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The art of being happy lies in the power of extracting happiness from the littlest of things. A very good
morning to everyone present here. I am Aishwarya of 12C here to deliver a speech on pursuit of
happiness. Happiness, in today’s generation you go ask anyone in this world irrespective of their caste
gender language religion what is it that you want from life what is your goal their answer will be one
thing “happiness” someone will say it in hindi some in tamil some in English some in Chinese some in
japanese and some in some other language but the answer will be same happiness On our planet, there are
more than 1.5 million different species. But what if told you that the one thing we have in common is the
feeling of happiness. Not only we all feel it, but we also share it. no matter what the one common thing
every single human being would need is Happiness We go in search of happiness we say we need it but
the fact is most of us don’t know what the true meaning of happiness is. Yes it does differ from person to
person there is no particular definition of happiness. Something that brings happiness to someone may not
bring happiness for the other. According to me happiness is I find happiness in the simplest of things. The
most simple things can bring the most happiness. You don’t need a particular reason to be happy just be
happy and the reason will come along. Happiness for me isn’t getting an award of getting full marks in a
test yes it does bring in happiness

But I believe that true happiness can be found within and whenever you want it. Happiness is right in
front of you. The only thing you have to do is allow yourself to feel it. Let me give you some examples
from my side. I am a nature lover I find happiness in a single drop of rain I find happiness in listening to
chirping of birds or being lost amidst the greenery of mother earth I love it The joy of being around the
nature is priceless. We’ve all had ups and downs one thing I want you to remember for the rest of your
life is that true happiness doesn't depend on who you're with or what you're doing it depends on if you're
willing to feel it. In conclusion, the one thing that has shaped our world to the one we know today is
happiness. I believe that happiness is available to anyone at any moment at any place. I believe that we're
not the only ones experiencing it. Everybody experiences it differently, but in the end, it is the same. Life
is very short guys . Live every moment , enjoy every phase of yours stay happy and keep smiling I always
say this to everyone never let that smile ever fade away from your face. Before ending I would like to say
one thing happiness is the best make up u deserve to be happy you deserve to live a life u are excited
about don’t let anyone take that away from you.

Cry forgive learn move on let your tears water the seeds of your future

Thank you

With happiness


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