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© Kamla-Raj (2004) J. Hum. Ecol.

, 15(1): 57-61 (2004)

BPR - A Tool for Managing the Change

V. Thyagarajan and Ali Khatibi

INTRODUCTION speed.” It is a comprehensive and complete

method, addressing such activities of organising
The business environment of the present day the project, assessing the current business process,
has become so complex that organisations are designing the reengineered business process, and
necessarily to be alert to respond to the new planning and implementing the solution.
challenges and opportunities. This involves a The origin and scope of BPR is derived from
continuous process of managing the change. The the concept of innovation. While the BPR
idea that the change is essential, desirable and recognises the process innovation, the innova-tion
constructive within the established pattern of concept lays more stress on the product
organisation is realistic. The view that the change innovation. But, the reengineering efforts on
has the beginning and an end is no longer tenable business processes, which will improve the
in this continuum. Top management in its customer service quality, the product value, etc.
endeavor of reorienting the organisation must It is notable that redesigning the processes
recognise the need and set the tone for a change. improve the working life of employees which in
This kind of change compels either innovation turn lead to indirectly improved quality and
or improvement or both. In such an intricate situa- responsiveness to customers.
tion many organisations tend to focus their Early success in many organisations has fueled
attention in identifying innovations rather than the growth of the reengineering movement in
improvement. However, the latter is considered American Business notables, among them
to be more appropriate in accomplishing the task. are:
Recently, a new concept called Business Process - Ford Motor Company. Reengineering
Reengineering (BPR) has emerged as a conspicu- improved its invoice processing so that the
ous tool for restructuring the organisation. In fact, process was accomplished by 75% fewer
the process of reengineering not only fosters a people and more accurate financial
favourable climate supportive of desirable change information was produced.
but also improves the organisations’ probability - IBM Credit Corporation. A credit issuance
of success. The aim of this paper is to highlight process that used to take two weeks to
the significance of Business Process Reengineer- complete now takes only hours with a 100-
ing and to discuss the factors that are responsible fold increase in productivity
in its successful implementation. - Taco bell. They reconfigured their
DEFINITION OF BPR restaurants to increase peak capacity for a
top unit from $400 per hour to $1500 per
The Business Process Reengineering is a hour. At the same time they lowered prices;
complete life cycle approach. This provides the their average pricing today is about 25%
scope for problem identification and also less than nine years ago.
solutions to implement the successful business In short the Reengineered processes are
operations. There are many new elements in BPR designed to be simpler to those they replace,
such as extensive use of IT and new perspectives several jobs might be combined into one and the
on organisational structure. There is also more number of checks and controls reduced. In the
about process redesign, quality improvement and right sense, more frequently, it is the result that
so on. It is a comprehensive method of assessing work is performed where it makes most sense,
the current business process planning and and workers can make more decisions themselves.
redesigning the methods and implementing them New information technology (such as knowledge
for business solutions. Hence, the BPR is defined based, expert system and sophisticated tele-
as “ The fundamental rethinking and radical communications equipment) is frequently em-
redesign of the business systems to achieve the ployed in the design of these processes.
dramatic improvements in critical and contempo- Reengineering recognises the following as the
rary areas such as cost, quality, service and important areas

- Emphasize customer satisfaction 1. Position for change

- Use performance improvement programs 2. Diagnose the existing process
and problem solving techniques 3. Redesigning the process
- Focus on business processes 4. Transition to New design.
- Use teams and teamwork 1. Phase I: Position for change: This phase
- Bring about changes in values and beliefs encompasses four critical stages; they are (a)
- Work to drive decision making down to Establishing the urgency and gain commit-
lower levels in the organisation ment (b) creating process map (c) Selecting
- Require senior level commitment and processes and assigning owners, and (d)
change management for success developing project framework. In general,
The key question for organisations is how the organisations identify the urgency and
reengineering significantly improves the cost, commitment for change in this phase and it
quality, service and speed simultaneously. To requires an intense effort in communicating
accomplish this, companies are developing new the key messages and overcoming the general
processes to produce the results important to resistance.
customer. They are looking for ways to become 2. Phase II: Diagnosing the Existing process:
more flexible and responsive. When environment One can begin the activities in this phase while
is fairly stable, work is to be divided into simple, continuing to establish urgency and gain
repetitive tasks for a largely unskilled, uneducated commitment (Phase I stage (a)) The critical
work force to create efficiencies of scale. Layers stages in this phase are : (a) Defining key
of supervision and controls are required to link process components (b) understanding the
these simple tasks together connecting people customer needs (c) identifying the current
who perform complex, multi-disciplinary tasks design weaknesses and (d) establishing
by a general understanding and agreement on performance targets.
vision and processes. These phases are 3. Phase III: Redesigning the Process: This
collectively called the Reengineering process and phase may be started before the completion
it will allow the organisations to grow at a rapid of phases II. For instance, benchmarking and
rate. Hence, Reengineering is a holistic solution performance measurement activities often
for compa-nies, which require radical redesigning extended in phase III. More accurately the
for quan-tum improvement in its performance. reengineering team identifies underlying
assumptions and root causes of weaknesses
THE VARIOUS PHASES IN THE in the existing process design. The stages
REENGINEERING included in this phase are : (a) Identifying the
potential innovations (b) Developing initial
Various organisations have provided different vision of the New Process. (c) Identifying
approaches to reengineering processes. Thus, incremental improvements and (d)
there is no distinct methodology for reengi- Developing commitment to the vision of new
neering. A defined process for bringing about process.
change can be useful. Further, it is important to 4. Phase IV: Transition to the New Design: In
realise that implementation is far more difficult this phase, it may take some time to see the
than developing the solution. The reengineering performance from the first release of a newly
process described here is a simple change process reengineered process. Cultural changes take
towards the achievement of faultless result. Each time and patience. Identifying and adjusting
step is designed to improve the organisations with compensation systems, career paths, new
probability of success in implementing the reengi- roles etc. must be a part of the long-term
neered business processes.The processes deve- transition plan. The main focus in this phase
loped and proved to be successful in implemen- is on the communication process. The critical
ting the change are shown below. It has four stages in this phase include. (a) Beginning
phases, each is composed of several stages with transition change management (b) creating the
its own suggested activities. For each activity, the transition plan and teams. (c) Prototype and
steps or tasks to be taken toward completion of test initial installment (d) completing
the activity are also necessary. transition and continuously improve the

process. complete.Phase III may require two to four

months and the last phase may take upto two to
NEED FOR REENGINEERING - WHEN three years to complete. In addition, the amount
AND WHY SHOULD REENGINEER? of time needed will depend on many variables,
such as
Each organisation must determine itself when - Breadth, number, and complexity of the
it is appropriate for them to reengineer. Reengine- business processes selected
ering should be done only if it can help in - Top management sense of urgency about
achieving an enhanced strategic position. Some change
strategic indicators that require reengineering - Level of resource commitment and
include participation
1. Realisation that competitors will have - Tolerance level of top management for
advantage in cost, speed, flexibility, quality ambiguity and organisational involvement
or service
2. New vision or strategy: a need to build WHO IS INVOLVED IN
operational capabilities. REENGINEERING?
3. Need to reevaluate strategic options, enter
new market or redefine products/services. For reengineering to be successful, people
4. Core operating processes are based on from different levels in the organisation need to
outdated assumptions/technologies be involved. In fact, the mandate and inspiration
5. Strategic business objectives seem of reengineering must come from the highest
unreasonable. leadership. Most critical is the support of Chief
6. Change in market place in the form of Executives. In addition other Champions will
- Loss of market share have to be identified. They have to be the opinion
- New basis of competition/new makers and influence those who can shape the
competitors organisation to support the reengineering
- New regulations implementation. Strategic and tactical steering
- Shorter product life cycles teams also play an important role. Their function
- New technologies in play. is to provide strategic direction to the
So, if the company is at the cutting edge of an reengineering process and help the management
industry that has just undergone major changes of change through effective communication in
reengineering might not be appropriate. order to resolve organisational issues.
However, if the organisation operates with old A reengineering czar can also be appointed.
models instead of new technologies and This individual typically serves on the tactical
approaches used by others, reengineeing may be steering team. The czar ensures that the project
urgently needed. Even if technical performance have their required resources – including human,
is adequate, other improvements may be needed information and technology and change
– such as training, organisational change, management – and coordinates the various efforts
leadership development etc. In such so they will be mutually supportive and move in
circumstances also reengineering is required. a unified direction.
A number of teams will be formed. Each team
TYPICAL TIME FRAME FOR THE will need a leader, facilitator and members who
REENGINEERING are committed and ready to hard and creative
work. Ultimately many people in the organisation
In general all the organisations are serious will need to be involved in making, helping or
about the time limit to complete the Business allowing the extensive changes that will need to
Reengineering procees. To achieve the gains it occur.
will take some reasonable time to complete the
process – typically two to three years to fully SUCCESS FACTORS FOR
transition to new core processes and business REENGINEERING
systems. Just getting into the beginning of the
implementation phase often requires four to ten For reengineering to be successful and a
months. Phase II can take one to five months to sustained change to occur, the following

V is ion S k ills In cen tives R es o u rce s A ctio n P lan C h an ge

V is io n S k ills In ce n tive s R es o u rces A ctio n P la n C on fu sion

V is ion S k ills In ce n tive s R e so u rce s A ctio n P la n A n xiety

V is ion S k ills In ce n tive s R e so u rce s A ctio n P lan N o C h an ge

V is ion S k ills In ce n tive s R es o u rces A ctio n P lan F ru stration

V is ion S k ills In ce n tives R es o u rces A ctio n P la n F alse start

Fig. 1. Diagram showing the important elements necessary for successful implementation of Business Process
(word with double strike letters represents the non-presence of such element in the process. The consequence is shown in
bold letters)

ingredients must be present. as well as individual comprehension of what

- Vision is in it for me? When incentives are lacking
- Skills in the process, there will not be any change to
- Incentives take place in the system.
- Resources Resources include men, money, information,
- Action plan facilities and equipment necessary to achieve
A vision is required so that all will be aiming change. Without resources the people will
towards the same goal. Every one in the become very frustrated with the mandate to
organi-sation must be able to visualise and see change and the expectation will be seen as
what is desired so that all significant decisions quite unrealistic.
and actions will bring the organisation a little An action plan with activities, responsi-
closer to that vision. Without a vision an bilities and target dates gives the game plan
organisation will be confused and unfocused. for achieving the change. Without the action
Skills are required so that people will be able plan there will be a false start because, people
to perform the necessary tasks in the new will not know what to do next and the actions
process. Such skills might be technical, of different groups will move towards
leadership, or interpersonal one. Without such different directions frequently neglecting the
skills, individuals will be anxious and unable goal.
to perform at the desired level. To make the reengineering effort successful,
Incentives are generally the last element to each of the above elements should be ensured in
change. Without incentives, people will not its placel. The leaders should be very careful to
change or will make only gradual changes. position these elements in its place. Specific
Incentives include recognition and rewards, success factors and consequence of non-presence

of each element are given in the diagram. changes. The firms have to restructure and redefine their
business strategies to cope up with these changes. Business
CONCLUSION Process Reengineering (BPR) is a modern tool available for
managing the changes. The current paper discuss the
importance of BPR, its various important elements which
The most direct benefit that companies derive are essential for success, different phases of BPR and its
from reengineering is significant in the process time frame for implementation of reengineering process.
improvement (50 to 100%). Costs are lowered
while speed, quality and service are dramatically REFERENCES
improved. Unfortunately, reengineering seldom
BPR Tutorial, BPR Online Learning Centre @ WWW
makes a significant impact on the organisation’s
bottom line (only 20% of the time.) Reengineering “From Strategy to Process Management a Total
has a greater chance of success if it is viewed as Framework”, Ankarath Unni, Special paper presented
leading to growth and value creation. In addition, at BPR’97 Conference, conducted by Technology
Transfer Institute, UK, (1997).
there are costs to reengineering that must be “Human Change Management”, Norman Mushnick, Paper
considered before deciding for such a right presented at BPR’97 Conference, conducted by
strategy for an organisation. Wayne Code, Presi- Technology Transfer Institute, UK, (1997).
dent of Vallen Inc. explains, “These changes may “Human Resources : First stop for Reengineers”, Larry
be traumatic, but the pain is outweighed by the G.Wills, Reengineering Resource Centre Web page @
gains made in the move towards the significant Process Innovation: Reengineering Work through
goals set. Change occurs when the pain of change Information Technology, Davenport, T.H., Harvard
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Hammer, M., and Stanton, S.A., Harper Collins: The
KEYWORDS Information Technology. Commercial. Reengineering Revolution, New York (1995).
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ABSTRACT The rapid diffusion of information technology “The Change Management Toolkit”, Worthing Brighton
into commercial arena has given rise to many organisational Press, @

Authors’ Address: V. Thyagarajan and Ali Khatibi, Faculty of Management, Multimedia

University, 63100 Cyberjaya, Selangor, Malaysia

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