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15 (2014) PJIM&L

Towards a Digitization Framework: Pakistani Perspective

Muhammad Rafiq
Department of Information Management, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan Email:

Kanwal Ameen
Department of Information Management, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan Email:

The study assessed the the country are now connected through fiber optic
opinions of the Pakistani network. Telephone density or teledensity is the
library experts in terms of: number of telephone connections for every hundred
organization for individuals living within an area. Mobile financial
digitization work services have recently been launched by various
(execution of digitization operators in Pakistan, with transactions worth Rs3.76
work & staffing patterns); billion via online banking (Sheikh, 2013). Such
funding patterns; and developments show the transformation into a digital
access patterns for economy where information access is pivotal.
digitization projects. The
study opted qualitative Digitization has transformed the modes of accessing
research design and in- information and knowledge resources. The education
depth interviews were sector is a major one to make use of digital
conducted to collect the data from purposely technology to enrich the educational experiences at all
selected library experts from different parts of stages of the learning journey (Joint Information
Pakistan. The findings bring forward an outline of Systems Committee, JISC, 2005). University libraries
digitization framework in terms of execution of are digitizing their valued print resources to offer
digitization work, staffing patterns, funding online access and meet the information needs of the
patterns and access patterns. academic community world over. In Pakistani
context, Ameen and Rafiq (2009) reviewed different
Keywords: Digital Access, Digital Library, digital libraries of the country that were the outcome
Digitization Framework, Library Funding, Pakistan, of some digitization activities. It was also noted in an
Library Staffing. other study that digital information resources are
preferred by information users in the higher education
sector of Pakistan (Rafiq & Ameen, 2012).
1. Introduction
The Higher Education Commission (HEC) initiated a
The digital revolution in Pakistan is accelerating fast. number of projects to transform the Pakistani higher
The low speed dial-up connection got replaced with education sector. A breakthrough project was the
the broadband, and the most recently 3G and 4G Pakistan Education and Research Network (PERN),
mobile internet has been launched. High-speed launched in 2002, to enhance the communication
Internet connectivity has enabled faster searches and infrastructure of the institutes of higher learning and
seamless access to a wealth of media through research organizations to meet their networking and
common interfaces. According to Internet Service internet needs. Currently, it is serving 183 academic
Providers Association of Pakistan (ISPAK), the and research institutes. HEC-National Digital Library
number of estimated Internet users has reached 25 Programme (HEC-NDL) and the digital Pakistan
million, while Teller (2013) reported 30 million Research Repository (PRR) projects aimed to address
Internet users and 120 million mobile/cell phone the researcher’s information needs. NDL offers online
subscribers. The Government of Pakistan is spending access to more than 23000 e-journals and 40000 e-
Rs. 22 billion on rural telecom development through books of international publishers (NDL, 2014). PRR
the Universal Service Fund. The country’s total is a digitization project of HEC that offers online open
teledensity has been increased to 72 % (Ministry of access to PhD dissertations produced in Pakistani
Finance, 2013) and over 250 towns and cities across


Vol. 15 (2014) PJIM&L
degree awarding institutes (Pakistan Research planning or implementing digitization projects. The
Repository, 2014). framework was prepared by the NISO Framework
Working Group with support from the Institute of
University libraries in Pakistan are striving hard to Museum and Library Services, USA. The framework
improve their human, financial, knowledge and other provided an overview of some of the major
material resources. Their services has been improved components and activities involved in digitization,
with the access to global knowledge reservoirs identified existing resources (books, web resources,
through NDL. The university libraries initiated guidelines, etc.) that supported the development of
digitization programmes. However, digitization to sound local practices for creating and managing
date in university libraries of Pakistan is at budding digital collections; and encouraged community
stage and born out of the heat of new technology. A participation in the ongoing development of best
study (Rafiq & Ameen, 2013) reported that one-third practices for digitization. The Framework provides
of university libraries of Pakistan were engaged in criteria for goodness, organized around four core
digitization activities. Nonetheless, this study revealed types of entities: Collections (organized groups of
that digitization activities were taking place in objects); Objects (digital materials); Metadata
isolation in absence of a formal digitization policy. (information about objects and collections); and
Digitization projects require considerable amount of Initiatives (programs or projects to create and manage
financial, human, and technological resources. It was collections). A number of principles have been
assumed that international guidelines in terms of recommended for building digital collections.
project execution might not work in the local context
without adaptation. It requires a uniform digitization The Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC)
framework to meet the national needs. Thus, it published a report in 2005 that suggested need for a
seemed necessary to seek the opinions of library UK digitization framework. This report was based on
experts regarding a possible digitization framework the Loughborough University’s study on digitised
for the country. content in the UK research libraries and archives
sector (Bultmann, Hardy, Muir, & Wictor, 2005). It
2. Aim of the study reported that the investment in digitisation project had
amounted to £130 million over 10 years, in UK. The
The aim of the study was to assess the opinion of the study discussed the digitised resources in the UK;
library digitization experts of Pakistan on different standards, formats and guidelines; funding structures
aspects of the digitization work that will help to and opportunities for digitisation projects. The report
outline a digitization framework. The focus was on advocated the need for a UK digitization framework
practical aspects of digitization project execution and recommended to adopt a flexible framework that
instead of technical standards. The study assessed the would assist in filling gaps in provision of digitised
opinion of the key respondents in terms of: contents and should enable coordination of existing
organization for digitization work (execution of services related to digitization.
digitization work & staffing patterns); funding
patterns; and access patterns of digitization projects. Tharani (2012) proposes “a service-oriented
framework for academic libraries to reimagine and
3. Literature review mobilize collections’ digitization as part of broader
library services”. The proposed framework is based
A number of guidelines covering a wide range of on the Service Framework for Digital Libraries
digitization aspects including digitization methods, developed by the Digital Library Federation (DLF),
techniques, digital imaging, selection criteria, whereby digitization activities have been formalized
metadata, taxonomy, etc. are available. Their focus into discrete processes and functions. The issues and
remains on technical aspects instead of practical challenges that academic libraries may face in
aspects of digitization project execution. The focus of mobilizing digitization services are also discussed in
this study was on project execution hence, the the context of a collaborative community digitization
researchers excluded the guidelines which covered initiative undertaken by two Canadian academic
methods, techniques, digital imaging, selection libraries.
criteria, metadata, taxonomy etc. The following
section reviews the most relevant and available works. In the perspective of developing countries, especially
with the similarities in social, political and economic
NISO (National Information Standards Organization, environment with Pakistan, Indian literature discusses
2007) recommended A Framework of Guidance for the issue of framework development. For example,
Building Good Digital Collections for cultural Qureshi and Khan (2006) discussed a framework with
heritage organizations and funding bodies that were a focus on data capture, data storage and data


Vol. 15 (2014) PJIM&L
dissemination. The authors “emphasised on the Table 1: Interviewees’ Profile
suitability of the methods to deal with the varied
Variables Freq. Percentage
requirements of the digital library initiatives”. They
discussed framework in the context of a digital library Type of Parent Institution
and not of digitization processes. Natarajan and Public sector 16 64
Bhakta (2008) presented the issues and problems in Private sector 9 36
building a digitization framework in India. The study
Primary Role
listed the checklist for digitization with the key issues
for managing the technology including the project Library Practitioner 19 76
planning, resource management, feasibility studies Faculty/Teaching 6 24
and costing of the project. The digitization framework Provincial Representation
was discussed in terms of an inventory of digitisation
projects; raising awareness of digitisation; training Punjab 7 28
and re-skilling staff in digitization activities; Sindh 12 48
developing networks, collaborations and relationships Baluchistan 1 4
for digitisation activities; obtaining funding to support Federal Area/Capital 5 20
digitisation; instigating digitisation projects;
enhancing the IT infrastructure; and strategic planning
and policy development. The problems of getting Telephonic and email contacts were used to fix
copyright clearance by contacting rights holders and appointments with the interviewees. Semi-structured
the moral rights of authors were highlighted. in-depth interviews were conducted in the offices of
However, the article did not present any empirical the interviewees, except two. The researcher visited
data. A review of the local literature showed that the Karachi, Rawalpindi, Islamabad, and Lahore to
studies on the use of various technologies in libraries conduct the interviews. The researcher did not visit
have been perused, but this area has not been Quetta and Peshawar because of the deteriorated
addressed. conditions of law and order in these cities. The
interview of a library expert from Quetta was
4. Research Design & Methodology conducted in Karachi, when he was on a visit for
The study used a qualitative research design to meet another meeting.
its aim/s. Purposive sampling technique was used to
The research used an interview guide comprised of
explore the opinions of the professional experts.
related themes for conducting the interviews instead
Hence, twenty-seven library experts from different
of structured questions. The themes were extracted
parts of Pakistan were selected on the basis of their
from the available body of literature on the topic. An
positions, experience and established expertise in
initial rapport was developed with the interviewees
librarianship of Pakistan. The consultation with some
before conducting formal interviews. All interviews
senior professionals was also made to finalise the
were recorded using an electronic voice recording
sample. Attention was given to ensure diversity of the
apparatus with the permission of the interviewees;
sample and representation from all four provinces of
hence they were comfortable with the recording. The
the country. One interviewee from private sector was
respondents were given option to talk in English or
General Manager Archives of a major electronic
Urdu languages to avoid language barrier in the
media group. The decision to include him was taken
pursuance of obtaining their real insight. The
considering his vast experience in university
interview themes were explored in an exhaustive
librarianship as well as in digitization projects. Other
manner. The duration of the interviews varies from 20
experts were also chosen carefully to make this study
to 45 minutes. The recorded interviews were
meaningful. Table 1 presents the profiles of the
supported with notes taken during and just after the
sample; 16 respondents were from public sector
interviews to enhance the strength of the data.
institutions and nine belonged to private sector. In
terms of interviewees’ primary work responsibilities, Two respondents revealed their lack of knowledge
19 were library practitioners and six belonged to and insight in terms of library digitization during
teaching faculty. Provincial representation also interviewing process. Those interview transcripts
showed a good blend of interviewees (Table 1). were excluded from data analysis. Hence, the data
presents the opinion of twenty-five experts.


Vol. 15 (2014) PJIM&L
A thematic analysis of textual data was conducted. Interpretation and Discussion
The recorded interviews were transcribed in English
A majority of the interviewees considered that
with professional objectivity. A summary of the
digitization work should be done in-house. They
analysis was extracted from the interview transcripts
opined that library staff should develop their skills
manually. Comments and quotes from the transcripts
required for digitization. They suggested that it should
have been used to enhance the validity in
begin with small scale projects so that librarians learn
interpretation of the opinions and the content. The
by doing it themselves. In-house execution of
study ensured the anonymity of the interviewees by
digitization work will empower the library staff. A
referring the quotes from interview transcripts without
chief librarian from Islamabad stated, “We need to
their names.
learn, train our staff, and understand the issues
5. Data Analysis involved in digitization work. We learnt all ourselves
by doing an ETD (Electronic Theses & Dissertations)
The identified themes regarding digitisation project. Had we outsourced we would have never
framework were probed extensively during the become aware of the related aspects and issues”. The
interviews. The analysis of data is presented below: findings are aligned with the reasons found in the
favour of in-house digitization by Bultmann, Hardy,
5.1. Organization of Digitization Work Muir, and Wictor (2006). In their study on digitized
contents in the UK research library and archives
First of all, the interviewees were requested to share sector, a majority of the respondent institutions
their insight about the ways of execution of favoured in-house digitization because of: (i) better
digitization work in libraries. The opinion was control of procedures and handling of the originals (ii)
collected on two sub themes: 1) Execution of preferred to keep the original onsite (iii) development
digitization work, and 2) Staffing pattern. of staff skills (iv) small-scale projects and (v) the
presence of internal expertise.
5.1.1. Execution of digitization work
Five interviewees rejected the option of outsourcing
Table 2: Execution of digitization work (N=25) in the current scenario. One of the reasons mentioned
by a few interviewees was the non-availability of
Content Analysis of the Responses Freq. companies offering digitization services in the
In-house execution of digitization work 15 country. Another chief librarian pointed out, “When
should be done such projects are initiated, the companies emerge and
out-sourcing can be done. But it will only happen
Collaborative/resource sharing efforts 7 when a number of libraries show their desire. In other
should be made words, right now, we need to do in-house digitization
Decision of in-house or outsourcing 6 because at this time outsourcing options hardly exist
execution depends on the type of project and will be very costly”.
and library resources
The execution of digitization work, of course, also
Outsourcing is not feasible in the current 5 depends on the type of a project and strength of
scenario library collections. It was mentioned that if the library
staff has the expertise, ample technological resources
Centralized setup for digitization work 1
and long-term commitment to digitization activities, it
Separate units for digitization work 1 is appropriate to go for in-house digitization.
However, if digitization work is a one-time activity
Hybrid approach: Digitization of objects 1 and a library’s staff lacks the required expertise or
should be in-house and post-processing time, and technological resources, or if there is a huge
including metadata assigning, publishing, quantity of backlog to digitise, ,outsourcing should be
etc. may be outsourced
a better way to get it done.

Developing a centralized setup; establishing separate The notion of doing it by university libraries in a
units in libraries; and hybrid approach (mix of in- collaborative manner with sharing resources was also
house and outsource) for digitization work was also expressed. Collaborative approach might be much
mentioned with a single frequency for each. desired, however, as mentioned under the headings of
‘Major Issues’ and ‘Cooperation’, the scenario of
Pakistani librarianship does not show impressive
examples of resource sharing throughout its history. A
number of interviewees mentioned that majority of


Vol. 15 (2014) PJIM&L
the librarians are working in isolation whereas digitization projects. Hence, they are in better position
initiating resource sharing networks is more to make right decisions in terms of needed
important. One interviewee mentioned that higher digitization. The interviewees firmly expressed that if
administration is also not in favour of resource libraries want to sustain their digitization projects,
sharing with other university libraries. Still libraries they need to train their professional staff members.
are far from the basic form of formal lending like
Nevertheless, the majority felt insecure from IT
Inter Library Loan (ILL). Ameen (2008) also
professionals and feared that they might replace
mentioned certain technical, procedural,
librarians in future. An interviewee stated, “We
psychological, and behavioural barriers hindering
should train our own library professionals to expand
resource sharing. Hence, collaboration in this regard
the professional canvas. If we will induct computer
seems merely wishful thinking.
science professionals, we will shrink the canvas for
There were also some other suggestions mentioned by LIS graduates”. Some interviewees mentioned that IT
interviewees, i.e., development of a centralised professionals should be under the librarian. “Libraries
facility to digitize libraries’ material; establishment of need IT professionals for assistance not for dictation”,
specialised units for digitization work within libraries; one chief librarian of a public university said. The
and a hybrid approach meaning scanning and basis of this fear may be traced from the past
conversion of documents in-house while post experiences of libraries. For example, a chief librarian
processing including metadata assigning, and system of a private university shared, “Traditionally, we used
settings outsourcing. Though, a wish for a centralised IT people in automation projects, but computer
setup for university libraries was expressed, it seems professionals tried to dominate and assert authority
hard to establish as it requires a strong commitment over the library professionals”. Nevertheless, they
for generating and sharing resources besides an admitted that a number of digitization tasks can be
agreed upon mechanism that lack among university handled by IT professionals in more efficient and
libraries. Furthermore, interviewees seemed not fully effective way, e.g. building and maintaining library
aware of all the intricacies of digitization. systems to offer online access to digitized objects.
They have also mentioned that all LIS professionals
5.1.2. Staffing pattern for digitization are not well-versed in technological application. It
seems appropriate to induct IT professionals for
A few sentences to introduce this part telling what the specialised works like system creation and
theme/or point was in exploring this. maintenance. It is a fact that library resources,
processes, and services are becoming generally
Table 3: Proposed staffing pattern for digitization technology dependent. Hence, library needs staff with
work in libraries (N = 25) the required IT skills. It was also stated by the
respondents that in LIS schools, students learn some
Contents Analysis of the Responses Freq.
basic IT skills but not enough. Their opinion may be
Should train and use existing library staff 23 summed as follows: libraries need to add IT
professionals to develop, install, and maintain the
IT professionals may be also hired 10 technological systems while librarians should select
If IT professionals are hired, they should 3 the material for digitization and make decisions about
work under the library administration, access patterns. It is necessary to join hands with
computer/IT professionals to carry out digitization
More involvement of IT professionals may 3 projects successfully and create digital libraries. It
replace librarian in future may be accomplished by creating new positions like
Libraries can get volunteers 2 system programmer, web developer, etc. in the
library’s staffing pattern, as suggested by a
Induct new LIS staff with needed skills for 2 respondent.
digitization projects
5.2. Funding Sources for Digitization Projects/
Interpretation and Discussion
Digitization is a costly process and requires a
A vast majority of interviewees were in favour of
significant amount of continuous funding for
training and using the existing library staff for
equipment, processing, post-processing of digitized
digitization work. The most noteworthy claim made
material and sustainability. Therefore, it felt necessary
by them was that only librarians know the information
to gather the opinion of the interviewees about the
needs and seeking behaviour of their users. It is a
funding pattern that Pakistani university libraries may
fundamental pre-requisite for the success of
opt. The analysis is as follows:


Vol. 15 (2014) PJIM&L
Table 4: Funding sources for digitization projects receive this grant to purchase the following
(N=25) equipments/books for library:
Contents Analysis of the Responses Freq.  Photostat machine, Scanner.
Libraries should welcome funding from 21  Reference books, rare books etc.
any source for this purpose  Research Journals.
 Software, Subscription database ( to provide
Start digitization by internal funds, and 15
electronic resources by subject)
later on explore alternative sources
 Personal computers maximum number up to 05
Be self-sufficient and generate funds 3 (to use the database in libraries), provided if
internally already not available
Funding pattern depends on budgetary 2
This grant is for a one-time purchase of equipment,
policy of the institution
library material, etc. It is not a regular grant and offers
HEC should provide funds specifically for 2 a small amount as compared to the costs of a
digitization projects digitization project. The nature of digitization projects
requires the funds for staffing, equipment and process
Big or national level projects need to 1
execution. It was proposed by a couple of the
explore alternative financial resources
interviewees that libraries need to use funds from both
Generate funds by offering fee based 1 internal and external resources. Funds from external
access to some digitized contents resources, e.g. HEC, may be used to acquire
technological equipments but internal funding may be
Libraries need to devise/extend the policy 1 obtained for staff salaries etc.
in terms of alternative funding Some respondents also talked about alternative
funding channels from international foundations,
Analysis of opinions illustrates following mix model institutions and private donors. Procuring such grants
for getting funds based on internal as well as external requires exploring funding sources, preparing the case
resources to support digitization activities in and proposals. It is the researchers’ observation that
university libraries (Table 4). librarians generally lack these skills. Moreover,
libraries need to devise/extend the policy in terms of
Interpretations and Discussions alternative funding for university libraries, which is
not yet an explored option.
Out of 25 respondents, 21 explicitly suggested to
welcome the funds irrespective to the funding body. 5.3. Access Patterns
However, fifteen respondents suggested that initially
libraries should start digitization activities by internal Deciding on access pattern (i.e., fee vs. free; single vs.
or regular funding. They agreed that it is easy to multiple interfaces etc.) to digitize contents is
secure alternative funds by demonstrating some pilot considered an important part of any digitization
projects. They considered that libraries may project (or framework). Therefore, it seemed
accomplish such pilot projects by internal funding that necessary to probe the interviewees’ opinion about
will be a good justification to attract alternative access pattern that may be adopted for digitization
funding. activities/projects.
University libraries of the country hold many Table 5: Access pattern to digitized contents
collections rich in cultural, historical and scholastic (N=25)
value. These resources include manuscripts, rare Contents Analysis of the Responses Freq.
books, artefacts, old journals, etc. The respondents
considered that such valuable resources have the Single interface and central repository 16
potential to get support for digitization and marketing
Full text online access for free 13
of these resources may be instrumental for getting
funds. Depends on the type and objectives of the 8
The role of HEC was also considered important in
providing funds for digitization projects. HEC Fee based access 8
provides Pak Rupees (US$ 11765/-) grant to libraries Central repository of bibliographic data, 7
under the head of “Institutional Strengthening /Up- and full text access through institution’s
Gradation of Laboratories”. Libraries are entitled to library website


Vol. 15 (2014) PJIM&L
Hybrid model 5 may be beneficial in the users’ perspective. Central
repository, mentioned by a couple of interviewees
Central repository under the HEC 3
would stop the duplication of digitization efforts for
Central Repository may stop the 2 the same contents. Nevertheless, to go for the second
duplication of digitization work option, it will be necessary to follow some uniform
standards for the purpose of interoperability and data
exchange. Moreover, establishing a central repository
Interpretation and Discussion requires the provision of sophisticated infrastructure,
The Majority of interviewees favoured open access to human resources, maintenance, ample financial
their digitized contents. Eight interviewees considered resources and an agreed upon administrative setup.
that full-text fee based access is viable. Five Furthermore, the transportation of documents to and
interviewees explicitly favoured the adoption of a from the centralized repository would need safety
hybrid model of access. Two types of hybrid models measures to avoid any damage to the rare materials.
were suggested: Three interviewees considered that the central
repository should be under the HEC. In the beginning,
1. Free full-text access to general contents and fee HEC may formulate a group of experts to initiate such
based access to special collections. a repository by providing funding and administrative
support. However, it will be on part of the university
2. Free full text access for Pakistani academia and
libraries to establish such a repository. It will require
fee based access to foreign institutions
collaborative efforts from the university libraries.
As far as the first model is concerned, some Resource sharing and consortia approach may be
interviewees considered that fee based access to effective in this regard.
information is against a library’s philosophy and
might be a hindrance in promotion of education and 6. Conclusions
research in a country like Pakistan. It might be hard In the light of collective input obtained through
for the local users to spend money for accessing interviews and their analysis, it may be concluded that
digital contents. Digital culture is just beginning and in-house execution of digitization work may be
fee-based access will deter users. In terms of the preferred; however, this decision should be based on
second type of mode , some respondents stated that the type of project and strength of institutional
we need to get attention of global researchers about resources. Collaborative approach is essential and can
the resources available in Pakistani libraries. They be an effective approach for the success of digitization
mentioned that libraries cannot get enough money by projects. Collaborative approach may also address the
fee-based access unless they become commercial sustainability issues of these projects in long terms. In
vendors. It will be inappropriate to adopt fee based terms of staffing patterns, libraries may use existing
access pattern at the current stage because libraries are library staff to do digitization, however, IT
at the early stage of digitization. professionals may also be hired for technical and
system support. Nevertheless, it was found that a fear
Access through a single interface and central digitized
exists among LIS professionals about the hiring of IT
repository appeared a favourite one. However, a
professionals in libraries. In the beginning, libraries
central digital repository may be seen in terms of two
may start digitization projects by internal funds and
aspects i.e. i) Central repository to digitize printed
alternative funding sources may be explored later on
material, and ii) Central repository to access digital
by showcasing already accomplished digitization
content. The example of Pakistan Research
work. Single interface, open access, central repository
Repository (PRR), a project operated by a private
was preferred. However, a hybrid model was also
company for Higher Education Commission of
recommended by considering the nature of digitized
Pakistan (HEC), may be considered in the context of
this debate. PRR digitizes PhD theses produced by the
doctorate students at Pakistani universities to make 7. Recommendations
them available through a single interface. PRR
adopted a mechanism to collect the copies of doctoral 1. A collaborative approach might be opted for
theses through university libraries. However, a wider access and long-term sustainability of the
number of theses were still not available with PRR. It digitization projects. Universities should join
seems hard for an agency to digitize special hands to meet the demands of this digital era.
collections of different university libraries. Resource sharing networks and consortia
approach will be instrumental to address the user
In terms of second option, the access through a single needs and digitizing library resources.
interface by sharing the copies of digitized material


Vol. 15 (2014) PJIM&L
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