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SUBJECT : Labour Law

CLASS: B.A.LL.B V Semester
1. What do you mean by Industrial Jurisprudence? Explain the labour policies of India and
its growth.
2. Explain the phases of industrial revolution in India and its impact.
3. What do you mean by Strike? What are the conditions for the legality of strike by the
workmen in India and what is the effect of an illegal strike?
4. What are the major objectives of the Minimum Wages Act 1948? Explain the procedure
for the fixation of minimum wages under the aforesaid act.
5. What are the provisions regarding women and children under factories act 1948? Explain
it with relating to the similar provisions under the Constitution of India.
6. Which are the adjudication bodies established for the redressal of disputes under the
Industrial Disputes Act 1947? Explain its power and functions.
7. Explain the major objectives of the Maternity Benefit act with respect to Article 42 of
Indian Constitution.
8. Explain the procedure for registration of trade union and recognition of trade union under
the Trade Union Act 1926.
9. What is a lockout under Industrial Dispute Act 1947? Why lockout is called a weapon in
the hands of employers?
10. Explain the health and safety measures regarding workers under Factories Act 1948.

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