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Семінар 3
1. How is word-formation defined?
Word-formation – the process of forming words by combining root and affixal
morphemes according to certain patterns specific for the language (affixation,
composition), or without any outward means of word formation (conversion,
semantic derivation).
compounding (словосложение), prefixation, suffixation, conversion, and back
derivation, blending(Breakfast + lunch = brunch) clipping(Laboratory – lab),
conversion ( bag – to bag), sound interchange ( blood - to bleed).
So word formation increases the importance of language. When a language creates
new words, by borrowing for instance, it not only helps maintain that language's own
vitality but also other languages can borrow from the initial language.
2. What are the principles of classification of the types of wordformation?
1)The first one is considered to be according to the semantic structure of the words.
It involves:
- Compounding ( When we link together two or more bases to create a new word.
Normally, the
first item identifies a key feature of the second word. For example, backache,
heartbreak, postcard)
-Derivation ( When we form a new word from an existing word, often by adding a
prefix or suffix,
such as un- or -ness. For example, happiness, unsuitable, impossible)
2) The second principle concerns on the relationship between the components and
the new words.
A) Morphological word-building- The basic unit of the morphological method of
word formation is the root : .
- Derivation- the formation of a word by changing the form of the base or by
adding affixes to it (e.g., “hope” to “hopeful
- Compounding - Compounding ( When we use compounding, we link
together two or more bases to create a new word. ( backache, heartbreaking,
- Shortening ( also called clipping) –is the formation of a word by cutting off a
part of the word. ( advertisement- ad , hamburger – burger, gymnasium – gym)
- sound-interchange - is the formation of a word due to an alteration in the

phonetic composition of its root. Sound-interchange falls into two groups:

a) vowel-interchange (or ablaut): full − to fill, blood − to bleed, food – to feed.
In some cases
b) consonant-interchange: advice – to advise;
c) consonant-interchange and vowel-interchange may be combined together: life
– to live;
- stress-interchange( is the formation of a new word by means of the shift of
the stress in the source word, cf.: ´export (n) — to ex´port; ´import (n) — to im
´port; ‘conduct (n) — to con'duct; ‘present (n) — to pre’sent,)
- back – formation - back-formation is a shortened word (such as edit) created
from a longer word (editor).
lexicalization of grammatical form - is the process of adding words, set
phrases( mincemeat)
B) Lexico-syntactic word-building- This is a way of creating new words by merging
two or more words of one phrase: good night → good night, smog – smoke + fog,
dramedy (dramacomedy, , faction (fact fiction)
oncepolysemous word into several homonyms ( корінь (частина рослинного
організму), корінь (основна морфема), корінь (математичний знак);
(встигати (= не спізнюватися), встигати (добре вчитися);

Morphological includes all ways of creating simple words with the help of affix
morphemes, as well as the creation of complex and complex abbreviated words.
in the lexico-semantic method we add 2 roots instead of 2 words, without the
use of suffixes. ( сільське господар(ств)о → сільськогосподарський)
Morfological syntactic - it is a way of creating words due to the transition of
words or word forms from one part of speech to another ( лютий ( місяць.) ←
лютий мороз,часом (присл.) зустрічатися ← володіти часом (ім.))
Lexico-syntactic word-building- This is a way of creating new words by
merging two or more words of one phrase: good night → good night, smog – smoke
+ fog, dramedy (dramacomedy, , faction (fact fiction)

So in the morphological basis there are morphemes as affixes, lexical-semantic

bases are roots of words, and lexical-syntactic are homonyms

3. What are the principal types of word-formation?

- Derivation- the formation of a wordby changing the form of the base or

by adding affixes to it (e.g., “hope” to “hopeful
- Compounding - Compounding ( When we use compounding, we link together
two or more bases to create a new word. ( backache, heartbreaking, blackbird)
- Shortening ( also called clipping) –is the formation of a word by cutting off a
part of the word. ( advertisement- ad , hamburger – burger, gymnasium – gym)
- sound-interchange - is the formation of a word due to an alteration in the
phonetic composition of its root. Sound-interchange falls into two groups:
d) vowel-interchange (or ablaut): full − to fill, blood − to bleed, food – to feed. In
some cases
e) consonant-interchange: advice – to advise;
f) consonant-interchange and vowel-interchange may be combined together: life
– to live;
- stress-interchange( is the formation of a new word by means of the shift of
the stress in the source word, cf.: ´export (n) — to ex´port; ´import (n) — to im
´port; ‘conduct (n) — to con'duct; ‘present (n) — to pre’sent,)
- back – formation - back-formation is a shortened word (such as edit) created from a
longer word (editor).
lexicalization of grammatical form - is the process of adding words, set
phrases( mincemeat)

4. Comment on the difference between morphological,

morphologicalsyntactic and lexical-syntactic word-building.
Morphological includes all ways of creating simple words with the help of affix
morphemes, as well as the creation of complex and complex abbreviated words.
in the lexico-semantic method we add 2 roots instead of 2 words, without the
use of suffixes. ( сільське господар(ств)о → сільськогосподарський)
Morfological syntactic - it is a way of creating words due to the transition of
words or word forms from one part of speech to another ( лютий ( місяць.) ←
лютий мороз,часом (присл.) зустрічатися ← володіти часом (ім.))
Lexico-syntactic word-building- This is a way of creating new words by
merging two or more words of one phrase: good night → good night, smog – smoke
+ fog, dramedy (dramacomedy, , faction (fact fiction)

5. How does a rule of word-formation differ from a syntactic rule?

Word formation studies the ways of word formation
Syntax studies the structure and meaning of phrases and sentences, as well as the
types of connections through which words are combined into phrases and sentences.
Syntax - a section of grammar that studies, on the one hand, ways to combine words
and word forms into phrases and sentences, sentences into complex sentences and
syntactic purposes, and on the other - the phrases and sentences themselves (their
types, meanings, functions, conditions of use, nature and types of interaction). The
original unit of syntax, as well as morphology, is the word. In morphology, words are
considered mainly in terms of formation, morpheme composition, and in syntax - in
terms of the participation of words and word forms in the construction of phrases and
sentences, coherent oral and written language.
6. What types of word-formation are most productive in English and in
. Productivity is the ability to form new words after existing patterns which are
readily understood by the speakers of language.
The most widely used means are affixation (prefixation mainly for verbs and
adjectives, suffixation for nouns and adjectives), By productive affixes we mean the ones,
which take part in deriving new words in this particular period of language development.
The best way to identify productive affixes is to look for them among neologisms and so-
called nonce-words, i. e. words coined and used only for this particular occasion.
blood − to bleed, to abide − abode, to strike − stroke) was a productive way of word
building in old English and is important for a diachronic study of the English language. It
has lost its productivity in Modern English.
Nonce-formations(also called an occasionalism) is a lexeme created for a single
occasion to solve an immediate problem of communication
The term is used because such a word is created "for the nonce" (i.e., for the time
being, or this once). All nonce words are also neologisms, that is, recent or relatively new
words that have not been fully accepted into mainstream or common use.
English nonce words are Fluddle (by David Crystal which he understood to mean a
water spillage
between a puddle and a flood0; Bouba and kiki, used to demonstrate a connection
between the
sound of words and their meaning; chortle and galumph(The poem "Jabberwocky")
Ukrainian nonce words are «кислопечінковий», «собакосердий» , «дзвінко-
«жабоплямний» , «мисколизний недоїдковець» (translation os Shakespear

7. Specify differences in English and Ukrainian suffixes by means of

which we form abstract nouns of status or activity given in the last part of
the lecture. Try to add more suffixes to the list.

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