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Q1. Who can become the member of the stock exchange? (1)
1. Having corporate structure, capital adequacy, track record, education 2. there is no exit/entry barrier experience etc.
3. Only corporate member 4. ALL
Q2. From whom the clearing member seek membership as PCM? (1)
3. NSDL 4. None of the above
Q3. who are eligible for acquiring new membership of NSE (1)
1. Individuals, partnership firms 2. Institutions, including subsidiary of banks
3. Body corporate including companies 4. All of the above
Q4. DPG stands for (1)
1. Dominant Promoter/Shareholder Group 2. Dominant Permitted Group
3. Dominant Promotion Group 4. None of the above
Q5. In NSEIL, the minimum paid up capital required for a corporate member in CM segment is _____Lakhs (1)
1. 30 2. 20
3. 100 4. 300
Q6. SEBI made it mandatory for all brokers to use ______ for client (1)
1. PAN 2. UCC
Q7. The trading member shall issue Contract notes and / or bills_____ (1)
1. CM 2. AP
Q8. If a client buy shares worth Rs 2,25,000 and sell share Rs 1,75,000 through a broker , then the maximum brokerage payable
to him is ___________
1. 10000 2. 20000
3. 24000 4. 14000
Q9. A trading member can face disciplinary proceeding for not complying with the ________ (1)
1. Code of advertisement 2. Code of Payment
3. Code of Disciplinary 4. NONE
Q10. An advertisement & issued by a trading member shall contain ____ (1)
1. The photograph of the directors the trading member 2. The signature of the directors the trading member
3. Addresses of the directors the trading member 4. Name and or his logo, code of NSE membership
Q11. __________ or an individual can become member of an exchange? (1)
1. A corporate, a partnership firm 2. Dealer
3. AP 4. Agent
Q12. Trading members decorous of appointing sub broker are required to submit the following documents to the membership department of the exchange (1)
1. A copy of sub-broker agreement duly certified by TM. 2. Application for registration as a sub- broker with SEBI
3. Recommendation letter to be given by the TM with whom the sub-broker is affiliated 4. All of the above

Q13. A broker can have a maximum of ________ clients (1)

1. limited by 50 2. limited by 100
3. limited by 150 4. unlimited
Q14. Is it compulsory for TM to maintain separate Bank account for the clients? (1)
1. Yes, If his client request for opening a Bank account 2. Yes, Only if the client is met his relative
3. Yes, Its compulsory 4. None
Q15. How the member can exit membership in NSE ? (1)
1. By surrendering membership without any hidden/over cost. 2. By surrendering membership with any hidden/over cost.
3. Both a and b 4. None
Q16. Who can admit as a TM (Stock Broker) on the exchange ? (1)
1. Individual 2. corporate
3. Partner 4. All of the above
Q17. In which segment group the one can apply ________
1. CM 2. CM, WDM, F&O
Q18. DPG consist________ (1)
1. Unlisted Corporate TM 2. Banks ,Central and State Govt. owned finance
3. Listed Corporate TM 4. All of the above
Q19. Shareholding pattern under DPG ___________ (1)
1. Not exceeding 4 individuals , hold not less than 51% of shares as Unlisted 2. Not exceeding 4 individuals , hold not less than 40% of shares
CTM as Listed CTM
3. Corporate shareholders identified as DPG
having net worth of 50 crore
4. All of the above hold atleast 26% of the
Share capital
Q20. Which of the following are the benefits of the trading member of NSE? (1)
1. Access to nationwide trading facility for the equities , derivatives , debt 2. Ability to provide a fair, efficient and transparent securities
and hybrid instruments / products. market to the investors
3. Dealing with an organization which follows strict standards for trading and settlement at par with those
available at the top international bourses. 4. All of the above

Q21. MRC stand for__________ (1)

1. Member recommendation Council 2. Membership recommendation Committee d
3. Member recommendation Committee 4. ANY
Q22. MRC consist of ______________ (1)
1. Four Person from various disciplines , including the managing director of 2. Six Person from various disciplines , including the managing
the exchange director of the exchange
3. Seven Person from various
disciplines , including the managing director
4. None of the exchange
Q23. Which of the following statement is true about arbitration? (1)
1. The reference for arbitration should be filled within six months from the
2. The arbitration application received from the
applicant is
date when the dispute arose b/w the parities along with a list of arbitrators forwarded to the respondents

3. The respondents are called upon to file his reply

along with his list of
4. All of the above statement are true arbitrators
within the specified time.
Q24. The exchange does not permit multiple memberships among the same set of DPG (1)
1. True 2. False
3. True for individual 4. True for Partner
Q25. Once the application of surrender of TM is approved the IFSD of the TM will be locked in with the exchange (1)
1. True for Partner 2. True for Corporate
3. True for Individual 4. True For All
Q26. There is no lock in period applicable in case of TM who is (1)
1. Not SEBI registered 2. SEBI registered and enabled but not traded at all
3. SEBI registered but not enabled 4. Any one of the above
Q27. TM desirous of appointing sub-broker are required to submit the following documents to the membership department of
the exchange
2. Application form for registration as a Sub-broker with SEBI
1. Copy of Sub-broker-broker agreement duly certified by the TM
(Form B)
3. Recommendation letter to be given by the
TM with whom the Sub-broker
4. All of the above is affiliated (Form C)
Q28. TM shall seek information from the client in the __________ (1)
1. Client registration application form 2. Client Registration Form
3. Client application registration form 4. None
Q29. TM shall ensure that_________ (1)
1. Contract Notes are in the Prescribe Format 2. Stamp duty is paid
3. All statutory levies are shown separately in the contract note signed by
4. All of the above
TM or by authorized signatory
Q30. Arbitration which is a quasi Judicial process is an alternate dispute resolution mechanism under the _________ (1)
1. SEBI Act 1992 2. Depositary Act 1956
3. SC? A, 1956 4. Arbitration and Conciliation Act ,1996
Q31. What type of adequate document have to be produced by the parties to resolves the dispute before arbitrator (1)
1. Contract Notes 2. Confirmation Slip
3. Account Book 4. All
Q32. A trading member shall be deemed guilty of misconduct if he fails to _________
1. Provide buy and sell recommendation to client 2. Utilize client funds as his own Funds
3. Give preference to his own orders to that of his clients 4. Submit to or abide by Arbitration
Q33. Contract note is signed by the _______. (1)
1. Dealer 2. Dominant promoters
3. Directors 4. Authorized Signatory
Q34. A trading member submits ____________ to the stock exchange on an annual basis. (1)
1. audited financial statements 2. net worth certificate
3. proof of renewal of insurance cover 4. All
Q35. A copy of an advertisement has to be submitted by a trading member to NSE __________. (1)
1. for record 2. for information
3. after its issue in publication/media 4. for prior approval before its issue in publication/media
Q36. A registered sub-broker, holding registration granted by SEBI on the recommendation of a trading member, can transact through ____________ (1)
1. a stock exchange directly 2. any member broker of a stock exchange
3. the member broker who had recommended his application
4. any member broker of any stock exchange registration
Q37. A person can become a member of __ recognized Stock Exchanges. (1)
1. only 1 2. 10
3. 15 4. Any Number of
Q38. Sub Broker Can Affiliate with one Broker in the _______Stock Exchange . (1)
1. One 2. Two
3. Three 4. Any Number of
Q39. Which address of the Corporate trading member is printed on the contract note? (1)
1. Registered office address 2. Dealing office address
3. Correspondence address 4. only 1 and 2
Q40. A stock-broker shall not encourage sales or purchases of securities with the sole object of generating brokerage or
commission. Is the above statement True or False, under the Code of Conduct Guidelines prescribed under SEBI (Stock Brokers &(1) Sub-brokers) Regulations, 1992
1. True 2. False
Q41. As per the code of conduct prescribed in the SEBI (Stock broker and sub broker) regulation, 1992 a stock broker /sub
(1) broker should seek permission from _________for advertising business policy.
1. The stock exchange 2. SEBI
3. The broker? association 4. SAT
Q42. Unlisted corporate trading member If a person holds 51% of shares in the trading member corporate on his own or together
2. Person(s) falling within the definition of ?control? 3 under the SEBI
1. His relatives as defined under Companies Act 1956 (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 1997.

3. The support of strategic investors in such corporate trading member.(Strategic investors

mean the corporates or individual investors that add value to investments they make through
industry and personal ties that can
4. All Together assist companies in raising additional capital including financial
investors, venture capitalists and others who invest primarily with the aim of generating a
large return on their investment).
Q43. The following entities are allowed to be identified as dominant shareholder(s) provided they have a networth of at least ` 50
2. Central or State Government owned Finance and/or
1. Scheduled Banks
Development Institutions
3. Any financial institution registered and
regulated by any regulatory
4. Any of the Above authority such as RBI,
Q44. Foreign entities are allowed to take trading membership of the Exchange through their Indian subsidiary under the
automatic approval route permitted by the government, subject to compliance with the following guidelines of the RBI in this regard. (1)
2. The promoting foreign entity or its subsidiary should be broking house/
participant in the securities market that is
1. The promoting foreign entity or its subsidiary should be either a bank or registered or regulated by the relevant regulatory authority of
insurance organisation regulated by the Central Bank or such other that country and that the relevant authority should be a member
appropriate regulatory authority of that country of International Organisation of Securities Commission (IOSCO). The entity should have a sound track record
3. The promoting foreign entity is one whose domestic arm or subsidiary is registered with SEBI for
participation in any domestic venture for custodial 4. Any of the Above or Asset Management

Q45. Minimum Net Worth For the CM, F&O and WDM is ________
1. 100 2. 200
3. 300 4. None
Q46. Before submission of an application for surrender of membership, the trading member is required to comply with all the
pre-requisites for application of surrender in the prescribed format. The following aspects should be covered in the application for surrender of membership (1)
from a trading member
1. Who has been suspended/ disciplinary action taken by the Exchange 2. In respect of whom any investigation/ action consequent to a
/SEBI default has been initiated by the Exchange /SEBI,
3. Who is falling within the category of ?associates? as defined by SEBI 4. All
Q47. No trading member, who has surrendered its trading membership, their partners (in case of partnership firm) and/ or
dominant shareholders (in case of corporates) is eligible to be re-admitted to the trading membership of the Exchange in any (1)
form for a period of ________
1. One Year 2. Two Years
3. Three Years 4. Four Years
Q48. Which of the Following is Misconduct ? (1)
2. Violation of the provisions of any statute governing the activities,
1. Fraud or fraudulent act or if he is convicted of a criminal offence business and operations of the Exchange
3. Failure to submit to or abide by arbitration 4. Any of the Above
Q49. Which of the following is Unbusiness like Conduct ? (1)
1. Transaction or business dealings in fictitious names 2. Circulation of rumours
3. Unwarrantable business which effects purchases or sales for its account or any
account related to the trading member 4. Any of the Above
Q50. Which of the Following is Unprofessional Conduct ? (1)
2. Business for defaulting constituent who failed to carry out engagements
1. Business in securities in which dealings not permitted relating to securities and is in default to another trading member

3. Carrying out his business during his suspension period 4. Any of the of above
Q51. The relevant authority may require a trading member to suspend its business in part or in whole under following conditions:(1)
1. Prejudicial business 2. Unwarrantable business
3. Unsatisfactory financial condition 4. All of the Above
Q52. The suspension of a trading member has the following consequences
1. Rights of creditors unimpaired 2. Fulfillment of contracts
3. Suspension of membership rights 4. All of the Above
Q53. A trading member may be declared a defaulter by direction/circular/notification of the relevant authority of the trading
segment if:
2. He admits or discloses his inability to fulfill or discharge his
1. He is unable to fulfill his obligations duties, obligations and liabilities
3. If he fails to abide by the arbitration
proceedings as laid down under the
4. Any of the Above bye laws, rules and
Q54. The sub-broker will be required to adhere to NSE?s ?know your clients? requirements. The important documents relating to
(1) dealing through a sub-broker are given below:
1. Individual client registration application form 2. Non-individual client registration application form
3. Sub-broker client agreement 4. All of the Above
Q55. In case of corporate or partnership firm, the directors or partners and in the case of an individual sub-broker applicant
(1) should comply with the following requirements
2. They should not have been convicted of any offence involving
1. They should not be less than 21 years of age
fraud or dishonesty
3. They should not have been debarred by SEBI 4. ALL
Q56. Under Member Constituent Agreement (MCA), trading members are required to make the constituent/clients aware of(1) 1. Trading segment to which TM is
admitted, 2. Particulars of SEBI registration number,
3. The precise nature of the trading
member?s liability for business to be
4. All conducted
Q57. In order to assess the risk involved in trading, TM is required to issue _________ in such format, as may be prescribed by the
(1) Exchange from time to time and should obtain the same from his constituents duly signed.
1. KYC 2. UDR
3. RDD 4. MCA
Q58. Who issue Purchase/Sale Note on Behalf of Broker ? (1)
1. SEBI 2. NSE
Q59. Which of the following is not Code of Advertisement ?
1. The Trading Member should designate and authorise a person to ensure 2. The advertisement should not contain any confusing, the correctness
of the information given in any advertisement misleading or offensive information
3. The copy of such advertisement should
be retained for a period of three
4. NONE years
Q60. Body corporates including companies as defined in the Companies Act, 1956. A company is eligible to be admitted as a
member if: (1)
1. It is formed in compliance with provisions of Section 12 of the Companies
2. It complies with the financial requirements and norms as may
Act 1956 which mentions about the mode of forming incorporated company be specified by SEBI

3. The directors of the company shouldn?t have been disqualified for beingmembers of a
stock exchange and should not have held the offices of the
4. All of the Above directors in any company which had been a member of the stock
exchange and had been declared defaulter or expelled by the stock exchange
Q61. Securities market broadly categorized as ___________. (1)
1. ET 2. Primary Market
3. Secondary Market 4. both 2 and 3
Q62. Which entities allow to raise fund from the Primary Market? (1)
1. Government 2. corporate
3. both 1 and 2 4. Non-Profit Entities
Q63. Securities, in the form of equity or debt, can be issued in domestic/international markets at ______________ (1)
1. Face value 2. Discount
3. Premium. 4. All of the above
Q64. The primary market issuance is done either through public issues or private placement. Under (1)
1. Companies Act, 1956 2. Income Tax act ,1961
3. indian contract Act,1872 4. None of the above.
Q65. when the issuer makes an issue of securities to a select group of persons not exceeding 49 and which is neither a rights issue nor a public issue it is called (1)
a _____________
1. Bonus 2. public Placement
3. private placement. 4. none of the above
Q66. Secondary market comprises of ______________
1. Equity 2. Derivatives
3. debt markets 4. All of the above
Q67. The secondary market is operated through ___________ (1)
1. Over-the-Counter (OTC) market 2. the Exchange-Traded market
3. Both 4. NONE
Q68. ______________is used to give information about the price movements of products in the financial, commodities or any other
1. An Index 2. Primary Market
3. Secondary Market 4. None
Q69. The blue chip index of NSE is (1)
1. CNX Nifty 2. S&P Nigty
3. Nifty 4. S&P CNX NIFTY
Q70. Market capitalisation of a particular company on a particular day can be computed as product of the number of shares
(1) outstanding and the ___________ of the share.
1. Closing price 2. Opening Price
3. Trading Price 4. Previous Day Closing Price
Q71. The market capitalization ratio is defined as market capitalization of stocks divided by GDP. It is used as a measure of
1. stock market size 2. Market Behaviour
3. Market wise position limit 4. None of the above.
Q72. The turnover ratio is defined as the total value of shares traded on a country?s stock Exchange for a particular period divided by market capitalization at the
end of the period. It is used as a measure of trading activity or ___________ in the stock (1) markets.
1. Volume 2. liquidity
3. Price Movement of the Day 4. Any of the above
Q73. Under the Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act [SC(R)A], 1956, ?securities? include ____________ (1)
1. Govt. Securities 2. collective investment scheme
3. Bonds 4. All of the above
Q74. The securities market has essentially different categories of participants like____________
1. the investors 2. the issuers
3. the intermediaries 4. All of the above
Q75. Securities Market Participants are thoroughly regulated by ____________ (1)
1. SEBI 2. RBI
3. DEA /MCA 4. All of the above
Q76. Which of the Following is not Market Participants ? (1)
1. Foreign Venture Capital Investors 2. Collective Investment Schemes
3. Debenture Trustees 4. None of the above.
Q77. The Exchange (NSE) provides trading in the following segments ______________ (1)
1. WDM 2. Capital Market
3. Financial and currency Derivative 4. All of the above
Q78. Wholesale Debt Market (WDM) Segment: This segment at NSE commenced its operations in ______ (1)
1. June 1997 2. June 1996
3. June 1994 4. June 1995
Q79. Capital Market (CM) Segment: This segment at NSE commenced its operations in ________ (1)
1. November 1993 2. November 1996
3. November 1994 4. November 1995
Q80. Futures & Options (F&O) Segment: This segment provides trading in derivatives instruments like index futures, index options, stock options, and stock (1)
futures, and commenced its operations at NSE in __________.
1. June 2001 2. June 2002
3. June 2003 4. June 2000
Q81. Currency Derivatives Segment (CDS) Segment: This segment at NSE commenced its operations on ________ (1)
1. Currency Derivatives Segment (CDS) Segment: This segment at NSE 2. Currency Derivatives Segment (CDS) Segment: This segment commenced its operations
on August 25, 2008 at NSE commenced its operations on August 20, 2008
3. Currency Derivatives Segment (CDS) Segment: This segment at NSE 4. Currency Derivatives Segment (CDS) Segment: This segment commenced its
operations on August 19, 2008 at NSE commenced its operations on August 29, 2008
Q82. Currency Derivatives Segment (CDS) Segment: This segment at NSE commenced its operations on August 29, 2008, with the launch of currency futures
trading in .
1. US Dollar-Indian Rupee (USD-INR) 2. Euro-INR
3. Pound Sterling-INR 4. Japanese Yen-INR
Q83. Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), the securities market regulator in India, was established under SEBI Act
1992, with the main objective and responsibility _______
1. Protecting the interests of investors in securities 2. Promoting the development of the securities market
3. Regulating the securities market 4. All of the above
Q84. In order to provide efficiency, liquidity and transparency, NSE introduced a nation-wide on-line fully automated ____________
(1) on the CM segment on November 3, 1994.
1. Screen Based trading system (SBTS) 2. NEAT
Q85. In December 2001, all scrips were moved to rolling settlement and the settlement period was reduced progressively from
(1) _____to T+3 days.
1. T+7 2. T+6
3. T+5 4. T+2
Q86. Trading in derivatives, however, took off in 2000 with _________after suitable legal and regulatory framework was put in
1. Equity Index Option 2. index futures
3. Stock Future 4. StocK Option
Q87. it has been made mandatory for all newly issued securities to be compulsorily traded in dematerialized form. Now, the
public listed companies making IPO of any security for Rs.______ crore or more have to make the IPO only in dematerialized form.
1. 50 2. 500
3. 20 4. 10
Q88. National Securities Clearing Corporation Ltd. (NSCCL), which commenced its operations in ________ (1)
1. April 1993 2. April 1994
3. April 1996 4. April 1995
Q89. In order to protect the interest of the investors and promote awareness, the Central Government (Ministry of Corporate
Affairs1 ) established ______________ in October 2001
1. the Investor Education and Protection Fund (IEPF) 2. IPF
3. SGF 4. CPF
Q90. Indian companies have been permitted to raise resources overseas through issue of _________
1. FCCBs 2. ECB (external commercial borrowing)
3. ADR/GDR 4. All of the above
Q91. They can invest in a company under portfolio investment route upto _______ of the paid up capital of the company (1)
1. 14% 2. 24%
3. 10% 4. 5%
Q92. The Indian stock exchanges have been permitted to set up trading terminals abroad. The trading platform of Indian exchanges is now accessible through
the Internet from anywhere in the world.
3. NOT ALLOWED 4. Irregular
Q93. RBI permitted __________ for ADRs / GDRs, which means that the investors (foreign institutional or domestic) who hold ADRs
/ GDRs can cancel them with the depository and sell the underlying shares in the market.
1. Non Fungibility 2. two-way fungibility
3. partial fungibility 4. None of the above.
Q94. Volatility index is a measure of market?s expectation of volatility over the _____ term (1)
1. Far 2. Mid
3. Near 4. Any
Q95. India?s first volatility index, India VIX (based on the Nifty 50 Index Option prices) was launched by NSE in ___________. (1)
1. April 2008 2. April 2000
3. April 2002 4. April 2007
Q96. Launch of Securities Lending & Borrowing Scheme_______ (1)
1. to take short positions effectively with less cost. 2. to take short positions effectively with No cost.
3. to take short positions effectively with High cost. 4. None of the above.
Q97. ___________is a major primary market reform. It enables investors to apply for IPOs / FPOs and rights issues without making a
3. ASBA 4. None of the above.
Q98. On August 31, 2009, futures on interest rate was launched on the _____________. (1)
1. National Stock Exchange 2. NEAT
Q99. In August 2009, the SEBI issued Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirements (ICDR) Regulations 2009, replacing the ____________ 2000
1. Disclosure and Investor Protection (DIP) Guidelines 2. UDR
3. IRDA 4. Annual Report
Q100. ICDR Regulations 2009 would govern all disclosure norms regarding _____________. (1)
1. issue of securities 2. lisiting of securities
3. delisting of securities 4. None of the above.
Q101. Application Supported by Blocked Amount (ASBA) is a major primary market reform. It enables investors to apply for ________ (1)
1. IPO 2. FPO
3. RIGHT ISSUE 4. All of the above

Q102. Depository of BSE is _____________ (1)

Q103. From April 2003 onwards, ___________ days settlement cycle is being followed. (1)
1. T+7 2. T+6
3. T+5 4. T+2
Q104. Underwriters is not market participant . (1)
1. True 2. False
3. True for primary Market 4. True for new issues
Q105. In case, a body corporate is applying for trading membership in the capital market segment of NSEIL (1)
1. at least 5 directors should be graduates of whom one should be a 2. atleast two directors should be graduates and have minimum professional of 2 years
experience of securities market.
3. no prior experience is required. 4. all the directors should be graduates
Q106. In ASBA, the amount is blocked in (1)
1. Trading members account 2. Investors own account
3. both 1 and 2 4. None of the above.
Q107. Which of the following is true regarding the norms and procedures pertaining to surrender of membership ?
1. a) A trading member desirous of surrendering membership has to give its 2. b) The original SEBI registration certificates for all trading request in writing in a
prescribed form segments have to be submitted by the trading member.
3. c) Sub-broker registration certificates have to be submitted 4. All of the above
Q108. The FIIs can invest in a company upto % of the paid up capital of the company. This percentage can be increased upto the
(1) sectoral cap as applicable to the Indian Companies by passing a resolution of its board of directors.
1. 32 2. 26
3. 28 4. 24
Q109. The Client registration form is filled by the client when . (1)
1. client delivers spurious shares 2. broker has to file FIR against client
3. client enrolls himself with the broker 4. client defaults in making payments
Q110. SEBI has prescribed the Code of Conduct for the sub-brokers in (1)
1. Indian Contract Act, 1872 2. Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956
3. Companies Act, 1956 4. SEBI (Stock Brokers and Sub-Brokers) Regulations, 1992
Q111. A stockbroker means a member of_________ . (1)
1. SEBI 2. a recognised stock exchange
3. any Stock Exchange 4. RBI
Q112. If a client buys shares worth Rs. 1,25,000 and sells shares worth Rs. 75,000 through a broker, then the maximum
brokerage payable to him is ___.
1. 5000 2. 15000
3. 2000 4. 25000
Q113. In case of surrender of the membership at NSEIL, . (1)
1. the matter is treated as confidential 2. only the members are notified by way of a circular
3. the surrendering member is permitted to trade with a limited exposure
4. advertisement is issued in leading dailies

Q114. An application for arbitration can be filed within ____ from the date of dispute (1)
1. 3 months 2. 45 days
3. 6 months 4. 1 year
Q115. If a client buys shares worth Rs. 90,000 and sells shares worth Rs. 1,10,000 through a stock-broker, then the maximum brokerage payable is _____
1. 4000 2. 6000
3. 2000 4. 5000
Q116. Under the Member Constituent Agreement, trading members are required to make the clients aware of which of the
1. trading segment in which the trading member is admitted 2. SEBI Registration number
3. basic risks involved in trading on the Exchange 4. All of the above
Q117. Which of the following is deemed to be price sensitive information (1)
2. b) intended declaration of dividends (both interim and final)
1. periodical financial results of the company
3. issue of securities or buy back of securities 4. All of the above

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