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on 19th February 2021, Friday

Fire Hazard, Fire Risk Management & Recent Case Details

Bharathi Ganesh, Sharada Bai H
Professor & head, Department of Civil Engineering, Nitte Meenakshi Institute of Technology, Bangalore
Retc Professor, UVCE, Bangalore University, Bangalore
Bharathi.ganesh@nmit.ac.in, sharadaj29@yahoo.com

The materials compiled under this article are drawn heavily from online open sources with an objective of
knowledge dissemination to teachers and learners as a part of lifelong learning.

1.0 Introduction
All disasters, whether flood, earthquake, cyclone, drought or extensive fire, inevitably cause
upheavals not only in the physical but also in the social and economic context where they occur. If
a disaster is of major proportions, as may be the case in an earthquakes or flood, an entire region
or extensive national territory may be involved1. The study and analysis of factors that cause a
disaster, the characteristics that shape its evolution, the effects on the population and the natural
environment, the instruments that can mitigate their effects, and the various ways of re-
establishing the optimal living conditions of the persons and communities involved have led to the
creation of the new science of Disastrology, which studies disasters from all points of view and
establishes guidelines for their management 1. These approaches have led to the scientific detailing
of disaster planning and response. This has been gradually transformed from a humane action into
an efficient managerial system throughout all the phases and aspects of the disaster, from
prediction and prevention to preparedness, immediate medical response, assistance, and
There is no country that is immune from disaster, though vulnerability to disaster varies. There are four
main types of disaster (WCPT, 2010)2. They are as follows.
a. Natural disasters - These disasters include floods, hurricanes, earthquakes and volcano eruptions that
can have immediate impacts on human health, as well as secondary impacts causing further death and
suffering from floods causing landslides, earthquakes resulting in fires, tsunamis causing widespread
flooding and typhoons sinking ferries.
b. Environmental emergencies - These emergencies include technological or industrial accidents,
usually involving hazardous material, and occur where these materials are produced, used or
transported. Large forest fires are generally included in this definition because they tend to be caused
by humans.
c. Complex emergencies - These emergencies involve a break-down of authority, looting and attacks on
strategic installations. Complex emergencies include conflict situations and war.
d. Pandemic emergencies - These emergencies involve a sudden onset of a contagious disease that
affects health but also disrupts services and businesses, bringing economic and social costs.

1.1 Emergency Management

Emergency Management is a systematic process leading to action before, during and after a disaster to
save lives and prevent injury (NCDHD, 2011) 3. "Disaster" here means a major emergency that exceeds
the community's capacity to respond successfully with its own resources (NCDHD, 2011)3.
Emergency Management is the generic term of an interdisciplinary field dealing with the strategic
organization management processes used to protect and asses of an organization from hazard risks that
can cause disasters or catastrophes and to ensure the continuance of the organization within their
planned lifetime (Haddow and Bullock, 2003)4. Emergency management is organized into four phases
(Fig. 1) (NCDHD, 2011).

 Prevention and Emergency Mitigation – Preventions are the actions taken to eliminate a hazard or
reduce its potential impact: a phase carried out before the event to reduce risks.
 Preparedness - Preparedness is the planning for major emergencies, including training and exercises, a
phase carried out before the event to reduce risks.
 Response – Response is an action taken in response to emergencies, a phase after the event.
 Recovery – Recovery is an action taken after a disaster to restore services and reconstruct
communities, a phase after the event.
Awareness and understanding about natural hazards, helps identify regions with high vulnerability with
respect to various hazards (earthquakes, cyclones, landslides, floods, etc.)6. 

Fig. 1 The Disaster Risk Management Cycle (Source: Flood Site, 20075)

1.2 Fire and Fire Hazards

Fire hazard is the most common hazard, which is present in all areas of life. Most combustible materials
are stored in a normal atmosphere, which contains oxygen, and so the risk of fire is then due to the
possibility of an ignition source. Combustible liquids can vaporise and so form an oxygen–air mixture at
their surface that can be ignited. The temperature at which a liquid fuel vapour can ignite is called its
flashpoint. The heat needed for combustion to take place depends on the flashpoint if it is a liquid.
Solids need a much higher temperature to ignite. In the storage of materials, it is usual to apply
segregation according to their ease of combustion. This will ensure that if a fire starts in one place, it will
not spread to another. The burning of plastics, for example, will cause them to liquefy and flow, causing
rapid spread of the fire. 
Fire is a recurring part of nature. Wildfires can be caused by lightning striking a forest canopy or, in a
few isolated cases, by lava or hot rocks ejected from erupting volcanoes. Most fires worldwide are
started by humans, sometimes accidentally and sometimes on purpose. Not all fires are bad. Fire clears

away dead and dying underbrush, which can help restore forest ecosystems to good health. Humans
use fire as a tool in slash-and-burn agriculture to speed up the process of breaking down unwanted
vegetation into the soil. Humans also use fire to clear away old-growth forests to make room for living
spaces, roads, and fields for raising crops and cattle. But not all fires are good. Wildfires can destroy
natural resources and human structures. Globally, fire plays a major role in Earth's carbon cycle by
releasing carbon into the air, and by consuming trees that would otherwise absorb carbon from the air
during photosynthesis. These maps show the locations of actively burning fires around the world,
detected by instruments aboard NASA satellites.
The fire maps show the locations of actively burning fires around the world on a monthly basis, based
on observations from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on
NASA's Terra satellite. The colours are based on a count of the number (not size) of fires observed
within a 1,000-square-kilometer area. White pixels show the high end of the count — as many as 30
fires in a 1,000-square-kilometer area per day. Orange pixels show as many as 10 fires, while red areas
show as few as 1 fire per day.

Fig. 2 MODIS image showing the locations of actively burning fires around the world

1.3 Know more about Fire

I. What is Fire?
The rapid oxidation of a fuel evolving heat, particulates, gases and non-ionizing radiation.
II. Fire Hazards and Risk
A hazard is something with the potential to cause harm or loss.
A risk is the likelihood that the hazard will actually cause that harm or loss.
III. Fire Types
- Flame fire
• Gases or vapors
• High burning rate
- Surface fire
• Burning rate may be slow
- Explosion
• An event leading to a rapid increase of pressure
- Sources of Ignition
• Smoking
• Electrical equipment
• Heaters
• Contractors tools and equipment

• Arson
IV. Fuels
• Paper & Boxes etc.
• Expanded polystyrene beads
• Plastics
• Solvents
• Carpets
• Furniture
• Waste materials

V. Fire/Fuel Classifications7
The Fires are classified according to the type of fuel that is burning. Knowing fire classification and
the selection of type of fire extinguisher suitable to each type of materials/fires is most important
because wrong type of fire extinguisher on wrong class of fire might may make the situation worse.
Table 1 Classification of Materials, Types, Fire Extinguishers etc.
Class A Class B Class C Class D Class K Fires:
Materials are: Materials are: Materials are: materials include
Solids Liquids “Energized” Combustible Cooking Oils
• Wood • Gasoline, Electrical Metals and Fats.
• Paper Oil, Diesel fuel Equipment & • Magnesium This covers
• Plastic Rubber • Greases, Cables • Titanium the new
• Coal Hydraulic fluid Always treat “C” • Zirconium synthetic oils
• Gases; i.e. fires as though • Sodium & greases
Acetylene, power is still on! • Potassium that are the
Propane Once the power • Lithium market &
Natural Gas has been removed, • Calcium the new
“B” stands for you can probably • Zinc ones being
“boil” treat it like a Class developed.
A or B fire, but New
remember that synthetic oils
cables & & greases
equipment can for industry
hold electricity
even after the
power is off!

“A” stands for “B” stands for “C” stands for D stands for
“ash” “boil” “current” “ding”
which makes
ringing sound
Types of Heat
Energy • Electrical • Chemical • Chemical
• Mechanical – Resistance – heat of reaction between
– Frictional heat Heating combustion – Combustible
– Frictional sparks – Dielectric – spontaneous material (fuel)

– Heat of Heating heating – Oxygen
compression – Induction – heat of – Ignition source
• Nuclear heat Heating decomposition • Rapid
energy – Leakage – heat of solution oxidation of
– Nuclear Fission Current combustible
and Fusion Heating material
– Heat from accompanied by a
Arcing release of energy
– Static in the form of
Electricity heat and light
– Heat
generated by

1.4 The Fire Triangle and the Fire Tetrahedron

The Fire Triangle refers to the three-sided diagram showing the critical components required for
the chemical reaction of fire. If all three components (Heat, Oxygen and Fuel) are combined in
sufficient quantities, combustion instantly occurs.  However, if at least one of the components are
removed, the chemical reaction can no longer continue and the fire is extinguished.
A tetrahedron can be described as a pyramid which is a solid having four plane faces. Essentially all
four elements must be present for fire to occur, fuel, heat, oxygen, and a chemical chain reaction.

Fig. 3 Fire Triangle and Fire Tetrahedron

Table 2 Know More About Fire and Chemistry of Fire

Special care when using Flammable Liquids Combustible Liquids
flammable and Flash point under 100oF Flash point over 100oF & under 164oF
combustible liquids • Gasoline(-42oF) • Diesel fuel(110oF)
The “ flash point” is when • Toluene(73 F o
• Kerosene(102oF)
at • Benzene(12 F)o
• Home heating fuel(120oF)
the right temperature, • Cleaning fluids • Hydraulic fluids
vapors are released that
will ignite

Combustion Readily visible
• Ratings – Near points of entry & exit
– based on use by – Protected from vandalism
untrained operator • Uniformly distributed
– 8 inch deep layer of – No more than 50 feet travel distance
flammable liquid to fire for class B materials
– No more than 75 feet travel distance
to fire for class A materials
Flammable Liquids

Fire Extinguishing
The following details provide a detailed insight into the fire extinguishing
Extinguishing a fire Cooling
• Applying water
• Removing Fuel
• Shut off supply to gas or liquid fires
• Pump liquid from burning tanks
• Limiting oxygen
• Mechanical smothering
• Foam
• Displace oxygen with inert gas
• Interrupt chain reaction
• Capture free radicals using an extinguishing agent

Extinguishing agents Water

• Removes heat from a fire
• Streams, spray or fog
• Best for Class A fires
• Not for electrical or combustible metal fires Water mist may be
used on electrical fires. These are special fire extinguishers, filled
with distilled water, that produce a fine mist (no solid stream of
• Foam
• Excludes oxygen from burning liquid fires
• Aqueous Film Forming Foam (AFFF)
• Fire can re-ignite if foam breaks down
Inert Gases Dry Chemical
• Displaces oxygen • Inhibit chain reactions
• Carbon dioxide, nitrogen • Sodium or potassium bicarbonate
• Halogenated Hydrocarbons • For Class B or C fires
• Inhibit chain reactions • Multipurpose Dry Chemical
• HALON (bromo-fluoro- • Monoammonium phosphate
chloro-hyrdrocarbons) • For Class A, B, or C fires
• Carbon tetrachloride • Excludes oxygen by coating surfaces
(historically) • Dry Powder
• Ozone depleting • Excludes oxygen from burning metal
• New, more ozone-friendly • Sodium chloride, graphite
agents are available
Dry Chemical Liquified Gas Placement
• Class ABC or BC • CO2, Class BC • Maximum 75 foot travel distance for
• "B" unit rating = 1 square • HALON, Class ABC "A" or "D“

foot flammable liquid fire • Dry powder • Maximum 50 foot travel distance for "B“
• No rating for "C“ • Class D (no rating) • Inspection
• Stored pressure or cartridge- • Cartridge operated • Monthly visual
operated • Annual maintenance
• 5-year hydrotest
• 12 yr. hydrotest for dry chemical or
HALON (6 yr. recharge)
• Training and Education
• For all workplaces with fire extinguishers

Explosions Chemistry of Fire Products of combustion

• Deflagration • Combustion • Heat
• Combustion wave • Rapid oxidation • Soot, smoke
propagates at subsonic velocity • Combustion • Carbon dioxide
• Detonation components • Carbon monoxide
• Combustion wave • Oxygen • Incomplete combustion
propagates at supersonic • Atmosphere (21%) • Hydrogen cyanide
velocity • Chemical oxidizers • Hydrogen sulfide
• Gas or vapor explosion • Fuel • Phosgene
• Combustion of pre-mixed gas • Solids • Acid Gases
or vapor • Surface-to-mass • Hydrogen Chloride
• Dust explosion ratio • Sulfur dioxide
• Finely divided solids, • Gaseous • Nitrogen oxides
suspended in air • Liquids (vapors) • Ammonia
• BGases • Acrolein
• Metal Fumes

How does a solid burn? Takes place as wood,

coal, conveyor belts or
any carbon based
products decomposes
from the action of the
Remember, it is the
vapors that burn, not
the solid.

Selection of Fire Ezxtinguisher

Fig. 4 Selection of Right Type of Extinguisher

Adding water Class A fires only How to extinguish Limit material burning Shovel away
a Class A fire material Add rock dust to remaining fuel
Pit a lid on it, Usually oily rags or Use a fire extinguisher Usually Class A, B &
paper in a waste container C fires
Not recommended How to extinguish Remove excess liquid fuel or shut off
Water can cause the fire to spread a Class B fire bottled gas cylinders
Put a lid on it. No oxygen, no fire Use a BC or ABC fire extinguisher
Not recommended How to extinguish Shut off the power
Water can conduct electricity a Class C fire May still have A or B fire remaining
May not work because of the high Use a BC or ABC fire extinguisher
temperature of the electric arc
Class D materials Shut off the power
Not recommended are usually in alloy May still have A or B fire remaining
Water can conduct electricity type metals
May not work because of the high They are usually Use a BC or ABC fire extinguisher
temperature of the electric arc started by a Class
A-B-C fire, and will
burn at extremely
high temperatures
How to extinguish a Class K Fires
Problem… ABC type fire extinguishers may not work on these fires; a special Class K extinguisher may
be needed!
Means of Egress:
A continuous and unobstructed way of exit travel from any point in a building or structure to a
public way and consists of three separate and distinct parts:
-- the way of exit access
-- the exit
-- the way of exit discharge

Each hazard can be compounded by

• Panic and confusion
• Poor visibility
• Lack of information and/or
• Misinformation
These factors frequently cause more injuries and fatalities than the hazard itself!!!
Subpart E of OSHA’s 1910 Standard Concerns Safe and Efficient Means of Leaving a Building or Facility
in an Emergency

Egress - A place or means of going out.

Subpart E contains
• definitions
• general requirements that are fundamental to safe and efficient egress from facilities
• detailed requirements to ensure qualitative/quantitative factors are covered
General Requirements
• Emergency & Fire Prevention Plans
• Classification of Fires
• Fire Extinguishers
• Sprinkler Systems

1.5 Recent Fire hazards – Case Details
With leading globalization and leading urge to cater to all the human population at once, one can
see how long we have come across just constructing buildings all over. The construction policies,
government regulations and certain other international policies are to be followed, no matter what
other things are compromised for. But in recent times, because of lack of space or cluttering to
metros, people are taking up to violating these policies thus leading to fire hazards and prone to
other more disasters.
There are many policies that stand tall and hard against fire accidents. Even when they are
unpredictable, they still can be avoided. But there are many firms, agencies and even housing
societies that are fail to follow the norms.
1.5.1 Indian Scenario
With its vast territory, large population and diverse geo-climatic conditions, Indian sub-continent is
exposed to natural catastrophes historically.  Natural hazards which can be broadly classified into
geophysical hazards (earthquakes, landslides & tsunamis), hydrological hazards (floods), meteorological
hazards (cyclones, storm surges), and climatological hazards (thunderstorms) are common occurrence
in India. While the vulnerability varies from region to region, a large part of the country is exposed to
such natural hazards which often turn into disasters causing significant disruption of socio-economic life
of communities leading to loss of life and property (BMTPC).

Worst Fire Accidents in India in the Year 2019

Fig. 5 - 43 Killed in an Anaj Mandi in Delhi

a. Anaj Mandi, New Delhi, India
On December 8, 2019, as many as 43 people were killed in a gruesome fire accident in Delhi. The
fire was reportedly started in a 4-storey illegal factory unit in Anaj Mandi, Delhi. At least 50
labourers were reported to be sleeping in the cramped space. The illegal factory unit had no license
to operate a factory and moreover there were no fire safety equipment. There were only two exits
from the building of which one was blocked by stacking of materials. As there was a very small exit
route, most of the labourers were trapped inside the burning building.

Fig. 6 - 23 Killed in Surat coaching centre fire accident 

b. Surat, India

The Surat accident had everyone held uptight because of how it turned out to be in the end. May
24th, 2019 saw a very huge accident when a fire broke out because of human errors in the tuition
classes in Surat. The tuition classes back then had a number of students coming up for their
summer vacations classes. There were about 23 killed in the fire accident. It all started with the
wrong construction of the extra floor as the “pent” floor. There were tires that acted as the seats
for the students. The major violation of National Building Code (NBC) guidelines was to have
constructed the extra floor which was not permitted. The disaster left all of India in shock. Many
students died during evacuation and rescue. It was gut-wrenching to see people falling down from
the burning building.

Fig. 7 - 17 killed in Karol Bagh – February 12, 2019

c. Arpit Palace, Karol Bhag, New Delhi
The February month of 2019 saw a massive fire on the fifth floor of the Arpit Palace, Karol Bhag,
New Delhi. It was the late hours of the night when the fire broke out because of a short-circuit and
resulted in the entire floor is on fire. The adjacent floor too eventually caught fire. There were
families heading out for marriage the very next morning. Many people had to jump off the building
for the sake of their lives. There were about 17 people who died in this accident and many more
were injured.
The cause of the fire was clear to be a short-circuit. But what lied beneath all the fire was the fact
that there were many regulatory policies that were not followed. The area was far beyond what
they had been granted, and the fire extinguishers were out of gas. [Source]

Fig. 8 More than 200 cars gutted in Aero India show fire and a similar incident in Chennai –
February 23 & 24, 20198
d. Aero India, Bangalore, India
During the annual Aero India show in the month of February, a massive fire broke out at the
parking lot. almost 300 cars were gutted in the fire. According to the sources, the fire started from
dry grass and spread rapidly due to strong winds 8.
Similarly, a fire in a parking lot in Chennai gutted around 170 cars. According to the sources, the
cars were parked by a private company over the last year. The fire is reportedly due from an
overheated silencer in one of the parked cars which became uncontrollable due to strong winds.

Fig. 9 - 13 workers charred to death in a chemical explosion at Mumbai – August 13, 2019
e. Sirpur, Mumbai, India
A fire triggered by a leaking chemical barrel led to massive explosions in a chemical unit in Sirpur,
Mumbai. The explosion happened at 9.45 am and at that time there were at least 100 employees.
The fire chemical leakage triggered and due to the fire, there were serial blasts from the nitrogen

Fig. 10 -  9 lives perished in a cloth godown fire accident in Delhi – December 23, 2019
f. Anaj Mandi, New Delhi, India
Just a few weeks after the gruesome Anaj Mandi fire accident, Delhiites woke up to yet another
horrendous fire accident in a cloth godown at Kirari area. The glaring violations such as no fire
safety equipment, poor access and only one staircase, makes one wonder, how these godowns
were allowed to operate.

Fig. 11 - 5 killed in Pune Cloth Godown Fire – May 9, 2019

g. Urli Devachi, India
A massive fire in a cloth godown in Pune killed 5 people who were the employees of Rajyog
wholesale saree centre, Urli Devachi. The cause of the fire is unknown. The fire broke at the wee
hours, the employees were asleep. They could not escape the fire as the godown was locked from

a. Dibrugarh, Assam, India
A fire triggered by a burning candle kills 5 in a house at Dibrugarh. According to the reports, the
incident took place at 1.30 am when the family was sleeping. The fire from the burning candle
spread quickly as the house was made of combustible materials like wood, bamboo and tarpaulin,
the fire caused an LPG blast. Also, the fire spread to the nearby houses. 

Fig. 12 - 5 Killed in Dibrugarh house fire, October 20, 2019

1.5.2 Fire Cases Worldwide
a. Australia
In January 2020 Australia experienced widespread and severe fires causing extensive damage to
the local ecosystem and communities and blanketing the surrounding regions in smoke. The last
season was dubbed "Black Summer" by Prime Minister Scott Morrison due to unusually prolonged
and intense bushfires that burned nearly 12 million hectares (30 million acres), killed 33 people and
an estimated 1 billion animals.
b. Kangaroo Island in South Australia
The fire, on January 9, was the second major blaze to ravage Kangaroo Island in South Australia in
less than a week. On January, 4th 2020, astronauts flying 17,500 miles per hour onboard the
International Space Station (ISS), captured several photographs of smoke plumes from fires in New
South Wales and Victoria, spreading off the east coast of Australia into the Tasman Sea.   

Fig. 13 An intense bushfire that burned nearly 12 million hectares (30 million acres), killed 33
people and an estimated 1 billion animals.
c. Kathmandu, Nepal
In recent weeks, wildfires have wiped out 1,400 hectares of forest at 44 different locations. Human
activity is mostly to blame8.
Fires broke out at 44 different sites, endangering biodiversity and local communities. Breeders
believe that fires create fresh grassland for cattle, or secretly set fires to prevent elephants and
rhinos from encroaching on farmland.

Fig. 14 Arson destroys 1,400 hectares of Nepali Forest
d. Fire in Argentina
Wildfires have continued to burn throughout August and September across Argentina's Cordoba
province. At least 55 square miles or grassland have been destroyed as strong winds and no rainfall
fuelled the fires spread.

Fig. 15 Fire in Argentina 28 SEPTEMBER 2020 & Fig. 16 Forest and plantation fires in Jekan Raya
sub-district, Palangkaraya, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia in August 2019. Prachatai, Flickr
1.6 Snapshots of 2020
From 2002 to 2019, there was a total of 60.5Mha humid primary forest lost globally, making
up 16% of its total tree cover loss  in the same time period. Total area of humid primary forest
decreased globally by 5.9% in this time period.

 From 2001 to 2019, there was a total of 386Mha of tree cover loss globally, equivalent to
a 9.7% decrease in tree cover since 2000 and 105Gt of CO₂ emissions.

Globally from 2001 to 2019, 27% of tree cover loss occurred in areas where the dominant drivers

loss resulted in deforestation

Fig. 16a Snapshots of 2020

Fig. 16b Snapshots of 2020

1.7 Prevention of Fire Hazards

Fig.17 Too much focus on suppression shows adverse effects in Fires prevalence creating a vicious

Fig. 18 Clarity Governance, Coordinate Policies 9

Fig. 19 At Govt. level. focus should be on tackling the root causes of fires rather than struggling with
their consequences13

Fig. 20 Share of Annual CO2 Emissions Released During Fires

1.8 Safety – Knowing the basics and be aware of it

Fig. 21 Awareness and Follow the Guidelines

Protecting built environment or forest in the world doesn’t have to be difficult so long as everyone
follow a few basic principles. When starting out, there are four steps to building ones first health
and safety policy – completing each one will help raise standards across living environment,
keeping the surroundings safe, and helping in avoiding prosecution procedures too.

Fig. 22 Training at Four Stages – a Part of Preparedness

1.9 Fire Insurance
There are different plans available depending on the situation and scale of fire hazards coverage.

Fig. 23 Fire Insurance Policies

1. Specific Policy: Under it, any loss suffered by the assured is covered only up to a specific amount
which is less than the real value of property. A specific policy is an example of under-insurance. The
insurer generally inserts an average clause in such a policy so that in the event of loss, he only
bears the rateable proportion of such loss.
2. Comprehensive policy: It is also known as an all-in-one-policy. It covers losses arising from many
kinds of risks, such as, fire, theft, burglary, third party risks, etc.
3. Valued policy: Under this, the insurer agrees to pay a fixed sum of money irrespective of the
amount of loss to the insured.
4. Floating policy: It covers the property lying at different places against loss by fire. An average
clause will always be there in a floating policy.
5. Average Policy: A fire policy containing an ‘Average Clause’ is called an Average Policy. Under a
specific policy (i.e., a policy without the Average clause), in the event of loss, the insured can claim
up to the full amount of his policy, even if he has under-insured his property. Suppose, the property
insured for Rs. 10,000 is valued at Rs. 20,000 at the time of loss. This is a case of under-insurance.

1.10 Role of Construction Fraternity and Built Environment

Construction industry and built environment disciplines have to play a major role in disaster risk
reduction. The role played by the construction sector in disaster risk reduction and the role can be
divided in to two categories namely the role played at the pre disaster protection phase and the
role played at the post disaster recovery phase. However, it should be noted that both the phases
are interrelated, overlapping and multi-dimensional (Haigh & Amaratunga, 2010; McEntire et al,
2002; Trim, 2004)

 The built environment disciplines together with the construction industry have a vital role in all
phases of the disaster management cycles in relation to disaster risk reduction. They can involve in
disaster risk reduction in numerous ways, including planning, designing, engineering, construction
and maintenance of the built environment. Furthermore, it is understood that built environment
disciplines such as architecture, engineering and town and country planning has a more important
role in adapting disaster risk reduction methods in to their designs and construction work.
 Some of these measures includes, proper land use planning, incorporating building codes and
regulations, proper designing and construction of quality infrastructure including structural work
such as sea walls, drainage systems etc., use of quality construction materials and improving the
quality of construction.
 Likewise, there is a clear relationship between disaster risk reduction and the construction
industry including built environment disciplines. Several authors have identified the inadequate
engagement of the construction industry and the built environment disciplines in incorporating
disaster mitigation and risk reduction in actual context in the disaster stricken areas (Chang, 2010).
Therefore, there is a requirement within the construction industry to design programs to heighten
the awareness of the industry players in order for them to actively engage in disaster management,
planning, and mitigation activities. Therefore, this research can be further extended to identify the
gap between theoretical and actual contribution of construction sector in disaster risk reduction.

1.11 Activate Fire Safety15

Activate Fire Safety can draft fire plan drawings that detail fire safety features such as fire
compartmentation, fire doors, firefighting equipment, fire exit signage and alarm manual call point
locations along with the exit routes and any service isolation locations should be super imposed
onto the drawing. These fire detail drawings will give a clear idea of the fire evacuation plan for
that premises and serve as a great tool when carrying out staff fire awareness training.  Fire Plan

Drawings are also a requirement when submitting a Full Plans Building Regulation application for
proposed building work to a non-domestic building, additional information with regard to the
building will be required such as detail on;
 Passive and active fire protection measures
 Emergency and escape lighting
 Fire alarm and detection systems
 Engineered fire solutions used within the building
 The dimensions of fire exit routes
 Access and facilities for the fire service
1.12 Summary and Conclusions
Due to ever increasing adverse impacts of disasters, the disaster risk reduction has become a very
demanding area in the recent past. Disaster risk reduction measures can be employed in both pre
disaster planning and post disaster recovery stages of the disaster management cycles.
Disaster planning and response require ever more scientific elaboration. All phases of the rescue
process need an efficient managerial system, from prediction and prevention to preparedness,
immediate medical response, assistance and rehabilitation.
Disaster plans, like those for any other types of rescue operation, will be no more than empty
words unless they are tested in training programmes, made intelligible to the general public,
supported by adequate resources, and updated as necessary. The acquisition of emergency
capability by ordinary people is a sign of civil and cultural progress, but the most important factor
of all is disaster preparedness.

1. https://www.iwapublishing.com/news/disaster-management
2. WCPT, 2010
3. NCDHD, 2011
4. Management is organized into four phases (NCDHD, 2011)
5. Flood Site. 2007. Flood Management Practice in European Union
6. Vulnerability Atlas of India - https://bmtpc.org/LatestTopicsDetails.aspx?mid=172
7. https://www.iwapublishing.com/news/disaster-management, https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/pune/5-dead-
in-blaze-at-pune-cloth-godown/articleshow/69244856.cms, Source: India Today, NDTV News, North East Today,
AsiaNews etc.
8. https://ars.els-cdn.com/content/image/3-s2.0-B9781845697129500038-f03-01-9781845697129.gif
10. Arson destroys 1,400 hectares of Nepali forest, by Christopher Sharma
11. The CTIF World Fire Statistics Center gathers data from fires worldwide - https://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/global-
12. Haigh & Amaratunga, 2010; McEntire et al, 2002; Trim, 2004
13 https://www.globalforestwatch.org/dashboards/global/?category
15. https://miningquiz.com/powerpoints/fire_safety.htm - Fire safety
 https://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/global-maps/MOD14A1_M_FIRE

Annexure E - Course on Vulnerability Atlas of India – All teachers and student s should register for the
Courses, study and take online examination to create awareness of disasters, management and mitigation in India.


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