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Modern Delhi Public

Sector - 87, Greater Faridabad (Haryana)

Ph.:0129-2229277, 8527887777, 9810031678
Topic: Application of Derivatives s s - XII



Find the intervals in which the functions f(x) = x*- 4x+6 is strictly increasing

a) (-a,2) U(2,**) 6) (2, **)

(C) Ca, 2) (d-,2] O2
2 The function fx) = 3 4 x + 2 x - i s
(a) Increasing on J (6)Decreaaing on n
c) Neither increasing nor decreasing d) None ofthese
The real function fx) =2x-3x-36X+7i
(a) strictly increasing in (-",-2) and(o)Strictly decreasing in (-2, 3)

strictly decreasing in(-2,)

Strictly decreasing in ( - 3 ) (diystrictly decreasing in (-,-2)u|
and strictlyincreasing in (3, ) 3,)
Thefunction flx) =-x+3x-3x 100, ERis
(a) Strictly increasing (b) Strictiy decreasing
(c) Neither increasing nor (d) Decreasing
In which interval the functionf)=/3x* -7X +5 is strictly increasing
(6) ( - , )

()(0 ())
Theinterval on which the fuhction f(x) =2x+9xf +12x-1 is decreasing is
la) [-1,) 6)-2,-1
() ( |(G) = 1, 11_
The function f(x) =1-x3-x is decreasing for
(a) 1 XE5 (6) xs 1
(d) all values of x
8 lf y = X{XC3)Fdecreases for the values of x given by
a ) 1sX& 3 6)x<
(d) 0x
R,x * 0 is
he function f(x) =
x-x ¬

I a ) Increasing for all x E R (b) Decreasing for allx E

N) Increasing for all x E(0,*) (d) Neither increasing nordecreasing
10 The function f() =+2isstrictly decreasing in

Sector-87, Greater Faridabad (Haryana), Ph.: 0129-2229277, 8527887777,9971794077 Mathematics (1)

Modern DelhiPublic School
(a) R (b) R-{0}
| (c) [0, *) T(d) None
11 Find the interval in which fx) = log (1 +x)-z4s increasing

(a) (0, )_ I(b)(-, 0

C(-oo, 3) Td) none of these
12 The function f(x) =tanx-x
(a) Always increases (6) Always decreases
(c) Never increases d) Sometimes increases and
sometimes decreas s
3 The function f(x) =X* Sinx is
(a) Aways increasing (b) Always decreasing
(c) Increasing for certain range ofx (d) None of these
The interval in which f(x) =sinx + cosx,0 SxS27 is,atrictly decreasingin

(o. 2m] (d)
Thefunction f(x) =4sinx-6sinx+ 12 sinx+ 100,i5 strictly
(a) Increasing in (Decreasing in (,T)
(o) Decreasing in D e c r e a s i n g in (0.5
16 The length of the longest interval, in which, the function f(x) = 3sinx - 4sin'x is

(c) (d)

| 17 Thefunction fx)= sin3x is striclydécreasing on

(ay 0. (b)0.
Which of the following functions is decreasing on
(a) Sin2x | (b) tan xx
(c) coSX A Kd) cos3x
The function f(=Togx is stritly increasing on
) (0, (b) (-oo, 0)
(d) None
20 The function y 2x-loglxl, x# 0 decreases when x e
(a (b)R-
uG (d)(-,-Hu co.5
21Thefunctionf(x) =e** is strictly increasing on
) (0, *) (b)(-,0)
Q-o, *) (d) None

Sector-87, Greater Faridabad (Haryana), Ph.: 0129-2229277, 8527887777, 971794077

Mathematics (2)
Modern Delhi Public School

Ine intervals in which y =x*e-*is increasing
a(oo, (b)(-2, 0)
(C) (2, *) d) (0,2)
Thefunction fx) =x-X in theinterval [0, 1]iss_
(a) Increasing (b) Decreasing
C) Neither increasing and decreasingd) None of the above.
Thefunction f(x) =x*-9kx +27x+30 isincreasing on R,if_
a 1 s k<i| (b) k-1 or k>1
(c) 0 <k <1 (d)-1 <k<OA
25 The value of 'b' for which the function f(x) = x * cosx+ b is strietly decreasing over

R is:
la)b 1 (b) No value ofbrekists(
(c) bs1 d) b1


26 The tangent to the parabola x = 2y at the poirt makes with the x- axis an

angle of
(a) 0 b45
L(c) 30° RC) 60
The curve y =*3 has at (0, 0)
(a) A vertical tangent (parallel to y6) A horizontal tangent (parallel to x - -

axis) axis)
(C) An oblique tangent (d) No tangent
28 The slope of the normal to the'Curvely2x* +3 sinx atx =0 is
1 (b) 3
(C)-3 (d)-
29 The slope of the tangentto tigcurve x =t + 3t-8, y= 2-2-5 at the point (2.
-1) IS
(al (b)
(C) (d)-
30 The slope of the tangent to the curve x = asint and y = a(cos t + log(tan()) at the

point 't is
a)tant | (6) cot t
(d) none of these
| | tan)
31 The slop@ef the normal to the curve x = a(0 - stn@).y = a(1- cos6) at 8 i s

(a) O (b) undefined

(d) 1
TTangents tothe curve x+y=2atthepoints (1, 1) and (1.1)are
a) Parallel (b) Perpendicular
Intersecting but not at right angles d) None of these

Sector-87, Greater Faridabad (Haryana), Ph.: 0129-222927, 852788777,9971794077 Mathematics()

Modern Delhi Publie School
to the curve y: 4ax at the point (at, 2a)is
he equation of the tangent
(a) ty =X+ ats (6)ty =x-at thesee
(d) none
(C) tx +y at"

34 The normal to the curve x =4y passing through (1, 2) IS

(a)x * yY=3 6)x-y=S
Lo)x+y =1 (a)X=y=1
35 The normal at the point (1, 1 ) on the curve 2y +x* = 3 is

L9X*y+1 0 (d)X-y=0
36 The equation ofthe normal to the curve y= sinx at (0,0) is
(b) x+y=0_a
Ly=0 (d) x-yEO
3x* is parallel to the line x
37 The equation of the normal to the curve -

+3y=8 is (b) A+8 0
(a) 3x-y=8_
LC)X+3y£8 =0D LdX*3y= 0_
to the =
38 For which value of 'm'is the liney= mx + 1 atangent curve

(a) 1/2
0 atthe point (h, k) is parallel to the line X -

Ifa tangent t o the curve ys + 3 x - 7

y=4, then the value of 'k is

(a) (b)
tangent makes an angle of 45° with the x -

4 0 | The point on the curve y X where

axis is
(a) ()
(c)4,2) I (d) (2,-2)
41 The line y =X+ 1 iSa tangent to the curve ys = 4x at the point
a) (1,2 6)(2, 1)
(C) (1,-2)
point (s) on the curve y = x-
11x * 5 at which the tangent is y = X - 11 is/|

a-219 K6) (2,-9)_
Lc)(#2119 L(d) (-2, 19)and (2.-9)-
to the curve y 2x* x* 1 is parallel to the line y =
3x + 9 at the
he tangent

(6) (2,-1)
2. 1 (d) (1.2

Sector-87, Greater Faridabad (Haryana), Ph.: 0129-2229277, 8527887777, 9971794077 Mathematics(4)

Modern Delhi Public School

44 he points at which the

tangents to the =x*- 12x+ 18
axis are:
curve y are
parallelto x-
a) (2,-2), (-2,-34) (b)(2, 34). -2,0)
(c) (0, 34),. (-2,0) (d) (2,2), (-2, 34)
The points on the curve+ 1 at which the tangents are
parallelto axis

a) (0, +4) | (6) (+4,0)
L(C) G3.0) (d) (0,£3)_
4 The point at which the normal to the curve y =x+x >> 0is.peipendicular to the
line 3x-4y-7 0 is:
(2 (b) (t2.)
(d) (5
| 47 The tangenttothe curve y =eat the point(0,1) Fueeisy-axis at
(a)(0, 1)
I (c) (2, 0) (d) (02)
48The equation of the tangentto the curve y(1 F2-X,where it cuts X-axiS iS:
(a) x +5y =2 A5 y =2
(c) 5x-y=
49 The points on the Curve 9y = X', Wnere nomal to the curve marks equal

interceptswith the axes are

(e)4, ()(4,-9
50 The angle between the tangents to the curv - 5x +6 at the points (2, 0)|
and (3. 0) is
(a) (b)

(c) (G)
51 f thecurve ay +x* =7andk=y,cut orthogonally at (1,1),then the value of'a'i
(a)1 (b) 0
Tc)-6 6
If the curves y2@and y=ae intersect orthogonallythen a_
|(a) (b)-
I024 (d) 2e


e function f()= ** has a stationarypoint at
C)X =1 (d)x= ve

Sector-87, Greater Faridabad (Haryana), Ph.: 0129-2229277, 8527887777, 9971794077 Mathematics (5)
Modern Delhi Public School
At x =S f(x) = 2 sin3x +3 cos3x is
(a) Maximum (b) Mininmum
(c) Zero (d)Neither maximum nor minimúm"
55 The function f(x) = 2x*-3x12x +4, has

(a) Two points of local maximum (b) Two points of local minimum
() One maxima and one minimna (d) No maxima oYminima

S6 Findall the points oflocal maxima andlocal minima off) =K +1

(a) 1.-1, - (b) 1,-1
(c) 1,- (d)-1,-
57 Find the points at which f(x) = (x-2 (x+ 1)° has points ofinflection_

(d) x=
Ifxis real, the minimum value ofx-8x+ 17is
a)-1 (b) 0
Lo1 L(d) 2*
59 The least value of the function f(x) = ax + a 0 , b> 0, x > 0) is

(a) ab RD) 2Vab

d ) ab

60 For all real x, the minimum value o r s

(a) 0 (6) 1
The maximum value of lx(z E,0Sx$1is
(a) (3 (6)
(d) 0
62 Find the maximum value offX) =sin(sinx) for all x ER
L(a)-sin 1 (b) sin 6
T© sin 1 Td)-sin 3
63 The maximum valge of sinx. cOSX is
(a) (b)
ICV2 Td) 212
4The makimui yalue of x5,x>0is
(a) ei (b)
LC (d None
e raximum value of ( is:
(b) e
Sector-87, Greater Faridabad (Haryana), Ph.: 0129-2229277, 8527887777, 9971794077 Mathematices (6)
Modern Delhi Public School

66 The function
f(x) =
has maximum atx=
(a) (6) e
(c)- (d)-e
67 It iS given that at x 1, the function fx) x- 12x+
kx 7
value, then the value of 'k'
= +
attains aximum
a) 10 (6) 12
L(c) 21 (d) 13
b8The sum of fwo positive numbers is 14 and their sum is least then the numbers

a6,7 (b) 7,7

L(c) 10,4 Td 9,5
Divide 20 into two parts such that the product oftpnapart and the cube ofthe
other is maximum. The two parts are
(a) 10, 10 6) 12:8 YN
(c) 15,5 | (d) Noneof these
70 The area of a trapezium is defined byfenciontand given by

f)= (10+x)V100x2,then the area whenitis maximised is

(a) 75 cm b) 7V3 cm
(C) 75 3 cm A d) 5cm
71 The point on the curve x* = 2hdhishearest to the point (0, 5)
(a) (212, 4) (b) (212,0)
(c) (0, 0) (d) (2, 2)
72 The smallest value ofthe poynomial x*--18x +96x in [0, 9] is
(a) 126 (b) 0
(c) 135 (d) 160
73 Let f(x) = 2x°- 3x-12x# 5 on [-2,4 The relative maximum occurs atx

(a)-2 6)-1
|Lc)2 (d) 4
absolutgminimum value ofthe function f) 2sinx in |0,is
The =

a-2 (b) 2
Lc)1 Td)-1
75 The s value of the function fit) = 2c05x + x in the closed interval o is
(d) The least value does not exist

9971794077 Mathematics (7)

Sector-87, Greater Faridabad (lHaryana), Ph.:0129-2229277, 8527887777,
Modern Delhi Public School
does the function f(X) = sin2x attainsithe
value of 'x' in the interval [0, «]
75 For what
maximum value
(c) ()
the curve y =- x*+3x* + 9X-2
77The maximum value of the slope of
La)0 12
c) 16 32
78 The shortest distance between line y- x = 1 and curve x =y Is

a (b)
(c) ()3
79 The function f(x) =
x+ 2 and
minimum at x

(a) A local maximum at x = 2 (bA local

and local minima atx=-2 local maximum at x=-2
(d)Absolute minima at x 2 and
maxima at x # 2 and
(c) Absolute
absolute minima at x = - 2
absolute maxima a t x = - 2


0129-2229277, 8527887777, 9971794077 Mathematics (8)

Sector-87, Greater Faridabad (Haryana), Ph.:

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