Speaking Test Execise 3

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A very good morning to everyone here today.Based on the situation given,(1) I

believe that organising a field trip would be an interesting activity to encourage
students to come to school after their final exams.(2) One important reason is
organise a field trip that is interesting, educational, and useful. Students will enjoy
seeing new places and learning new things. (3) Furthermore, this will enrich their
knowledge and rejuvenate their tired minds after their exams. (4) For example,a visit
to a factory to see how chocolates are being made and packaged. Students get to
increase their world knowledge and learn about something new that could not be
learnt from their textbooks or classrooms. This real-life experience may benefit them
tremendously in their future working experience. Knowing how important these
experiences are, students would then be motivated to come to school so as not to
miss out on these exposures.
(5) Secondly,going on a field trip is good as students get to break the monotony of
classroom lessons that they have been confined to throughout the year. It serves as a
good break after studying hard for their exams. Fun and exciting trips (6) for instance
visiting the zoo to look at the animals will definitely be a refreshing change that
students look forward to. Being able to visit places that they like with their
classmates is also pleasurable and enjoyable. Exchanging information during their
field trip makes learning outside the classroom even more meaningful.(7) Hence,
students will look forward to coming to school in order to be able to visit these
exciting places.
(8) Moving to my next point,which is how field trips help students to see more of
the world. There are many students who do not have the chance to visit places. (9)
This is because their parents might not be able to afford outings for their children or
their parents could be too busy working that they do not have time to take their
children out. Some parents, who are tired after working, may only take their children
out to shopping malls. So, if students go on a field trip, they can visit places (10) such
as science centres, museums, bird parks, and farms. This would enable them to see
different types of places and gain different types of knowledge, making them more
matured and wise. (11) So,we can see that students would prefer coming to school
rather than staying at home and watching TV.
(12) As a conclusion, field trips encourage students to come to school after their final
exams. It is much more interesting to visit new places and to learn new things
instead of staying at home doing nothing much.
Thank you.

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