KEDGE BS-IBB4 - Management Control & Operations: The French Cost Accounting Method Correction

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KEDGE BS- IBB4 –Management control & Operations 2021

The french Cost accounting method

At the end of the month, the total indirect costs were € 447 800 shared between support and
primary sections
Support Sections Primary sections
Indirect costs (in €) TOTAL
Utilities Maintenance Supplying Manufacturing Distribution
Supplies 90 000,00 9 000,00 9 000,00 18 000,00 27 000,00 27 000,00
External services 110 000,00 11 000,00 11 000,00 22 000,00 44 000,00 22 000,00
Wages & personnel related costs 125 800,00 25 800,00 25 000,00 50 000,00 25 000,00
Depreciation 122 000,00 6 000,00 15 300,00 6 100,00 85 400,00 9 200,00
447 800,00 26 000,00 61 100,00 71 100,00 206 400,00 83 200,00

The support sections consumption rates are as following:

Support Sections Support Sections Primary sections
consumption rates Utilities Maintenance Supplying Manufacturing Distribution
Utilities 10% 5% 80% 5%
Maintenance 20% 20% 40% 20%

Question 1 : Please prepare the support sections cost allocation table

There are cross-consumptions between support section. So, we must first try to find out the total
costs of those sections prior to allocate them.
If x is the total costs for Utilities, and y is the total costs for Maintenance, so we have :
X = 26 000 + 0,2 Y and Y = 61 100 +0,1 X
X = 26 000 + 0,2 ( 61 100 +0,1 X )
X= 26 000 + 12 220 +0,02 X
0,98 X = 38 220
X = 39 000
Y = 61 100 + (0,1*39 000)
Y = 65 000
Support sections Support Sections Primary sections
costs allocation Utilities Maintenance Supplying Manufacturing Distribution
26 000,00 - 39 000,00 3 900,00 1 950,00 31 200,00 1 950,00 26 000,00
61 100,00 13 000,00 - 65 000,00 13 000,00 26 000,00 13 000,00 61 100,00
- 26 000,00 - 61 100,00 14 950,00 57 200,00 14 950,00 87 100,00

IBB4– Management Control & Operations– CORR Ex 8- French cost accounting method
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KEDGE BS- IBB4 –Management control & Operations 2021
Question 2 : How much is the total indirect cost of each primary section (after support
section cost allocation)?
Primary sections
Primary sections costs
Supplying Manufacturing Distribution
1st allocation 71 100,00 206 400,00 83 200,00
Utilities 1 950,00 31 200,00 1 950,00 35 100,00
Maintenance 13 000,00 26 000,00 13 000,00 52 000,00
86 050,00 263 600,00 98 150,00 447 800,00

Question 3 : How much is the cost of each work-unit ? (or overhead rate)
Primary sections
Primary sections costs
Supplying Manufacturing Distribution
1st allocation 71 100,00 206 400,00 83 200,00
Utilities 1 950,00 31 200,00 1 950,00
Maintenance 13 000,00 26 000,00 13 000,00
86 050,00 263 600,00 98 150,00
Work unit Kg bought Machine hours 1 € of sales
Nbr. Work units 30 000,00 2 000,00 2 600 000,00
Cost of 1 Work unit (in€) 2,87 131,8 0,038

Question 4 : How much is the total purchasing cost of M?

Purchasing costs of M (in€)
2 040 000,00 purchasing
86 050,00 supplying
Total 2 126 050,00
per kg 70,87 equivalent to € 68+€ 2,87

Question 5 : How much is the indirect manufacturing cost allocation to A and B?

Indirect manufacturing costs allocation
nbr. of Mach hours for A 1 200 A B
nbr. of Mach hours for B 800 158 160,00 105 440,00

Question 6 : How much is the indirect distribution cost allocation to A and B?

Indirect distribution costs allocation
Sales of A (in€) 1 200 000,00 A B
Sales of B(in€) 1 400 000,00 45 300,00 52 850,00

IBB4– Management Control & Operations– CORR Ex 8- French cost accounting method
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