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WHAT IS A RESEARCH? Survey Research

- It involves questionnaire to people.
-trying to obtain information from people
- Research is not something like an - for quantitative not open ended questions
inquiry -Explains trends or features of large groups
-It is an activity that is systematic and
Correlation Research
there are certain procedures to follow.
-correlation between variables
- It is toward discovery and development of
-may relationship yung variables
an organized body of language.
-indicates the strengths of the relationships
-Solution to a problem
-It is based upon observable experience or Casual Comparative Research
empirical evidence. -cause and effect
-It involves gathering new or existing data -comparing 2 or more groups of individuals
for a new purpose. -seeks to find relationship between dependent and
-It has an objective independent variables after an action or events has
already occurred.
-Ex post facto
True Experiment Research
QUALITY RESEARCH: -it establish caue and effect relationship
Empirical -Applicable for the new trend
- based on what you observed using your senses
Similarities and Difference of Correlation
Logical and Casual Comparative
-based on valid procedures and principles
Cyclical -the variables can't be manipulated
-the topic can still be explored in many ways
because its existing
Analytical/Mathematical Difference
-analyzing data
-Isang categorical group lang sa casual
Reliable Difference of Casual Comparative and
-it cant be replicated
-in experimental you are allowed to
- involves collection of data so information can manipulate
be quantified and subjected to statistical. -causal provides weaker evidence
-analyzes data quantitatively using statistics.
-It involves numerical data
Important details

Descriptive Research
-Its goal is to answer WH question except Why.
-It provides meaningful data, description or
- It is only applied to describe what exists a they are
in natur and gather information, it does not seek to
explain why certain things happen.

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