Handout 9A: Evidence Organizer-"GM Sit-Down Strike"

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G6   M1    Handout 9A • WIT & WISDOM™


Date Class

Handout 9A: Evidence Organizer—“GM Sit-Down Strike”

Directions: Respond to questions 1-3 below before watching the video and then again after, and then complete questions
4 and 5 after our class discussion.

1. What does, “Once you pass the gates of General Motors, forget about the United States Constitution” mean?

My Initial Thoughts New Ideas

2. How did factory owners and foremen respond to the strike?

My Initial Thoughts New Ideas

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G6   M1    Handout 9A • WIT & WISDOM™

Date Class

3. How were the GM workers able to win their rights?

My Initial Thoughts New Ideas

4. Describe two new ideas presented by others in the discussion that you hadn’t thought of.

5. Did your group meet your group discussion goal? Why or why not?

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