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Background of the study

According to Wikipedia, the term technology comes from the Greek word "techne", which means the art
or skill used in order to solve a problem, improve a pre-existing solution for a problem, achieve a goal,
handle an applied input or output relation or perform a specific function.

According to Liddel, Scott, Jones and McKenzie, technology has always been advancing throughout the
years. It has made a big impact on people especially on lifestyle. One of the many things that are
affected in the society; having been a common source of information and entertainment.

In our present generation, students are obsessed in using gadgets. They usually want to buy the latest
release of these gadgets to satisfy their desires in terms of entertainment and getting the newest of the
new. As a result, student tend to involve gadgets in their everyday lives including in their studies.

According to Cradock and Baldwin (1833), over the last 200 years there has been a significant change in
terms of technology. In the 20th century i.e. during the industrial revolution the term has gained it's
popularity worldwide.

A technology that most students have and wanted to have is gadgets. Gadgets have become a way of
life. Nowadays, gadgets are a basic need for everyday lifestyle of students. It helps us a lot by doing
things easier and faster. Gadgets help students a lot by doing their projects more productive and

It is a small thing that anyone could have. Having a gadget may help people to be more productive in
school. Nowadays, the poor and the rich students have gadgets like cellphones. A cellphone is a wireless
gadget that most of people have. Gadgets are a basic need for a student. It gives a big impact into the
history of humanity because of its use.

With this, the study aims to determine the effect of using gadgets to the academic performance of
Senior High School Students of Sta. Mesa National High School.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the effect of using gadgets to the academic performance of Senior High
School Students of Sta. Mesa National High School.

Specifically, this research study sought to answer the following questions:

1. What are the profile of students using gadgets, in terms of:

a. Age
b. Gender

2. What are the positive effects of gadgets to the academic performance of students?

3. What are the negative effects of gadgets to the academic performance of students?

Significance of the study

The result of the study will be useful in knowing the effects in using gadgets to the academic
performance to Senior High Students of Sta. Mesa National High School.

This research study will be beneficial to the students, teachers, school administrator, parents, and future

The students will be able to know the positive and negative effects of gadgets to their academic
performance and also to their life. The teachers can be aware and can teach to the students the possible
effects in using their gadgets every time. The School Administrators will help, guide and protect the
students to the effects of gadgets and can stop the students of using gadgets most of the time. The
parents can have more information about the effects of gadgets to their daughter or son and can control
them in using it. Also, this study will be a guide and a big help for the future researcher to have some
details or information about the effects of gadgets.

Scope and Delimitation of the study

This study focuses on the effects of using gadgets to the academic performance of Senior High School
Students of Sta. Mesa National High School.

This will be conducted at Sta. Mesa National High School, which is situated at Brgy. Sampao East District
9 Dagami, Leyte. The respondents of this study is limited to the Senior High School Students of Sta. Mesa
National High School. This research is a descriptive qualitative research design for the study to
determine the effects of using gadgets to the academic performance.



This chapter presents the related literature, related studies, theoritical framework, conceptual
framework and definition of terms, which provided insights and information related to the present
study. These research literature serves also as background of the study as well as the variable involved
in the research endeavor.

According to Herzig (2008), technology has revolutionized the field of education. The importance of
technology in schools cannot be ignored. In fact, with the onset gadgets in education, it has become
easier for teachers to impart knowledge and for students to acquire it. The use of technology has made
the process of teaching and learning enjoyable.

According to Hooft (2006) found gadgets as important resources which make teaching more relevant
and meaningful thereby improving students literary and numeracy skills.

According to Hulme and Trailer (2007) believe that gadgets are form of multiple literacy which provides
a bridge between the real life texts of the community and formal learning. Thereby, providing a
multimodal literacy approach to learning.

According to Chaves (2008), bringing the electronic media into the schools could capitalize on the strong
motivation qualities that these media have for students. Many students who are turned off by school
are not turned off by one or another of the electronic media quite the opposite.

According to Angres and Angres (2008), addiction is the continued repetition of a behavior or an activity
independent upon the adverse or negative consequences.

Most students are being addicted to electronic media such as gadgets. Gadgets are useful and can give a
lot of entertainment such as games, texting, calls, media and many more. But the negative effect for the
students, they give more time and attention to their gadgets than their studies and academic

Theoritical Framework

Almost every day, a new gadget or media device is introduced to the world. Specifically, these gadgets
are mostly used by students to aid them in their scholastic purposes or just mere leisure usage at home.

Based from the Recency Effect Theory of Miller and Campbell (1959), our mind retains information that
is recently gathered from certain events and observations in our surroundings. The Recency Effect
Theory also stated that given a list of things to memorize on a certain amount of time, we will have a
propensity to recall easily the things that are located on the last part of the list as compared to those in
the middle.

Conceptual Framework
Students are undeniably in the era af great innovations, where everything they do becomes easy;
everything they wants becomes real. Since there's a lot of media devices nowadays, it might be better if
we focus on the most accessible and frequently used device which is gadgets .

Definition of Terms

Addiction - is a complex condition, a brain disease that is manifested by compulsive substance use
despite harmful consequence.

Cellphone - is a device that can make and receive telephone calls over a radio link while moving around
a wide geographical area.

Gadget - is a small tool such as a machine that has a particular function, but is often thought of as a

Gadget Addiction - is a use or abuse of gadgets to the extent that it starts to negatively influence our
health and life as a whole.

Recency Effect Theory - is a theory that suggests that when you learn information in a list, the items at
the bottom of the list are easiest to recall immediately.



This chapter describes the research methodology which will be used by carrying out the research study.
The following areas were discussed research design, population and sampling, research locale, research
instrument, data gathering procedure, and statistical treatment of data.

Research Design

This Qualitative research will be using the research design Case Study as per definition Case Study is
used for a research approach wadwith specific boundaries and can be both qualitative and quantitative.
In addition, it is an entity studied as a single unit, and it has clear confines and a specific focus and is
bound to context.
Population and Sampling

The respondents of this study was the 111 out of 447 officially enrolled students in Senior High School in
the year of 2019-2020. They were selected using the slovin formula, in which 50 students in Grade 11
and 61 students in Grade 12 were chosen and identified as a respondent of the study.

Research Locale

This study was conducted at Sta. Mesa National High School which is located at Barangay Sampao East
District 9 Dagami, Leyte. It consists of 4 administrators, 25 teachers, and 447 officially enrolled Senior
High School students. This study was conducted among the 25% of the students of the said school year

Research Instrument

The instrument used in gathering data is a standardize survey questionnaire and they are selected using
the stratified random sampling on Senior High School students of Sta. Mesa National High School
academic year of 2019-2020. The questionnaire gathered data so as to obtained facts and responses
from target respondents sufficiently for analysis and interpretation purposes. The items that was
included in the survey questionnaire are the profile of the respondents in the first part, and the effects
of using gadgets to the academic performance of Senior High School students.

Data Gathering Procedure

To determine the effect of using gadgets to the academic performance of Senior High School students of
Sta. Mesa National High School, a written permit was given to the school principal and the concerned
teachers to conduct the study. The researchers ask permission to the assigned teacher if they can
conduct a study about the effects of using gadgets to the academic performance of Senior High School
students of Sta. Mesa National High School. It was also followed by an orientation to the respondents on
how to answer the survey questionnaire.

The researchers collected, tallied, interpreted and presented the data gathered.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The data and information collected for the utilization of the questionnaire were organized, computed,
analyzed and interpreted to determine the effects of using gadgets to the academic performance of
Senior High School students of Sta. Mesa National High School. A particular statistical tool was applied
for acceptability of the result, the formula below was used as:
Slovin's Formula was used to compute the samples or respondents


1 + Ne²


n= sample size

N= population size

e= margin of error

Population was used to compute the students personal profile.

P= f × 100


P= percent

f= frequency

n= number of respondents



This chapter presents the analysis and interpretation of the data gathered. The analysis and
interpretation of data were grouped according to the questions post in the study, analyzed and
interpreted to shed light in the investigation.
Table 1

Frequency Distribution of the Students in Terms of Age

Age Range Frequency Percentage

16-18 55 50%

19-21 30 27%

22-24 20 18%

25 6 5%

Total 111 100%

As shown in the table above it conclude that 55 or 50% of the respondents are 16-18 years old, 30 or
27% of the respondents are 19-21 years old, 20 or 18% of the respondents are 22-24 years old, and 6 or
5% of the respondents are 25 years old. It also revealed that most of the students who knows the effects
of using gadgets to the academic performance are the 16-18 years of age and the age with the least
number or percentage is under the age of 25.

Table 2

Frequency Distribution of the students in terms of sex

Sex Frequency Percentage

Male 67 60%

Female 44 40%

Total 111 100%

The table above shows that out of 111 students there are 67 or 60% respondents are male and 44 or
40% of the respondents are female. With this, it revealed that most of the respondents are males in
Senior High School students of Sta. Mesa National High School.

Table 3

Effects of Gadgets to Students

Questions Yes Percentage No Percentage

1. Is gadget a 80 72% 31 28%

helpful technology
for every

2. Do you think 75 68% 36 32%

addiction to
gadget is harmful
to student's
mental health?

3. Can you leave 69 62% 42 38%

without gadgets?

4. Do you 71 64% 40 36%

yourself as one of
the students who
are obsessed to

Sometimes Percentage Always Percentage

5. How often do 73 66% 38 34%

you use gadgets

6. What do you
think the positive
and negative
effects of gadgets
to the academic
performance of

As shown in the table above it conclude that 80 or 72% answers yes and 31 or 28% answers no that
gadget is a helpful technology to every students, 75 or 68% answers yes and 36 or 32% answers no that
addiction to gadget is a harmful to student's mental health,


This chapter presents the summary of findings, conclusion and recommendations made by the

Summary of Findings

The research study aims to determine the effect of using gadgets to the academic performance of Senior
High Students of Sta. Mesa National High School.

Specifically, it attempt to answer the following questions:

1. What are the profile of the students of Sta. Mesa National High School,in terms of?

a. Age: There are 55 or 50% of the respondents who are 16-18 years old, which is the highest frequency
of the age range of the respondents and 6 or 5% under the range of 25 years old.

b. Sex: There are 67 or 60% of the respondents are males and 44 or 40% of the respondents are females.

2. What are the positive effect of gadgets to the academic performance of students?

: During the survey, the researchers found out that the positive effects of gadgets to the academic
performance of students are; it helps the students in terms of research and project, it help them to
communicate to their relatives and helps their work easy.

3. What are the negative effects of gadgets to the academic performance of students?

: During the survey, the researchers found out that the negative effects of gadgets to the academic
performance of students are; they used their time in using gadgets instead of their school works, they
became addicted to it, being addicted to gadgets may lead them on failing grades, lack of sleep and also,
neglecting their social life, their family, their friends and their studies.


Based on the findings of the study, the research are able to draw conclusions where in they concluded
1. The effect of using gadgets to the academic performance may lead the students to have a positive and
negative effect based on their knowledge.

2. The negative effect of using gadgets are: addiction, insomnia, lack of sleep, failing grades, dependable
to gadgets, careless,drowsy and neglecting social life.

3. There are lot of negative effects of gadgets than the positive effects of gadgets that students will get.


Based from the conclusions drawn from the result of the study, the researchers prompted to
recommend the following:

1. The school should implement the NO CELLPHONE POLICY, it can limit the students time in using

2. The teachers must teach the students the positive and negative effects of gadgets in order to add new
learning to students.

3. The parents should give early an information about the effects of gadgets to their children so that,
their children would know the effects of gadgets at a young age.

Appendix A

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Region VIII (Eastern Visayas)

Sta. Mesa National High School

Dagami, Leyte

February 2020

Marcelo Refuerzo

School Principal

Sta. Mesa National High School

Dagami, Leyte

Greetings of peace!

We, the students of Grade 11-Fortitude are asking permission from your good office that we be allowed
to conduct a survey in this day 21st of January 2020. This survey is in connection with our research
entitled, the effects of using gadgets to the academic performance of Senior High School students of Sta.
Mesa National High School. We believed that the data to be collected will be a great help on the said

Hoping for a positive response on this matter. Thank you very much!

Respectfully yours,

The Researchers


Ma. Lhyndrea Estrella

Research Subject Teacher


Marcelo Refuerzo

School Principal

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