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Material Unit 1

Contingut [ L1 ] (feu clic per mostrar)

Site: Campus IOC

Course: Llengua estrangera Anglès I (Bloc 1)
Book: Material Unit 1
Printed by: Enric Moya Crespín (IOC)
Date: Wednesday, 18 November 2020, 10:55 AM

Table of contents
1. Present tenses
2. Vocabulary
2.1. Appearance and personality
2.2. Vocabulary list
2.3. Verb + ing / to infinitive
3. Writing
3.1. Personal profile
4. Forum activity L1AP3
5. Forum activity L1AP4
5.1. Examples

1. Present tenses

Present tenses

En anglès el present es fa servir per parlar del present, del futur i del passat
. Les formes del present son:

Pre. simple
Pre. continuous
Pre. perfect
Pre. perfect continuous

GRAMMAR: How to use present tenses

Present simple Present continuous Present perfect

Forma Ús
La forma afirmativa del El present simple s'utilitza:
present simple es forma
 Per parlar d'una acció
amb la base del verb (en
habitual o rutines.
infinitiu però sense 'to')
per a totes les persones Exemples
excepte a la tercera
 Per parlar de fets
persona del singular, a la
generals o científics.
qual s'ha d'afegir '-s' o '-es'
al final. Exemples
Exemple: I live in Barcelona
 Per a expressar accions
→ Visc a Barcelona.
que estan marcades en
Normes per formar la horaris i calendaris.
tercera persona del
 Amb els 'stative verbs'.
A la forma negativa es fa
servir do not (don't) o
does not (doesn't per a la
3a persona del singular)
davant la forma base del
I don't live in Barcelona
→ No visc a Barcelona
Les frases en
interrogativa es formen
amb do o does davant del
subjecte. Això vol dir que
si el verb de l'oració és to
do, aquest farà de verb
principal i d'auxiliar.
Do you live in Barcelona?
→ Vius a Barcelona?
Do you do crosswords on
Sundays? → Fas mots
encreuats els diumenges?

Altres aspectes a tenir en compte

Els adverbis de freqüència van davant del 'verb', excepte
el verb 'to be' que es col·loca darrera.
Les expressions adverbials que indiquen la regularitat de
l'acció van al principi o al final de la frase.

Si heu imprès aquest document, aquests codis QR us portaran
als vídeos perquè els pugueu veure des del mòbil o tauleta.
vídeo 1

Present simple for routines | Johnny Grammar …

vídeo 2

Present simple questions | Johnny Grammar | …

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1 2 3

Present simple Present simple Present simple

(positive) (negative) Wh Questions

Forma Ús
Per fer una frase en El present continuous
afirmatiu hem de fer servir s'utilitza:
el verb 'to be' en present
Per a expressar una
més el verb en gerundi,
acció que està succeint
seguint aquestes 'normes
en el mateix moment de
La forma negativa del Exemples
present continuous es forma
Per a expressar una
amb el verb 'to be' + 'not' (o
acció que té lloc de
n't) més el verb principal
forma temporal al
amb la terminació -ing.
voltant del present.
Pel que fa a les preguntes, Exemples
per fer la forma
Per a expressar una
interrogativa en el present
intenció en el futur. A la
continuous es fa servir el
frase ha d'aparèixer
verb 'to be' + el subjecte +
necessàriament un
el verb acabat amb -ing.
adverbi que indiqui que
ens estem referint al
futur (tonight, this
evening, next week, etc.)

Altres aspectes a tenir en compte
 Els Stative verbs indiquen una situació o estat i no
tant una acció en procés, per això, gairebé sempre
s'utilitzen en Present Simple. Estats relacionats amb els
'Stative Verbs'.

Alguns d'aquests verbs, indiquen tant un estat com una

activitat i es poden fer servir en els dos temps verbals, el
Present Simple i el present continuous.
El present continuous s'utilitza normalment amb adverbis
que indiquen que l'acció té lloc en el moment de parlar o
que és una acció que només dura un temps.

Si heu imprès aquest document, aquests codis QR us portaran
als vídeos perquè els pugueu veure des del mòbil o tauleta.

vídeo 1

Present continuous | Johnny Grammar | Learn …

vídeo 2

Present Continuous Tense - English grammar t…

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Si heu imprès aquest document, aquests codis QR us
portaran a l'activitat perquè la pugueu realitzar des del mòbil
o tauleta.

Easy Easy Easy

Pre. continuous Pre. continuous Pre. continuous

(am, are, is) 1 (am, are, is) 2 (+ and -)

Easy Easy

Pre. continuous Pre. continuous

(questions) (mixed)


Forma Ús
Afirmatiu: El present perfect simple es fa servir
Es fa servir per:
have / has +
Per a expressar una acció que va
el participi
començar en el passat, però que
del verb
encara continua en el present.
Negatiu: Es
Expressar una acció ja acabada,
fa servir
però l'efecte de la qual encara
have / has +
perdura o és rellevant en el
not (o n't) +
present. Exemples:
el participi.
Per a expressar una acció acabada
dintre d’un període de temps que
Es fa servir
encara no s’ha acabat. Aquest
have / has +
període de temps ha d’estar
el subjecte +
indicat per l’adverbi corresponent
el participi.
(today, this week, this month, this
year, etc). Exemples:
Per a expressar una acció en un
moment indeterminat del passat.

Never, ever, already, i just és col·loquen entre el
verb auxiliar have i el participi del verb, en canvi, yet
sempre el col·locarem al final de la frase. Exemples
Never i already es fan servir en frases afirmatives,
ever i yet les podem fer servir tant en frases
negatives com a interrogatives. Just es pot fer servir
en frases afirmatives, negatives i interrogatives.
Fem servir how long...? Per a preguntar quant temps
ha passat des que l'acció, que encara continua, va
començar. Exemples
Vídeos Activitats

Feu clic al codi QR per Feu clic al codi QR per

obrir l'enllaç a un vídeo obrir l'enllaç a una
amb més informació. activitat. També podeu
També podeu fer server fer server el vostre
el vostre mòbil o mòbil o tauleta

Present perfect

Present perfect

Present perfect

Present perfect
2. Vocabulary
Appearance and personality vocabulary

2.1. Appearance and personality

1 of 29

Adjectives describing appearance and personality from Ljubica Ruzinska

2.2. Vocabulary list
(best / close) friend
medium build
medium height 
Verb + -ing form
can't resist 
can't stand 
Verb + to infinitive
can't wait
would like
Verb + -ing form OR to infinitive
arrogance / arrogant 
bossiness / bossy
 confidence / confident
generosity / generous
intelligence  / intelligent
negativity / negative
rudeness / rude
Phrasal verbs
fall out (with sb)
grow up
look up to (sb older)
make up (with sb after an argument)
Idioms and expressions
be related (to sb)
fall in love (with sb)
get to know (sb)
have (sth) in common (with sb)
lose touch (with sb)
make friends

2.3. Verb + ing / to infinitive
When one verb is followed by another, the second verb can either be an infinitive
or an –ing form. Some verbs can be followed by only an infinitive, others by only
an –ing form and some by both but with a change in meaning.
Watch the following video and look at the examples of verbs + ing (the gerund) and
verbs + infinitive. They are in red in the subtitles.
Oliver, Daisy and Alfie are at Oliver and Daisy's home. Oliver is upset, so Daisy and
Alfie decide to cheer him up.

Verb + infinitive
I want to speak to the manager.
She’s learning to ride a horse.
He offered to help us wash up.
‘Want’, ’learn’ and ‘offer’ are followed by to + infinitive

Other verbs in this group include: afford, agree, ask, choose, decide, expect,
hope, prepare, promise, pretend, refuse, would like.

Verb + ‘ing’ form

I enjoy travelling.
He admitted stealing the necklace.
I don’t mind waiting if you’re busy.
‘enjoy’ ‘admit’ and ‘mind’ are followed by the ‘ing’ form

Other verbs in this group include: avoid, consider, dislike, feel like, finish, give
up, can’t help, practise, suggest.

Verb + infinitive or ‘ing’ form with no change in meaning

A few verbs can be followed by either an infinitive or the ‘ing’ form and the
meaning does not change.
I started to work here in 1994.
I started working here in 1994.

The meaning of these two sentences is the same.

There aren’t many verbs that can take an infinitive or an ‘ing’ form with no change
in meaning. ‘Begin’ and ‘continue’ are two more examples.

There is also a group of verbs that can be followed by an infinitive or an ‘ing’ form
with a change in meaning. These verbs will be covered in another section

3. Writing
Writing: A personal profile

3.1. Personal profile
In a personal profile you write about yourself (I am ...) or about another
person (he/she is ...). For example you might include details of a person's
appearances, personality or interests.

Strategy box

to write a personal profile

Give basic details about yourself in the first paragraph.
Be interesting! Use new paragraphs to give extra information
about yourself.
Use linkers to connect your ideas.
Check your writing carefully. Think about grammar,
vocabulary, spelling, word order and punctuation.
Use a range of vocabulary, including different adjectives,
adverbs and verbs (NOT ONLY be, have and like).
Only give information that you thing the reader will find
interesting. Don't try to describe every detail.

Language focus


Ideas Planning E-1 E-2 E-3

Get ideas
Think of three or four key topics you want to talk about.
For example:
appearance, personality, interests, why this person is special ...
Brainstorm ideas for each topic. For example:

Choose the best ideas from your notes.
Organize your ideas into a paragraph plan. Always include a
clear beginning and end.
For example:

Paragraph 1 Introduction - basic details

Paragraph 2 Appearance and personality

Paragraph 3 Interests and lifestyle

Paragraph 4 Summing up; a personal comment


Useful language

appearance Personality Memories Comparisons

Likes / dislikes Opinion

to talk about appearance
The first / main thing you notice about ... is ...
My / His / Her best / most striking feature is ...
... look(s) / seem(s) (mysterious, etc.)
... look(s) like (a model, me, etc.)
(I, etc.) take after (my mother, etc.).

to talk about personality
... quite a / a really / not really a (funny, sporty, etc.) person.
For example, (e.g. yesterday he ... )
Most of the time, ... (be) ... , but sometimes ...
At first, ... seem(s), but when you get to know ... better, you realize
that ...

to talk about memories
I remember (the time when) ...
I'll never forget (the time when) ...
One of my favourite memories is ...
When ... was a child / at school ...

to compare
... (funnier / more intelligent / worse at dancing, etc.) than ...
... (not) as (funny / intelligent / good at dancing, etc.) as ...
... (quite / really) similar to / different from / to ...
... very similar / completely different.
We've got lots / haven't got much in common.
Like me, / Unlike me, ...

to talk about likes & dislikes
... (really) into (+ -ing / noun)
... interested in / keen on / addicted to / obsessed with /
passionate about ...
... would rather (+ inf.) than (+ inf.)
... spend(s) most of my/his/her time (+ -ing)
My / His / Her favourite (sport, etc.) is ...

Opinions of a person
... is (a) very special / important (person) to me because ...
I feel very close to ... because ...
... is one of the (kindest, most interesting, etc.) people I've ever met.
... is someone who ...
What I admire / like most about ... is ...

4. Forum activity L1AP3

ALL Phrases to Introdu…



Watch the video from above and write a short text introducing
yourself. In this text you must include the following information:
Your name
Where are you from (country)
Where do you live (City)
What do you do
What you (don't) like to do
Experience studying English

L'objectiu d'aquesta activitat és que sigueu capaços de ×

crear un text. No copieu i enganxeu les frases amb les
respostes al costat. Al material de la unitat trobareu
exemples de com hauria de ser el text.

5. Forum activity L1AP4

Social Networking sites or social media have been created

to make connections with friends, family, classmates,
customers and clients and when we think about social
networking sites the first sites that comes to mind are
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Linked In.

Express English: Social … Friendspace


Watch the videos about social networking sites and write a short
text telling us about:
How much time a week do you think you spend on the Internet?
Which are your favourite social networking sites? Why do you
use them?*

* If you don't use any social networking site, then, tell us why
you don't use them.

5.1. Examples

Example 1

Hi everyone,
I'm not too much fun of Social networking sites but I do have
a Facebook and Instagram account and I usually spend
between 1 and 4 hours a week. Basically I use these sites to be
up to date on what my friends do.

Example 2

I Love social networking sites and I usually spend between 10 and 15
hours a week. If I had to choose one, my favourite one is Instagram. I
love uploading pictures and editing them using all the filters and tools
of the mobile App.

Example 3

I'm Jacob and I spend many hours a day using social media
sites. I'm a social media assistant, so I'm all day on social
networking sites. I don't have a favourite one because I
don't have a personal social media account because for me
social networking sites are my job.

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