Name: - Year & Section: - Score: - I-MULTIPLE CHOICE: Write The Letter of The Correct Answer in A Separate Sheet

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Regional Office No. VIII
Division of Catbalogan City
Catbalogan, City

Summative Test W1& W2

S.Y. 2021-2022

Name: _______________________ Year & Section: ___________Score: ____________

I-MULTIPLE CHOICE: Write the letter of the correct answer in a separate sheet.

1. Research is _______________
a. Searching again and again
b. Finding solution to any problem
c. Working in a scientific way to search for truth in any problem
d. None of the above
2. Which of the following is the first step in starting the research process?
a. Searching sources of information to locate problem.
b. Survey of related literature
c. Identification of problem
3. Which is not a good source of information for your research?
a. Encyclopedia c. Internet
b. Library d. Tabloid
4. Which is a disadvantage brought about by research in chemistry?
a. Weapons production c. Medical application
b. Business venture d. Academic progress
5. The essential qualities of a researcher ___________.
a. Spirit of free inquiry
b. Reliance on observation and evidence
c. Systematization or theorizing of knowledge
d. All of the above
6. In conducting a research, what makes a good problem?
a. It should be answerable by yes or no.
b. It should have a numerical answer.
c. It can be answered by conducting a scientific experiment.
d. All of the above.

For question number 7 refer to the title below:

“Effect of Particle Size of Hydrite Tablet on the Rate of Chemical Reaction”

7. Based on the given title, which is the best statement of the problem?
a. Pop! Fiz! Kaboom! What’s in a size?
b. Does the size of hydrite tablet affect the rate of chemical reaction?
c. What is the effect of particle size of hydrite tablet on the rate of production of carbon
dioxide gas?
d. Why does hydrite tablet fizz when placed in water?

For numbers 8 & 9, refer to the situation below.

A group of students is studying the effect of homemade gugo (Entada phaseuoliodes)
shampoo on hair strength. The students used 1%, 2%, 5%, and 20% of gugo shampoo to test
the normal hair strands.

8. What should be the title of the investigatory project?

a. Gugo: From Bark to No Bald
b. An Investigatory Project on the Effect of Gugo Shampoo
c. The Effect of Homemade Gugo (Entada phaseuoliodes) Shampoo on Hair Strength
d. The Feasibility Study of Homemade Gugo Shampoo
9. How would you state your problem?
a. Can gugo be used as ingredient in shampoo?
b. What concentration of gugo extract is the most effective to keep the hair stronger?
c. How much gugo should be used in shampoo?
d. Is gugo effective in removing dandruff?
10. Which of the following is a SIP skill?
a. following guidelines c. creativity
b. innovation d. information literacy
11. Which of the following is a 21 century skill?
a. investigating c. media literacy
b. interviewing d. problem solving
12. What is science investigatory project?
a. topic selection c. uses the scientific method
b. experimental set-up d. manuscript
13. Which of the following is a phase of conducting SIP?
a. hypothesis c. result
b. topic search d. problem solving
14. Which of the following demonstrate the engineering design process?
a.Analyze results and draw conclusions.
b. Test and redesign as necessary.
c.Design experiment.
d. Establish procedure.
15. What is the characteristic of a good research problem?
a.Simple preference or taste comparison.
b. Enable to solve problem in a certain community.
c.Consumer product testing.
d. Requires people to recall things.

God bless!!!
Prepared by :

Research Teacher

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Regional Office No. VIII
Division of Catbalogan City
Catbalogan, City

Summative Test W3 & W4

S.Y. 2021-2022
Name: _______________________ Year & Section: ___________Score: ____________

I-MULTIPLE CHOICE: Write the letter of the correct answer in a separate sheet.

1. Good research reports will always

a. Focus on addressing the research objectives.
b. Focus on the Harvard style.
c. Provide respondent names and addresses.
d. Provide results that may be irrelevant.
2. Which report section is intended to describe the purpose with the full statement of the
research question?
a. Results c. Objectives
b. Method d. Appendices
3. The question to be answered by your research. It may come in the usual form of an
interrogative sentence or as a declarative statement.
a. Hypothesis c. objectives
b. Statement of the problem d. significance of the study
4. What you want to accomplish in your research. These may involve understanding concepts,
proving a certain idea, or creating a certain product.
c. Hypothesis c. Objectives
d. Statement of the problem d. Significance of the study
5. A complete statement using the title of the study and this is related to the problem.
a. General objective c. Introduction
b. Specific objective d. Problem
6. This states the purpose of each experiment
a. General objective c. Introduction
b. Specific objective d. Problem
7. It defines the coverage or boundary of the study
a. Scope of the study c. Importance of the study
b. Limitation of the study d. objectives of the study
8. Statements which alert the reader of the research report to certain conditions which are
beyond the control of the researcher.
a. Scope c. Study
b. Limitations d. Objectives
9. It highlights the possible contributions of the research findings to the country or to the
various sectors of society.
a. Objectives of the study c. Importance of the study
b. Scope of the study d. Significance of the Study
10. The scope of the study is determined by the __________.
a. Sub-variables c. Major variables
b. Construct d. Control
11. It is any factor or property that a researcher measures, controls, and/or manipulates.
a. Variable c. Concept
b. Construct d. Control
12. It describes the contribution of the study to the existing body of knowledge.
a. Significance of the study c. Hypothesis
b. Scope and limitation d. Objectives
13. It represents unordered categories, groups, or classes.
a. Dichotomous variables c. Polychotomous variables
b. Categorical variables d. Continuous variables
14. The cause variables, the reasons of changes in the dependent variables.
a. Independent variable c. Dependent variables.
b. Concrete variables d. Abstract variables
15. Kind of variable that deals on two variables that are being studied
a. Univariate study c. Trivariate study
b. Bivariate study d. Polyvariate study

God bless!!!

Prepared by :
Research Teacher

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