Lesson 9: Eating Healthy: Food Pyramid

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Tnrờng THPT Chuyên Trằn Đai Nghĩa - GV:Nguyền Phatn Thùv Trang ÍM.

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Diet (n): chế độ ăn uống Poultry: gia cầm Source: nguồn cung cấp
[?)on a diet: đang ăn kiêng
Fiber: chất xơ
Balanced diet: chế độ ăn processed foods: thực phấm chế
uống cân đối biến sẵn

A wide variety of = a wide range Nutrient: chất dinh dương, bố Dairy: sàn phẩm làm từ sưa
of: đa dạng
Reduce: giảm Grain = cereal ngũ cốc
Lean meat X fatty meat: thịt nạc
X thịt mỡ

Provide: cung cấp Infection: sự nhiễm trùng Muscle: cơ bắp



Viet Nam


East Timor

- Use the Healthy Diet Pyramid as a guide to make sure your meals are balanced and come from a
wide variety of food groups.

- There are 5 food groups: Fruits, Grains (cereal), Protein, Dairy, Vegetables.

Grains: cereal, bread, spaghetti, rice and crackers. Grains give you energy. Try to make half of your
servings WHOLE GRAIN.
Protein: Meat, poultry, fish, beans and peas, eggs, nuts, and seeds supply many nutrients. These
include protein, vitamin B, vitamin E, iron, zinc, and magnesium (chát làm giám axit). They
help you build strong muscles. Try to eat leaner, less fatty meats to keep your heart healthy
 Fruits: Fruits are great sources of many vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that may help protect
you from chronic diseases. Fruits also fight of infections and help you heal when you get hurt.
 Vegetables: broccoli, carrots, green beans, potatoes, spinach and corn. They provide fiber, folate (axit
folic), potassium (ka-li), and vitamins A and c. s Dairy: provides calcium and protein which help
to grow strong bones and healthy teeth.
• More tips for healthy eating:
Eat small and regular meals.
Reduce amount of fats, salt, sugar and highly processed foods.
Eat more foods that are high in fibre, including whole grain products.
 Match your meal times to the timing.
1. How many food groups are there?
2. Why do we the Healthy Diet Pyramid?

3. What does Protein provide US?


4. Give the names of some dairy food?


5. Should we eat big meals every day?


6. What kinds of food that provides vitamins?

Trường THPT Chuyên Trần Đai Nghĩa - GV:Nguvễn Pham Thúy Trang (M.A)________________098 234 1101
Possessive pronouns

1. This is my / mine jacket. Your / Yours is on the chair.

2. Where is our / ours cat?

3. Is this Sheila / Sheila's hat?

4. Her / Hers coat is on the floor and my / mine is under the chair.
5. I need your / yours help.
6. Your / Yours car is beautiful but our / ours is the best.
7. Where is their / theirs breakfast?
8. This is your / yours dress and that one is Lily / Lily's.
9. Don't touch it. It's my / mine.
10. Is this Paul / Paul's bag or your / yours?

11. That red motorbike is our neighbour / our neighbour's.

12. My / Mine room is bigger than my brother / my brother's.

13. I love her / hers hair.

14. Bring me the umbrellas. My / mine is in the hall and Angela / Angela's is in the kitchen.
15. Where are my / mine jeans?
16. Have you seen their / theirs house? Our / Ours is much smaller.
17. It's her / hers. Don't touch it. She doesn't like when someone touches her / hers stuff.
18. Tom is worried about his / he little brother who is ill.
19. Do you like her / hers new book? It's a vampire story.

1) Fill in the blanks with the correct possessive adjective according to the subject.
1. Alison is doing______________homework
2.Do you live with________________parents?
3. We love_____________new house
4. He's in______________office.
5.The children are with_________________grandmother
6.I like________________new job.
7. Are you and your sister in_______________house?
8. Amsterdam is famous for____________comls
9. She's with_____________boyfriend.
10. They haven't got________________umbrellas.
11. She's in_______________bedroom.
12. He's looking for______________shoes.
13. I like visiting_________________f riends at the weekend.
14. Have you got______________passport?
15. Are the teachers having__________________breakfast now?

2) Fill in the blanks with the correct possessive pronoun

1. Is that your dog? Yes, it is______________

2. This is John's book. It is________________

3. We have our coffee. Have you got________________?

4. He has got his pen, but she hasn't got_______________

5. Mary and John have a house. The house is_______________

6. Whose book is this? It's Mary's. It's__________________

7. John has got a horse and Mary's got one too._____________is black and__________is brown.

8. This is my parent's car. It's_______________

3) Fill in the blanks with the correct possessive adjective or possessive pronoun
1. I have a dress. It is______________dress. It is________________

2. Whose jeans are these? They're Kate’s. They are_____________jeans. They are____________

3. My sister has a dog.___________name is Ben.

4. We like_____________teacher.___________name is Maria

5. I like the house and____________garden

6. Susan has got three books. They are______________

7. This isn't my book. It is______________(you)

8. Peter and Janet have got two children.____________children are clever.

9. My friend John and I have got two sweaters._____________is red and____________is blue.

10. John's brother has got a coat and John's sister has another.___________is big and_________is

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