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Current global climate changes.

Yanina Reu
Ecological situation in Ukraine
The problem of climate change is the main issue of our time, and the solution of
this problem will be a turning point in human history. We still have time to stop the
negative effects of climate change, but this requires unprecedented effort from all
walks of life. The United Nations is working on preventing climate change.

All countries are affected by global warming. However, the impact is

disproportionately greater for the poor and vulnerable, and for those countries that
are least responsible for the problem.

“The latest analytics show that if we act now, we can reduce our carbon
emissions within 12 years and limit global warming to 1.5 degrees. But if we
continue to do what we do now, it will have unpredictable consequences.” - UN
Secretary General Antonio Guterres says.

Current ecological situation in Ukraine:

• t
ransport as the main polluter of air, reservoirs and soils;
• i
ndustry as the main source of waste generation (mining, chemical and
metallurgical, machine-building, fuel and energy, construction, agro-industrial
complexes, as well as utilities);
• e
nergetics (about 80% of all harmful emissions into the air as a result of the
processes of extraction, processing and use of fuel energy resources);
• a
griculture leads to depletion of fertile chernozems, contamination of soils with
pesticides and fertilizers.

Environmental issues are most relevant in Ukraine:

• R
eduction of clean water volumes due to reduction of reserves and pollution of
surface and groundwater.
• A
ir pollution. Every year more than 6 million tons of harmful substances enter the
atmosphere of Ukraine. The main pollutants are industry and transport.
• D
egradation of land resources due to the withdrawal of land for economic needs
and development, through the development of negative processes in landscapes
(erosion, flooding and waterlogging) and reducing land fertility.
• D
eforestation. Consumer forestry leads to the fact that forests are not restored and
loose stability, and valuable tree species (oak, beech) are replaced low-value
(birch, aspen).
Current global climate changes. Yanina Reu
Ecological situation in Ukraine
• H
ousehold waste. One of the most serious environmental problems in Ukraine is the
problem of utilisation and processing of various types of waste. There are about
800 official landfills in the country, with a total amount of garbage exceeding 35
billion tons.
Considering everything mentioned before, I hope everyone will realise the
seriousness of the situation and problems on our planet and will start changing their
behaviour so we can try to save life’s of our future generations.
Current global climate changes. Yanina Reu
Ecological situation in Ukraine

unprecedented |ʌnˈpresɪdentɪd| безпрецедентний

all walks of life - всі сфери життя
disproportionately |ˌdɪsprəˈpɔːʃ(ə)nətlɪ| непропорційно
carbon emissions |ˈkɑːb(ə)n ɪˈmɪʃ(ə)n| викиди вуглецю
harmful emissions |ˈhɑːmfʊl ɪˈmɪʃ(ə)n| шкідливі викиди
processes of extraction |ɪkˈstrækʃ(ə)n| процеси видобутку
depletion |dɪˈpliːʃn| виснаження
fertile |ˈfɜːtaɪl| родючий
contamination of soils |kənˌtæmɪˈneɪʃ(ə)n of забруднення грунтів
fertilizers |ˈfɜːtəlaɪzəz| добрива
surface water |ˈsɜːfɪs| поверхневі води
groundwater |ˈɡraʊn(d)wɔːtə| ґрунтові води
withdrawal |wɪðˈdrɔː(ə)l| зняття
oak |əʊk| дуб
beech |biːtʃ| бук
birch |bɜːtʃ| береза
aspen |ˈæsp(ə)n| осика


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