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2. Crop/animal diseases Farmers don’t

Problems Faced

make enough
by Farmers

3. Expensive railroad costs

4. High tariffs

5. Framers unable to pay their mortgages

6. Falling prices for crops Prices

7. ___________

Better Greater Too many

Farming methods
_____________ Crop yields
_____________ farmers with a
___________ Surplus
_____________ _____________ _____________

The Grange
1. _________________ begin to organize
2. __________________________________
The Patrons of Husbandry is formed in 1867
3. Becomes known as ________________________
The Grange

4. Other __________________________________
Farmers alliances grow grow
The Populist Party
1. ___________________________ took its name from a movement of the people
2. Begun in the _________________________
Midwest in 1892
3. Goal was to help ________________
Farmers get out of debt and give ___________________
a greater voice in government
Populist Party Platform
1. Increase the nation’s ________________________
Money supply

2. An ______________________________________
8 hour workday

3. A ________________________________
graduated federal income tax
US Senators
4. Direct election of ______________________________
5. ________________________________

The Gold and Silver Debate

1. Debate was what would back _______________________
US curency so that it wasn’t “worthless”
2. ______________________________
Gold Bugs favored backing US currency only with gold
3. _____________________________
Silverites wished for gold and silver to be used so that more
money would be available

Farmers want to add More money With inflation, prices are Farmers want the
more money into produces ____________,
Higher and it will government to coin
Circulation Inflation
____________ be easier for farmers to pay
_____________ silver
more ____________ –
___ back ______________
“free coinage”
William Jennings Bryan
Democratic Nominee
1. ________________________ nominee for president in 1896
2. Backed by the ____________________
Populists bimetallism
for his stance on ____________________
cross of gold
3. At the 1896 Convention he gave a passionate __________________________
speech on the need for bimetallism and free ___________________
silver coinage coinage
The Decline of Populism
1. Urban voters feared ________________________ and higher prices for goods
William Mckinley
2. Republican _____________________ supported the gold standard and has wide
3. ____________________________
Mckinley won the election & Populism became more a
part of the __________________________________
Democratic party

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