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Background of the Project

The fire alarm market off Melbourne is accounted for $1.51 billion in the year 2017 with growth
expectation of reaching $3.48 billion by the end of 2026. The projected CAGR growth rate
during this period is 9.7 %. The fire detector alarm for false alarm is mostly installed in homes
by the young adults. This demographic section comprises about 26% of the household consumer
base for fire alarms in the Melbourne city. This research emphasizes on the uses of fire alarms
and the spectacular use of real time internet of things in a component with fire alarms in the
household usage of the same intelligent device in Melbourne. This is the reason why the huge
target segment of industrial sector users is neglected in this research. There are two potential
vulnerabilities in use of real-time internet of things Technology with false fire alarms. In the first
place the corrosive propensity of electronic and spectra-network using devices in the typical
Melbourne weather requires frequent changing of the false fire alarm system in the household.
On the other hand the lack of sound technical knowledge makes the prospect of incorporating
use of real-time internet of things technology to provide people with a distributive network of
images of different parts of the room in their respective smart device from the cameras
immediately, as the false alarm goes out is risk oriented. The prospective home cyber wave
network can be easily hacked by cyber hackers which can lead to leaking of potential data of
household or personal requirement stored by the household people in their respective smart
devices. It has been surveyed that most households in Melbourne with young married adults in
the age group of 24 to 38 years have more than 5 smart devices in their home. There is a high
chance that at least three of these are five smart devices have a visual aid like a scope of a
playing video or a screen for playing image on it. This is the reason why people can use any of
these devices to cast the images received from the use of tracking software which screens real
time data of the home from almost all corners and sends it to the devices.


The objective of this research study is analysing the scope of maintaining integration of the fire
alarm devices and researching prospective and safe linking of real-time internet of things
Technology with fire alarms for more efficient use and saving the smart appliance network of the
concerned household from cyber threat and weather challenges. The research analyses the scope
of communicating real-time internet of things technology by linking and the smarter fire alarms
with respective visual smart devices in home so that the use of internet of things Technology
enable sending pictures from remote home location to every smart device and the same would
help the residents to understand whether it is a real alarm or false alarm. The research also
encompasses a deeper understanding towards security and cyber safety threats of search rapid
and frequent data transfer on an open circuit network. In most cases the real time internet of
things Technology will use Bluetooth technology or inbuilt wavelength exchange ecosystem
within the house which requires constant consumption of internet data and associates constant
cyber foot printing. It provides a frequent or continuous gateway to cyber hackers to access
personal information from any smart device which might be connected with the smart fire alarm
in the household.

Objectives and Scope

The objectives of the report are as follows;

● To find a collinear relation between the framework of fire alarms, their applications and
increasing security challenges while linking those with the smart IoT devices at home
● To understand the effect of weather on the durability of fire alarm devices in the
households of young adults in Melbourne

● To assess the mainframe quality of associated internal home network between fire alarms and smart vidual devices

● To identify the challenges of being too reliant on these appliances.

● To discuss some measures to overcome challenges like increasing preciseness of the use of real time IoT with the fire alarm networks
used in the households

Avoiding false alarms bye precise use of visual sharing is the incident technical upgrade that can
help in solving the fault issue of fire alarms.

Terms of References

This research paper would be extensively based on secondary research and take notes from
previously released journal articles by other authors. However, the paper cannot validate the
report's findings, and neither does it claim to be 100% effective in solving the security challenges
of smart appliances and the role of weather conditions.

Description of Current System Including Issues, problems and Constraints

● Issues: The unprecedented growth of smart device users and spectacular increase in the
number of smart fire alarm uses in the highlighted demographic segment in Melbourne is
the reason why it is not possible to accommodate the whole ideally perfect target segment
of for consumers for this product in Melbourne. There are some prominent issues in
managing the fire alarm application as well. (Li et al., 2019). On top of that, the team had
to submit the report within a stringent deadline beyond which, the assignment could be
marked fail.
● Problems: Considering current trends of cyber security, it is pertinent to note that lack of
real time observations of will create hindrance in starting the issues of real time internet
of things Technology implementation with security. In the modern days have a criminal
do not need to track the plastic and closure of the internet of things devices for getting
access to sensitive materials. They can process their finesse based upon one of the
security vulnerability, which can be found by means of internet of things. Various
internet of things devices have default passwords which are not changed and this kind of
unpatched software can create security vulnerabilities. Because of the absence of time
and adequacy of monetary resources the researcher could not develop artifical
observation frame for a sustainable time period over which he could have accessed real
time information source for sourcing data regarding cybersecurity threat. However,
empirical data regarding real time cyber security threats over the the internet of things
based devices in Australian household have been acquired. Considering regulatory
perspective the use of internet of things Technology can be tricky. In implementation of
fire alarm technology in the smart homes of Australia, the installing companies use
various products directly imported from Nations like China. The Chinese products have a
different set of quality standards and security patches.
● Because of the paucity of of time the researcher could not undertake research regarding
the home mesh networks full stop this is one area where compatible to trouble is looming.
Bluetooth has been used for compatibility based did transmission as a standard for the
internet of things devices for home smart appliances which includes the false alarms as
well. In case if the researcher had the more time and monitoring viability then detailed
research about the use of mesh networking for home automation market could have been
studied. Currently there are several computers which includes the likes of protocol
providers like Zigbee or Z-wave. In an attempt to extracted data from the kind of
influence treated by different protocols settings as mentioned above the researcher failed
to optimise the prospect of cost Management for this research study.
● Constraints:

● Based on the above analysis it is evident that the resource availability has been a typical
constraint in this research study. The research study is based on selection of a specific
target from Melbourne referring to the young couples or young unmarried couples aged
between 24 and 36 years. Absence of communication among teammates is that the
fundamental reason why resources scarcity has been experienced. each team member
have been provided with a prospective responsibility of studying different areas ranging
from real time internet of things used in Australia and the prospect of fire alarms using
such Technology. It also ranges from durability of internet usage in Australia to cyber
security threats for the looming use of smart fire alarms in Australian households.
However the lack of coordination and synchronisation among team members and their in
experience of conducting such critical data research is the reason why most of the time
frames of research could not be matched by individual team members.
Based upon the current constraints, it is important to note that managing prospect of internet of
things usage in Australian home security network like the network of fire and safety alarms is
quite difficult. Currently 2 out of 5 Australian households use at least individual internet of
things and devices for controlling and monitoring anything which ranges from security use of
energy. In this case a fire alarm can be exponential device pertaining to the category of home
security. According to the analysis of Telsyte, it is predicted that by the end of 2021 average
Australian households will have at least 14 internet of things devices in operation. It implies that
the iot market for home security devices in Australia will reach a market value of AUD $4.7
billion. The spectacular rise in the figure from the last year (AUD $377 million) shows that wild
australians are becoming more enthusiastic owners of internet of things Technology, there are
still growing challenges regarding the appropriate management of the security patch of including
internet of things and Technology in the home security network like in case of fire alarms.
The eccentric use of fire alarm technology in the households of the target population in
Melbourne highlights that use of a smart grid network has not been mostly effective in yielding
results. The prospect of safety management by sending audiovisuals to the devices connected
with the internet of things didn't work in the household has some system issues to resolve. In the
first place the use of internal home network based on iot technology is creating a signal
interference of a lot of devices since a Bluetooth connectivity is continuously on the house
network. On top of that, lack of maintenance of the internet of things devices like security
patching, signal and device jamming with submission of cache files and unscrupulous uploading
and downloading of images based on single ring out of false alarms are other typical issues
encountered in this regard. Therefore there is a question regarding preciseness of interpretation
of actual safety threats by these devices. On top of that the constant use of wavelength
Technology makes the internet the home network of different internet of things based smart
device is prone to cyber security threats. Clone tracking and lack of password of any vulnerable
device can lead to cyber criminals using the single device as a host for data manipulation of all
other connected smart devices in any household. The weather condition of Melbourne is also
difficult. On account of the typical weather condition in the smart devices adopt a corrosive
furniture. This is the reason why the smart devices wears out and people has to supplement those
by frequently purchasing smart devices and connecting new smart devices with new MAC
address into the The host iot network frequently. It provides cyber criminals are remarkable
scope of overriding the existing security patch is as the more advanced device technology is
imbibed with less updated wave network in home usage.

Prediction of Success – Literature Review and background of the topic

The uses of internet of things technology in home security network by linking the smart devices
in a household has been a topic of research for a long time. Both empirical and primary data
research has been undertaken to understand the impact of different security threats on use of
internet of things technology on a real time basis in use of fire safety alarms in the Australian
household. It can be highlighted that the framework of fire alarms with internet of things and
Technology and diverse categories of associated applications might not weak synchronised. It
therefore creates a loophole of linking the wavelength of cyber criminals and extracting valuable
personal information from the security devices.
BehrTech's MyThings wireless internet of things platform provider provides guard against the
fire Breakout. It works as emergency personal monitor. It is based on using atmospheric as well
as the seismic data. CLSS service network in Australia also allowed the first responders in
accessing data regarding fire systems before plugging into emergency mode. It is one of the main
areas of safety issue concern. By virtue of this issue it can be highlighted that the process of
switching from mode of general caution to emergency is it is crafted with lack of appropriate
algorithm set up based on the home use type. Contradictory frequency of multiple wavelengths
diverges in various households which is why the accuracy of transition of functioning and
processing of the fire system to warn people about simple caution or emergency is disrupted.
Sometimes it is not possible to evaluate condition of devices and get associated data regarding
emergency in case of real-time using of mobile applications.

This is the reason why, based on solution from different researchers and their opinions it can be
articulated that the use of internet of things at technology in real-time false alarm tracking can be
effective. False alarm in data can be synchronised with the help of internet of things technology
to understand the pattern of alarm ring out. The statutory and distributed safety data like
immediate capturing and transfer of pictures with maximum heat signatures and smoke
signatures in the house should be filtered by means of a real time internet of things applications
to track the same against the common data patterns. For evidence if the microwave oven is
located in a specific location at household then it will send the same kinds of 5 signatures.
However the false alarm real time internet of things Technology will send a warning message
with associated photos and information to all the internet of things connected devices in home on
the when there is some uprising information like two or three times more potential heat
signatures with fire visuals from the microwave probably when it has a cord fire or something.

This is a prospect of smart filtering of the internet of things Technology so that the exchange of
frequent wavelengths and manifestation of bulk volume of cache data with reasonable proportion
of digital footprints can be avoided.

In case if this infrastructure performs precisely then this data in ascending in neural network can
be e associated with the frequency of computer area dispatch system of fire trucks. It will create
a better emergency response in case of household fire.
The use of real time internet of things technology in this case will be responsible for actively
tracking in the history of the detector signals in a home over last 24 hours to indicate whether
smoke and fire detectors have been previously triggered by false alarms. It will study in the
images internally clicked and process the image for understanding the potential of heat
signatures and the smoke signature in the images with the help of noise in the image to
understand whether a false alarm for real alarm has been triggered. ...........considers that
development and implementation of such precise real-time technology is not possible in a single
day. Improvement upon the existing devices has to be made over time to reach this level of a

In case if automatic wavelength tracking is manifested in the iot network in a home Technology
then it will allow the residents to put on silicone and other case material coating on the smart
devices used in home. There will be no fear of signal jamming by covering devices with jackets.
On the other hand it will ensure the sustainability of the devices against the typical Melbourne
weather condition. The above section also highlights how made from quality of the internal
home network can be tossed between fire alarms and the spectral calculation by smart visual
devices to send very authentic data to users only.

This project also remarkably approaches with the study of challenges of being heavily dependent
upon the internet of things the devices. In the first place the young couples and married people in
millboard will have a propensity of keeping the internet of things network on throughout the day
whether or not they are at home. Under such circumstances if the false fire alarm breakout, the
prospect of sending real-time pictures from home can help them. However unguarded and
sustainable aperture of network connectivity in a loophole within a household can be a potential
source of cyber security. The wavelength frequency can be easily tracked even by not entering
the home. This security threat will allow the cyber criminals to track home frequency to track all
other connected devices in return. For evidence in this regard if the home owners are currently in
office with their smart phones which has been tapped on with the online network rather than the
neural network of Bluetooth connectivity based on real time internet of things Technology, then
cracking the frequency wavelength in the home internet of things network will allow the
cybercriminals to track the data of the smart devices in associated location of each smart devices.
This is one of the ethical challenges of security issues. Better patch work and safety tracking of
cache files needs to be ascertained in future in order to ensure that these challenges are mitigated.

Project Management Overview

Scope of Project
● Definition: “The unprecedented growth of smart device users and spectacular increase in
the number of smart fire alarm users in the highlighted demographic segment in
Melbourne is the reason why it is not possible to accommodate the whole ideally perfect
target segment of for consumers for this product in Melbourne. There are some prominent
issues in managing the fire alarm application as well.”
● Deliverables: The report would assist the long-standing research gap on how weather
impacts the usage of smart appliances and how it can result in data breach and increased
cyber-attacks. The objectives and aims would be delivered through a series of primary
and secondary research revolving around basic data collection and analysis techniques.
● Milestones: The milestones in this project report includes:

 - principal data analysis

 - feasibility analysis and design completion for dimensionality reduction

 - understanding the hidden patterns of data plasters regarding use of real-time iot used
for fire alarm

 - plating primary research with secondary data

 - Code freezing with suggestive recommendations for receiving the desired outcome of
the research process

 - manifestation of individual research for discussing securities rate of use of real-time


 - budgeting and time calculation on a frequent basis in the interview stages of each

 - team meeting and discussion over mobile phone and internet

 - progress tracking and project documentation

 - project submission

Objectives and Constraints

As discussed in the section above, the main objectives of this report revolve around:

 To develop a collinear relation between use of smart fire alarms and real-time iot
Technology avoiding security challenges
 To overcome the time constraints because of failure of time schedule matching by
researchers with very less previous research experience
 To manage the cost structures of the project by avoiding the selection of a very broad
target population
 To manage the risk of inappropriate data collection and interpretation by conducting
extensive research
 To generate advantage in the form of exclusive researchers synchronising elements of
updating internet of things technology in the emerging prospect of smart fire alarm
Technology used in Australian households
 To develop well researched frames and prospects for anticipation of project quality
meeting deadlines and achieving the research objectives

The Constraints
The first and the foremost constraint is putting up a professional research work which will be
error free. The limited knowledge of the research topics regarding real time internet of things use
and limitation of knowledge regarding the market statistics and usage pattern of smart fire alarms
is a major impediment. The research team has less experience in first and it the data collection
and documentation. It will be a hindrance in the path of data interpretation. Hence it is pertinent
that the research team must take guidance from a professor learning the basic strategic approach
of data collection and interpretation techniques. It will be detrimental in terms of synchronising
and appropriate project quality. The selected research topic is complex as there has been an
adequate research in addressing the concerned issue. Based on the literature review it can be
critically argued that it is important to understand in the overall assignment with proficiency. The
hindrance in putting up a high-quality project is a lack of knowledge regarding techniques of
data analysis. In the scope of learning the process and implementing the same for this project, the
time schedules are delayed.

Therefore it can be concluded on the basis of the previous statement that if the research is
accomplished within the stipulated time it will be based on significant hard work and dedication
of the members. The other constraint in this project is a selection of a specified research topic
with limited knowledge of. The lack of knowledge who was responsible for scattered thoughts
regarding the projected research area. However with the help of the researcher the primary
research topics could be amplified and focused upon. The cost associated with the project work
also needs to be managed. Experience and delay in research is the reason why the project budget
has been frequently extended.

Statement of Work
The project needs in-depth research about applications as well as security challenges of using
real time internet of things Technology with smart fire alarms bi the young couples and young
married couples aged between 24 and 38 years in Melbourne. This project is opportunity of
increasing research skills in both primary and secondary research categories. This project also
provide the scope of increasing the capability of the research team related to Henley complex
assignments and exhibit in better time and cost management in a research project even when
working in a tight deadline.
This research creates a detailed assessment and hence addresses the spontaneous research gap in
analysing how internet of things Technology can be implemented in real time fire alarm use in a
better way. The management of internet of things Technology network by addressing the need of
updating the technology wavelength and synchronising each smart device with secure passwords
with the internet of things and network and so on, are the primary focus of this research study.
The objective and Research themes in this project creates opportunity of a streamlining the
research by helping the researcher to follow a pattern of data collection and analysis.

The timeline for the final report has been about 15 days and we needed to accomplish our project
work within the stipulated time frame.

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