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UGRD-MATH6200 Data Analysis


Week 13-Knowledge Representation and Knowledge theory

Final Quiz 2

Started on Thursday, 28 January 2021, 2:52 AM

State Finished
Completed on Thursday, 28 January 2021, 2:56 AM
Time taken 4 mins 15 secs
Grade 20.00 out of 20.00 (100%)
Any way to get new expressions from old ones.

The correct answer is: inference

It is a process that goes on internally while most things it wishes about exists only

The correct answer is: reasoning

KR is a set of __________commitments.

The correct answer is: ontological

It is a language that we say things about the world.

The correct answer is: Medium of human expression

Which is NOT a basic representation technology?

The correct answer is: graph

It involves a commitment in viewing the world in terms of individual entities and


The correct answer is: logic

The following are abstract notions EXCEPT

The correct answer is: casualty

A network purpoting to describe family memberships.

The correct answer is: network topology

The following are distinct roles that KR plays EXCEPT

The correct answer is: Medium for pragmatically diligent interpretation

All representations are ________.

The correct answer is: imperfect

The following provided inspirations of what constitutes intelligent reasoning EXCEPT

The correct answer is: Sociology

It is a variety of  formal calculation typically deduction.

The correct answer is: Intelligent Reasoning

Which is NOT a KR technology?

The correct answer is: roles

It views the world in terms of attributes object value triples.

The correct answer is: rule based

It is used to enable an entity to determine consequences by thinking rather than


The correct answer is: Knowledge Representation

KR as a _________is a substitute for the thing itself.

The correct answer is: surrogate

Which is NOT a component of KR?

The correct answer is: it adheres to the function

It sees a set of prototypes in particular prototypical diseases to be matched against

the case at hand.

The correct answer is: INTERNIST

It views the world in thinking of prototypical objects.

The correct answer is: frame

KR means __________________________.

The correct answer is: Knowledge Representation

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