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The words from the film

1. To wander – бродити 11. Poop – кал

2. Pound – притулок для тварин 12. Breed – порода
3. Handsome – красивий 13. To claim – претендувати
4. Agreement – погодження 14. Collar – нашийник
5. To encourage – заохочувати 15. Bloodline – родовід
6. Look-out – оглядовий майданчик 16. To slam – захлопнути
7. To board – забезпечити повний догляд та 17. To fetch – приносити
харчування 18. Overdressed – дуже нарядний
8. Favor – послуга 19. Fleeting – швидкоплинний
9. Gorgeous/adorable/fabulous – 20. Executor – виконавець
чудовий/чарівний/казковий 21. Expenses – витрати
10. To guard – охороняти

Phrases and phrasal verbs

 Not a bit – анітрохи

 On the house – за рахунок закладу
 To fall behind schedule – відставати від розкладу
 To look for – шукати
 To show up – об’явитися
 To catch up – надолужити, наздогнати
 To drive over – з’їздити
 To come from – походити з
 To pick up – підняти, підібрати
 To get off – зійти, злізти

VOCABULARY English_through_Films
Match the words with their definitions

a) the use of money, time, or effort

1. To wander
b) to ask for something of value because you think it belongs to
2. Pound you or because you think you have a right to it
c) to go to another place to get something or someone and bring
3. Handsome
it, him, or her back
4. Agreement d) to walk around slowly in a relaxed way or without any clear
purpose or direction
5. To encourage
e) a place from which to keep watch or view the landscape
6. Look-out f) to protect someone or something from being attacked or
7. To board
g) to move against a hard surface with force and usually a loud
8. Favor noise
h) the situation in which people have the same opinion, or in
9. Gorgeous/adorable/fabulous
which they approve of or accept something
10. To guard i) to make someone more likely to do something
j) brief or quick
11. Poop
k) something you do to help someone, often after being asked to
12. Breed l) a place where pets that are lost or not wanted are kept
m) a man who is physically attractive in a traditional, male way
13. To claim
n) wearing clothes that are too formal or special for a particular
14. Collar occasion
o) someone who makes sure that things are done according to
15. Bloodline
the wishes in a dead person's will
16. To slam p) all the members of a family group of people or animals over a
period of time
17. To fetch
q) excrement
18. Overdressed r) a strap made of leather that is put around the neck of an
19. Fleeting
s) very beautiful or pleasant; charming, attractive, and easily
20. Executor loved; very good; excellent
t) to arrange for a pet animal to be temporarily taken care of at
21. Expenses
a place other than its home
u) a particular type of animal


Find the 21 words


Unscramble and translate the words

1. To wndear – _______________________________ _______________________________

2. unPod – _______________________________ _______________________________
3. Hdsoanme – _______________________________ _______________________________
4. Aemgreent – _______________________________ _______________________________
5. To euragncoe – _______________________________ _______________________________
6. L-oookut – _______________________________ _______________________________
7. To arbod – _______________________________ _______________________________
8. avFor – _______________________________ _______________________________
9. Geouorgs - _______________________________ _______________________________
10. To gruad – _______________________________ _______________________________
11. Popo – _______________________________ _______________________________
12. eBred – _______________________________ _______________________________
13. To aiclm – _______________________________ _______________________________
14. Claolr – _______________________________ _______________________________
15. Bldlioone – _______________________________ _______________________________
16. To slma – _______________________________ _______________________________
17. To etcfh – _______________________________ _______________________________
18. Ordveressde – _______________________________ _______________________________
19. Fletineg – _______________________________ _______________________________
20. Eecuxtor – _______________________________ _______________________________
21. nsEeexps - _______________________________ _______________________________


Match the two halves and translate the phrases

1) Not – a) off ________________________________

2) On the – b) behind the schedule ________________________________
3) To fall – c) up ________________________________
4) To look – d) house ________________________________
5) To show – e) up ________________________________
6) To catch – f) over ________________________________
7) To drive – g) up ________________________________
8) To come – h) a bit ________________________________
9) To pick – i) for ________________________________
10) To get - j) from ________________________________

Complete the sentences with the correct phrase or phrasal verb

1) Police were _______________ clues as to the woman’s identity.

2) That joke is _______________ funny. I don’t understand why you are laughing.
3) We could walk to the restaurant, but it's cold out, so let's just _______________.
4) We were expecting 30 people to come, but half of them never _______________.
5) We have to hurry and finish soon or we will _______________.
6) I'm so sorry that you have had such an unenjoyable evening. Please accept this bottle of wine
_______________ as an apology.
7) If we speed up, we might be able _______________ with the car ahead of us!
8) _______________ that ladder before you fall and hurt yourself!
9) Would you please _______________ that book from off the floor?
10) I live in Texas now, but I _______________ Boston, where I was born.


Create your own sentences with the phrases and phrasal verbs

 Not a bit
 On the house
 To fall behind schedule
 To look for
 To show up
 To catch up
 To drive over
 To come from
 To pick up
 To get off


Answer the questions

 What did Hachiko do every day?

 Who is Hachiko’s owner?
 Why did Hachiko’s owner stop going to the train station?
 What is Hachiko’s breed?
 Why did Parker die? What did he hold in his hands?
 How long did Hachiko wait for Parker?
 Who wanted to take care of Hachiko after his owner’s death?
 How did people at the station feel about the dog?


Fill in the gaps with the correct word from the box to complete the plot of the film

Hachi, stroke, grandfather, misses, eight, returns, passenger, station, puppy, ball, train horn, escapes,
wait, feed, tenth, breed, shed, special, the first time, fetching

When Ronnie gives a presentation at school about a personal hero, he tells the story of his
_______________ and his dog, Hachiko.
Parker Wilson, a professor of music finds a lost _______________ on the station platform in Bedridge and
takes him home for the night.
Ken, a Japanese professor friend, tells Parker that the dog is a _______________ called an Akita and that
the Japanese character on his collar tag is the number _______________ - "hachi". Parker's wife, Cate,
eventually warms to the dog—but Hachi sleeps outside in his own _______________.
One spring morning, Hachi digs under the fence and follows Parker to the _______________. He refuses to
go home; Parker _______________ the train. He leaves Hachi with Cate and gets the next one. That
afternoon, Hachi hears the _______________and jumps the fence. Parker is surprised to find Hachi waiting
for him. A daily routine begins: They walk to the station together, Hachi goes home, and he
_______________ when Parker's train is due, at 5 p.m.
Parker tries to train Hachi _______________. Amused, Ken explains that Akitas cannot be bought. If Hachi
fetches, it will be for a _______________ reason.
One winter morning, Hachi behaves strangely, but then follows Parker to the station with a
________________, and, to Parker's delight, fetches it for _______________. After they play for a while, Parker
puts the ball in his pocket. Hachi barks and barks and watches the train leave. Parker is holding the
ball when he suffers a fatal _______________ in his classroom. Hachi waits. At 9:30 p.m., Michael comes to
get him. While Parker's family gather at his funeral, Hachi goes to the station to _______________.
Hachi goes to live with Andy and Michael and their baby, Ronnie. One day, he _______________ and follows
the train tracks to Bedridge. Cate realizes the dog is pining and opens the gate.
Every day at 5 p.m., Hachi waits for his best friend. The hot dog seller, Jasjeet, and others
_______________ him. After a reporter writes a story about him, people send cards and money to the


On the _______________ anniversary of Parker’s death, Cate returns to visit her husband's grave. She is
moved to see a now-elderly Hachi taking his usual position at the station. At home, at Christmas, Cate
tells the ten-year-old Ronnie about Hachi and Parker, while the dog slowly settles in place. We see
flashbacks of Parker and Hachi together, and then a last _______________ pauses in the door. It is Parker,
who calls “Hachi!” The old dog raises his head, and we see him run to Parker's embrace. A bright light
fills the screen and Hachi lies, motionless, his waiting over.
The class applauds. At the school bus, Ronnie is met by his dad and a tiny new puppy which they’ve also
named _______________. The film ends with Ronnie and the puppy walking down the same tracks Hachi
traveled years ago.

Describe the following scenes


 Do you like the film? Why? Why not?
 What is the message of the film?
 What does Hachi bring to Parker’s life?
 Is Hachi different from other dogs? How?
 Why does Hachi come to the train station
every day?
 Do you agree that dog is the best human’s
friend? Why?
 Do you have a pet? Speak about it

DISCUSSION English_through_Films

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