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Title Windows XP Ethernet adapters customization

For PCFS S14 & S15 Families


Edition 01 17 18 19
Date 2005 05 03 2008 05 27 2008 09 24 2008 09 26
Change Note

Name B.Saulais C. Legout C. Legout C. Legout

Name Taque A. Kerdraon A. Olivier C. Olivier C.


Originator(s) Taque A.

Approval(s) C. Legout


01 Creation from 3BL 63551 ACAAA RJZZA

02 FR RIOA01FAG144783

03 FR R2GA01CAG146970

04 FR R2GA01FAG148291

05 FR R2GA01FAG150362

06 FR R2GA01FAG152680

07 FR R2GA01FAG155896

09 Complement to FR R2GA01FAG157062

10 Adapting for RIP listener – Cf R2GA01FAG157062

11 CR R2GA01CAG184589

12 FR R2GA01FAG188596

13 CR R2GA01CAG190246

14 FR R2GA01FAG190517

15 FR R2GA01FAG184959

17 CR R2GA01CAG207202

18 CR R2GA01FAG221657

19 Suppression de S01


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3BL 63551 AEAA RJZZA Edition 19

customization for
PCFS S14 & S15 Families
Windows XP Ethernet adapters

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REFERENCED DOCUMENTS...........................................................................................................................3

INTERNAL REFERENCED DOCUMENTS .......................................................................................................3

RELATED DOCUMENTS...................................................................................................................................3


1 PREREQUISITES ........................................................................................................................................3

2 CUSTOMIZING THE ETHERNET ADAPTERS...........................................................................................4

2.1 Loopback adapter (all families) ..................................................................................................4
2.1.1 Creating the loopback adapter...........................................................................................4
2.1.2 Configuring the loopback adapter......................................................................................5
2.2 Configuring the switch #2 connection (S14 family) .................................................................5
2.2.1 Declaring properties for switch #2 connection...................................................................5
2.2.2 Removing TCP/IP on switch #2 connection ......................................................................6
2.3 Configuring the switch #1connection (S14 families) ...............................................................6
2.4 LAN #1 connection (S15 family) .................................................................................................7
2.5 LAN #2 connection (S15 family) .................................................................................................8
2.6 Bridge on LAN connection (S15 family) ...................................................................................8
2.7 Unused links .................................................................................................................................9
2.8 Final operation (all families)........................................................................................................9

3BL 63551 AEAA RJZZA Edition 19 2/10

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The aim of the document is to describes the Ethernet adapters customization for PCFS families that are
connected to HC3.4 or HC4 NE technology (SSP LINUX IP) and his Ethernet environment. The concerned
families are : S14 (OMT) and S15 (OMT).

The PCFS is installed with windows XP. You will have the miscellaneous PCFS CD-ROM.
The Ethernet adapters are Plug and Play : they were recognized at the time of the installation of Windows (or
when installed) and their driver automatically installed.

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Note : the number of adapters is depending of the family to be installed. The following table summarize the
Ethernet links used, depending of the PCFS family.

Adapter Loopback 1st adapter 2 adapter 3 adapter

nd rd

(Virtual device) (on motherboard) (on PCI card) (if PCI card with 2
Family adapters)

Switch #1 connection Switch #2 connection

S14 Chapter 2.3 Chapter 2.2
Local Loopback
Connection X
Chapter 2.1 LAN #1 connection LAN #2 connection (Chapter 2.7 )
Chapter 2.4 Chapter 2.5
(LAN Bridge)
Chapter 2.6

- If present in the PCFS, the unused adapters (marked X above) must be disabled (see chapter 2.7).
- Install the adapters in the order off the following chapters.

2.1 Loopback adapter (all families)

This is a virtual adapter used by OMPC.

2.1.1 Creating the loopback adapter

Note : In the continuation of the document, it is supposed that the "Control Panel" is in "Classic View"
- Click ‘’start’’
- Click ‘’Control Panel’’
- Click ‘’Add Hardware’’
- Click ‘’Next’’
- Check ‘’Yes, I have already ……’’
- Click ‘’Next’’
- select ‘’Add a new hardware device’’
- Click ‘’Next’’
- Check ‘’Install the hardware……’’
- Click ‘’Next’’
- Select ‘’Network Adapters’’
- Click ‘’Next’’
- Select ‘’Microsoft’’
- Select ‘’Microsoft Loopback Adapter’’
- Click ‘’Next’’
- Click ‘’Next’’
- Click ‘’Finish’’

3BL 63551 AEAA RJZZA Edition 19 4/10

2.1.2 Configuring the loopback adapter
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In ‘’Control Panel’’, Click ‘’Network Connections’’

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- Right click ‘’Microsoft Loopback Adapter’’
- Click “rename” and give a name like “Local loopback Connection”
- Right click “Local loopback Connection”
- Click ‘’Properties’’
- Uncheck ‘’Client for Microsoft Networks’’
- Uncheck ‘’File and Printers ……’’
- Select ‘’Internet Protocol [TCP/IP]’’
- Click ‘’Properties’’
- Check ‘’Use the following IP address’’
- Fill IP address by ‘’’’
- Fill subnet mask by ‘’’’
- Click ‘’Advanced’’
- Click ‘’WINS’’
- Uncheck ‘’Enable LMHOSTS lookup’’
- Check ‘’Disable NETBIOS over TCP/IP’’
- Click ‘’OK’’
- Click ‘’OK’’
- Check “Show icon in notification area when connected’’
- Click ‘’Close’’
- If the message “You must shut down, and restart your computer …” appears, click “No”

2.2 Configuring the switch #2 connection (S14 family)

If this adapter do not exists go to 2.3 chapter.
If it exists, this is the connection to the Ethernet Switch number 2. It is possible to recognize it by unplugging
the cable to the Ethernet switch # 2 : in Network connection window, the adapter appears disconnected (with
a X). Note that the IP addresses used (1 and 2 ) are the same for Switch #1 connection and Switch #2
st nd


2.2.1 Declaring properties for switch #2 connection

- Right click the corresponding Network Adapter (local area connection)
- Click “rename” and give the name : “switch #2 Connection”
- Right click “switch #2 Connection”
- Click ‘’Properties’’
- Uncheck ‘’Client for Microsoft Networks’’
- Uncheck ‘’File and Printers ……’’

3BL 63551 AEAA RJZZA Edition 19 5/10

- Uncheck ‘’QoS Packet Scheduler’’
- Select ‘’Internet Protocol [TCP/IP]’’
- Click ‘’Properties’’
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- Check ‘’Use the following IP address’’

- Fill IP address by the good one (PCFS address in MNGT Vlan)
- Fill Subnet Mask by the good one (like ‘’’’).
- If S14 family
- If the network has not a RIP server,
o So you need to fill the Default Gateway manually.
o do not fill the Default Gateway. The gateway will be done by the RIP server (see
also chapter 2.8).
In other cases, fill Default Gateway with gateway IP address.
- Click ‘’Advanced’’
- Click ‘’WINS’’
- Check ‘’Disable NETBIOS over TCP/IP’’
- Click ‘’OK’’
- Click ‘’OK’’
- Check “Show icon in notification area when connected’’
- Click ‘’Close’’

2.2.2 Removing TCP/IP on switch #2 connection

- Right click the “switch #2 Connection” Network Adapter
- Click ‘’Properties’’
- Uncheck ‘’Internet Protocol [TCP/IP]’’
- Click ‘’OK’’
- Click ‘’Close’’

Note : At this stage, the second adapter of network is prepared with the address and IP characteristics , but
not validated (‘’Internet Protocol [TCP/IP]’’ is disabled) in order to be ready to activate it (only by checking
‘’Internet Protocol [TCP/IP]’’) in case of problem with the active network adapter.

2.3 Configuring the switch #1connection (S14 families)

This is the connection to the Ethernet Switch number 1.
- Right click the Network Adapter
- Click “rename” and give the name : “Switch #1 connection”
- Right click “Switch #1 connection”
- Click ‘’Properties’
- Uncheck ‘’Client for Microsoft Networks’’

3BL 63551 AEAA RJZZA Edition 19 6/10

- Uncheck ‘’File and Printers ……’’
- Uncheck ‘’QoS Packet Scheduler’’
- Select ‘’Internet Protocol [TCP/IP]’’
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- Click ‘’Properties’’
- Check ‘’Use the following IP address’’
- Fill IP address by the good one (PCFS address in MNGT Vlan)
- Fill Subnet Mask by the good one (like ‘’’’).
- If S14 family
- If the network has not a RIP server,
o So you need to fill the Default Gateway manually.
o do not fill the Default Gateway. The gateway will be done by the RIP server (see
also chapter 2.8).
In other cases, fill Default Gateway with gateway IP address.
- Click ‘’Advanced’’
- Click ‘’WINS’’
- Check ‘’Disable NETBIOS over TCP/IP’’
- Click ‘’OK’’
- Click ‘’OK’’
- Check “Show icon in notification area when connected’’
- Click ‘’Close’’

2.4 LAN #1 connection (S15 family)

It is the connection on the customer's LAN, who gives access to the various stations.
- Right click the Network Adapter corresponding “Local Area Connection”
- Click “rename” and give the name : “LAN #1 connection”
- Right click “LAN 1 connection”
- Click ‘’Properties’
- Uncheck ‘’Client for Microsoft Networks’’
- Uncheck ‘’File and Printers ……’’
- Uncheck ‘’QoS Packet Scheduler’’
- Select ‘’Internet Protocol [TCP/IP]’’
- Click ‘’Properties’’
- Check ‘’Use the following IP address’’
- Fill IP address by the good one (PCFS address in the customer LAN)
- Fill Subnet Mask by the good one (like ‘’’’).
- Fill Default Gateway with gateway IP address.
- Click ‘’Advanced’’

3BL 63551 AEAA RJZZA Edition 19 7/10

- Click ‘’WINS’’
- Check ‘’Disable NETBIOS over TCP/IP’’
- Click ‘’OK’’
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- Click ‘’OK’’
- Check “Show icon in notification area when connected’’
- Click ‘’Close’’
- If the message “You must shut down, and restart your computer …” appears, click “No”

2.5 LAN #2 connection (S15 family)

Note : With the 2 adapter

- Right click the Network Adapter

- Click “rename” and give the name : “LAN #2 connection”
- Right click “LAN 2 connection”
- Click ‘’Properties’
- Uncheck ‘’Client for Microsoft Networks’’
- Uncheck ‘’File and Printers ……’’
- Uncheck ‘’QoS Packet Scheduler’’
- Select ‘’Internet Protocol [TCP/IP]’’
- Click ‘’Properties’’
- Check ‘’Use the following IP address’’
- Fill IP address with “”
- Fill Subnet Mask by the good one (like ‘’’’).
- Click ‘’OK’’
- Click ‘’Close’’
- If the message “You must shut down, and restart your computer …” appears, click “No”

2.6 Bridge on LAN connection (S15 family)

- Select together the LAN #1 connection and LAN #2 connection
- Right click this selection
- Click Bridge connection
- Wait during the build of the bridge
- Right click the bridge
- Click “rename” and give the name : “LAN Bridge connection”
- Click ‘’Properties’
- Uncheck ‘’Client for Microsoft Networks’’
- Uncheck ‘’File and Printers ……’’
- Uncheck ‘’QoS Packet Scheduler’’
- Select ‘’Internet Protocol [TCP/IP]’’

3BL 63551 AEAA RJZZA Edition 19 8/10

- Click ‘’Properties’’
- Check ‘’Use the following IP address’’
- Fill IP address by the good one (PCFS address in the customer LAN)
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- Fill Subnet Mask by the good one (like ‘’’’).

- Fill Default Gateway with gateway IP address.
- Click ‘’Advanced’’
- Click ‘’WINS’’
- Check ‘’Disable NETBIOS over TCP/IP’’
- Click ‘’OK’’
- Click ‘’OK’’
- Click ‘’Close”
- If the message “You must shut down, and restart your computer …” appears, click “No”

2.7 Unused links

The unused links (adapters installed in the PCFS but not needed by the Family) must be disabled, in order to
not send alarms to the NM.

- In the Network Connection window, right click a unused adapter and click Disable.

- Repeat this operation for all unused adapters and close the Network Connection window.

2.8 Final operation (all families)

1) Apply the Windows patch for IP configuration (this patch is to avoid the disable of the entire
network protocol stack when a cable is unplugged) :

- Insert the miscellaneous PCFS CD-ROM, a Windows explorer is opened

- Click "Tools->Folders Options", Select "View" Tab and uncheck "Hide extensions for known
filetypes" the click "Apply to all folders", click "Yes" and "OK"

- Select the ‘’miscellaneous/ethernet’’ directory on the CD-ROM

- Double click ‘’confip.reg’’

- Click ‘’Yes’’

- Click ‘’OK’’

- Close all windows

- Remove the CD-ROM

2) If S14 family, install the RIP Listener

The RIP listener receives routing information from the RIP server (for example : address of the active

- In “control Panel”, double-click “Add or Remove Programs”.

- Select “Add / Remove Windows Components”.

- In the Windows Components Wizard, click “Networking Services”.

- Click “Details”.

3BL 63551 AEAA RJZZA Edition 19 9/10

- Select the RIP Listener checkbox.

- Click “OK”, and then click “Next”.

- Click “Finish” and close all windows.

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In case of failure, the RIP listener service will be programmed to restart automatically :

- Click Start, right click My computer -> manage

- Click Services and Applications -> Services

- Right click RIP listener service -> Properties

- On Properties, select Recovery tab

- On First failure, Second failure, Subsequent failures, choose Restart the service

- Click Ok and close the Computer management window

3) In all cases, restart the PCFS

End of document

3BL 63551 AEAA RJZZA Edition 19 10/10

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