Just needed another taste." She smiled. "So what are your plans for tomorrow?" She asked.

"Nothing." I replied, laying down beside her.

"That's good. I need someone to rub some lotion on to my back tomorrow." Priyanka smiled, smelling heavily of my

I can remember that night like it was last night in Banglore. I was
on my vacation. I had no idea it was the same time bollywood sensation Deepika Padukone was in town for IPLs. I
didn't know until in the motel lounge there was a tall with medium nice hair hanging down in front of the most beautiful
pair of black eyes I had ever seen. She was wearing a red Banglore team jersey that allowed you to see her white
sports bra underneath it and a pair of baggy silky dark blue pants.
I sat in the lounge and watched until the crowd dispersed and she sat alone across the room. I took that as my
chance to introduce myself. I moved over to her and introduced myself as Abhay. "Hey Abhay! You a fan?" she
questioned. "Actually, no, I think you have a great voice and your very talented actress, it's just not my type of," I
answered honestly. "Great! I mean, I love my fans but I get tired of people obsessing over me" she said. "Well I can
see why they do, you are a beautiful girl," I told her. "Awww, your a sweetie! And you know, you look pretty damn
good yourself" she said. I looked at the ground shyly. "Don't make me embarrassed babe" she giggled. "Sorry, I just
have never met a girl as beautiful as you" I replied. "Aww, your the sweetest guy I've ever met" she told me. "I'm just
telling you the truth though." She laughed and looked right into my eyes as I did the same for her. She then jumped
up to her feet and looked down at me. "C'mon babe, let's go upstairs." I stepped up myself and cupped my hand in
hers as we walked to the elevator.

The elevator ride was silent. There was no conversation at all, that is until we reached a bench in front of the window
in the motel hallway. We sat down still holding each others hands. "The skies are very pretty tonight," Deepika said.
"Nothing compared to the beauty I see in your eyes" I told her. "That is so sweet, you know it's wierd" Deepika said.
"What is?" I interrupted. "I know I just met you, but I've got this feeling, a kind of vibe. I've never felt the way I feel
about you before. Your just amazing" she confided in me. "I feel the same way about you" I added. She looked into
my eyes again and a smile crossed her beautiful face. "Hey, let's go to my room and have some real fun!" she
giggled. I was already on my feet and ready.

Deepika ran in front of me to the room and then stuck her head out the doorway. "Hurry up slow poke!" She shouted
with a laugh. I took my time getting there thinking about what was awaiting. I was shocked at the possibilities. I turned
the corner and met her inside. She had already thrown off her jersey and it laid at her feet. I walked in just as the
sportsbra she wore fell to the ground. I looked at her chest. Her breasts were not large, not at all. Nor were they
small, they were perfect. Her nipples were already hard, I took note of that immedietly. And her tits were really perky,
I like that. I stared in awe at the beautiful site in front of me. I was interrupted by her voice. "I guess you like what you
see," she giggled before saying, "Well, close the door silly!" I did exactly that. She walked to me and pressed her lips
against mine before slipping her tongue into my mouth. I returned the favor and felt real emotion and our tongues slid
against each other. Then she pulled my shirt over my head and threw it to the side. She wrapped her arms around
me and it felt unbelievable to feel her perky tits and hard nipples pressing against my chest. She then pulled my pants
down around my ankles and I stepped out of them. She asked me to sit down in the chair in front of her so I did so.
She turned away from me and swayed her sexy ass from side to side as she slid down the baggy blue pants to reveal
a sky blue thong. I reached out and gave her ass a light slap and she giggled and said, "That felt pretty good, I liked
it, but could you do it again? Much harder though?" I did so and smacked her ass with authority and she jumped a bit.
She let out a slight wimper before telling me how amazing it felt.

She then turned to face me and bent over. She noticed the bulge in my boxers and commented, "I see your excited
about this" and we both laughed. She then pulled my already rock hard almost 8 inch dick out of the boxers and
remarked, "That's nice, I like it. You know this is my first time? I've never been a very sexual person." I replied by
saying "Then I'll have to make it very pleasurable for you." She laughed and bent over and licked the sensitive
underside of my cock. She then slid her wet tongue in circles around the head of my dick and moaned to me, "Oh my
god, this is making me so horny" before she she stuffed my entire cock in her little mouth. She quickly pulled away
and laughed before saying "Wow, didn't quite work out how we wanted huh? Your a big boy, I'm sure you can let me
have another chance at it?" I sighed out of pleasure and told her she could have as many tries as she wanted. She
went for it again this time slowly and eased the entire cock into her throat and looked up at me like she had
accomplished something great and I smiled at her. She kept sucking it, hearing her swallow her saliva and continue
sucking made me horny. And watching her ass sway from side to side as she bent over sucking me was great! I
smacked her sexy ass and told her it was her turn to get some pleasure. "Great!" she exclaimed and laughed.

I bent her over in front of me and slid her thong down and watched her entire smooth sexy ass come into view. The
thong was soaked with her love juices. And as I pulled it off a bit of it dripped from her pussy to the ground. I slid my
finger across her pussy and the put the finger, with juice, into my mouth and did so again and pushed the finger in her
mouth. "Don't you taste nice babe?" I asked her. "Yep, I'm yummy" she replied and giggled. I agreed and and slid my
hand across her fine ass before turning her around. Her pussy was well trimmed. She had one thin line of brown
pubic hair going down to her pussy. I slid my finger down across the hair and then inside of her. "That feels good!"
she said. I then licked up and down her inner thighs and then slid my tongue up her pussy. She moaned in ecstacy. I
then started fucking her with my tongue. She made some of the most amazing sounds I had ever heard. She
sounded great! Her moaning and groaning made me so horny. I continued working her with my tongue until a huge
burst of her wet love juice burst out on to my tongue and after she finished screaming and moaning in joy in stuck my
tongue in her mouth and shared her juices with her.

"Fuck me Abhay, I want you to be my first" she begged. I was more than happy to do so as I eased my dick in her
tight young pussy. I started fucking faster and harder soon and had her screaming. She was having the time of her
life and was screaming my name and telling me to fuck her harder. She just kept begging for more and more. I forced
my dick as far into her as it would go. She couldn't even moan, she just uttered a sound of pain and joy mixed
together before a smile crossed her beautiful face. I pushed it in faster several more times and I was getting harder
and harder and felt that I was getting ready to burst inside of her. As I contemplated what to do I heard a loud scream
come from her, then another, and she begged for me to push it all the way in just one more time. As I did what I was
told she screeched and let out a scream as well as a ton of her juices all over me. Her pussy spasmed and tightened
around my cock. Just then I knew that I was going to cum so I pulled my dick out, and as Deepika lay there
exhausted breathing hard in front of me, I jerked my dick two, maybe three times and shot three thick streams of cum
all over her flat stomach. I fell onto the bed beside her and watched as she slid her fingers across her stomach and
got every bit of cum on them and shoved them in her mouth bringing them out clean. She swallowed hard and looked
at me deep in my eyes and I did the same to her and she said something I couldn't forget. "Abhay?" she asked.
"Yeah babe?".... "I had the best time in life" she told me before we put our arms around each other and fell asleep


These two sexy bollywood actresses are regarded as being two of the hottest young things on Indian Cenema.


When Maxim magazine decided to spread featuring the 12 sexiest women in Bollywood Cinema they realised the
size of the ego's would be tantamount to lighting a stick of dynamite. Their solution was to limit the shoot to one or
two women a day and keeping actresses from opposing movies apart. This went well until Katrina Kaif couldn't
appear at her allotted time and an ignorant assistant re-scheduled her for the same day as Bipasha Basu. Although
the two young women only very rarely met and couldn't be described as enemies, they had shared some bitchy
words. Katrina Kaif regarded herself as a serious actress marking her time and Bipasha Basu as stupid dark bitch.
Bipasha Basu regarded Katrina Kaif as an over paid under talented tramp. This rivalry was upped several notches
when they appeared for the photo-shoot. Bipasha Basu was chauffeured to the studio, but Katrina Kaif got the better
changing room and the pick of the outfits. Bipasha Basu who was being photographed first insisted on several
changes of outfits which kept Miss Kaif waiting.

With only the photographer present this all boiled over into a blazing row with Katrina Kaif accusing Bipasha Basu of
spreading her legs wider than the Mersey tunnel. Bipasha Basu responded by describing Katrina Kaif as a stroppy
slut who only got her role by sleeping with producers. Katrina Kaif retorted that this was a bit rich coming from a bitch
who made Rakhi Savant look like a Nun. At this point there was a slap, followed by a slap in response, at which point
the photographer threw them a key to a room down the corridor which was set aside for resolving some matters.
They wouldn't be disturbed and could sort out their issues as loudly as they liked. They stomped off Katrina in the
lead clad in their outfits. Katrina was wearing black leather hot pants, cream strapless bra which accentuated her
cleavage and her light brown shoulder length hair worn naturally. Bipasha was attired in a tight pink cropped vest
which showed off her beautiful naval (as well as clearly indicating that she wasn't wearing a bra), high cut denim
shorts and her black hair in two pigtails. Had there been any males watching them they would have almost certainly
got the wrong idea about what was going to happen.

The entered the neutrally coloured room which contained a large bed and a leather chair in the corner. Katrina
allowed Bipasha to enter first and aimed a kick at her butt as she passed, making contact but not causing any pain.
Bipasha Basu spun round to see Katrina Kaif's smirking face. This was just to inviting a target and she let fly with a
right handed slap that caught the Kat squarely across the cheek. This seemed to stun Katrina who although as much
of a bitch as the character she played in Race, hadn't thought Bipasha would actually want to fight. Bipasha had no
such qualms, and although this was her first real fight, she had been coached for her role on Dhoom 2. Without
further ado the Bips minx leapt forward onto Katrina grabbing her hair on either side of her head and pushing her
backwards. Miss Kaif yelped with surprise and pain as she staggered back, but had sufficient wits about her to raise
her own hands and take hold of both Bipasha Basu's pig tails. Katrina Kaif continued to be pushed back, shutting the
door in the process before being pressed against it by Bips. As their two young, but not innocent, bodies collided
Katrina used her hold to pull the Bips head back sharply.

"Let go of me you stupid dark tramp!", screeched the Kat actress, "I'm not into your filthy lezzie games!"

"You started this fight you stupid cow, and I'm going to finish it!" retorted Bipasha who started to shake Katrina 's
head from side to side and pressed her body against her opponents. Katrina Kaif could feel Bipasha Basu's already
aroused body pressing and sliding up against her own (was it the fight or Bipasha Basu interested in women as well
as men?) and it repelled her. She started to use her bare feet to pummel her white opponent's legs, without apparent
success as it simply caused Bipasha Basu to press harder. So instead she took a hand from Miss Kaif's long hair and
used it grab her exposed neck.

At once Bipasha Basu began to choke and gag for air. She started to try and break away from her opponent but
Katrina Kaif wouldn't let go. Bipasha Basu pulled a hand out of Katrina Kaif's hair and tried to prise the fingers away
from her throat. The Kat managed to retain her grip until the dark bitch was able to get a grip on two fingers and bend
them back, causing the Kat to wail with pain. But no sooner was Bipasha Basu gulping down air with relief than
Katrina Kaif snaked a foot round her ankle and pushed forward, causing the two young stars to fall to the floor.
Bipasha Basu landed on her back quickly followed by Katrina Kaif who landed on top of her, her breasts pressing
down on her opponents. It was fortunate for Miss Basu that Katrina Kaif was as waif like as her else she might have
suffered more.

"Get off me you white slag!" snarled Bipasha Basu as she reached up and grabbed hold of Katrina Kaif's hair. But the
Basu was quite happy where she was and returned the hair pulling, intent on destroying the Kat's pigtails. At the
same time she pressed and ground her body down against Kaif's causing her to groan in a not entirely unpleasurable
way. But before Katrina Kaif could get comfortable in her new position, Bipasha Basu had managed to roll the pair of
them over so that she was now on top. The two young stars continued to pull hair feverishly groaning with pain and
effort. Katrina Kaif tried to roll them over but Bipasha Basu was able to counter this.

Becoming frustrated Katrina Kaif stopped pulling at Bips hair with her right hand and instead used to land blows on
the dark star's back and head. Although these caused the Basu to wince slightly, they did nothing to stop her trying to
rip the hair out of her opponents head. Now becoming more vocal in her expressions of pain, Katrina Kaif took hold of
the back of Bipasha Basu's top and started to pull. The thin material stretched taut across Bipasha Basu's breasts
emphasising her stiffening nipples.

"Leggo my top you stupid cow!" howled the Basu, to no effect followed by the first sound of ripping material.
Frustrated and angry at her inability to stop her opponent, Bipasha Basu took her right hand away from Katrina Kaif's
long hair and grabbed her right breast, encased as it was in the cream bra top. At first this had no noticeable reaction,
but when her fingers dug into the exposed flesh, the Kaif seemed to Blanche.

"Lezzie slut!" whispered Katrina Kaif, unable to quite comprehend that another woman might attack her in such a
manner, "Get off my tits will you!" Katrina began to buck and struggle in an effort to throw the Bips off of her. When
these had only limited success, she ceased trying to rip away the top and used the hand to defend herself. She
managed to quite easily move aside Bip's hand, although finger prints in her flesh remained. The two young stars
continued to struggle for supremacy from the tips of their toes to their scalps.

Katrina Kaif broke the deadlock by using her free hand to avoid Bipasha Basu's and secure a neck lock. Before the
dark actress could free herself, Katrina Kaif had used the hold to roll the pair of them over. Bipasha Basu's reaction
was to break off her hair pulling and use both hands to try and free her self. But although she managed to scratch
Miss Kaif's bare arm this did nothing to help her. Indeed it enabled Katrina Kaif to move her body and sit astride her
opponents waist (anyway as much as her tight hot pants would allow). In doing so she broke off her neck lock, to
Miss Basu's relief, and instead concentrated on pinning her. The two women traded slaps and grabs, although neither
could gain a decisive advantage it was Katrina who came off the best by landing a couple of open handed slaps on
Bipasha's still hidden breasts which caused her to yelp with pain. They paused for a moment to catch their breath,
before Kat reached forward with both hands and grabbed Bipasha's breasts. Through the thin material she could feel
their firmness which only encouraged her to squeeze harder.

"Lets see how you having your tits squeezed slag!" cackled Katrina Kaif as she saw the discomfort writ large on her
opponents face.

"Get off me!" wailed Bipasha as she bucked and struggled to be free. She tried to defend herself, but she could only
momentarily breaks Katrina's hold. So instead she gritted her teeth and reached up and grabbed the Kat¶s strapless
bra. She was able to hook her fingers over the bra cup and pull the article away from Katrina's body, in the process
the elastic bit into her skin.

"Rip my bra off slut and I'll rip yours off too!" snarled Katrina as she turned her attention from hurting Bipasha to
ripping off her skimpy top. Although her top as less substantial, Bipasha Basu had a head start and her pulling on
Miss Kaif's bra soon caused both breasts to pop into view. This didn't stop Katrina from ripping aside Bipasha's
sweaty top as if she were opening packet of crisps to reveal two equally pert breasts topped with a stiff nipple. There
was a momentary pause whilst both women eyed each others orbs, before launching a two handed breast grab. This
was a new experience for both women and it took a few squeeze's and tweaks before they determined how to inflict
the maximum amount of pain. Katrina Kaif's breasts were marginally larger and Bipasha Basu spread her fingers
wide to grab as much flesh as she could. Bipasha Basu, on the other hand, had more prominent nipples and it was
these that Katrina Kaif concentrated on. They gritted their teeth and writhed in discomfort rather than cry out and
show weakness.

"Dirty cow!" wailed Katrina.

"Filthy slut!" retorted Bipasha as she put her body weight into freeing herself. This took Katrina by surprise, as she
had been concentrating on hurting her opponent. She fell forward and to her right, landing next to her opponent. In
the process both women broke their hold on the others breasts, but it allowed Bipasha to twist her body so that she
could get up onto her knees. Whilst she did so, and Katrina struggled to fight back, Bipasha reached out with her right
hand and took hold of Miss Kaif's long hair. Having gotten the Kats attention she then used her spare hand to launch
an open handed slap across her hot pants clad bum. The resultant thwack caused Bipasha to smile and Katrina to

Before Bipasha could repeat this satisfying attack, Katrina managed to twist her own body round and slapped the
dark beauty across the cheek with her own right hand. Bipasha let go of Katrina as she recoiled at this assault which
allowed the older her opponent scramble forward and away from her opponent. Having recovered from the slap,
Bipasha rose to her feet and discarded the sorry remnant of her pink top. Katrina had also gotten to her feet and
undone her bra top which fell to the carpeted floor. They eyed each other evilly and began to circle hands
outstretched, but just out of reach. As they did so Bipasha unconsciously stepped forward because the bed got in the
way. This brought both women into range and they began to lash out and slap, slowly closing the gap between them

Miss Basu was able to secure a hair pull first and used it to pull Katrina closer to her. Whilst Miss Kaif was able to
grab hold of bitchy hair, she couldn't stop Bipasha Basu putting an arm round her neck and pull her down. Katrina
struggled to break free, with little success as the bips kept shuffling around, but manage to hand onto a pig tail with
her left hand.

"So come on then you country skank, admit that I much better than you!" demanded Bipasha Basu despite the pair in
her scalp and to emphasise her point used her spare hand to pull the hair on the top of Katrina's head. The Kats reply
was muffled but defiant and supported by a defiant hair tug that pulled Bipasha's head back. As they struggled
Bipasha Basu moved round so that she was facing the bed. At which point Katrina moved her spare hand from trying
to free herself from the neck lock she was in to clawing at Bipasha's thighs. Although her nails were quite short they
caused damage to the soft flesh, but Bipasha Basu bit her lip rather than cry out. In fact Bipasha was more worried
about Katrina Kaif trying to grab her crotch (she had heard rumours that the White actress was partial to women), so
flung her opponent forward onto the bed. Miss Kaif landed face down on the mattress, her legs dangling back over
the edge thrashing about. Bipasha Basu stepped back to avoid being kicked and looked down at her now less than
perfect thighs; no appearing in mini-skirts for the next couple of weeks. The squeal of shock and outrage alerted
Katrina Kaif that her opponent was out for blood, so she rolled over onto her back ready to receive the next attack.
But instead the Bips who had leapt forward landed on the mattress where she had been. Katrina Kaif needed no
second invitation and rolled back so that she was on Bip's back before straddling her blonde opponent and taking a
two handed grip of her hair. Bipasha Basu howled with pain as her head was pulled up off the mattress and began to
struggle to through the younger woman off of her. In an effort to subdue the struggling woman beneath her, Katrina
Kaif raised her butt and brought it down on Bipasha Basu's spine, resulting in the loudest shriek of pain in the fight so

Pleased at the reaction to this assault, Katrina Kaif raises herself for a repeat attack, but is taken by surprise when
Bipasha pushes up on her knees raising her own lower body up into the air. This takes the Katrina by surprise and
instead of hurting her sexy opponent she slides off to her right landing on her side still on the bed. Although Katrina
Kaif kept her hold on Bipasha Basu's dark hair she concentrated on trying to trap the Dhoom 2 actress between her
legs by pushing her left leg under her opponent. This allowed Bipasha Basu to twist her body so that she could face
her now rapidly hated opponent and she was able to grab hold of Miss Kaif's hair to remind her that the fight was not
yet over. Both women screeched with pain and frustration, hurling insults that would not be allowed on Bollywood.
"Stop trying to get your leg over me you filthy cow!" hissed Bipasha Basu whose fear of losing was causing her
imagination to run riot. Katrina now reached down with her right hand and took hold of Bipasha 's left breast in an
effort to distract her enough so that she could trap her in a scissors. Secretly though, Katrina Kaif liked the idea of
shocking and hurting her opponent and was not prepared to do anything to win this fight. Indeed she was already
considering asking the producers of her show if she could have a catfight scene in a forthcoming movie. But these
thoughts were dismissed when Bipasha matched Katrina¶s breast attack, this time concentrating on her nipple.

"You dirty fucking cow!" howled Katrina who in response dug her finger's harder into Bipasha's breast and tugged on
the sorry remnant of a pony tail. Bipasha Basu responded with a mouthful of expletives and vitriol about what she'd
like to do to Katrina Kaif with a farm implement! This only caused Katrina to try hard to scissors her opponent,and as
their long legs battled she thought she hand an opening. But Bipasha Basu was alert to this and as Katrina Kaif was
able to twist her body so that all that happened was that Katrina Kaif was now on the right of her opponent, still facing
her but closer to the edge than she had been. Frustrated that this attack had failed and more determined than ever to
win, Katrina Kaif let go of Bipasha Basu's hair and instead used the hand to grab the zip on the front of her denim
shorts. Bipasha Basu reacted by letting go of Katrina Kaif's hair and moved the hand to defend herself, as she had
been pondering the same move, Miss Kaif had just beaten her to it. As their two sweaty bodies writhed, a hand
clamped on the others breast, neither woman took theirs eyes of the other, unwilling to show any sign of weakness.

"Showing what a true lezzie slut you are!" snarled Bipasha Basu through teeth clenched with pain and effort. Katrina
Kaif smirked, as much as she could given the pain she was under and whispered, "Give you a nipple twister deary!"
and with that turned Bipasha's nipple like a radio dial. Miss Basu just screamed with pain and brought both hands to
bear to pull the offending hand away from her breast. Although this brought an end to the attack, at also allowed
Katrina Kaif to pull down the zip on the denim shorts. As Katrina Kaif began to tentatively push a hand inside the
newly opened gap Bipasha Basu reached down, with a haste borne of desperation and pulled the buttons holding
together the front of the Katrina's hot pants. This only convinced Katrina Kaif to take the plunge and she pulled aside
Bips's damp thong and took a firm hold of the unseen short curly hair.

Bipasha tried not to scream at the burning sensation that was wracking her body and instead concentrated on doing
the same to Katrina. She pulled hard on Miss Kaif's hot pants which peeled open like a banana to reveal the top of a
cream thong before plunging the hand down into the unknown. Suffering as she was Bipasha pushed aside all doubts
about this form of attack and pushed aside Katrina Kaif's damp thong and started to pull at her pussy. Katrina jumped
with shock at the first tug, but realised it was a bit late to have doubts and used her free hand to re-grab Bipasha's
breast. Both women thrashed and struggled as if being electrocuted as they inflicted untold pain on one another in a
way that viewers of their movies could not have imagined possible. This was followed by cries of anguish mixed with
harsh insults, often of a crudely sexual nature while tears welled up in their eyes. Bipasha used her free hand to
reach and pull on Katrina's hair, using the grip to start shaking her head.

"Leggo my cunt your dirty slut!" wailed the Bips. There was no meaningful response from Kat, so in a fit of screamed
rage Bipasha pushed her hand further down the hot actresses crotch. She was surprised by what she found.

"You filthy cow, you're enjoying this!" shrieked Bipasha who now wanted to get her opponent as far away from her as
possible. This only prompted Katrina to push her own hand further into Bipasha's snatch.

"So are you cheap slut!" wailed Katrina as she made a similar discovery. It was just was they both contemplated
attacking the most intimate part of the others womanhood, that Katrina Kaif fell off the bed. She had been perched on
the edge for some time and the desire to make it as difficult for Bipasha to hurt her that she ran out of room. With
almost painful slowness she slide off the bed, letting go of Bip's breast and pulling the hand out from the Bip's shorts,
her fingers covered in short, damp, curly hair. Miss Basu was forced to release Katrina Kaif's hair and let go of her
minge as well, but not before inflicting one last tug that elicited a scream of pain.

Katrina Kaif hit the floor, her body wracked with pain and she lay there catching her breath and praying that the pain
would subside. Bipasha Basu rolled in the other direction towards the far edge of the bed in an equally shocked and
pained state. Neither woman had ever been hurt this badly before and however much they now wanted to give up, as
they checked themselves for damage both wanted nothing more than revenge.

Katrina Kaif slowly pulled herself up, which caused her hot- pants to slip down, so she removed them and her thong
to reveal her ravaged but still subtly pink pussy. Bipasha had swung herself off the bed and dropped her shorts.
When she saw the state of her once immaculate pink minge, she span round to confront her opponent. Seeing
Katrina Kaif naked she ripped off her thong, which wasn't difficult, and moved back towards the space in front of the

"You'll fucking pay for this bitch!" snarled Bipasha with a lot more confidence and nastiness than she felt.

"Don't make me laugh. When I've finished with you cow there will be more hair under your arms than your overused
cunt, and we'll know who the biggest bitch in bollywood is!" snapped back Katrina Kaif giving Bips the come on with
her hands.

The two battered, sweaty and naked actress began to circle wearily. Neither was in any condition to do any acting for
several days now, but they didn't care.

Bipasha Basu leapt forward first and used both hands to pull hard on the Kat's hair. Katrina retaliated by using her
right hand to return the hair pulling and used her right to squeeze the left breast of her opponent. Aware that her
breast had already taken a mauling Bipasha Basu pushed Katrina Kaif away sufficiently for them to break contact.
But Katrina Kaif was having none of this and threw herself at Miss Basu so that their breasts collided and were
pushed back into their rib cages. They both howled with the pain as their already bruised and sensitive breasts
received further punishment. But this didn't stop the two young actresses resuming their two handed hair pulling,
trying to pull or drag one another around. As their bodies parted and then came together again their breasts slapped
against one another. As their bodies became entwined in a hateful embrace they fell to the floor and started to roll
around screaming insults. Katrina Kaif tried to clamp Bip's left leg between her own to protect her pussy, but couldn't
maintain the grip. They rolled back and forth some more, doing nothing but use up precious energy.

When Bipasha Basu next rolled round to being on top she managed to spread her legs to maintain her dominant
position. Then, and despite the fierce hair pulling that she was suffering, she pulled herself up so that she was sat
astride Katrina Kaif's waist. Miss Kaif tried to roll and throw Bipasha from this position but could do nothing. She was
also suffering from a fierce hair pulling and was finding it harder and harder not to cry. In desperation she let go of
Bipasha Basu's hair and reached up to clamp both hands over the dark's breasts. Bipasha Basu pushed her crotch
down into Katrina Kaif's stomach as she suffered and transferred her own hands from hair to the opponents breasts.
As her fingers squeezed hard Katrina Kaif's reserves of will power finally deserted her and she began to cry.

But Bipasha Basu was in no mood to let her of lightly and she dragged herself up Miss Kaif's stomach, making it
harder for Katrina Kaif to maintain her grip, which was anyway getting weaker. Miss Basu then raised her butt, which
caused Katrina Kaif's hands to fall away, and brought herself down on Katrina Kaif's breasts. Katrina Kaif reacted as
if she had been connected to the national grid and her sobs turned into a gasped mixture of crying and screams of
agony. Slowly these gave way to whimpers and it became clear to Bipasha Basu that she had won, but she continued
to press down on Miss Kaif's chest until she was absolutely certain that the fight was over. She drank in the feelings
of triumph, dominance and superiority that swept through her body.

As Katrina Kaif lay there crying, Bipasha Basu very shakily stood up and collected all the tattered pieces of clothing.
Katrina Kaif had no idea of how long she lay there, but when she opened her eyes she saw Bipasha Basu's foot
descend on her mouth and pin her head to the carpet. As fresh waves of tears began to flood down her cheeks she
heard Bipasha Basu call out in a weary but mocking tone, "So whose the baddest bitch in bollywood now!"

The last time I saw Theresa, she was only seventeen, and I was twenty- seven. Five years later, she materialized
back into my life, and I found that I can no longer resist her.

Theresa's looks are remarkable. She is petite, brown haired, with her piercing blue-green eyes that seem to glow like
gems. Her figure is very nice, with a slim waist and beautifully rounded hips. When she stands, her thighs don't touch,
leaving a tempting, touchable area below her vulva.
Her father and I are friends, and if he knew about us, well, I'd have to learn to sleep with one eye open. She is on her
own, fully grown, a mature woman, but she is always her father's "little girl". Her arrival at my place happened when
she came home from college for summer vacation.

I lay under the Turbo-Z, changing the oil, my friend Tim watching as his car was his pride and joy. I had just about
finished, spinning the new oil filter on when I heard sharp footsteps come up the driveway. I looked and saw an
incredible pair of legs walking towards us, a barely knee length skirt covering the best parts. Since the legs stopped
next to Tim, I figured it was his latest girlfriend, and I whistled appreciatively. "Ohhh my!" I exclaimed from under the
car. "Do those legs go all the way up Tim?" I heard a giggle, then Tim's laugh. "You might say that." Tightening the
filter, I slid the creeper from under the car, wiping my grimy hands on a shop towel, and looked up. My heart stopped.
Theresa stood there, wearing a black skirt, tight around her hips and legs, and a black sleeveless top. Her hair was
long, framing her face well, and sapphire blue earrings dangled, complementing those eyes which riveted me to the
ground. "Hi! Long time, no see, your dirty ol' man!" She laughed. Several seconds went by before I could manage a
response. "Whew! Look at YOU!" I said, taking it all in again. "What are they teaching you in college? How to give
people heart attacks?" She laughed and we kidded while I finished working on Tim's car. Thirty minutes later, he
drove off, leaving me with Theresa. She told me she was on her summer vacation, visiting her folks, and saw a
picture of us at a campout in the family album. That prompted her visit. We talked while I used that mechanic's goop
to clean my hands and arms of the oil and grease, talking about her life on campus and how many guys she had
chasing her around. Even when she was younger, she found me easier to talk to about her "boy problems" than her
mom or dad. I gave her straight and solid advice, the best that I could, telling her facts and not judging her actions.
We were good friends, and we liked each other. She told me honestly that she had a crush on me, and I replied that
she should use that to compare her feelings for her boyfriends feel? We parted good friends when I moved across the
valley, not long before she started junior college and more boyfriends. We went into the house where it was cooler,
and drank iced tea. The more we talked, the more I could see something was bothering her. Something she was
keeping back. "Ok," I said. "Spill it. What's bugging you? Talk to your big brother." She blushed and shook her head,
her brown hair rippling like a mane. "Nothing really." "Homesick? Boyfriend at college? Mom & Dad?" I asked,
watching her shake her head at each one. "C'mon, gimme a hint. It is serious? Pregnant?" She laughed, "No, it's not
even that simple!" "Hoo-boy!" I said. "Tell you what, how about you tell me over dinner?" She looked up sharply, her
magnificent blue eyes sparkling. "You really mean that?" "Sure." I smirked, "Why not. Let me take a shower first." I
handed her the remote control for the TV and stereo and disappeared into the bedroom.

I was shampooing my hair for the second time when I heard the shower door slide open, and startled, I shook the
water out of my eyes, hearing it slide closed again. Theresa stood in the shower with me, naked and more beautiful
that I had ever dreamed. I felt a familiar feeling deep inside as my desires began to stir. The look on her face was a
mixture of desire, fear, and con- fusion. I opened my mouth to speak, but her hand touched my lips, making my voice
still. She picked up the soap and began to run it over my chest, staring with her gorgeous eyes and my chest. I fought
a mental battle with my rising loins, losing as my eyes roved her beautiful body. At twenty two, her body was
splendid. Firm and shapely, her waist making a graceful recurve from her firm, full breasts, down to her lovely hips. A
brown triangle nestled between her legs, and her legs were lean and perfect. Only five foot three inches, but
everything was perfectly proportioned. She soaped my arms and shoulders, using the brush to scrub away the traces
of oil and grease from my arms. She seemed intent on washing me so I began to relax, not yet understanding. Her
hands urged me to turn around, and she scrubbed my back with a washcloth, soaping and rinsing me clean. She
knelt and lifted one leg to the ledge, soaping and cleaning the calf, working her way up my thigh. When she started in
on my thigh, I began to rise again, fighting against her sensual touch, the look of her body, the smile on her face. She
turned her head and looked at my cock, smiling, then looked away, rinsing the soap from my leg. "What the hell", I
thought, "She's old enough to know what she wants". She lathered the soap in her hands, and stood smiling at me.
The lack of words was driving me crazy and my cock was beginning to stand up full and hard. She moved towards
me, dropped her hands and began to wash my cock and balls, using only her soapy hands.

Too much for me. I grabbed her shoulders and kissed her long and hard, our tounges meeting quickly, her hands
sliding over my cock, fondling my balls, making me harder every second. She leaned into me, and I wrapped my
arms around her, holding her up, keeping her tight against me. Her breasts were warm against my chest and my
hands pulled her hips to mine. Theresa moved her hands around and up my back, pulling herself into me. We kissed
for long minutes, neither of us wanting to stop. My cock was pressing against her stomach, my balls were nestled
against her bush. We pulled apart, and looked at each other's eyes for several seconds. "Is this what you want?" I
asked, watching her nod her head lightly, then resting it on my shoulder. "For years, this is all I wanted." She sighed. I
kissed her again, and gently rinsed us both off, making a game of it, getting her to laugh. We dried each other off, and
I took great pleasure in kissing away some droplets from her breasts. I took her hand and led her to the bed, pulling
her down and kissing her passionately. After we rolled over to the center of the bed, I raised up and asked the
question as delicatly as possible. "Theresa," I started, "have you followed my advice at school?" She smiled and
stroked my face tenderly, "Yes, I'm on the pill and I see my doctor three times a year, like a good girl." Then she
reached down and tickled me, making me jump. "And KNOW me better than THAT!" I fell on my back,
pleading for mercy, and she rolled on top, straddling my legs, laughing briefly, then falling and kissing my chest.
"God! I can't tell you how much I've wanted you." She breathed the words while she kissed my nipples. "How much I
hoped you'd take me.

" I pulled her up to me, and kissed her on the mouth, passion flairing in us both. I pinched her nipples and careesed
her lovely ass, running my hands all over her. Her hands rubbed my chest, one strayed and pulled my mouth to hers.
After several minutes, I felt something warm and wet drip onto my balls, my cock laying under her bush, her hips
stroking me. "I want you now!" She panted, "Hard and fast, hard and nasty." She suprised me, and excited me at the
same time. I rolled her over onto her back, her legs wrapping around me. "Fuck me hard and deep!" She cried, "I
want to feel you inside me." I slid between the lips of her pussy, feeling them part as I moved inside her, sliding easily
down her wet tunnel. She was tight, and gasped as I slid down deeper into her, down into her warm depths. "Ohhhh
Godd!" She breathed, lifting her head to watch. Down I plunged, slowly, making it last for us both. Her pussy was
tight, wet and warm, slick with her juice, feeling like a glove around me. I finally touched bottom, my cock firmly inside
her, touching her cervix. "Ohhhh Jeeez!" She cried, "Don't...Don't move!" I felt her pussy contract, squeezing me tight,
forcing my cock to swell in response. I flexed my cock against her squeeze, growing even larger. "Oooooo. Yes!
Yes!" She cried, tears coming to her eyes. I smothered her neck and breasts with quick, tiny kisses, sucking hard on
her nipples, biting them softly, and feeling her pussy contract around me once again. "Ohh God! Fuck me...Please
fuck me!" She was smiling and crying at the same time. "I want you so much." I pulled back, slowly, just as I had
entered, feeling her tight pussy grab for me. I stopped with only the head inside her and moved down again, faster
this time, stopping when she gasped, my cock touching her cervix. "Yes... Fast...Hard...Pump me hard!" She
groaned. I moved faster, sliding into her carefully, not wanting to hurt her and wanting to fill her at the same time. I
kissed her fully, her tounge dancing around, flicking at mine. I picked up speed, several times bumping against her
deeply, getting a moan each time. I lifted my head to breath, her hands pulling me back to her lips. As we kissed
again, her tounge entered my mouth first, stirring me on to greater passion as I licked the underside of her tounge,
caressing her tounge with mine. Her hips rocked, trying to meet mine.

I lifted her ass, cupping her cheeks in my hands and drove into her hard and fast. "Yesss." She moaned to me. "Fuck
me, cum inside me." Her legs wrapped and locked around my back, I pulled her ass up, impaling her on my cock,
shoving as deep as I could into her. "Ohhh...Ohhhh....God! YES!" She yelled. "I'm going to...Fuck you....hard and
fast." I whispered in her ear. "And cum, CUM, CUM inside me. Cum in my pussy!" she demanded. Suprised by her
words, I started to plunge harder and faster into her, feeling my own rising urgency. Feeling my balls bounce against
her ass, her pussy stretched tight around my cock. "I'm going to...suck you...hard again...make you fuck me...from
behind." Her verbalizations were urging me on, making me swell inside her tight cunt, filling her with cock, preparing
for the explosion yet to arrive. "I want to...suck you off...have my mouth." "Oh Theresa...I've your mouth...for a long time." I gasped, seeing a fantasy literally come true. "Hmmmm, yes! I want you to
come everywhere, all over me." She cried. "I want you to cum in me! CUM! CUM! Cum in my cunt now!" I did. A
gusher erupted as I plunged furiously hard into her, slamming my hips against hers, grinding myself tightly with her.
Come flowed into her like from a fire-hose, flooding and filling her with my hot cream. I thrust again, hard and deep,
feeling another stream of jism soak the inside of her pussy. Her cunt milked my cock, squeezing every drop from me.
We looked at each other, eyes meeting and locking, and we kissed, feeling our sweat drenched bodies slick against
each other. We lay kissing and holding each other for a long time, still joined and warm. She rolled us onto our sides
and slid back, and went to the bathroom. When she came back, she slipped into bed beside me, resting her head on
my chest, running a finger up and down my still slick cock. She moved and slipped my cock into her mouth, sucking
hard against me, squeezing and milking any remaining come from me. Then she laid her head against me again, her
arms wrapping around my chest. "Rest, my sweet," She cooed, "then I'll let you come in my mouth." I sighed, and felt
my cock twitch and swell. "You've learned a lot in college, haven't you?" I joked, tickling her. "Yes," She laughed, "you
wouldn't beleive!" We talked and the more we talked the more I saw that she didn't talk at all about her girlfriends.
When I finally mentioned it, she started to cry, the story coming out in a rush. Her roomie this year was an attractive
brunette named Paula, and she and Paula shared secrets and discussed their boyfriends' merits and defects. One
night after some particularly rushed sex, she and Paula ranted to each other about college "studs" being concerned
only with themselves. Half an hour after lights out, Paula climbed into bed with Theresa and the two of them,
frustrated and horny, made love for three hours.

Afterwards, Theresa found that her interest in men was waning, but her desire for Paula intense. Her passions were
crushed, when she skipped a night class, arriving to find Paula in bed with another girl. An argument followed and
she an Paula changed roomies, neither of them happy. Several months later, a blonde replaced her then current (and
very proper) roommate, and she found herself wanting Lisa very badly. She found herself making the first move, and
Lisa accepting it, making them both happy. When Lisa introduced a strap-on dildo they shared pleasing each other
for many nights. During spring vacation, they all went to a party at someone's parent's house. The parents were gone
and the party got wild, with people getting naked in every room, fucking with wild abandon. Theresa found herself in a
room with Lisa and Paula, naked and getting wild. Two other girls came in and joined them making them all crazy and
lusty. The two girls left, only to return a short time later with another girl and three guys. The guys went wild, screwing
each girl in turn. The girl they'd brought was straight, but Lisa and one of the other girls held her down and Theresa
found herself on her knees, some stud pounding her pussy, while she ate the girl. The girl protested until Theresa
made her come several times in succession. Two of the guys jacked off on the girls tits, and she watched as Lisa an
Paula rubbed it all over the girl and themselves. The guy fucking Theresa pulled out and shot his load all over one of
the other girl's faces, and simply walked out. She watched as Lisa fucked the "straight" gal with her strap-on, while
Paula and another girl convinced her it was a guy. About half way into her orgasm, the "straight" gal grabbed Paula
and slid most of her and in her pussy and fucked her hard, calling her all sorts of names, and talking really dirty. The
talk excited Theresa and she came almost immediately. Once sated, the orgy scene bored and frightened her and
she dressed and went back to the dorm, alone. She agonized over whether she was straight, bisexual, or lesbian for
several weeks. For four months, until the party, she had slept only with women, and the same since the party. She
found men didn't really interest her that much any more, and was frightened by how turned on she was by other
women. Taking me to bed was a test, to see if she had really lost interest. "Well?" I asked. "No," She giggled, sniffling
back some tears, "I'm still PLENTY interest- ed. As long as they're as gentle as you are." "Gentle?" I smiled. "After
that pounding you took? You're pussy should be plenty sore." "Actually," She smiled up at me, her chin on my chest,
"I'm still horny. You didn't get me off!"

I took care of that by eating her pussy until she came, over and over. Her arousal was so complete that she had her
first multiple orgasm on my tounge. She collapsed in a heap on the bed, letting me cuddle her from behind while she

Dinner consisted of delivered pizza. I had dressed after phoning the pizza place, waiting for the delivery. Theresa
slept like an angel, a smile on her face, her knees drawn up, and her breasts peeking above the sheets. The doorbell
rang and woke her. While I was paying the pizza boy, I heard her start down the hall. I quickly closed the door, and
turned to see her dressed in only her skirt and top, nipples pressing hard against the fabric.

We ate and talked about our feelings for each other, and how would we ever keep it from her dad? Mom was ok, but
older men didn't sit well with dad, and besides, he'll think we screwed around before she went away to school. We
filled ourselves with pizza and laid naked by the fireplace, feeling both happy and content. We dozed off and slept.

I woke to find her sucking on me, my cock fully hard. Theresa was not the best in the world, but her exuberance
almost made up for it. She went along for a while then I stopped her. From our talks it was clear that she didn't end up
giving much head to her boyfriends and she was shy about asking them what she should do, so I instructed, and
found that she was eager to please me.

I showed her the target points, and had her watch as I stroked myself, showing how a guy squezzes and flexes for
extra sensations. I showed her how to flick the ridge on the underside, how and when to press her lips down hard,
forcing the head to pass her lips, when to rake her teeth lightly(!) over the skin. Too, I showed her how to lick and
caress the balls, following the line down between the sacks. Of how sensitive the scar area is on men who are
circumcised, and how to grasp and pull the skin up alongside the head. By the time she had her lessons, her teacher
was sweating with and urgent need, close, yet not close.

She began by sucking me deep into her mouth, using her tounge well, and she licked me up and down, finding
several variations of her own that were driving me up a wall. We were both tired, and she was leaning over me,
sucking me and pumping with one hand. As she moved, she slipped and her mouth plunged down on my cock, taking
me fully down her throat. She gagged and sat up, catching her breath. After a short rest, she continued and I felt the
familiar bubbling beginning down low. Without warning she changed her pace, slowing down. Slowly she took more
and more of my cock into her mouth, stopping and backing up slightly as she tried to 'throat' me. The sensation was
unbearable. I wanted her to move faster, but I wanted this to continue too. I looked, just as she slid my cock fully
down her throat, her nose tickling my pubic hair. She rose quickly and returned to her slow downstroke. "Ohhhhh,
God!" I moaned. Then, almost breathless, "Remember to breathe." Her hand squeezed mine, assuring me that she
knew what she was doing. I felt her throat open and slide me down. I felt the pressure building, it was becoming
intense. She stroked me several times, shorter and a little faster, then swallowed me slowly. I was on the verge of
tears, ready to come if only she'd move faster. She pulled up, and as my cock came from her mouth, her saliva
dripped wetly down my shaft, her purring moan exciting and sensuous.

She slowly engulfed me again and again, each time she raised her head, my cock became wetter. Her words didn't
suprise me then, something else did. "Cum in my mouth this time." She pleaded, "Please cum in my mouth?!" She
swallowed me part way, and stroked. Her pleading turned me on even more, not because of her words, but her whole
body, especially her mouth. Everything about her was giving me head. Her nipples were hard and erect, and I could
feel wet drops of her juice on my leg. Her eyes pleaded with me, shining, lustful eyes. But it was her mouth, shiny and
wet, and the gobs of saliva that she drooled down my cock that made me ready. She had a rhythm, four or five short
strokes to each long one, and I was just getting ready when she dived on my cock, taking me all the way and her
fingers tickled my balls, running down to my anus and back to the sacks. I bucked into her mouth, firing a stream of
cum down her throat. She slid up on my engorged cock, and I pulsed again, unleasing a raging torrent into her
mouth. She jerked and continued to suck, her hand now milking my cock.

More cum spasmed into her mouth, and she moaned with delight. Her hand pumping me milked another gush into
her mouth, and as I saw some cum run down my cock, white, and thick, I heard her swallow. When she swallowed I
shot again, and she lifted her head from my cock, moaning and pumping me against her neck and tits. I was nearly
spent, but managed several more spurts before she lay down, rubbing my cock and cum against her cheeks and lips.
I lay panting, unable to move. My energy seemed to have drained out of my cock. Later she told me that she actually
came when I did, without touching her- self. She also said that once my cock touched her throat, even accidentally,
she knew she could do it again. What she didn't expect was that each time I moved to the edge of her throat, her
pussy would contract and spasm, making her wetter and urging her on. She felt like she was cumming in two places
when I finally shot off in her mouth. We cuddled and kissed, Theresa staying the night. We didn't worry about her dad.
We were too happy and content. All that summer, we found reasons to disappear together and we enjoyed each
other as much as possible. When she returned to school, I told her to enjoy her life and if we were both free next
summer, we'd do this again. She understood, and agreed, saying that we would always be special to each other.

Yes, Theresa, you are special. Always.?

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