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Name: John Dominic C.


Course/Subject: School Administration and Supervision


Sub-Topic: Prohibited Activities / Acts for Public School Teachers


For every privilege there is equivalent responsibility. Though public school teachers and officials
enjoy special benefits they are also prohibited to engage in the following activities:

1. To Grow Professionally while in service- The code of Ethics for Public School Teachers
requires every teacher to assume and maintain a professional attitude to his work and in
dealing with his associates in the profession. It should be his self-imposed duty to
constantly improve himself professionally while in service.
2. Keep out of Politics- Public school teachers and school officials are forbidden to engage
in politics. They may vote, but they may not use their official authority or influence to
coerce the political action of any other persons, or show any pernicious political
partnership, or become so active in making membership in a political party known that
they become in the eyes of the public identified or connected with the fortunes of the
party. They must also refrain from commenting on the political situation in the country.
3. Restrictions on Business Activities- Public school teachers and school officials are
prohibited to engage in any private business, vacation, or profession, or be connected
with any commercial undertaking, without written permission from Director of public
schools and the Secretary of Education. The business of which is to furnish books, school
stationary, magazines, periodicals, athletic goods or other materials for school purposes.
This does not apply to an author’s royalties, provided the employee has obtained
permission to engage in writing for money.
4. Smoking Prohibited- All employee of the Bureau of Public Schools, now the Bureau of
Elementary Education, and the pupils are prohibited to smoke in classrooms and
corridors and on school grounds during school hours. This regulation cover the
employees of the Bureau of Vocational Education.
5. Payment of Debts- Public school teachers and other school officials who wilfully fail to
pay their just debt are subjected to disciplinary action. They are expected to arrange
satisfactorily their private financial affairs with their creditors. The school and the school
officials should not be made collection agencies for commercial firm.
6. Relation of Sexes- To avoid suspicion, teachers and school officials should never be
alone in a classroom with a pupil of opposite sex. When it is necessary for a teacher or a
principal to have private conference with a pupil- he should always takes the precaution
to have present another person of a the same sex as the pupil conferred with. This does
not apply to private conference that are held in full view of other persons outside the
room. Likewise, a male teacher or supervisory official should not assign female pupils to
help in such tasks as correcting papers, entering grades in the record books, arranging
library books, and cleaning the room. When it is necessary to have male coach train
female athletes, a woman teacher should be with the girls in their practice and at all
7. Making Gifts to Official Supervisors- it is improper from an officer or an employee to
make donation or present any gift of substantial value to an official to whom he is
8. Inflicting Corporal Punishment- Corporal punishment is not allowed in any classrooms. It
is unlawful for any classroom teachers or school officials to inflict or cause to inflict
physical pain or injuries to any pupil or student, nor should he make deduction in their
scholastic rating for acts that are clearly not manifestations of poor scholarship.
9. Tutorial Services- The Code of Ethics for Public School Teachers and official states that
no teacher pr school official should accept directly or indirectly for tutorial services to
any of his pupils of students remuneration other than the compensation authorized for
his services as teacher or school official. In other word, receiving double compensation
is prohibited.

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