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COMPANY OVERVIEW OCTOBER 2021 A Mission Driven Organization TMTG will fight for the First Amendment protections and freedoms of all Americans, protect democracy, and defend capitalism. Our Vision TmTG aspires to create» media powerhouse t ral the liberal media consortium and fightback geist te “Big Tech companies of Silcon Vay who have used their unilateral power to sence cppexing voices in America In January 2021, "ig Tech” (Facebook, Twitter, and others) began to forcibly silence President Donald 4. Trump and many other ‘conservative voices. This is unacceptable I ig Tech can censor the President ofthe United States then they can censor anyone, To counter tis Hoeal bias and dangerous exercise of tech monopoly censorship, Donal ‘Lume and THT intend to create © media and technology company rooted in socal media dicta streaming information technology infastrctre, and more Inthe year 202), the media pendulum has swung dangerously fr fo the lft. THT Intends to even the playing fla Tech Monopoly Censorship Threatens Free Speech What Happened to Freedom of Speech? Liberal tech media outlets flex unilateral power to silence opposing voices ROP 's MOVE 10 D edia co-found way AMAZON 1G DEAL FOR the site's ny unt’? Larry Sanger 5 RIS AB its wing woke’ bias lams PAR FTURE OF THE INTERNET Sev" ofeutelity are ose ec ~ FACEBOOK BANS PRESIDENT TRUMP . FROM POSTING FOR THE REST {ll Suspend Hosting ‘OF WIS PRESIDENCY ‘Amazon we Social Network ‘i ts, For Pro- stripe Stops Processing ete For Trump Campaign iF WITTER PE; BANS p RMANENTLY APPLE SUSPE: RESIDENT [ FROM APP RO ARLER ‘RUMP Other Freedoms Are At Risk What Happened to America’s Voice? Social media imbalance has dangerous consequences Twitt BPNS U.S. President | aa Account Market Opportunity To Disrupt Big Tech What if digital media wasn't the FAANG monopoly? ¥ Oo a NG Lc TRUMP MEDIA & TECHNOLOGY GROUP CORPORATE OVERVIEW Corporate Competitive Structure TRUTH TMTG: TMTG<. al Segmenta The History of US Media - Po! Newspapers, radio, and cable TV news have split along ideological lines. Will social media soon follow? 1790’s-1850's 1980's 1990's 2021 Newspaper Radio Cable Television Social Media bolo being fore ar Got paer aaa Portand, Oregon) hea 8 An Industry Ripe for Further Segmentation MTG will be a fountainhead of support for American freedoms as the first major rival to “Big Tech.” Trump’s Historic Social Media Following 146.5M Total Followers Sizing the ital Audience Potentially hundreds of ions of users NETFLIX von oe ” 30 Wen) a cwitter > Foe Fenep itrnentzate on? Global Pid subscribers 4 58 A Massive Market Opportunity Building a “Non-Cancellable” Global Community Inclusive “Big-Tent” Approach ump’s Historic Following 89M Twitter Followers 33M “One-third would use a Trump-backed Social media platform” -™ Would you use a social media platform that was backed by former President Donald Trump? Gop Voters DEM INDP. wis @ @ @ Woes Galvanizing A Conservative Media Universe TRUTH TRUTH Social Mission TRUTH Social is America’s “big tent” social media platform that encourages an open, free, and honest global conversation without discriminating against political ideology. Our Aspiration ‘TRUTH Social was built to provide a “big tent” alternative to existing social media platforms that ‘are dominated by the big tech monopoly (Twitter and Facebook). While initial users will be catalyzed by the existing Trump universe, the future of the platform audience lies in being open ‘nd inviting to wide range of ideologies. Content from news and polities to sports, comedy, and entertainment aims to unite independents, liberals, libertarians, and conservatives alike y Conservative Following Could Provide Catalyst For TRUTH Social Growth 4 of Followers on Social Media 29M 286M SSM G.OM 245M 1.2m teuither® facebook Grape On-Demand Programming What i is TMTG+? History of President Trump’s Entertainment Success ieee Ginss UNIVERSE onal OORSITIING yea Disclaimer

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