Valencia Cyril Kavana R. PR2

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A Quantitative research

Presented to the faculty of Senior High School Department

St. Rose Catholic School, Inc.

Sta. Rosa St., Pob. Sur, Paniqui, Tarlac

In Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements of the Senior High School

Practical Research 2

Valencia, Cyril Kavana R.

December 2020

St. Rose Catholic School, Inc.

Paniqui, Tarlac


The research entitled ━ Food on plastic: The impact usage of plastic in preserving foods in your

health. In which was prepared and submitted by Cyril Kavana R. Valencia for the fulfillment of

the requirements of the subject Practical Research Ⅱis hereby accepted.


Prof. Embesan Socrates Mr. Mitchell D. Alabado

Research Teacher Academic Coordinator

Sr. Grace F. Tagnipez, OP



First and foremost, I would like to extend my sincere thanks and deepest gratitude to the

following people who have extended their generous support and assistance for the successful

completion of this research.

To our School Principal Sr. Grace F. Tagnipez, OP. for giving her full encouragement

and constant moral support. To make this Research possible;

To our Research Teacher Prof. Embesan Socrates, I would like to express my deep and sincere

gratitude for sharing his wisdom with us during the course of this research and his exemplary

guidance, valuable feedback and constant encouragement throughout the duration of the study.

I owe and respectfully offer my thanks to my parents for their constant moral support

and affection which helped me to achieve success in every sphere of life and without their kind

devotion I might not be motivated to finish this research. .

And above all, to the Almighty God, who gave me life, strength and wisdom, for guiding

me all throughout my Research. Glory and praise to Him. I submit this research of mine with

great humility and utmost regard.

The Researcher


This study is wholeheartedly dedicated to my beloved parents who have been my source

of inspiration and the one gave me strength when I thought of giving up . To my sister, relatives,

mentor. friends and classmates who shared their words of advice and encouragement to finish

this study. And lastly, I dedicate this book to almighty God .

Thank you for the guidance, strength, power of mind protection and skills and for giving

me a healthy life. All of these I offer to you.

The Researcher


TITLE PAGE…………………............................................................................................i
APPROVAL SHEET…………………................................................................................ii
DEDICATION .....................................................................................................................iv
TABLE OF CONTENTS......................................................................................................v


Statement of the Problem…………………………………………….…….2
Significance of the study…………………………...………..……………..3
Scope and Delimitation of the study……………….....……………………3
Definition of Terms………………………………….....…………………..3-4


Related Literature……………………………………..……………………5
Foreign Studies…………………………………………..………..………..5-7
Local Studies…………………………………………..….………………..7-9
Conceptual Framework……………………………………..………………9


Research Design……………………………………………….……………11
Research Respondents and Sampling…………………………….…………12
Data Gathering Procedure……………………………………………..…….12
Ethical Consideration………………………………………………..……....12
Heating plastic container…………………………….……………...………13-14
Storing food on plastic container………………..…………………………..14
Reheating food……………………………...……………………………….14-15
Have a good quality plastic container……………………………………….15
Always using plastic………………………………..…….…………………15-16
Plastic is a threat to my body and health……………………...…………….16
Students who’s using plastic…...…..………………………………………..16-17
Implication of the Study……………………………………………………...17


Summary of Findings……………………………………………………….18

Online References………………………..……………………………...…………20


A Letter of Request…………………………………………………………21
B Letter to the Teacher……………………………………………….……..22
C Letter to the Respondents………………………………………..………..23
D Survey Questionnaire…………………………...……………..………….24

CURICULUM VITAE……………………………………………………………..25


Table Page
1. Respondents………………………………..…………………….……………..13
2. Heating plastic container……………………………….……………...………13-14
3. Storing food on plastic container………………..……………………………..14
4. Reheating food…………………………...…………………………………….14-15
5. Have a good quality plastic container………………………………………….15
6. Always using plastic………………………………..…….……….……………15-16
7. Plastic is a threat to my body and health……………………...…….………….16
8. Students who’s using plastic…...…..………………………………….………..16-17
9. Implication of the Study………………………………………………………...17

Paradigm of the study………………………………………………………..…....10

Chapter 1


Background of the Study

Eating good food, especially with family and friends, is one of the pleasures of life. We all

know that people who eat healthy, balanced diets are likely to have plenty of energy to work and

enjoy themselves; fewer infections and other illnesses. Foods provide nutrients so we can grow

and be active and healthy. A food is something that provides nutrients. Nutrients are substances

that provide energy for activity, growth, and all functions of the body such as breathing,

digesting food, and keeping warm. Food is also a material for the growth and repair of the body,

and for keeping the immune system healthy.

A party at home will usually leave you with enough leftovers to last a few days. Chances are

you will store them in a variety of plastic boxes and stack them in your fridge to be used over the

next few meals. Why just your fridge, we take plastic lunch boxes to work, even give plastic

water-bottles to our little ones to carry to school. Ever paid attention to the quality of these

containers and bottles or how they are manufactured?

Plastic is everywhere. It's in bowls, wraps, and a host of bottles and bags used to store foods

and beverages. But in recent years more people have been asking whether exposing our food

(and ourselves) to all of this plastic is safe. Studies have found that certain chemicals in plastic

can leach out of the plastic and into the food and beverages we eat. Some of these chemicals

have been linked to health problems such as metabolic disorders (including obesity) and reduced

fertility. This leaching can occur even faster and to a greater degree when plastic is exposed to

heat. This means you might be getting an even higher dose of potentially harmful chemicals

simply by microwaving your leftovers in a plastic container. Plastic is surprisingly hard to avoid.

It's in our water bottles, food packaging and storage containers.

It is not like every plastic container releases harmful chemicals so no need to panic, just yet.

Good quality containers have a #2, #4 and #5 printed at the bottom, these are considered safe for

food storage. But since it’s tough to guarantee the quality of plastic ware purchased, some people

stay away from them completely, opting for glass or steel containers instead. “I definitely

endorse steel and glass containers. Children can easily take steel boxes to school! Steel water

bottles are also easily available. If the plastic containers are BPA free then they can be used.

Thin plastic mineral water bottles should not be reused or kept in the sun in cars.” says Shalini

Manglani, Nutrition and Weight Management Expert, Bangalore.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the impact usage on preserving the food quality on a plastic


Specifically, this study will seek answer to the following questions:

1. Which plastic container are safe to use in terms of:

a) Reheating food

b) Putting hot food or water

c) Storing food

2. How does plastic affect our food?

3. What are the practices that we need to know when using plastic containers for preserving

the food?

Significance of the Study

This study will contribute information regarding the usage of plastic container on your

food and its impact to your health as you used it. Vital results of this research could be highly

significant and beneficial especially to the following.

The Students. This study will benefit the students who will use a plastic container to his or her


The Teachers. This research will serve as a reference to the teachers who are using plastic


The School Administrator. The result of this study could serve as a baseline data to improve

the usage of plastic on their TLE laboratory.

To the Future Researcher. This research will serve as another source for the future researcher

and be a basis of information to their study. It may be essential and helpful to them to enhance

the present study.

Scope and Delimitation

This study will determine the experiences of the cookery students of St. Rose Catholic

School of Grade 12 Technical Vocational Livelihood (TVL) who’s using plastic container on

their food. The target number of respondents is 17 students.

Definition of Terms

For the purpose of clarity and better understanding of the study, the following terms are

defined conceptually and operationally.


Cookery. In this study we use cookery to practice or observe in participating events in a

particular activity.

Current. Current is used to determine the experiences of cookery students of using plastic


Containers. In this study we use container to know the effects of it on the food quality.

Life experiences. In this study we use life experiences as the feelings and observation of the

cookery students.

Status. It refers to the relative social, professional, or other understanding of something. In

this study we use status to know the standing of the cookery students..

Students. Students are the one who take action in using plastic container on their food. In

this study we use the students as a respondents of the study.

TLE. The subject wherein you can apply the knowledge and skills that you have.



This chapter presents the review of related literature and studies with the use of these literature

and studies, both foreign, and local, the researcher gained insight that served as a reference for

the study.

Related Literature

A. Foreign

As of 2017, the running total of virgin plastics produced, since mass production of synthetic

polymers began less than 70 years ago, was 8,300 million metric tons (Geyer, Jambeck, &

Law, 2017); a fact that reflects the versatility of this remarkable group of materials which serve a

vast range of important functions across various industries and sectors. However, there is

growing evidence that the proliferation of plastic production and a reliance on these materials in

the world economy, particularly in single‐use or disposable forms, is leading to detrimental

environmental and ecosystem impacts at local and global scales, with potentially negative

implications for human health (Barboza, Dick Vethaak, Lavorante, Lundebye, &

Guilhermino, 2018; UNEP, 2018).

Within the food system, plastics play an important beneficial role in food transportation,

preservation, hygiene and safety, increasing the lifespan of foods, the length of value chains and

contributing to food and nutrition security (Claudio, 2012). Therefore, it is important that these

beneficial functions are not overlooked in the public and policy debates concerning this material,

its uses and impacts. However, recent decades have seen a correlation between substantial

increases in plastic food packaging and upward trends in food waste (Schweitzer et al., 2018),

suggesting that while plastic packaging can preserve food, in itself this might not be sufficient to

reduce wastage. Recent calls to action on plastics are driven in part by observations that the

widespread utilization of single‐use or disposable plastics, coupled with poor recycling rates and

waste management is contributing to visible build ups of plastic across natural environments and

oceans around the world. To illustrate this flow, of the total 6300 Mt of plastic waste produced

by 2015, only 9% had been recycled or repurposed, with the remaining 91% either incinerated,

placed into landfill or leaking into the natural environment (Geyer et al., 2017).

Food supply chains are complex networks with lots of parts. In Europe alone, 12m farms

produce agricultural products which are processed by around 300,000 food and drink companies.

These are then distributed by 2.8m food retailers and food services, serving around 500m


We need to reduce or avoid the use of plastic containers because there is so much plastic

waste in our world. We also need to take care to protect our environment and we can prevent that

by using eco-friendly equipment such as paper bags and etc.

Food typically travels from the fields where it is produced to a storage facility for processing.

It is then stored until it is needed. Then it’s packaged, transported and distributed to shops, where

it is marketed, before being bought and consumed. This takes a varying amount of time,

depending on where it is farmed and how long it stays in someone’s fridge or cupboard.

Plastic is the best package because a food does not break down quickly but the use of plastic

becomes a problem because other people do not know how to recycle the plastics that have been


B. Local

Our food, it seems, is always touching plastic. Plastics play a part in every phase of food

production and preparation. Food gets processed on plastic equipment, and packaged and

shipped in plastic-lined boxes and cans. At home, we store and reheat the leftovers in plastic

containers. Recent health controversies have spawned new discussions about the safety of

plastics in the food industry. In particular, research that's found potential health risks from

bisphenol A (BPA), a common chemical in food packaging, has many concerned.

In different use of plastic and plastic containers on our food, some bacteria might get into it

and can lead us into some illness. We must need to know the things that we do wrong when we

are storing our food on a container for such a long time, so that we can be more careful next time

and cannot bring disease or illness to our own health.

Food is an essential thing for human survival. Except our own garden plants, all the food used

today has some preservatives. Preservatives are the substances, which are used to prevent food

spoilage from microorganism. Food preservation is used from the ancient times. This will inhibit the

growth of microorganisms like bacteria and fungi. Food preservatives becomes an essential thing

nowadays, this plays an important role during food transportation. This will preserve the food for a long

duration from the spoilage. Each and every packaged food items has some preservatives, without them

the food has no longer survive. Radioactive materials like cobalt-30 are used as food preservative.

Modern packaging techniques includes vacuum and hypobaric packaging also acts as preservation

technique. Food preservatives aim to preserve the appearance of food, preserve the food

characteristics like odor, taste and food is preserved for a long time.

Nowadays, majority of our food is made by the used of preservatives. This are the substance

used to preserve our foodstuffs color, flavor, taste, and quality against decay. It can be harmful into

our body and health if you take too much of it so eliminate the food you eat if possible.

In addition to creating safety problems during production, many chemical additives that give

plastic products desirable performance properties also have negative environmental and human

health effects. These effects include: Direct toxicity, as in the cases of lead, cadmium, and

mercury; carcinogens, as in the case of diethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP); endocrine disruption,

which can lead to cancers, birth defects, immune system suppression and developmental

problems in children.

Plastics are used widely everywhere in our life and without plastic, modern civilization

would indeed look very diverse. This study focuses on the toxic effects of plastic on human

health and environment and possible consequences of health risk. Plastics are essential materials

in modern civilization, and many products manufactured from plastics and in numerous cases,

they promote risks to human health and the environment. Plastics are contained many chemical

and hazardous substances such as Bisphenol A (BPA), thalates, antiminitroxide, brominated

flame retardants, and poly- fluorinated chemicals etc. which are a serious risk factor for human

health and environment. Plastics are being used by Bangladeshi people without knowing the

toxic effects of plastic on human health and environment. Different human health problems like

irritation in the eye, vision failure, breathing difficulties, respiratory problems, liver dysfunction,

cancers, skin diseases, lungs problems, headache, dizziness, birth effect, reproductive,

cardiovascular, genotoxic, and gastrointestinal causes for using toxic plastics. Plastics occur

serious environment pollution such as soil pollution, water pollution, and air pollution.

Application of proper rules and regulations for the production and use of plastics can reduce

toxic effects of plastics on human health and environment.

We need to avoid using plastic as it contains mixed chemicals and there are diseases that can

be contracted from plastic and may turn in into our body. The use of plastic is also not

encouraged because it damages our health’s body so we should avoid using plastic.

Conceptual Framework

The main objective of this research study is to share, maintain and improve the way of using

plastic containers on the food of the students. There are three variables considered in expanding

the information about needed in this study. First is the preserving food on a plastic container for

a long time; second, are the container that they are using is safe and lastly, what are the

experiences that they encounter while using plastic container on food preserving.

1. Which plastic
container are safe to use
in terms of: Food on
a) Reheating food Descriptive
b)Putting hot food or Plastic: The
water Mixed method Impact to
c)Storing food Systematic usage of
2. How does plastic Sampling Plastic in
affect oour food? Preserving
3. What are the Onlline Survey
Foods in youur
practices that we need Questionnaire
to know when using Health
plastic container for
preserving the food?

Figure 1. Paradigm of the study

The Figure 1. above, shows the overall flow of the study. The focus of this study will be on

the impact of food preserving using plastic container on food. The conceptual framework will

answer the following questions: Which plastic container are safe to use; How does plastic affect

your food?; What are the practices that we need to know when using plastic container for

preserving the food.

On the other side, the process is being used is through mixed method qualitative and

quantitative method by the online survey questionnaires .The output is the knowledge is the

effect of using plastic container on the food quality of the students of St. Rose Catholic School,


Chapter 3


This chapter presents the research design, delimitation, population and sampling, research

instrument, data gathering procedure, informed consent considerations and data analysis


Research Design

This study used a descriptive method of a research. Descriptive research is defined

as a research method that describes the characteristics of the population or phenomenon studied.

It answers the questions what, when, where and how, but not why questions (McCombes, 2019).

The research has determined the effect of using plastic container on the food quality of the

students of Grade 12 Technical Vocational Livelihood (TVL) of St. Rose Catholic School, Inc.

This research obtained information about how Grade 12 cookery students use plastic container

on their food. The study used a mixed method design. A mixed methods design is characterized

by the combination of at least one qualitative and one quantitative research component.

According to Shorten and Smith (2017) , mixed-methods is a research approach where the

researcher collects and analysis both quantitative and qualitative data within the same study. As

stated by (Formplus Blog) “Both qualitative and quantitative research methods have their flaws.

However, it is imperative to note that quantitative research method deals with a larger population

and quantifiable data and will, therefore, produce a more reliable result than qualitative

research.” Survey questions will be used for the quantitative part. While written essay will be

used the qualitative part, it’s an essay for every respondent that will need to answer.

Research Respondents and Sampling

The research will focus on the effect of using plastic container on the food quality of the

students. The study will be conducted at St. Rose Catholic School, Inc. The target participants

are the Grade 12 cookery students S.Y. 2020-2021. The researcher chose this strand as they are

compatible with this topic compared to the other strands. Overall, there will be 30 respondents in

Grade 12 cookery students. Survey questionnaires will be given to the respondents, which will be

gathered by the researcher once they’re done.

Data Gathering Procedure

All of the results on this research will be achieved through the process of collecting data. The

researcher will ask for permission of the subject teacher and class adviser to the particular

section with a simple explanation on the research with ethical provision letter. Purpose and

method of the study undertaken will be explained to the students as well to get consent from the

respondents. The researcher questionnaires will then distributed among the Grade 12 cookery

students of St. Rose Catholic School, Inc. In the class section of St. Jordan.

Ethical Consideration

The researcher will ask for permission of the school head administrator, class advisers and

subject teachers to inform them about the purpose of the study that will be conducted to them.

The researcher will ensure that all confidential information such as names will not be release to

this research.

Chapter 4


This chapter overseas the presentation, interpretation of the data gathered by the

researcher. This study aims to determine the usage of plastic on our food and its impact for our

health. The analytical procedures are arranged according to the sequence of specific questions.

Table 1. Respondents

Section Number of Respondents %

St. Jordan 30 100%
TOTAL 30 100%
The table above illustrates the number of the respondents of the study. As shown, 100% (30 of

30) are from St. Jordan.

Table 2. Heating plastic container in the microwave may cause chemicals to leach into my


Question nos. f %
Strongly disagree 2 6.7%
Disagree 2 6.7 %
Sometimes 2 6.7%
Agree 13 43.3%
Strongly agree 11 36.7%
In the category, heating plastic container in the microwave may cause chemicals to leach to the

food illustrates frequency and its percentage. Strongly disagree, disagree and sometimes have

the same frequency 2 or 6.7, agree have 13 or 43.3% and strongly agree got 11 or 36.7%.

Table 3. Storing food on plastic container for a long time is safe.

Question nos. f %
Strongly disagree 4 13.3%
Disagree 10 33.3%

Sometimes 8 26.7%
Agree 8 26.7 %
Strongly agree 0 0%

In the category, storing food on plastic container for a long time is safe illustrates frequency

and its percentage. Strongly disagree have 4 or 13.3%, disagree have 10 or 33.3%, sometimes

and agree have 8 or 26.7% and strongly agree have 0 or 0%.

Table 4. I reheat food on a plastic container.

Question nos. f %
Strongly disagree 10 33.3%
Disagree 12 40%
Sometimes 5 16.7%
Agree 3 10%
Strongly agree 0 0%
In the category I reheat food on a plastic container illustrates frequency and its percentage.

Strongly disagree have 10 or 33.3%, disagree have 12 or 40%, sometimes have 5 or 16.7%,

agree have 3 or 10% while strongly agree have 0 or 0%.

Table 5. I have a good quality plastic container so I don’t have to worry about the


Question nos. f %
Strongly disagree 4 13.3%
Disagree 8 26.7%
Sometimes 9 30%
Agree 7 23.3%
Strongly agree 2 6.7%
In the category, I have a good quality plastic container so I don’t have to worry about the

chemicals illustrates frequency and its percentage. Strongly disagree have 4 or 13.3%, disagree

have 8 or 26.7, sometimes have 9 or 30%, agree have 7 or 23.3% and strongly agree have 2 or


Table 6. I always used plastic or plastic container on carrying my food.

Question nos. f %
Strongly disagree 1 3.3%
Disagree 3 10%
Sometimes 14 46.7%
Agree 11 36.7%
Strongly agree 1 3.3%
In the category, I always used plastic container on carrying my food illustrates frequency and

its percentage. Strongly disagree and strongly agree have the same which is 1 or 3.3%, disagree

have 3 or 10%, sometimes have 14 or 46.7% and agree have 11 or 36.7%.

Table 7. Plastic is a threat to my body and health.

Question nos. f %
Strongly disagree 0 0%
Disagree 1 3.3%
Sometimes 2 6.7%
Agree 17 56.7%
Strongly agree 10 33.3%
In the category, plastic is a threat to my body and health illustrates frequency and its percentage.

Strongly disagree have 0 or 0%, disagree got 1 or 3.3%, sometimes have 2 or 6.7%, agree have

17 or 56.7% and strongly agree have 10 or 33.35.

Table 8. Are you using plastic container at your home

Question nos. f %
Yes 30 100%
No 0 0%

In the category, are you using plastic container at your home illustrates frequency and its

percentage. All of them said yes which is 30 or 100% and no have 0 or 0%.

Implication of the Study

The implication of the study regarding the usage of plastic on our foods and its impact on

our health provides some data about the thoughts of the students of the sample survey. This

research survey data will provide some knowledge and help every individual to know, change

the way they store their food, and identify the proper storage.

Chapter 5


This chapter contains the summary of the research study. This also contains the

significant findings, derived conclusion and provide recommendation.

Summary of Findings

Based on the data gathered in the relation to the statement of the problem, the following

are the significant findings:

1. The respondents are all came from Grade 12 St. Jordan with 100% (30 of 30)

2. The finding indicates that most of the time, students at St. Jordan carrying their food on a

plastic container 46.7%.

3. The result shows that storing our food on a plastic container is not safe 33.3% but if we use it

on a proper way we might not get some sick and our body will be free from disease threats.


Based on the results and findings of the study, the following conclusions are derived:

1. The findings shows that every individual have different perspective and way on how they store

their food.

2. Students often paid attention on using plastic container or plastic bottles.

3. Majority of the students always using plastic containers on their food.



In accordance with the result of these findings, the following are hereby recommended.

Storing our food in a plastic container is okay, but storing it for a very long time and using it to

reheat your food is not okay. Always remember that there is nothing wrong with using plastic

container but we must always consider our health and its impact on our body.





%20genetic%20components. (© 2010 - 2020

Harvard University.)

2019 The Authors. Campbell Systematic Reviews published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on

behalf of The Campbell Collaboration




Appendix A

St. Rose Catholic School, Inc.
Paniqui, Tarlac

December 2020
Prof. Embesan Socrates
Class Adviser/ Subject Teacher
St. Rose Catholic
School, Inc. Paniqui, Tarlac

Dear Prof. Embesan Socrates :

I, Cyril Kavana R. Valencia of Grade 12- TVL student is currently working on a

Quantitative Research entitled “Food on Plastic: The impact usage of plastic in
preserving foods in your health” to complete my requirements on Research in Daily Life

In line with this, I would like to seek your approval to conduct my study and to
request your consent to distribute questionnaires to the Grade 12 TVL students as my
respondents of the research study. You are assured that the data and the information
obtained from the school will be treated with utmost confidentiality. Thank you God

Sincerely yours,

Cyril Kavana R. Valencia


Noted by:

Embesan Socrates

Research Adviser

Approved by:

Mr. Mitchell D. Alabado

SHS Academic Coordinator

Appendix B

St. Rose Catholic School, Inc.
Paniqui, Tarlac

December 2020

Dear Teacher:

I, Cyril Kavana R. Valencia of Grade 12- TVL student of St. Jordan is currently

working on a Quantitative Research entitled “Food on Plastic: The impact usage of

plastic in preserving foods in your health” to complete my requirements on Research in

Daily Life 2.

In this regard, we would like to solicit for your cooperation to distribute the

questionnaire to the Grade 12 TVL students in your class as the respondents of this

research study. Thank you and God bless!

Sincerely yours,

Cyril Kavana R. Valencia


Noted by:

Embesan Socrates

Research Adviser

Approved by:

Mr. Mitchell D. Alabado

SHS Academic Coordinator

Appendix C

St. Rose Catholic School, Inc.
Paniqui, Tarlac

December 2020

Dear Respondents:

I, Cyril Kavana R. Valencia of Grade 12- TVL student of St. Jordan is currently

working on a Quantitative Research entitled “Food on Plastic: The impact usage of

plastic in preserving foods in your health” to complete my requirements on Research in

Daily Life 2.

In this connection, I would like to solicit your cooperation by answering the

attached questionnaire. Rest assured that your answers will be kept confidential. Thank

you and God bless!

Sincerely yours,

Cyril Kavana R. Valencia


Noted by:

Embesan Socrates

Research Adviser

Approved by:

Mr. Mitchell D. Alabado

SHS Academic Coordinator

Appendix D

Name (optional): Date:

Grade and Section:


1. I reheat food on a plastic container.

Strongly Disagree Disagree Sometimes

Agree Strongly Agree

2. Plastic is a threat to my body.

Strongly Disagree Disagree Sometimes

Agree Strongly Agree

3. I always paid attention to the quality of plastic container and bottles that I’m using.

Strongly Disagree Disagree Sometimes

Agree Strongly Agree

4. Heating plastic container in the microwave may cause chemicals to leach into my food.

Strongly Disagree Disagree Sometimes

Agree Strongly Agree

5. Are you using plastic container at home?

Strongly Disagree Disagree Sometimes

Agree Strongly Agree



Email Address:


Name: Cyril Kavana R. Valencia

Address: Apulid, Paniqui, Tarlac
Religion: Roman Catholic
Date of Birth: March 5, 2003
Place of Birth: Tarlac, Tarlac
Parents: Mr. Bernard P. Valencia
Mrs. Dulce R. Valencia


Senior High: at present

St. Rose Catholic School Inc.
Sta. Rosa St, Pob Sur, Paniqui, Tarlac

Junior High: 2019

St. Rose Catholic School Inc.
Sta. Rosa St, Pob Sur, Paniqui, Tarlac

Elementary: 2015

Cayanga Elementary School

Cayanga, Paniqui, Tarlac

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