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New Automation Concepts with

OPC Unified Architecture

Jürgen Lange, Softing Industrial Automation GmbH

The OPC UA technology complements the traditional OPC industrial standard by

adding important characteristics such as platform independence, scalability, high
availability, and Internet capability. Many automation component vendors already offer
OPC UA clients or servers for their PLCs, process control systems, field devices, or
operator panels. An efficient and cost-effective way to develop conformant OPC UA
products is to use OPC development kits like, for example, Softing's OPC UA toolkit.

OPC technology has evolved into

a de-facto standard for interope-
rable data exchange between
multi-vendor software applications
that is applicable in a wide range
of industries spanning from manu-
facturing and process industries to
building automation and many
others. Today more than 20,000
OPC products from over 3,500
different manufacturers are in use Fig. 1. OPC UA allows multiplatform communication between
all over the world. OPC facilitates applications
the data transfer between widely
distributed parts of a plant. The
OPC interfaces bridge the divide
Standardized communication ent versions of Windows and non-
between heterogeneous automa-
Windows operating systems
tion worlds.
OPC UA facilitates the secure, (Fig. 1).
With the introduction of the reliable, and manufacturer-inde-
pendent transport of raw data and OPC UA provides a set of features
platform-independent OPC Unified
pre-processed information from the that allows the implementation of
Architecture (OPC UA), OPC tech-
factory floor to the production plan- new concepts for secure and
nology has started to conquer new
ning or ERP system. The desired robust plant automation. They
application areas, such as embed-
information is provided to any include:
ded systems or the IT world.
Recently, the new technology has authorized application and person,
established itself in areas where anytime and anywhere. This func- ● Standardized communication
OPC was hardly seen before, e.g. tionality is independent of the over the Internet and across
device parameterization. The manufacturer that created the firewalls:
reason for this breadth of appli- applications, the programming OPC UA uses a dedicated UA
cation is that the OPC UA tech- language they were developed in, Binary protocol for data ex-
nology offers extended features and the operating system they run change that is based on TCP;
when compared to Classic OPC. on. OPC UA is no longer DCOM Web services and HTTP are also
OPC UA's platform independence based, but uses a service-oriented supported. Only one port needs
and, in particular, its scalability architecture (SOA). This makes to be opened in a firewall – that's
opens up many possibilities for OPC UA easy to port. Today, enough. Integrated security
new and efficient automation OPC UA builds a bridge between mechanisms guarantee secure
concepts. the enterprise level with Unix Internet communication.
systems and embedded auto-
mation components running differ-

Softing New Automation Concepts with OPC Unified Architecture

© by VDE Verlag, etz, ed. 4-2011
Page 1 of 3
● Protection against unauthorized
data access:
The sophisticated security
concept provided by OPC UA
technology ensures efficient
protection against unauthorized
access, sabotage, and faults
caused by negligent use.
OPC UA security is based on
global standards developed by
the World Wide Web consortium.
It offers various possibilities to
identify applications, authenticate
users and protect against unau-
thorized access, as well as sign
messages and encrypt the
payload transferred.

● Data security and reliability:

The communication standard
defines a robust architecture with
reliable communication mecha-
nisms, configurable timeouts,
automatic fault detection, and Fig 2. OPC UA allows secure and robust “information permeability”
recovery mechanisms. The – from the sensor to the ERP system
communication link between a
OPC UA client and server can be
monitored by both the client and
the server. If a connection is sensor, the event of excess tem- distributed and separated from
temporarily interrupted, the data perature, and the historical aver- each other by firewalls without
can be buffered in the server. In age temperature, OPC UA needs problems.
security-critical areas, OPC UA only one component. This helps
defines an additional redundancy to reduce configuration and Developing OPC UA based
concept that can be used for engineering times. concepts
devices, servers and clients.
● High performance: Many automation component
● Platform independence and OPC UA is based on a binary vendors already offer OPC UA
scalability: protocol that is TCP-based. This clients or servers for their PLCs,
Using service-oriented base very efficient protocol allows for process control systems, field
technologies ensures that a fast data exchange that will devices, or operator panels. An
OPC UA is platform independent meet the high-performance efficient and cost-effective way to
and opens up many possibilities requirements of most applica- build OPC UA components is to
for new and cost-effective auto- tions. The actual binary protocol rely on conformant OPC toolkits,
mation concepts. Embedded implementation is available such as the OPC Toolbox UA
field devices, process control through the OPC Foundation and (Fig. 3) from Softing [1]. This
systems, PLCs, gateways, or serves as the basis for all software allows the quick and easy
operator panels are developed OPC UA servers and clients. development of OPC UA clients
using lean OPC UA server im- and servers for Windows, Linux,
plementations that have been ● New application possibilities: VxWorks and other embedded
ported directly to operating The wide breadth of the operating systems. OPC UA
systems including embedded OPC UA technology allows im- specific functionality for creating,
Linux, VxWorks, QNX, RTOS, plementing new vertical integra- browsing, and managing an
and many more. tion concepts. By cascading OPC UA address space; for
OPC UA components, informa- creating, deleting, reading, and
● Simplification by unification: tion can be transported securely writing OPC UA objects; for event
OPC UA defines an integrated and reliably from the factory floor handling, method calls, and much
address space and an informa- all the way up to the production more has been fully implemented
tion model that maps process planning or ERP system (Fig. 2). in the compact OPC Toolbox UA.
data, alarms, historical data, and For this purpose, OPC UA
program invocations. In this way, enabled client and server com- With the toolbox, developers can
even complex processes can be ponents at the automation level save several months of time and
fully described with OPC UA. connect embedded UA servers reduce the time-to-market for their
While classic OPC requires three at the field level with OPC UA products.
different OPC servers – DA, AE clients integrated in ERP
and HDA – with different seman- systems at the enterprise level.
tics to acquire, for example, the The individual OPC UA compo-
current value of a temperature nents can be geographically

Softing New Automation Concepts with OPC Unified Architecture

© by VDE Verlag, etz, ed. 4-2011
Page 2 of 3
Fig. 3. OPC UA toolkits comprising platform dependent and platform independent
parts allow implementing OPC UA clients and servers on almost any target


The future IEC communication

standard OPC UA provides Dipl.-Ing. Jürgen Lange is Market Segment Manager
features that offer new possibilities at Softing Industrial Automation. He also represents
of embedding an internationally the company at OPC Europe and at the Technical
standardized communication Advisory Council of the OPC Foundation.
interface in disparate systems
E-Mail: jl@softing.com
ranging from PLCs, process control
systems, drives, gateways and
operator panels to MES or ERP
systems. The result is savings in
installation, setup, commissioning,
maintenance and operation. Com-
munication structures can be
simplified and vertical integration
concepts consistently imple-
mented. Toolkits like the OPC
Toolbox UA allow the cost-effective
and efficient implementation of
OPC UA components under
Windows and in embedded


[1] Softing Industrial Automation

GmbH, Haar, Germany:

© by VDE Verlag. This article was

published in the German trade
magazine etz, ed. 4-2011

Softing New Automation Concepts with OPC Unified Architecture

© by VDE Verlag, etz, ed. 4-2011
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