Divine Revelation Essay

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Mike Ellan G.

Sagario 11- HOPE

Divine Revelation

Revelation is a Greek word that means the removal of a veil. It often refers to the act of divine
revelation, which many religious groups claim to have heard and seen. This concept is typically
seen as an epistemic notion.This topic has been a central part of theology for many years. Most
philosophical discussions about divine revelation are usually related to Christian debates.
Through the words of humans, God can help us live more effectively and in a more authentic
manner. The plan of salvation was revealed by the authors of the Old Testament, and they
explained it in their books. The mystery of salvation is also present in a hidden way. To me a
Christian life is where you believe that God is your lord and savior and that you have faith that
what happens in your life is by the grace of God. Also in a Christian life, many events can happen
that test you as a Christian. God has made a plan for every single person’s life and many people
try to change Gods plan with their own plan for their life. My Christian life is good, I followed and
believed in God, I prayed everyday and I talked to him specially in the times I needed him. Having
a relationship with God and communicating with him helps me transcend and look for guidance
beyond myself and to those who are around me. It helps me look for guidance from that very
source that originally connects us all. My relationship with God helps me feel supported
throughout all my other worldly relationships and specially as a Christian.

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