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Mock Examination 2020 Papers 1 and 2
Paper 1 (60% of subject mark)
SECTION A (21% of subject mark)
Question No. Key Question No. Key

1 B 21 C
2 B 22 B
3 B 23 A
4 B 24 C
5 B 25 C

6 C 26 D
7 A 27 D
8 C 28 A
9 C 29 A
10 B 30 B

11 A 31 D
12 A 32 D
13 C 33 C
14 D
15 A

16 A
17 C
18 C
19 B
20 A

SECTION B (84 marks, 39% of subject mark)

(a) Steam releases a large amount of latent heat when it condenses on the
food. This heats the food quickly. 1A
(b) Pt = mc∆T+ ml 1M+1M
980t = 0.5  4200  (100 − 25) + 0.1  (2.26  106)
t = 184 s 1A
The time used is 184 s.

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© Oxford University Press 2019
(c) Pt = m1c∆T1 − m2c∆T2
980t = 0.5  4200  (100 − 25) – 0.35  4200  (100 − 80) 1M
t = 131 s 1A
The time saved is 131 s.
(d) Plastic 1A
(Accept other reasonable answers)
Because it is a good insulator of heat. 1A
(a) Since p  T for constant V,
1.2 × 10 6 273  4
= 1M
p' 273  25
p' = 1.29 × 106 Pa 1A
The gas pressure is 1.29 × 106 Pa.
1 3RT
(b) By m c 2 = , 1M
2 2N A
r.m.s. speed c 2 = mN

3  8.31  ( 273  25)

= 498 m s 1A
(c) When temperature decreases, the gas molecules move slower. 1A
The gas molecules collide with the container wall less vigorously and
less frequently. 1A
Therefore, the pressure decreases. 1A
(a) Downwards 1A
(b) Work done by Peter = KE gained by the ball + PE gained by the ball
= mv 2 + mgh
=  1.2  32 + 1.2  9.81  0.05 1M+1M
= 5.99 J
(c) By W = F// s, 1M
average upward force =
= 120 N 1A
(d) Gain in KE = loss in PE
m (v 2  u 2 ) = mgh 1M
× (v 2  3 2 ) = 9.81  (11.5 + 0.05)
v = 15.3 m s–1 1A
The speed of the ball is 15.3 m s .

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© Oxford University Press 2019
velocity / m s−1

0 time / s
t1 t2


(An increasing trend of velocity from −15.3 m s‒1 to a less negative value
from t = 0 to t1) 1A
(Constant velocity from t = t1 to t2) 1A

(a) From t = 0 to 0.5 s, it moves forwards with uniform velocity. 1A
From t = 0.5 s to 8.5 s, it moves forwards with uniform deceleration. 1A
(b) Initial v of car Y = 70 km h–1
Distance travelled within 2 s =  2 = 38.9 m < 50 m 1M
 The driver obeys the two-second rule. 1A
(c) Acceleration of car X = slope of the v–t graph
3.6 1M
= –3.89 m s–2 1A
The deceleration of car X is 3.89 m s–2.
(d) Stopping distance of car Y = Area under the v–t graph of car Y
(0.5  8.5) ×
3 .6 1M
= 87.5 m 1A
(e) It is the difference in displacements of the cars from t = 0 to 8.5 s. 1A
(a) Attach an elastic thread to the trolley and stretch the thread to pull the
trolley down the friction-compensated runway. 1A
Record the acceleration and the total mass of the trolley. 1A
Repeat by adding one and two mass bars to the trolley in turn. 1A
The thread should be stretched to the same length all the way down the
Or The thread should be stretched to the same length in all trials. 1A
(b) To ensure that the pulling force from the elastic thread is the net force
acting on the trolley. 1A
(c) a should be inversely proportional to m. 1A
or a 

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(a) Convex lens 1A
(b) lens X 5 cm

Q F principal axis


(Correct light rays to locate the image) 1A

(Correct image P'Q') 1A
(c) (Correct light rays to locate the focus) 1A
Focal length = 6 cm 1A
1 1 1
(d) (i)   1M
u v f
1 1 1
 
24 v 6
v = 8 cm 1A
The image distance is 8 cm.
(ii) Linear magnification = 8/24=0.33 1A
Image height = 15  0.33 = 5 cm 1A
(a) The student is wrong. 1A
It is the slit separation but not the slit width that will affect the fringe
separation of the interference pattern. 1A

(Symmetry about the central bright fringe at O) 1A

(The fringes are evenly spaced) 1A

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(c) y 
a 1M
2.6  10   2 .0
10 0.5  10 3
λ = 6.50  107 m
= 650 nm
The wavelength of the laser beam is 650 nm.
(d) From d sin θ = nλ and sin  ≤ 1,
d 1  103 1
 n   1M
 600 532  109
n ≤ 3.13
 The maximum number of bright fringes can be observed is 7. 1A
(a) P
220 2
1000 = 1M
R = 48.4 Ω 1A
The resistance of a lamp is 48.4 Ω.
As the lamps on a light post are connected in parallel,
1 1
= 9
Req R
1 9
= 1M
Req 48.4
Req = 5.38 Ω 1A
The resistance of the light post is 5.38 Ω.
(b) Resistance of cable =
(1.7 108 )  240
= 1M
2.5 10 6
= 1.63 Ω 1A
(c) Let n be the number of light post that can be connected in a lighting
By V = IR,
220 = 70  ( + 1.63) 1M
n = 3.56
 At most 3 light posts can be connected in a lighting circuit. 1A
(d) The lamps are not working at their rated voltage as there is voltage
drop through the long cable. 1A
(a) When the magnet approaches the solenoid, the induced current flows
from P to Q through the solenoid. 1A
When the magnet moves inside the solenoid, no current is induced in
the solenoid. 1A
When the magnet leaves the solenoid, the induced current flows from
Q to P through the solenoid. 1A

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(b) (i) PABRSDCQ 1A
(ii) QCBRSDAP 1A
(c) (i) Apply E = Pt.
Energy generated by shaking the flashlight for 30 s
= energy dissipated by lamp in 5 min
P × 30 = 100 ×10–3 × 5 × 60 1M
P=1W 1A
The average power of the generator is 1 W.
(ii) No. The lamp is powered by the battery and has constant
brightness. 1A
Shaking the flashlight more vigorously will only charge the
battery more quickly. 1A
(iii) Peak value of induced e.m.f. = N
= 330 × 0.0133 1M
= 4.39 V 1A
r.m.s. value of the induced e.m.f. = = 3.10 V 1A

conducting plates E

to alarm circuit
(b) 95 Am  237 4
93 Np + 2 α 2A
Or 95 Am  237
93 Np + 42 He 2A
(c) The negative electrons are attached to the smoke particles instead of the
positive conducting plate. 1A
This causes the current between the plates to drop and triggers the
smoke alarm. 1A
(d) Activity = A0e–kt
 10
= (3.33 × 104) × e 432 1M
= 3.28 × 104 Bq 1A

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Paper 2 (20% of subject mark)

SECTION A: Astronomy and Space Science (20 marks, 10% of subject mark)
Multiple-choice questions

1.1 C 1.25A
1.2 D 1.25A
1.3 A 1.25A
1.4 A 1.25A
1.5 C 1.25A
1.6 B 1.25A
1.7 B 1.25A
1.8 D 1.25A

Structured question
(a) Radiation at certain wavelengths is absorbed 1A
by the low-pressure gas between the star and us. 1A
(b) The light from the star is red-shifted. 1A
This indicates that the star is moving away from us. 1A

(c) (i) By ≈ ,

orbital speed v ≈ ×c 1M
–4 8
= (4.33 × 10 )(3 × 10 )
= 1.30 × 105 m s–1 1A
(ii) By v = ,

orbital radius r = 1M
. .
= 5.54 × 109 m 1A
(d) The gravitational pull between the stars provides the centripetal force.

M= 1M
. .
= 1.40 × 1030 kg 1A

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SECTION B: Atomic World (20 marks, 10% of subject mark)
Multiple-choice questions

2.1 C 1.25A
2.2 C 1.25A
2.3 C 1.25A
2.4 A 1.25A
2.5 C 1.25A
2.6 D 1.25A
2.7 B 1.25A
2.8 B 1.25A

Structured question
(a) (i) The spectrum consists of discrete lines. 1A
(ii) In Bohr’s model, when an electron in a hydrogen atom drops from
a higher energy level to a lower one, a photon with energy equal to
the energy difference between the levels is emitted. 1A
Since energy levels are quantized, the energy of the photons
emitted can only take some discrete values. This results in discrete
spectral lines. 1A
(b) (i) E3→2 = E3 – E2
 13.6  13.6
= 2  1M
3 22
= 1.889 eV
By E = hf = , 1M

( 6.63  10 34 )  (3.00  108 )
1.889 ×1.60 × 10–19 =

λ = 6.58  10 m 1A
(ii) Visible light (red light) 1A
(iii) E2→3 = E3→2 = 1.889 eV
 13.6  13.6
E2→4 = 2 
4 22
= 2.55 eV 1A
As 1.889 eV  2 eV  2.55 eV, no energy difference between
energy levels matches the photon energy. 1A
Therefore, the photon will pass the atom without being affected. 1A

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SECTION C: Energy and Use of Energy (20 marks, 10% of subject mark)
Multiple-choice questions

3.1 C 1.25A
3.2 C 1.25A
3.3 B 1.25A
3.4 D 1.25A
3.5 C 1.25A
3.6 B 1.25A
3.7 C 1.25A
3.8 C 1.25A

Structured question

(a) (i) U-value = = 0.043 = 2.15 W m–2 K–1 1A
d 20  103
(ii) Area of the walls and roof = (3 × 2) × 4 + 3 × 3 – 2 × 1 = 31 m2 1M
= UAΔT = 2.15 × 31 × 10 = 667 W 1A
(iii) Average rate of heat transfer QT = 667 + 600 = 1267 W
Q 1267
OTTV = T = 1M
AT 31  2
= 38.4 W m–2 1A
(b) (i) Cooling capacity required
= 1267 + 2× 15 + 2 × 670 1M
= 2640 W 1A
(ii) Operating power of the air conditioner
= = 1060 W 1M
2 .5
Energy consumed in a day
= (1.06 + 2 × 1 + 2 × 0.015) × 2 = 6.18 kWh 1M
Cost of electricity in a month
= 6.18 × 30 × 0.9
= $167 1A

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SECTION D: Medical Physics (20 marks, 10% of subject mark)
Multiple-choice questions

4.1 C 1.25A
4.2 C 1.25A
4.3 B 1.25A
4.4 D 1.25A
4.5 A 1.25A
4.6 D 1.25A
4.7 B 1.25A
4.8 D 1.25A

Structured question
(a) Biological half-life is the time taken for half of a substance to be
removed from the body by biological processes. 1A
1 1 1
(b) = + 1M
t e t p tb
1 1
te =   
 t p tb 
 
1 1 
=  
 8 80 
= 7.27 days 1A
(c) Iodine-123 is more suitable. 1A
This is because the half-life of iodine-131 is too long and it will remain
radioactive for many days after the imaging process. 1A
(d) (i) Figure 4.1 1A
(ii) In a radionuclide image, a dark region indicates that there is a high
concentration of radionuclides. 1A
In an X-ray radiographic image, a dark region indicates that the
attenuation of X-rays is small. 1A
(iii) Advantage: radionuclide images can provide functional
information about the target organ. 1A
Disadvantage: radionuclide images provide limited structural
information about the target organ. 1A
(Accept other reasonable answers)

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