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The University of Nueva Caceres, a private non-sectarian institution, is Bicol’s
first University. Guided by its motto, “Non Scholae Sed Vitae” (Not of School but
of Life), and attuned to the demands of highly dynamic global environment, the
University of Nueva Caceres commits itself to quality & excellent education for
all to transform the youth into entrepreneurial, productive, morally upright,
socially responsible professionals for a just, humane & progressive society.

The University of Nueva Caceres shall be a leading exponent of academic
excellence, research, extension & innovative technology for sustainable
development. It creates a nurturing academic environment & provides equal
opportunities in the formation of individuals into empowered leaders, competent
professionals & proactive entrepreneurs who are cognizant of our rich cultural

The University of Nueva Caceres aims to:

1. PURSUE the nurturing & strengthening of social institutions with empowered

leaders, skilled professionals, & proactive entrepreneurs for the development of
the Bicol Region & the Filipino nation;
2. PRODUCE graduates who entrepreneurial, productive, morally upright,
environmentally conscious, globally responsive & socially responsible citizens;
3. PROPAGATE the culture of excellence through a continual process of
introspection, integration & improvement of programs, facilities & services.
4. PROVIDE the University personnel with the means to enhance their personal well-being &
professional skills to effectively carry out balanced curricular & development programs.
1. We champion excellence. We consistently strive for excellence in
everything we do.
2. We nurture dreams. We passionately guide and inspire our students to
leverage their potentials and aspire for better lives.
3. We do the right things right. We uphold integrity in everything we do. We
hold ourselves to high standards for accountability and character. We do
things right.
4. We are dynamic and creative. We anticipate the forces of change. We
explore possibilities with intent and purpose.
5. We respect each other and work as a team. We collaboratively maximize
our talents and capabilities. We hold each other in high regard and
passionately realize our shared purpose, priorities and promises.

Ex - Excellent Communicator
C - Creative Leader
E - Ethically and Socially Responsible Citizen
L - Life-Long Learner


The UNC College of Arts and Sciences is a dynamic and proactive provider of
foundation courses that will develop academicians, researchers and responsible
leaders and citizens through quality education.

The University of Nueva Caceres College of Arts and Sciences acts as a catalyst for
development in the pursuit of quality education across the humanities, the arts,
and the sciences.
To provide balanced and integrated intellectual, moral, and social developments of
students through a program of studies in humanities, communications, and natural

1. As a service college, to provide foundation and preparatory courses,
responsive to local, regional, national, and global development goals.
2. To develop intellectual discipline, sound thinking, and critical judgment
toward enlightened citizenry, responsive to the needs of the community.
3. To strengthen moral and spiritual values and a sense of responsibility
towards the protection of the environment based on truth, freedom, and
4. To preserve and promote Filipino culture, particularly Bicol culture,
through communication skills, a proper appreciation of the arts, and
historical heritage.
5. To enhance scientific inquiry through the use of technology for
professional competence.
6. To infuse empathy and dedication to community outreach programs and
promote a continuing concern for the solution of societal problems.

Program General Education
Term, School Year: 1st Semester, SY 2021-2022
Course Code
Course Title: The University and 21st Century Learning

Course Description
This course is intended to acquaint the College Freshmen and
transferees about the University and learn about the 21st Century Skills
that will contribute to a student’s academic and career success. The
topics covered in this course focuses on giving the students’ knowledge
and skills on how to appreciate and develop a sense of identity and
belongingness with the University. Virtual experiential approach is
included in this course to have a more vivid idea of the topics discussed.
This also serves as supplementary information, alongside academic and non-academic
experiences, to maximize and have a meaningful student campus life while providing them
leading-edge competencies and career pathways as well as projects/researches relevant to
community development.

Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, you should be to:
1. Explain the important features of the University of Nueva Caceres
2. Follow the school policies as prescribed in the College Handbook.
3. Avail the different student academic and non-academic support
4. Apply the onsite/online information and learning management
system/applications provided by the university
5. Demonstrate the 21st century skills towards academic and career
Faculty In-Charge
Maria Alida Mores, Ph.D
Ninfa Alipante, Ph.D
Brian Nacianceno
Joan V. De La Trinidad
Angelica R. Cadag
Jonnalyn Alinday

Consultation Hours
Wednesday 8:00AM-5:00PM
Office Hours - Monday-Saturday (AM
Distance learning covering both flexible tech-driven and printed modular
modalities may sound so wonderful that some of you may start with an unrealistic vision.
In reality, these learning modalities require just as much, if not more, time, energy,
motivation and discipline as traditional classroom courses. So, it is imperative that you
possess specific skills and apply learning strategies to be successful in these learning

To better equip you for distance learning, it is highly recommended that you take
and complete a Coursera course- MINDSHIFT: Break Through Obstacles to Learning and
Discover Your Hidden Potential. Mindshift teaches the essentials of o nline learning. It
provides practical insights from science and certain mental tools so you can learn and do
more—far more—than you might have ever dreamed!

You can avail this course as a free course, which means no certificate will be
provided to you after completion. However, the skills and learning strategies that you
will gain are helpful in your university journey.

Aside from the Coursera course, we have the summary of skills and learning
strategies that will surely help you in this distance learning mode: I would like you to
carefully read the list and apply these in all your courses.

1. Persistence
Persistence is perhaps the biggest key to succeed in distance learning. This means that you
should have the willingness to tolerate technical problems, initiative to seek help when
needed, discipline to work daily on every class, and motivation to persist through challenges.

You should understand that you will run into challenges, but keep trying and ask for help. You
have to set up a manageable study schedule and stick to it. You are expected to log in and make
progress every day. Have that discipline, stick to your schedules even after the novelty of going
to distance learning starts to wear off! Keep going! Your daily little progress when sums up will
be surely of significant value at the end of this course.
2. Effective Time-Management Skills
Next, time management. You must be able to manage your time well. This flexibility is one of
the great benefits of distance learning. But, it can also be a drawback if you procrastinate,
unable to stick to a routine study schedule, or is not able to complete assignments without
daily reminders from your teacher.
Effective time-management skills don't just happen. You have to learn this by practice. Once
you do,
you will benefit from it throughout your life. So, follow the tips below to develop yours:
● You are encouraged to review the syllabus for each of the courses. You must develop a
comprehensive plan for completing the course requirements and assessments.
● Make a daily "To Do" list. And have fun checking things off the list as you complete them.
It takes time to develop good habits. But, at the end, you will surely gain satisfaction from being
well-organized and in accomplishing your tasks.

3. Effective and Appropriate Communication Skills

Another is about communication. This skill is vital in distance learning because you must seek
help when you need it. We, your teachers, are willing to help you, but we are unable to pick
up on non-verbal cues, such as a look of confusion on your face. You are advised to follow
these tips:
● Use the tools provided by your courses as channels for communication. Our school and
program provide several ways for us to communicate. These might include e-mail, discussion
groups, chat room office hours, cell phones, and even text messaging. We want to help you
to succeed in your classes and will surely answer your questions.

You may feel awkward to talk with your teachers this way, but these channels aim to bridge
the communication gaps in distance learning. So, go ahead and see the channels specified in
this course.

● Use appropriate style and language for school. When communicating with your teachers
other staff, you should write in full, grammatically correct sentences and with a respectful
tone. While many of you are used to a very informal style of writing in chat rooms, blogs, text

messages, and so forth, for academic training in UNC along English Immersive Environment
(EIE), you are encouraged to be mindful of your language and sentence construction.

Because of the distance, it's tempting for some of you to say things out of anger or frustration
you would never say to your teacher in person. We, your teachers in distance learning are both
professionals and persons. We expect to be treated with respect and courtesy in the same way
you do in a physical classroom; and with persons whom you encounter every day like your

Let us always remember the UNC Core Value: We Respect Each Other and Work as a Team.

4. Basic Technical Skills

The fourth skill is about technology. You as learners need basic technical skills to succeed.
These include your ability to create new documents, use a word processing program, navigate
the internet and the learning management system, and download software and files. We will
have an orientation on how to use the learning management system and other online tools.

If you lack basic computer skills, we are encouraging you to find an online tutorial and learn
from there. You may also want to check the UNC’s main website for its hardware and software
requirements to see the compatibility of your own gadgets

5. Reading and Writing Skills

Another is about reading and writing as the main ways to communicate in distance learning
mode. Although some hard copies of textbooks might be required, you should be
comfortable reading a lot of documents on a computer screen and able to type.
Though some tests and quizzes have multiple choice questions, many of your assignments will
involve writing short or long answers. So appreciate these learning activities to improve your
writing skills.

6. Motivation and Independence

The sixth skills are about motivation and independence. To be successful, you must want to
succeed. Distance learning requires independence, internal motivation, responsibility, and a
certain level of maturity

7. A Good Study Environment

The last but not the least is having a good study environment. This is a critical factor in distance
learning. Refer to the helpful tips below:
● Get some peace and quiet. You will need a quiet place to work without distractions from
things like television, family, or roommates.
● Avoid games. Consider uninstalling any computer games to avoid temptation. Or keep the
games on a different computer in the house.
● Turn off mobile phone devices. Let your friends and family members know the hours that
you will be "at" school.
● Beware surfing the black hole of the Internet. It is easy to lose track of the time as you
wander from site to site.
● Consider ergonomics. Adjust the height of your chair, keyboard, and screen so that you will
be comfortable. Forearms and thighs should be level and parallel to the floor. Wrists should
not be bent while typing.
● Set up good lighting and comfortable seating. Lighting in the room should be at least as
bright as the computer screen to avoid eye strain.

We uphold the UNC Core Values and this is our commitment with respect to academic integrity.

I am an advocate of academic integrity. I commit to be transparent in acknowledging the work

of others. I commit not to cheat on exams, plagiarize or misrepresent the ideas of someone else
as my own, falsify data and engage in instances that tainted academic integrity.
I commit to UNC Core Values of Doing the Right Things Right!

College of Business and Accountancy


The college of business accountancy envisions its graduates as leader and active agents in
nation building by entrepreneurship and by honest and dedicated service in government and
private entities, contributing to the improvement of the quality of life of the Filipino and
responsive to the demands of global business environment.


The benefits of quality and excellent business and accountancy education shall be made
accessible to the youth through the provision of rich and diverse curricular programs and
alternative learning systems that will transform individuals into competent professionals,
empowered leaders, and proactive managers and entrepreneurs possessing the ideals of
competence, integrity and moral and social responsibility.

1. Prepare students for gainful employment within the framework of national and
international development goal whether in the government or industry or engaging in
business by themselves.
2. Equip students with leadership and entrepreneurial skill enabling them o contribute
towards socio-economic growth in their respective communities, the bicol region and
the country.
3. Prepare accountancy student into becoming Certified Public Accountancy possessing
the competence, integrity and objective required of the profession .
quality instruction.
4. Sustain a culture of excellence in instruction continual improvement and programs,
service and facilities, and enhancement of capabilities of the faculty.
Productive research.
5. Engage in productive research to improve the programs and services of the university
and to help address the development need of the bicol region
6. Build linkages and partnership with various sectors, both locally and internationally, for
institutional and community development
Total quality Management
7. Exercise continuous quality improvement in all aspect of program management

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