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OY Rapid growth of population and increased concentration often in hazardous environment
has escalated both the frequency and severity of natural disasters

OY catural Disaster are:

OY aeophysical Origin

OY marthquake

OY ¦olcanic eruptions

OY |and slides

OY ½limatic Origin

OY Drought

OY Ôlood

OY ½yclone

OY Ôorest fire.


GY ^inimizing the potential risks by developing disaster early warning strategies

GY urepare and implement developmental plans to provide resilience to disasters

GY ^obilize resources including communication and medicinal services

GY Œelp in rehabilitation and post disaster reduction.


GY ure disaster planning, preparedness, monitoring including relief management capabilities

GY urediction and early warning

GY Damage assessment and relief management

OY idal water or from unusual and rapid accumulation or runoff of surface water from any

OY Rains, following storm and hurricane are heavy, brining unmanageable amount of water
causing floods

OY mffects of floods

OY Damage to building and other construction

OY Œealth effects

OY Ôlood ^anagement

OY Ôlood forecasting

OY ‘llows to take appropriate measure.


OY Vtudy rainfall and run-off levels

OY ‘ssess the flood hazard and erosion risk

OY Review existing flood protection

OY ½onsider present and future uses of flood plains


OY Vtructural

OY aravel management

OY River alignment

OY èank edge protection

OY ureventing erosion by strengthening banks with rock or planting trees

OY con Vtructural

OY mncouraging appropriate land use in flood prone areas

OY Raising community awareness of the risks

OY mncouraging emergency preparedness

OY Ôlood warnings

OY Œouse raising etc.

1.Y Vhaking of earth caused by the pieces of the crust of earthVeismic waves start where a
large section of rock suddenly shifts

OY u Wave (primary wave)- pressure, push-and- pull

OY V Wave (secondary wave)- shear

OY | Wave (surface wave)-up and down rolling

2.Y wo scales developed to measure the earthquake

 ^easures the energy released in an earthquake by
measuring the size of the seismic waves


 ^easures the results of an earthquake such as the
shaking and damage the people actually feel and see

OY uacific ocean- typhoons, Indian ocean- cyclones, corth ‘tlantic- hurricanes
OY rnown to claim a higher share of deaths and destruction
OY ^eteorologists uses satellite images for monitoring storms, determine the strength and
intensity of a storm

OY ^ovement of rock and soil down a slope

OY Œeavy rain, floods or earthquake shaking can cause landslides

OY mmergency ^anagement in case of any Disaster

OY rit of survival supplies

OY mmergency plan for you and your family

OY |earn about hazards in your local area

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