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2.Management of process 3.Process safety hazard 4. Fire and explosion

1. Process Safety leadership protection
risk control
1. Process safety definition : : “a blend of engineering and management skills focused on preventing catastrophic accidents and near misses,
particularly :
1. structural collapse,
2. explosions,
3.fires and toxic releases associated with loss of containment of energy or dangerous substances such as chemicals and petroleum products.”
(Energy Institute, adapted from the Center for Chemical Process Safety of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers

2. Safety Culture Definition :

A system of shared values and beliefs about the importance of health and safety in the workplace and the associated
way of behaving
3. 7 Principles of Process Safety Leadership
1. Clear and positive process safety leadership is at the core of managing a major hazard business and is vital to ensure that risks are effectively
2. Process safety leadership requires senior leadership team involvement, understanding and competence;
3. Good process safety management requires constant active engagement and vigilance;
4. Senior leadership team visibility and promotion of process safety leadership is essential to set a positive safety culture throughout the organisation;
5. Engagement of the workforce is needed in the promotion and achievement of good process safety management;
6. Robust and regular auditing of the safety management system and associated major accident hazard barriers, is essential to ensure that system
weaknesses are identified and process safety risks are being effectively managed;
7. Publication of process safety performance information provides important assurance about the management of risks by an organisation;
8.Sharing good practice across industry sectors in order to learn and implement lessons from relevant incidents occurring internally and externally to
the organisation, is important to maintain the currency of corporate knowledge and competence.
In the 6/07/1988 Piper Alpha oil rig disaster, 167 lives were lost, insured losses reached £1.7 billion and impacted 10% of North Sea oil and gas
production. Nearly 30 years on, the name “Piper Alpha” symbolises a monumental failure of process safety and the reputation of the Occidental
organisation was tarnished forever.
All details of the incidents , we can find in the public Enquiry into the piper alpha disaster Cullen, the honourable lordnthe stationery office 1990.

Regulation implemented:
- Introduction of Safety cases regulations 2005 for offshore installation
- Regulatory control of offshore installations was taken over by the health and safety executive (HSE) in 1991.

Lesson learned :
1. Management of change (design issues);

2. Personal safety over process safety (fire water pumps on manual start to protect divers);

3. Permit to work and isolation for maintenance (pump re-started before maintenance complete);

4. Handover (inadequate transfer of information between crews, shifts and disciplines);

5. Interconnection (no rig is an island…);

6. Emergency response – evacuation;

7. Safety culture (complacency — everything’s fine).

Resume of causes piper Alpha :

- Formal inquiry found a number of technical or organisational failures.Maintenance error that eventually led to the leak was the result of
inexperience, poor maintenance procedures and poor learning by the organization. There was a breakdown in communications and the permit to
work system at shift changeover and safety procedures were not practised sufficienly.

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