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Getting to

each other
Hi! My name is Jane. I’m pleased to meet you.
Here’s what we are going to study for this week:

● Use and respond appropriately to common social formulas such as greetings and introduction.

● fill out simple forms

● identify each other’s interests, needs, personal identification

● open develop and close communication in common social interaction.

Talk about yourself
1. What’s your name?
2. What’s your surname?
3. What’s your family name?
4. How do you spell it?
1. What’s your name?
My name is _______.
I am _________.
1. What’s your surname?
2. What’s your family name?
My surname is ________.
1. How do you spell it?
It is spelled as ________.
date of birth
1. When were you born?
2. What’s your date of birth?
3. When is your birthday?
date of birth
1. When were you born?
I was born in 1998.
I was born on the twenty seventh of July, 1998.
2. What’s your date of birth?
The twenty seventh of July, 1998
1. When is your birthday?
*simply say the date
place of birth
1. Where were you born?
I was born in _______.
Family Situation
1. Are you married or single?
2. Do you have any children?
3. How many children do you
4. How old are your children?
5. What are their names?
Family Situation
1. Are you married or single?
2. Do you have any children?
I’ve got two girls and a boy.
1. How many children do you have?
2. How old are your children?
They’re five and three.
1. What are their names?
1. What’s your job?
2. Where do you work?
3. What do you do for a living?
1. What’s your job?
I’m an accountant.
1. Where do you work?
I work for Microsoft.
1. What do you do for a living?
I’m unemployed.
● tour guide
● teacher ● waiter ● soldier
● doctor ● waitress ● sailor
● police officer ● butcher ● fighter pilot
● chef / cook ● cashier ● miner
● firefighter ● astronaut ● plumber
● bus driver ● football player ● photographer
● scientist ● car mechanic ● reporter
● post man ● flight attendant ● make up artist
● vet ● musician ● director
● artist ● taxi driver ● computer programmer
● pilot ● barber ● architect
● nurse ● hairdresser ● optician
● baker ● pharmacist ● surgeon
● builder ● business man ● astronomer
● judge ● office worker ● professional golf player
● farmer ● maid ● detective
● it is used to introduce name, age, nationality and job.

Hi! I am Noah. I’m 25 years old. I’m Australian and I’m a

● it is used to introduce name, age, nationality and job.

Mia is 72 years old. Jack’s aunt is


Aban is a police officer. They are the Jackson

● it is used to introduce name, age, nationality and job.

Subject to be

I am

you are
He/ She/ It is

We/ They are

Let’s Practice

1. You are/is 40 years old.

2. I am/ is from New Zealand.
3. He is/are my cousin.
4. We am/are British.
5. They is/ are mechanics.
6. She is/are my sister.
7. We is/are scientists
8. She is/are 21 years old.
Let’s Practice: Is, Am, Are

1. I ________an actor.
2. You ________ British.
3. They ________13 years old.
4. We ________ French.
5. I __________ an engineer.
Let’s Practice: Listen and answer the questions

1. Altan is American.
2. Latifa is an actor.
3. Ollie is 36 years old.
4. Kathleen is a chef.
5. Sammi is 46 years old.
Let’s Practice: Create sentences

I am 40 years old.
I am Jack. He is Canadian
They are an engineer.
General Vocabulary

● a regular job
- work on a recurring basis performed for remuneration in a trade,
business, profession, or other occupation
● commuter
-a person who travels some distance to work on a regular basis.
❑ the company provides showers and lockers for bicycle commuters
• employee/ employer
- worker/ a person that employs people
General Vocabulary

● to earn one’s living/ earn a living

- earn money
She’s just trying to earn a living.

● run a firm
-to run/ to manage (a business, a company)

● trade
- the action of buying and selling goods and services.
Let's make a trade
I traded in my car for a new one.
● application
- a letter or form containing details of your qualifications, skills, experience, etc.

that you send to an organization when you are applying for a job
Can I ask an update regarding my applucation?

● CV (Curriculum vitae)
-a brief account of a person's education, qualifications, and previous experience, typically
sent with a job application.

● vacancy
-an unoccupied position or job
. We have a vacancy for a housekeeping.
● period of notice
- length of time your employer is aware of your departure from
their company before you actually leave
Working hours, pay
● flexitime
- a system of working a set number of hours with the starting and
finishing times chosen within agreed limits by the employee.
no need for day care—the parents can work flextime.

● pay slip
-a note given to an employee when they have been paid, detailing the
amount of pay given, and the tax and insurance deducted.
Dialogue (Jobs)
Talking About Your Job
Jack: Hi Peter. Can you tell me a little bit about your current job?
Peter: Certainly What would you like to know?
Jack: First of all, what do you work as?
Peter: I work as a computer technician at Schuller's and Co.
Jack: What do your responsibilities include?
Peter: I'm responsible for systems administration and in-house
Jack: What sort of problems do you deal with on a day-to-do basis?
Talking About Your Job
Peter: Oh, there are always lots of small system glitches. I also provide
information on a need-to-know basis for employees.
Jack: What else does your job involve?
Peter: Well, as I said, for part of my job I have to develop in-house
programs for special company tasks.
Jack: Do you have to produce any reports?
Peter: No, I just have to make sure that everything is in good working
Talking About Your Job
Jack: Do you ever attend meetings?
Peter: Yes, I attend organizational meetings at the end of the month.
Jack: Thanks for all the information, Peter. It sounds like you have an
interesting job.
Peter: Yes, it's very interesting, but stressful, too!
Talking About Your Job: Vocabulary
computer technician 电脑技术员
= (noun) a person who programs and repairs computers
day-to-day basis 日复一日
= (noun phrase) every day
glitch 小故障;小毛病;小差错
= (noun) a technical problem, possibly hardware or software related
good working order 良好的工作秩序
= (noun phrase) in good condition
Talking About Your Job: Vocabulary
in-house (公司或机构)内部存在的,内部进行的
= (adjective) work done by the company itself rather than a third
need-to-know basis 有必要知悉
= (noun phrase) someone is told about something only when
organizational meeting 组织会议
= (noun phrase) a meeting focusing on the structure of a company
or project
Talking About Your Job: Vocabulary
to involve 包含;包括
= (verb) require things to be done
to produce reports 写报告
= (verb phrase) write a report
to work as 担任…工作
= (phrasal verb) used to express the role of a person in a company
Check your
1. I think you’ll find this computer in
_______. I checked it yesterday.

A. good shape
B. good working order
C. the garbage
D. either “good shape” or “good
working order”
2. He's been asked to __________ a new
database to keep track of our clients.

A. operate on
B. develop
C. code
D. string together
3. I think we can find somebody __________ to
do that. We don't need to hire a consultant.

A. in house
B. with a big brain
C. at the store
D. on the boardwalk
4. I've had such a __________ day! It's
been one problem after another!

A. revolting
B. tedious
C. stressful
D. exceptional
5. Unfortunately, our computer has a problem
and we need to call a computer __________.

A. scientist
B. geek
C. pilot
D. technician
6. The team will provide information on a
__________. Don't worry about studying
up on any procedures.

A. necessary-to-understand
B. spic-and-span
C. need-to-know
D. back-and-forth
7. I have a __________ for you to do. Could
you get last quarter's sales figures for me?

A. task
B. project
C. thing
D. haircut
8. I have an __________ at two o'clock
tomorrow afternoon.

A. owl
B. appointment
C. arrangement
D. party
9. Peter is __________ for making sure
that are systems are up and running.

A. punctual
B. certain
C. provided
D. responsible
10. You'll find that this job will __________
a lot of research, as well as travel.

A. be
B. involve
C. give you
D. pertain
Few dialogues
Conversation 1
Situation: Lucy meets Bob at the shop. Lucy: Hi, Bob! How’s is it going?
Lucy asks Bob about his part-time job. Bob: Fine, thanks, and you?
Lucy: Just fine. Where are you off to?
Bob: To the library. I have to finish the
assignment for tomorrow’s class.
Lucy: Why don’t you do it at home?
Bob: I have a part-time job in the evening
so when I get home, I’ll be too tired to do
an assignment.
Lucy: Where do you work?
Bob: I work in a café.
Lucy: Why do you like the job?
Bob: It’s interesting. I really enjoy working
with people and get extra money.
Lucy: How is the pay?
Conversation 1 Bob: The pay’s alright. I get £7 an hour. I
Situation: Lucy meets Bob at the shop. would like to earn more as I need a lot of
Lucy asks Bob about his part-time job. money to buy a new laptop and a
Lucy: And how would you do that?
Bob: I’ll try to pick up as many extra shifts
as I can.
Lucy: What about your studies? How would
you manage your time?
Bob: Well, I don’t know yet. I might consider
taking fewer courses next semester.
Lucy: I wouldn’t do that if I were you. You
should make your studies the first priority.
What if your parents know about it?
Bob: Ugh. You’re right. Thanks for your
advice, Lucy. I’ve got to go now. See you
Lucy: See you, Bob.
Conversation 2
Situation: Tui has been thinking about her career plan when she
graduates from college. Bob comes and shares his thought.
Bob: Hi, Tui. How are you? You don’t look very happy.
Tui: I know. I’m alright really. But it’s my parents. They want me to go back to
Thailand after I graduate.
Bob: Why don’t you want to go back?
Tui: I want to pursue a career in nanotechnology. I don’t think I can do that in
my home country.
Bob: Have you explained that to your parents?
Tui: I have but they insist I should try to find a job in Thailand first. I think it will
be a waste of time.
Bob: Do you think you can easily land your first job here in the UK?
Tui: With many internship, apprenticeship and scholarship opportunities
available, I believe it will be easier for me to build my career here.
Conversation 2
Situation: Tui has been thinking about her career plan when she
graduates from college. Bob comes and shares his thought.

Bob: What position do you actually want for your future career?
Tui: I want to work full time as a research scientist specializing in
Bob: Awesome! As far as I know, research scientists typically have
master’s or doctorate degrees. That means you have to continue your
study at least until master’s degree.
Tui: I know. I do plan to enroll in a master’s program immediately after I
finish my bachelor’s.
Bob: Have you consulted the career advisor at the career center
Tui: No, not yet. It never crossed my mind. That’s a good idea, Bob.
Thank you.
Exercise 1 – Fill in the Blanks
Situation: Jane is looking for Andrew who just went to the university
career center office looking for information about internship
Jane: Hi, Andrew! I’ve been looking for you. Where have you been?
Andrew: I went to the career center office just now.
Jane: What for?
Andrew: I’m looking for information about
__________(1)__________ for journalism students.
Jane: And ...?
Andrew: The center staff said there were internship opportunities
available at New Horizon Media.
Jane: New Horizon Media? Never heard of it. Where is it?
Andrew: It’s located in central London. It’s an award winning non-profit
organization that produces documentary films.
Exercise 1 – Fill in the Blanks
Situation: Jane is looking for Andrew who just went to the university
career center office looking for information about internship
Jane: I see. What __________(2)__________ are available?
Andrew: It is currently seeking research and production interns.
Jane: Which position are you interested in?
Andrew: I’m interested in applying for the production intern.
Jane: What are the requirements?
Andrew: This position requires excellent communication and
organizational skills and experience with Final Cut Pro, Photoshop,
and Word. Do you want to __________(3)__________, too?
Exercise 1 – Fill in the Blanks
Situation: Jane is looking for Andrew who just went to the university
career center office looking for information about internship
Jane: I can’t use Photoshop. What about the research intern? What
are the __________(4)__________?
Andrew: The __________(5)_____________ must have excellent
research and writing skills and the ability to make telephone outreach
and write blog posts. I think you are qualified for this position.
Jane: Do you think so?
Andrew: Yeah. Why don’t you try to apply? Just send your application
to … wait, let me check my notes … send it to
Jane: Thank you for sharing the information with me.
Andrew: Don’t mention it, Jane.
Exercise 1

1) Which option is the best to fill in the first

A) scholarship
B) apprenticeship opportunities
C) internship opportunities
D) job vacancies
Exercise 1

2) Which option is the best to fill in the

second blank?
A) applications
B) work
C) media
D) positions
Exercise 1

3) Which option is the best to fill in the third

A) application
B) apply
C) interview
D) hire
Exercise 1

4) Which option is the best to fill in the

fourth blank?
A) wages
B) qualifications
C) skills
D) criteria
Exercise 1

5) Which option is the best to fill in the fifth

A) worker
B) candidate
C) employee
D) employer
Idioms we might use when talking about jobs
In the bad books
- If you are in someone's bad books, they are
angry with you. Likewise, if you are in their good
books, they are pleased with you.

Above and beyond the call of duty

- to show a greater degree of courage or effort
than is usually required or expected in their job.
Idioms we might use when talking about jobs
I’m in two minds about what to do
- If you are in two minds about something, you can't
decide what to do. “I’m in two minds about what to do
with John. On the one hand, he is very good at his job but
on the other hand, he has a very bad manner.

To crack the whip

– to make someone work harder by pushing them
to make more effort and by being strict.
Idioms we might use when talking about jobs
Call it quits
- When people temporarily stop doing
something or put an end to an activity.

Learn the ropes

– to learn how to do a job properly.
Questions about the audio discussion
1. Do you agree with Jeff that people who wear
uniforms get more respect?
2. Do you prefer flexible work hours like Jeff or do
you prefer to have an arranged start and finish
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of
having flexible hours?
Conversation questions about work and jobs

1. What is a typical day at your work like?

2. What is the most difficult thing about your job?
3. What are the things you like the most about
your job?
4. Do you have to work long hours? Do you ever
work overtime?
5. How do you motivate your team members?
6. Is it common for people from your country to
have one job for life?
interest and
Collecting 收集
● Action Figures 动作图
● Antiques 古董
● Autograph Collecting 征集签名
● Car Collecting 收车
● Coin Collecting 钱币收藏
● Comic Books 漫画书
● Concert 音乐会
● Posters 海报
● Doll Collecting 玩偶收藏
● Fine Art Collecting 美术收藏
● Hot Wheel and Matchbox Cars 热轮车和火柴盒车
● Manga 漫画
● Movie 电影
Collecting 收集
● Memorabilia 大事记
● Music Memorabilia 音乐纪念品
● Spoon Collecting 勺子收集
● Sports Collectibles 体育收藏品
● Sports Trading Cards 体育交易卡
● Stamp Collecting 集邮
● Vinyl Records 乙烯基唱片
● Watch Collecting 手表收藏
● Gun and Pistols 枪和手枪
Arts & Crafts 工艺美术
● Animation 动画
● Architecture 建筑
● Calligraphy 书法
● Candle Making 蜡烛制作
● Crochet 钩针
● Film Making 电影制作
● Gardening 园艺
● Jewelry Making 首饰制作
● Origami 折纸
● Photography 摄影
● Sewing 缝纫
● Sculpting 雕刻
● Ceramics / Pottery 陶瓷/陶器
Arts & Crafts 工艺美术
● Fashion Design 服装设计
● Floristry 花卉学
● Graffiti 涂鸦
● Knitting 针织
● Paper Airplanes 纸飞机
● Painting and Drawing 绘画和素描
● Quilting 绗缝
● Scrapbooking 相本美编
● Woodworking 木工
● Tattoo 纹身
Model & Electronic 模型和电子
● Ham Radio 火腿收音机
● RC Boats 钢筋混凝土船
● RC Cars 遥控车横行天下
● RC Helicopters RC直升机
● RC Planes 钢筋混凝土平面
● Robotics 机器人学
● Scale Models 比例模型
● Model Cars 汽车模型
● Model Airplanes 航模大赛
● Model Railroading 铁路模型
● Model Rockets 火箭模型
● Model Ship / Boat Kits 模型船/船套件
Games 游戏
● Arcade Games 街机游戏
● Ball and Jacks 球和千斤顶
● Billiards / Pool 台球/泳池
● Board Games 棋盘游戏
● Card Games 纸牌游戏
● Card Tricks 纸牌魔术师
● Chess 国际象棋
● Dominoes 多米诺骨牌
● Football 足球
Games 游戏
● Geocaching 寻宝游戏
● Jigsaw Puzzles 拼图游戏
● Kite Flying / Making 放风筝/做风筝
● Mah Jong 麻将
● Pinball Machines 弹球机
● Poker 扑克
● Table Tennis - Ping Pong 乒乓球
● Video Games 电子游戏
Individual sports 个人运动
● Archery 射箭
● Acrobatics 杂技
● Badminton 羽毛球
● Bodybuilding 健身
● Bowling 保龄球
● Boxing 拳击
● Croquet 槌球
● Cycling 自行车
● Diving 潜水
● Golf 高尔夫球
● Gymnastics 体操
● Fencing 击剑
● Horseback Riding 骑马
Individual sports 个人运动
● Ice Skating 滑冰
● Inline Skating 内联滑冰
● Pilates 普拉提
● Running 跑步
● Swimming 游泳
● Squash 壁球
● Tai Chi 太极拳
● Tennis 网球
● Weight Training 举重训练
● Yoga 瑜伽
Team sports 团体运动
● basketball 篮球
● baseball 棒球
● football 足球
● cricket 板球
● volleyball 排球
● soccer 足球
● water polo 水球
Martial Arts 武术
● Aikido 合气道
● Jiu Jitsu 柔术
● Judo 柔道
● Karate 空手道
● Kung Fu 功夫
● Taekwondo 跆拳道
Outdoor Activities 户外活动
● Birdwatching 观鸟
● Camping 露营
● Fishing 垂钓
● Hiking 郊游野游
● Hunting 狩猎
● Kayak and Canoe 皮划艇和独木舟
● Mountain Biking 山地自行车
● Mountain climbing 登山
Outdoor Activities 户外活动
● Paintball 彩弹
● River Rafting 漂流
● Rock Climbing 攀岩
● Sailing 帆船
● Scuba Diving 潜水
● Fly Fishing 飞钓
● Backpacking 背包旅行
Exercise 1
team sport
martial arts
models and electronics
outdoor activity
performing arts
board sports
food & drink
individual sports

1. __________ requires you to find as many as possible of one type

of thing such as baseball cards, or vinyl records.
2. Arcade _____ include pinball machines and a wide variety of
computer games that are played in a large room.
Exercise 1
team sport
martial arts
models and electronics
outdoor activity
performing arts
board sports
food & drink
individual sports

1. You play a ________ if you play basketball, soccer or water polo.

2. Snowboarding and windsurfing are types of ____________.
3. If you like bartending and cooking you look _________.
Exercise 1
team sport
martial arts
models and electronics
outdoor activity
performing arts
board sports
food & drink
individual sports

1. You play a ________ if you play basketball, soccer or water polo.

2. Snowboarding and windsurfing are types of ____________.
3. If you like bartending and cooking you look _________.
4. Head to the mountains to enjoy _________ such as kayaking, river
​rafting, and rafting.
Exercise 1
team sport
martial arts
models and electronics
outdoor activity
performing arts
board sports
food & drink
individual sports

1. ___________ such as snowmobiling and go karts can be

rather expensive, especially if you don't know how to repair
2. Some people prefer ______________ rather than team sports.
These include boxing, fencing and golf.
Exercise 1
team sport
martial arts
models and electronics
outdoor activity
performing arts
board sports
food & drink
individual sports

1. People all over the world practice ________ such as Kung Fu

and Aikido.
2. _________________ often include building your own model.
3. People who sing, act or dance participate in the

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