2017 Mathematics

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10018274 M-2017 Subject : MATHEMATICS (Booklet Number) Duration: 2 Hours Maximum Marks: 100 5. 6. 7 8. 9. " 12 10. 13. INSTRUCTIONS This question Paper contains only MCQ type objective questions having three categories namely category-I, category-It and category-IIl. Each question has four answer options given, viz. A, B, C and D. Category-I: Only one answer is correct. Correct answer will fetch full marks 1. Incorrect answer or any combination of more than one answer will fetch - % marks. No answer will fetch 0 marks. Category-lI: Only one answer is correct. Correct answer will fetch full marks 2. Incorrect answer or any combination of more than one answer will fetch - % marks. No answer will fetch 0 marks. Category-Ill: One or more answer{s) is (are) correct. Correct answer(s) will fetch full marks 2. Any combination containing one or more incorrect answer will fetch 0 marks. Also no answer will fetch 0 marks. If all correct answers are not marked and also no incorrect answer is marked then score = 2 x number of correct answers marked + actual number of correct answers. ‘Questions must be answered on OMR sheet by darkening the appropriate bubble marked A, B, Cor D. Use only Black bi respective bubbles. Mark the answers only in the space provided. Do not make any stray mark on the OMR, Write question booklet number and your roll number carefully in the specified locations of the OMR. A\so fill appropriate bubbles Write your name (in block letter), name of the examination centre and put your ful signature in appropriate boxes in the OMR. The OMRs will be processed by electronic means. Hence it is liable to become valid if there is any mistake in the question booklet number or roll number entered Orit there is any mistake in filing corresponding bubbles. Also it may become invalid f there s any discrepancy in the name of the candidate, name of the examination Centre of signature of the candidate vis-a-vis what is given in the candidate's admit cart The OMR may also become nwvalid due to folding or putting stray marks on it Gr any damage to it. The consequence of such invalidation due to incomect marking or careless handling by the candidate wil be sole responsibilty of candidate. Mobile phones, calculators, Slide Rules, Log tables and Electronic Watches with facilities of calculator, charts, Graph sheets or any other form of Tables we not allowed in the Examination hall. Possession of such devices during the éxaminations shall lead to cancellation of the paper besides seizing of the same. Rough work must be done on the question paper itself. Additional blank pages are given in the question paper for rough work Hand over the OMR to the invigilator before leaving the Examination Hall. point pen to mark the answer by complete filing up of the w-2o+7 2 M-2017 Subject : MATHEMATICS UNE 8 WET waits AHH 900 Fetreat >. a geet MCQ SCH Bt TSH BIE | Category-|, Category-Il zt Category-llt 8 FH aT ert TE OB CTT A,B,C,D ae ora UIE Baa HOM BE | . Category-| :- 44 Sea aide | aie Sea fies > ae Me | oa Sex fiw Gea ay ae Bera ict 3/8 AR MA! Cota Gad at Reet AT tC | \9. Category-Il :- aef Sua aBe | ae Sor fies 9 ava me ga Bes fA Bee Toes aaa Beas Fer 3/8 FAH NCR | CoA Ges at eT AT tea | 8. Category-IIt :- a a cafe Soa ABs | 4a afb HSE See fea y AVE ICT! Ga See Mie Beal Car GAB ya Baa me cae Sas HA AT Ma | aa cart Bea at fhe vs AE ne | it Ce Gat SaT A MICH ee He Sea we AF AT MICH WIRTH MTN KTH BB ae Sas MSM A Os A HPT CH a ae Sax ae wr RT| . OMR AGH A,B,C,D BRS abs wad wad ara Sea fiw aa OMR ‘al Sea ficw oem Ce FA CS CT TTA FAT | OMR Ca FFB Rr NST ST Cte CH MITT AT = OMR ca FIRE aH epatcare ara cree Fcera Ga Ara fe reMPTOR Mee FRCS ae LR AMET UIOH aT FACT ATT » oun oc FARTS ca Pacers ata @ fhe CacaTa aI rece eta x Rice Fee ow el 30. OMR Beaetal Acree wee RIC MST RCH | OAR OT AEE a aT ART GT Free weal Eat wa wat war Coma wee sat ato AIS ICE | EIST ARIE SP, oR CCEA AM St TE CH Ba ears Baw ta SAS ATH CICS PIA | OMR Beara Ser a a OLS wets aM ELAS afar RE CMTE NG) abe ae SCH Ba A wSTCR way Bea alee aa cea THe Rees oe aT aT SECT | 2. OREACR, TIARAS, wtoes, aes, seme Rorallie WS, cree, ane a Ce RCTS wre SPH OR GFA ACT AT | UAT CAD ACETTS ATE ae ea GE atest aor wat Bee | 58, SECT CAE SRE WRT Sa WAT HT BIN CHEAT SIE | GAT TAA titer aE a TARE FAT AL | 30.971 SF RTE ICT OMR afar BET Rafer Fae Rice Ce v v2ee M-2017 SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK M-2017 MATHEMATICS Category ~ 1 (Q.1 to Q.50) Only one answer is correct. Correct answer will fetch full marks 1. Incorrect answer or any combination of more than one answer will fetch —'4 marks, No answer will fetch 0 marks. sai Sun wie | afSe Sea fer » awa oma | yt Sea fet ota cx car waite Sea fret ~y/9 wea otc | Core Bea at fiver sar ate | Transforming to parallel axes through a point (p, q), the equation 2x2 + Say + dy? ++ 18y +25 = 0 becomes 2x7 + 3xy + 4y?= I. Then (A) Pp ©) p=3.q=-4 (D) q=3 (8) SPREE (p, q) Repth seawater wes afsabs Sat RT Dy? + Bay + dy? tx + [By +25 = 0 Sob ABS Geta BT 2x? + Jay + 4y = 1 | (B) p=2.q=-3 (D) p=~4.q=3 Let A (2,—3) and B(-2, 1) be two angular points of A ABC. If the centroid of the triangle moves on the line 2x + 3y= 1, then the locus of the angular point C is given by (A) 2x+3y=9 (B) 2x-3y=9 (C) 3rt2y=5 (D) 3x-2y=3 AABC ~a8 9S Gifie Fey wT A (2, -3) 8 B21) | Ur fingrers Gatew 2x + 3y = 1 waeauls Beiire an wea wa Sie Fe] C oF HAATT AT (A) 2x+3y=9 (B) 2x-3y=9 (C) 3xt2y=5 (D) 3x-2y=3 3 P70. M-2017 The point P (3, 6) is first reflected on the line y =. and then the image point Q is again reflected on the line y= ~ x to get the image point Q’. Then the circumcentre of the 4PQQ'is (A) (6,3) (B) (6,3) (C) G3.-6) (D) (0.0) PG, 6) Fag stor y= x cout wat outs a ze efofea Fey Q wate y = — x cere sffoufre an, afehey Ry wT Q' 1a A PQQ’ a8 HCE (A) (6,3) (B) (6,-3) (C) G,-6) (D) (0,0) Tet d, and d, be the lengths of the perpendiculars drawn from any point of the line 7x 9y+ 10 = O upon the lines 3x + 4y = 5 and 12s-+ 5y = 7 respectively. Then (A) d)>d, (8) 4,=4, (©) d)d, (B) d,=d, () d,q (C) only when p qa (C) SQ WA p< ql (D) p.q 4a GHA NIH GTR AA M-2017 a dim, (sinxPt (A) is2 (B) ist (C) isd (D) does not exist dim, (sin. xP" (A) 2m (8) 1a (C) Om (D) - aa way areca aT 2. f 0s (log x) dx = F(a) + c, where c is an arbitrary constant, Here F(x) = {A) [cos (log x) + sin (log x) (B) _x[cos (log x) ~ sin (log x)] (©) Ffe0s(log.») + sin log.x)] (©) Ffoos(log.x)— sin (log x] ee ER [ cos(log.s)dr= Fix) +e RIFE) = (A) x{oos og.) + sin(log 9} (B) ‘sfoo8(og.»)~sin (log) (©) Ffo0s log ») + sin og.) (©) 3{008(10g.1)- sin (logy) ee a. f gia eo oe (A) tanr( +t) (B) (0) f aaa ome “ tar(r+4}e ®) () @) M-2017 " 24. Let =f Si dv. Then, 28. 26. T+a9 10 (A) |< 10 (By) yy<107 (cy p 107 sinx saaal= {pede iw (A) [< 10" (BY fy<107 (©) {\<10% (D) [> 107 3 . Let |, -f [xl and 1, =f {2} dy, where [x] and {x} are integil and fractional pats of 0 a xand neN ~ {1}. Then Iy/lp is.equal to 1 (A) FT (B) t (cy a (D) a-l 5 ® anenl,=f pide et = f {x} dh, COM [x] 8 fo} WAERCTX — aa apf UAT 8 x ° ° Ae! AGS HA Gash {1 Owser |,/l, I tA) ast @) i © (0) n-1 ‘The value of fin, atta .mlis wa ®) | - (0) p) ore wt @ 4 ox © im it P.T.OL M-2017 ‘ 27. The value of the integral { oa ° 28. (A) isless than 1” (B) is greater than I (C) is less than or equal to 1 (D) lies in the closed interval [1, e} moe f 6 de aa 64 * (A) 1-65 oH ob. ®) 1-am® | © 1-8 om eat) - sar (D) [1,¢] 7 Gene ace. 100 J Mae ° (A) e-1 (©) 100(e-1) oe 100 sare f ld aa ° 100 00 Sa ® © 100-1 o se M2017 29, Solution of (r+ yj? $2= a? (being a constant) is (4) S22 tan¥£S cis anarbitrry constant (B) xy=a tan cx, cis an arbitrary constant «) Ee tan¥. o isan arbitrary constant (D) xy=tan & +0), € is an arbitrary constant Got yp = 2 (0 0 wre) - a0 TT (A) CAD. tan YS cca aE Te {B) sy=aten cx, cS URE Te (©) S=tan¥, ceo ape oe ©) xystan(e +0), c 4B URE 30, The integrating factor of th first order differential equation 2 -yBexGr+ y=2- tis 1 @ & (®) *-y 4d © att (D) eer pron arrestee 242 ~ 1h + G2 + yas 1 Sa OE 1 (a) & @) *-y 1 1 © sty @) 3 B B PT.Os 3h 32. 33, M-2017 {In a GP, series consisting of positive terms,, each term.is equal to the sum,of next twa terms, Then the common ratio of this G.P series is a) 8 @ ¥ Ss S+1 © B wo) BH CRS TREE oR octren tof cat cq Ola AOR oe otaadt PB aca safes ST octes sefeita sree aS we a) © ¥ o If (log, x) (log, 3x) (log, y) = log, x°, then y equals (A) 125 (B) 25 «© 53 (0) 243 ‘fi (log, x) dog, 3x) (logs, y) = log, x3 ¥H, Wa y AZ (A) 125 (B) 25 © 53 (D) 243 ‘The expression (ay it (B) is! 1 (A) int (By it «cy -2in (D) | M-2017 34. Let 2=x-+ iy, where.x and y are real. The points (x,y) in the X-¥ plane for which 2 is 35. purely imaginary lie on (A) _astraight line (B) anellipse (C) ahyperbola (D) acircle WA Ghz =x iy QM x Oy WH MH | X-Y OF (. y) Rego oar 24+ saree aatia aft oo, fejel wet (A) 40 sarees (B) se Sage (©) so argc (D) a8 ge Ifp, q are odd integers, then the roots of the equation 2px? + (2p + q).x+q= 0 are (A) rational (8) itvational (C) non-real (D) equal “fi p, q BT TRAIT AA, GA Ipx? + 2p + q)x+q= Osea Teoh ws (A) ER (B) OE (C) was (D) Sa Out of 7 consonants and 4 vowels, words are formed each having 3 consonants and 2 vowels. The number of such words that can be formed is (A) 210 (B) 25200 (C) 2520 (D) 302400 Ti maaet 0 4B IH CNS OFT SAG = tos Bal ALA UT oS 3B TaAAY © 2 ER MIA | SGI ANS ST (A) 210 (B) 25200 (C) 2520 (D) 302400 M-2017 The number of all numbers having 5 digits, with distinct digits is (A) 99999 (B) 9x °P, (cy Ps (D) °P, for fort eRe 5 oRcos SeATTE SAT Bet (A) 99999 (B) 9x, (C) Ps (D) %P, The greatest integer which divides (p + 1) (p + 2) (p +3)... (p + q) for all pel! and fixed qellis (A) pt (8) a © Pp (D) q SAG pel 98 GATS MAE q EL Gt GA (p+ 1) (p+ 2) (p+ 3)... (p+ q) @ GIA AT STF FEST RATT BT (A) pl ®) () p @) q Let (1 tx tx)? =a) tayx+ay? +... tage! Then (A) a9 Fy Fo $04 = Has ta Hayy (B) ag + ay + a + ayy is even (C) a9 +a; +..... +49 is divisible by 9 (D) ay +a, +... +.a,4 is divisible by 3 but not by 9 (A) (B) (« (D) 16 40. at 42. M-2017 8r-3y-52=0 The linear system of equations 5x~ 8y + 3z= | as 3x + Sy—82=0) (A) only *zero solution’ 1 (B)_ only finite number of non-zero solutions (C)_ no non-zero solution (D)_ infinitely many non-zero solutions y= 3y-52=0 sears Seaton Sy— 8y+32= 07 of 3y+Sy-82=0 (A) SSH ‘0 FRIST ICE (B) Ogee Fy SRS SAAT HATA SCE (C) Gor wT HET AE (D) BE ARATE BEAT STATS NCE Let P be the set of all non-singular matrices of order 3 over R and Q be the set of all orthogonal matrices of order 3 over R. Then (A) is proper subset of Q (B) Qis proper subset of P (C)_ Neither P is proper subset of Q nor Qis proper subset of P (D) PA Q= 4, the void set AE 6a P, Rae Sas 3 acre WEE aioe OB oR Q, Rag Bea 3 Bea ay for Gis | CIEE (A) P, Quam 95 Bees (B) Q, Paaa tgs Sas (C) P, Qu8t FFE BAH aH, SR Q, Poa AHS SAAS AT ) PAQ=o taa=(*t? * 0 ) shen all solutions of the equation det (AB) = 0 3 S x42, is (A) 1.-1,0,2 (B) 1,4,0,-2 ©) 1-143 (0) -1,4.0.3 maaa=("2? 3x \ p= (* ° ) cream stent det (AB) = 0 28 aRteTOFT 3 rt, 5 x42 aa (A) 1,-1,0.2 B) 1,4,0,-2 Cy 1-143 ©) 7 P.T.O. 43. 45. M-2017 l cos8 0 The value of det A, where A=| —cos @ 1 cos 8 | lies -1 -cos®@ I (A) in the closed interval (1, 2] (B) in the closed interval (0, 1] (C) inthe open interval (0, 1) (D) inthe open interval (1, 2) 1 cos8 0 A cos@ 1 cos @ | Rt det A, - 08 HI -l) -cos@ 1 (A) TH Beare (1, 2] - 08 ates (B) TH Beate (0, 1] cw wee (C) FS GRAM (0, 1) co wee (D) JS wear (1, 2) co aes Let f:R — R be such that fis injective and f(x) f(y) = f(x + y) for Vx, y ER. If fla), f(y), f(2) are in G.P, then x, y, z are in (A) APalways (8) G.P always (C)_A.P depending on the value of x, y.z (D) G.P depending on the value of x, y, z RA SHER — RAH LST GR FO 5, y ER VF GAT Fla) Fy) = Fee + y) 1a £@), f(y), F@) OcrTea safE ete, Tey, yz (A) sae sata sfc ere (B) FAR ocrred sinfiors eteca (C) SrTSH sefhe eat, y, 2 a8 ITE Boa FG (D) ectted sinfous wat x, y, 207 Sta Boa Freee On the set R of real numbers we define xPy if and only if xy 2 0. Then the relation P is (A) reflexive but not symmetric (B) symmetric but not reflexive (C) transitive but not reflexive (D) reflexive and symmetric but not transitive TE FRAT GHB R-4 Py Re UF ae ONS UF vy 20 | OE eR Pa (A) =r ey fos a (8) afer fey = aT (C) sReertte Peg ay an (D) 30s sfony fog Rae ay 46. 47. M207 On R, the relation p be defined by ‘xpy holds if and only if x ~ y is zero or irrational’. Then (A) pis reflexive and transitive but not symmetric, (B) pis reflexive and symmetric but not transitive. (C) pis symmetric and transitive but not reflexive. (D) pis equivalence relation R- 4 FRE p GALT BTS GI ‘xpy Bs UA aR aE UA x — y YT a EH Ur, ata (A) pts saris fag afoot ree aT (B) pA S afore Sram fog mae aT (C) pafter 6 same sree fog a aT (OD) pSAGATO TE Mean of n observations x1, %95 m+, i8¥, [fan observation x, is replaced by x, then the new mean is (n-1)¥ +34 (A) Foxyt % (B) —=r (n-1)¥-3 ny-x+ x, o — o —+* DARTS MTF 9, a ty TG STE AAR x, x Wal ao aPIS BH OTA 1G (n-1)¥+ xy (A) Foay+ 34 oS (n-1)F-a nv-x,+ x4 o —— o —— wp P.T.O. Mzot7 48. The probability that anon leap year selected af random will have 53 ‘Sundays is (a) 0 (B) 7 () 27 (D) 37 UPRONT CE Croat 8 Ah Rata a a aa 53 aftara eter seer (A) 0 (B) 17 © 27 (D) 37 49. ‘The equation sin a(sin x + cos x)= k has rea solutions, where kis areal number, Then a) oskstt @) 2-V3sks24+8 (©) Osks2-V3 (D) 15 gy lta K SOE SATIS GAT sin a(sin x + cos x)= k Sat BOS SATE HRT (A) osks tt (BY) 2~V3sks2+y3 (©) Osks2-y3 (D) Po git 50. The possible values of x, which satisty the trigonometric equation wo (2) ar EE) x . vt2)" 4 (A) £ (B) +2 i © 43 ©) 42 435 . (8) +3 (©) 45 @) #2 M-2017 Category ~ IL(Q.51 #o Q.65) Only one answer is correct. Correct answer witt fetch full marks 2. Incorrect answer or'any combination of more than one answer will fetch -% marks, No answer will fetch 0 marks. aa Suz wie | vibe Sea fier 9 aaa once | yer Sea for Grea co cam satis Sea for 3/3 FE ee | Corr Saw aT Aher =AT sce | On set A= {1, 2, 3}, relations R and S are given by R= {C1 1), 2, 23, 3), (1s 2) (2) DE S= {(1, 1), (2, 2), 3,3), (1,3), 1} Then (A) RUS isan equivalence relation (B) RUSis reflexive and transitive but not symmetric (C) RUSis reflexive and symmetric but not transitive (D) RUSis symmetric and transitive but not reflexive GiB A= (1, 2,3} (8 FRAR 8S FRONT RATS BITE, R={(1, 1.2.26, 3) 2), 2, Dt S= (1,1), 2.2,G, 3), (1,33, 1} CCE (A) RUS sof TIQFTO! TR (B) RUSS SRT Rg fos a () RUS © foo fog RET TE (D) RUS afer 6 saarrte fog er aT If one of the diameters of the curve x2 + y? — 4x ~ 6y + 9 = 0 is a chord of.a circle with centre (1, 1), the radius of this circle is (A) 3 (B) 2 ©, 2 @) 1 x+y? - dy - by +9 = 0 SRC GOR TH (1, 1) @H RAE Geb Her ab UH Um, ‘weiba arte we A) 3 (B) 2 © 2 © 1 a P.T.O. MeROI7 53. Let A (-1, 0) and B (2, 0) be two points. A point M moves in the plane in such a way that 55. MBA = 2.ZMAB. Then the point M moyes along (A) . astraight line (B) a parabola (C) anellipse (D) ahyperbola ACH, 0) 8B (2, 0) 9 are Ry | 2 wer REET cal Ry M or ame or oo ZMBA = 22MAB | GiGKCa Fj M (A) 4 seret aten secre (B) seb wigs waten Rear (©) sa Gage cares reat tet (D) 28% azige aren sear Itidt, then for any x 2 0, f (x) is equal to (a) Hu) @®) 1-2 «© Fae (D) 142 aT (; J tae, oe cao 32 0-25 rs) a 4 L @ 70-2) @®) 1-2 © fas (D) 142 Let for all.x> 0, f(2) = lim n then : : (A) fetta (B) fy) =f() + f(y) (©) flay)=x fy) + yf {D) f(xy) = xf) + y fy) + MOH Sa ST > 0-9 BAT LG)= Lim a (s"— 1} erence 1 (A) rey+e()=a (B) foy)= fay + fy) (C) flay)=x fy) +y f(x) (@) fry) =x Fe) + y fy) a M-2017 00n, 56. Letl= J = cs) as, then ° (A) 1=0 (B) 1=200y2 (©) 1=m2 @) 1=100 100n samal= [ \T-ca Day, owe ‘ (A) 1=0 (B) 1=200j2 (C) 1=m2 (BD) 1=100 57. The area of the figure bounded by the parabolas x = ~2y? and x = 1 - 3y? is (a) $ square units (B) 2 square units (c) 3 square units (D) $ square units waftqemr s =—2y? wr = 1 3y?- oa atat Sres SRS CRT (a) Fetess @) Fx ase (©) 4etase (0) $e ase 2 58. Tangents are drawn to the ellipse + x = | at the ends of both latusrectum. The area of the quadrilateral so formed is (A) 2759. units @) Beg. units ©) Bsq.units (D) 45:sq, units S21 eager iB afters omigotns ete ae mr | store Bye oneTaeT CeaWT Bei, (A) 270 68 (B) Bat eee « Bar aes (D) 45 ef ae B B P.T.O. 59. M-2017 The value of K in order that f(x) = sin x - cos x — Kx + 5 decreases for all positive real values of x is given by (A) K<1 (8) K21 © Key? @) K2 (D) K bel b-1 |. a1 b-1 c+ =0, then the value of nis ee ott Cpa Cayt'y Cte (A) any integer (B) zero (C)anyeven integer (D) any odd integer A Fa, b,c SHH CTD(a +c) #0 | aoatl a-1 atl b+l ct wt} bo b+t b-1}s} ant b-1 e+ [mower © e-1 ct ya Eh EIyYe A) cor ops ®) (Oo Ger ET ps ©) @ ar pT ys B 26 M-2017 Category — III (Q.66 to Q.75) ‘One or more answer(s) is (are) correct. Correct answer(s) will fetch full marks 2. Any combination containing one or more incorrect answer will fetch 0 marks, Also no answer will feteh 0 marks. If all correct answers are not marked and also no incorrect answer is marked then score = 2 x number of correct answers marked + actual number of correct answers. a8 a satis Gar Hie | 5a a wise Gea fhe 9 aaa mee | yer Sea fer weet corm oats GT Sea Te waif Baa fier AT atte | ae coy Sea at fier 6 sar aitca | af Corr yr Sea at are ae aise Same wa aH at ee ora atta 3 X cr afb HfSH Baz cront ME OIA SRT + UP Co a aise Sea vfs Oia HAT | 66, Let f: R — R be twice continuously differentiable. Let f(0) = f(1) = f (0) = 0. Then (A) £%G) 0 for all x (B) £%(c)=0 for some ce K (C) t%)#0ifr#0 (D) (x) > 0 for all x WA Saf: RB R-9a AO HOA GARIEM HHT 1 HT FA NO) = HI) = £0) = 0 1H (A) SRF x ~ 98 GATE” (x) 4 ORT (B) Dice RUN Wa GT F%(c)= 0 (C) x #08 1%) #0%8 (D) 58x 48 GAT E(x) > 0A 67. If f(@) = 3°, n being a non-negative integer, then the values of n for which f’ (a+ B)= f(a) + £(B) for all a, B > Ois (A) 1 (B) 2 («) 0 (D) 5 “UAE fh) = A" CONTE nS pT, BH SHS a, B > 02H GAT {a + B)= F(a) + £°(B) It (A) 1 (B) 2 «c) 0 (D) 5 68. Let f be a non-constant continuous function for all x > 0. Let f satisfy the relation f(x) f(a -x) = | for some a€ R*. Then I= f fear is equal to 0 (D) f(a) a (A) a (B) 4 «© WG Fa FEA 20-49 GAT FASB WHI FHS UCAGS | AT BH fA ae RK’ - oa GAT f(x) faa) = 1 Steen Bra wa | wet I Jon ers a (D) f(a) role (A) a 8) f © B 27 P.T.O. 69. M2017 Ifthe line ax+ by++ = 0, ab + 0, is atangettt to the curve xy = | - 2x, then (A) a>0,b<0 “* (B) a>0,b>0 (©) a<0,b>0 {D) a<0,b<0 axtby+e=0,ab¢0 Gu SRGMay=1-2r - ne (A) a>0,b<0. (B) a>0,b>0. (©) a<0,b>0 ~ @) a 0". Then (A) pis an equivalence relation (B) pis reflexive and transitive but not symmetric (©) pis reflexive and symmetric but not transitive (D)_pisomly symmetric TOA TRATTE GIB R= 9 RE pF WHET ALOIS ANCE CH ‘ap UAT © CORE Ate BAF I + ab >0 OT | CCKm (A) p SATS SR (B) pare amrehe fag afore aT (C) p= 6 afeory fy sehr AT (D) p Beata afore 73. \fa,be {1,2, 3} and the equation ax? + bx + 1 = 0 has real roots, then, (A) a>b (B) asb (C) number of possible ordered pairs (a, b) is 3 (D) ab (B) asb (C) ter ae COTE (a, b)- 4 RAT TI (D) a 1 is a normal tox? — y? = a? at the point (a sec @, a tan @), then, (A) t=—cosec @ (B) t=-sec@ (C) t=2tane (D) t=2cot@ y? = dax 23 (at?, 2at) (itl> 1) Regge mtatB 22 — y? = a? 08 (a sec 6, a tan 0) RRS wifeers =m, (A) t=—casec @ (B) t=-sec 8 (C) t=2tand (D) t=2cotO ‘The focus of the conic.x?- 6x + 4y + 1 = Otis (A) (2,3) @) 6.2) ©) 6.1) “ (D) (1,4) ‘afte a? — 6x + dy + 1 = 0-09 ae aH, (A) 2,3) ®) (G2) © 6B») @ (1.4 M-2017 SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK 3

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