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Faith Factor Spiritual Warfare Series Part 1

“In all circumstances, hold faith as a shield, to quench all the flaming arrows of the
evil one.” –Eph 6:16

Spiritual Warfare – a lifetime battle against the evil one.

Who or What is the enemy? – Devil/ Evil Spirit/ Demon/ Evil One

Fallen Angels – enemy

11 times Jesus took seriously the devil in the bible.

The SAINTS were tormented by the devil

 Saint Padre Pio of Pietrecina

 Saint Gemma Galgani
 Saint John Mary Vianney

“If you do not believe in the devil, then you do not believe in the Gospel.” – St.
Pope John Paul II

“To succeed in making people believe that he never exist.” - +Fr. Gabriel Amorth

Church Teaching: The DEVIL and the other DEMONS were created
NATURALLY by GOD, but they become evil by their OWN free choice.

Church Teaching: SATAN and the other demons were at first GOOD ANGELS,
created by God before the creation of human race.

What is the root of the FALL of the Angelic Hosts?

 Refusal of
 Incarnation
 Mary as queen of Angels and mankind

Sins of the Fallen Angels?

 Envy
 Pride
 Hatred

The Fall of the fallen angels led to REBELLION


 to see as many humans brings as possible join them in rebelling against God.
 and, In the end, drag as many souls as possible to be forever damned with
them in hell.


 Fallen Angels don`t increase in number because they can`t reproduce

 Fallen Angels don`t have unlimited powers
 Fallen Angels are not equal in might to the good of God who is eternal, all-
powerful and all knowing.
 Fallen Angels are mere creatures, and in the end, no match for God, their
creator and judge
 More importantly there are still more Faithful angels than rebellion angels


 Michael
 Gabriel
 Raphael
According to the Directory on popular piety and the Liturgy principles and
guidelines (Vatican City, December 2001)

 217. The procedure of assigning names to the Holy Angels should be

discouraged, except in the cases of Gabriel, Raphael and Michael whose
names are contained in Holy Scriptures.

According to Fr. Gabriel Amorth (Vaticans Chef Exorcist)

 There are no good spirits other than Angels; There are no evil spirits other
than Demons.



 It is the judgment of immediate retribution which each one after death will
receive from God in his immortal soul in accord with his faith and his
 The retribution consists in entrance into the happiness of Heaven,
immediately or after an appropriate purification (Purgatory), or entry into the
eternal damnation of Hell.
 Therefore: There is no such thing as a Wondering Soul in this material
 What we considered to be Wondering Soul are in fact Demons.

Faith Factor Spiritual Warfare Series Part 2

What are the enemy`s attack strategies?

“Stay sober and alert, your opponent, the devil, is prowling like a roaring lion
looking for someone to devour.” – 1 Peter 5:8
Extraordinary Demonic Attack

 Infestation
 Oppression
 Obsession
 Possession

Signs of Possessions

 Speaking languages that are not known to the victim

 Possessing supernatural powers or abilities beyond the victims capacity.
 Ability to tell hidden or unknown things
 Aversion to religious objects

Ordinary Demonic Activity

 Temptation

How does the Devil tempt or provide us occasion of sins?

 Doubt
 Enticement
 Accusation
 Trigger
 Hoak

The soul possesses freedom; and through the devil can make suggestions, he
doesn`t have the power to compel you against your will. –St. Cyrill of

When the Devil Attack?

 Vulnerable
 Spiritual Change
 Tired
 Depressed
 In Pain
 Alone

Faith Factor Spiritual Warfare Series Part 3

How does the enemy sneak into the camp?

 We invite the enemy in!

 by the power of occult
 people
 things
 places
 practices
 beliefs
 The enemy was sent against us!
 by the way of
 witchcraft
 cures
 evil eye
 spells
 We sought joined the enemny
 through:
 subjugation
 sinful way of life

Palatandaan na gawa ng Diyablo:

 Hiwalayan
 Sisihan
 Karahasan
 Kasinungalingan
 Pagsuway

Faith Factor Spiritual Warfare Series Part 4

Who are our comrades fighting with us and for us?

 Our Commander (Jesus Christ)

 Our Blessed Mother Mary
 St. Joseph (Terror of Demons)
 St. Paul
 St. Michael
 St. Gemma Galgani
 St. Catherine of Siena
 St. Martin de Porres
 St. Anthony of the Dessert
 St. Ignatius of Loyola
 St. Francis of Asisi
 St. John Mary Vianney
 St. Benedict of Nursia
 St. Padre Pio of Pietrelcina
 Our Guardian Angels
 Our Patron Saints
 Fellow Christians with charisma by Prayer of Deliverance
 All Priest by pray- over
 Priest – Exorcist by Rite of Exorcism


WRONG: “Just ignore the devil and the devil will leave you alone.”

CORRECT: “If you fight the devil, then the devil will be afraid of you.”


 Exorcised- Blessed Salt

 Exorcised- Blessed Water
 Exorcised- Blessed Oil
 Relic of Saints
 Devotional Images
 Saints
 Angels (Michael, Gabriel, Raphael)
 Blessed Virgin Mary
 Jesus Christ
 Sacred Objects
 Candles
 Incensed
 Benedictine Medal
 Miraculous Medal
 Scapular
 Rosary
 Bible
 Bells
 Crucifix

Faith Factor Spiritual Warfare Series Part 5

How can we triumph over the enemy?

Our S.H.I.E.L.D.S and the 7r’s of Spiritual Healing and Liberation

1. Severe unholy ties by the RENOUNCEMENT of the occult

2. Honour the church by the RENEWAL of her Catholic Faith
3. Incorporate oneself to Christ through the RECEPTION of the sacraments
 There are two things that the Devil is deadly afraid of: fervent
communions and fervent visits to the Blessed Sacrament –St. John
4. Encounter God and his Holy ones through RECITATION of prayers
 Where there is no prayer and fasting there are the demons – St.
Theophon if Recluse
 Anyone who goes to Mary and prays the Rosary cannot be touched by
Satan – Fr. Gabriel Amorth
5. Love and live for others by REPARATION of all faults
6. Destroy barriers by RECONCILIATION with brethren
 FORGIVENESS is unlocking the door to set someone free and
realizing you were the prisoner. – Max Lucaso
 FORGIVENESS is not an option but rather a Gospel mandate
 The weak can never forgive. FORGIVENESS is the attribute of the
strong – Mahatm Gandhi
 HUMILITY is the only virtue no demon can imitate – St. John
7. Sustain grace by RECEIVING the Gospel Values

Mission of every Spiritual Warfare Ministry?

 Lead the victim back to God


 A Demon can never possess someone in the sense of “owning a person.”

 All human beings belong to God and are personal possessions
 God allows evil because he’s powerful enough to bring out even the greatest
evil a much greater good.
 The triumph of the Empty Tomb transformed the horror og Cross Satan was
 When Jesus from the dead. He displayed God’s power to bring out of the
greatest evils on ever great good. The world’s redemption.
 Our days in this life provide a season for God to test, purify. strengthen, and
protect us, making us fit to love him forever in heaven.
 To that end, the demons serve as useful tools for him, as they constantly test
us by tempting us.
 So that we become purer and stronger and close her perfection every time
we resist the temptation

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