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1.1 Introduction

Training and Development (T&D) practices are considered to contribute to the

employees’ engagement in their work environment. Training and development is defined

as a process of systematically developing work related knowledge and expertise in people

for the purpose of improving performance Training and development are a continuous

effort designed to improve employees’ competence and organize performance as a goal to

improve on the employees’ capacity and performance. For employees to be flexible and

effective in their job, they need to acquire and develop knowledge and skill, and for them

to believe that they are valued by the organization they work for, then they need to see

valuable signs of management commitments to their training needs. Work engagement

refers to expression of a person’s ‘preferred self’ in task behaviors that promote

connections to work and to others, personal presence, and active, full performances”

Work engagement has gained increased attention in the past few years in research related

to professional development, in keeping with the trend of discussing positive aspects of

organizational behavior. Therefore, in order to encourage employees’ work engagement,

banks must focus on providing a supportive work environment, keeping the energetic,

inspired and concentrated. Training and Development is especially important for offering

resources that will make employees feel available to actively engage in their role.

Training and development training will increase organizational commitment, which can

further counter the numerous costs associated with employees’ turnover. Organizational

Commitment is a force that binds employees with their willingness to remain attached to

its organization. If employees are committed towards the organization they will perform

their job well and even beyond the expectation of the organization. Employees who are

engaged in their work and committed to their organizations give companies crucial

competitive advantages. Therefore, the development of organizational commitment needs

effective human resources management practices such as staffing, training and

development, and performance management. On the other hand, when commitment is

low, absenteeism and turnover will be high. Training and development is one of the best

strategies that can be used to develop commitment because it facilitates the process of

affiliation with the organization as well as making organizational support to the worker


1.2 Statement of the Problem

I examined the problem of study impact of training and development on work

engagement & organizational commitment. Before I started it I study some literature

review and I found some problems. I am starting it in view of that problem. The problems

that are found in the literature review I have discussed it in my report. Firstly there has

been a lot of writing about training and development, Many writers worked with training

and development & work engagement & Many writers worked with training and

development & organizational commitment but I could not found any writhing where

any researcher do any work with training and development on work engagement &

organizational commitment. So I am writing the report in view of that problem. Secondly

I study some literature review where I found most of the researchers did their research

only quantitative research only few researchers did qualitative research. So I am writing

the report in view of that problem. Thirdly I read some literature review where I found

most of the researchers did their research based on western countries but I do not found

any research where the researchers did their research based on Asian countries especially

Bangladeshi different sectors. I study some literature review I found this gap. So I am

writing the report in view of that gap. Fourthly I study some literature review where I

found most of the research papers were writing on different sectors such as some study

are manufacturing sector, some study are SME sector, some study are pharmaceuticals

sector, some are manufacturing sector but I could not found any research paper that has

been done on banking sector. So I am inspired to write the report in view of that problem.

Fifthly I study some literature review where I found most of the research papers were

writing on managerial level but I could not found any research paper that has been done

on employee level. To study this literature review I found this gap. So I am writing the

report in view of that gap based on banking sector.

1.3 Significant of the Study

I am doing study on the banking sector in Bangladesh and the main thing of this study is

impact of training and development on work engagement & organizational commitment.

This study is very important for several reasons. For example, firstly through my study a

researcher will get the idea how training and development impact on work engagement &

organizational commitment. Secondly A new framework has been created in my study,

that are seen in this framework are training and development impact on work engagement

& training and development impact on organizational commitment. This framework can

be applied in the banking sector of Bangladesh. Thirdly there are no research have been

done on impact of training and development on work engagement & organizational

commitment on banking sector in Bangladesh. As far as qualitative theoretical efforts are

concerned current studies are adding up more information to the existing literature

entities. Fourthly my study will contribute practical life because previous researchers

have more worked with training and development on work engagement & organizational

commitment is western countries like Canada, Australia, US etc. but I do not found any

research where the researchers did their research based on Asian countries especially

Bangladesh. I have enable to published this study in developing countries same as

Bangladesh. Fifthly my study is more significant because previous researchers have more

worked with training and development on work engagement & organizational

commitment on manufacturing sector, SME sector, pharmaceuticals sector, but I could

no research paper are done on banking sector. My study is based on a new sector so my

current studies are adding up more information to the existing literature entities. Finally

To study many literature reviews I found previous researchers did their research

qualitative research & mixed research based study; no researchers have any work based

on quantitative study. So my current studies are adding up more information to the

existing literature entities. Through my study any researcher easily thought that how

training and development on work engagement & organizational commitment.

1.4 Objectives of the Study

1.4.1 General objective

To identify the relationship between Training and Development on Work engagement and

Organizational Commitment.

1.4.2 Specific objective

The proposed objectives of the current study are mentioned in the following:

I. To examine the influence of Training and Development on Work engagement.

II. To assess the influence of Training and Development on Organizational


1.5 Definition of Key Terms

15.1Training & Development

Training & Development have been defined in several ways by different authors. The

main idea that each one of them highlighted in their studies is the workforce capability

enhancement. Training is a planned effort to enable employees to learn job related

knowledge, skills, and behavior. Development involves acquiring knowledge, skills, and

behavior that improve employees’ ability to meet the challenges of a variety of new or

existing jobs, including the client and customer demands of those jobs. Training and

development is defined as a process of systematically developing work related knowledge

and expertise in people for the purpose of improving performance. Training is the process

through which skills are developed, information is provided, and attributes are nurtured,

in order to help individuals who work in organizations to become more effective and

efficient in their work. Training helps the organization to fulfill its purposes and goals,

while contributing to the overall development of workers. Training is necessary to help

workers qualify for a job, do the job, or advance, but it is also essential for enhancing and

transforming the job, so that the job actually adds value to the enterprise. Training

facilitates learning, but learning is not only a formal activity designed and encouraged by

specially prepared trainers to generate specific performance improvements. Training is an

organized activity for increasing the knowledge and skills of the people for a definite

purpose. It involves systematic procedures for transferring technical knowhow to the

employees so as to increase their knowledge and skills for doing specific jobs with

proficiency. Training refers to the teaching, learning activities carried on for the primary

purpose of helping to the members of an organization to acquire and reply the knowledge,

skills, and abilities and attitudes needed by that organization. It is the act of increasing the

knowledge and skill of an employee for doing a particular job. Training and development

constitute an ongoing process in any organization. Training and development activities

just as most other activities in an organization depend on policies and strategies of the

organization. Training is the systematic development of the knowledge, skills and

attitudes required by an individual to perform adequately a given task or job Training

helps in updating old talents and developing new ones. Successful candidates placed on

the jobs need training to perform their duties effectively. training as methods used to give

employees’ skill they need to perform their jobs. Therefore, training implies preparing an

employee for an occupation or specific skills. In this case, it has to be narrow in its focus

and be for the job, rather than personally oriented. Training is usually provided to adults

and is aimed at producing an improvement in performance at work, by addressing

weaknesses in knowledge, skills, or attitudes. Development programs are designed to

meet specific objectives, which contribute to both employees and organizational

effectiveness. These include reviewing organizational objectives, evaluating the

organization’s current management resources, determining individual needs, designing

and implementing development programs and evaluating the effectiveness of these

programs and measuring the impact of training on the participants’ quality of work life.

Training provides employee with specific identifiable knowledge and skill for use on their

present job. On the contrary they also explained development as being broad in scope and

focusing on individual gaining new knowledge and skills useful for present and future

jobs. Development is different from training in that it is often the result of experience and

the maturity that comes with and it focuses on less tangible aspects of performance such

as attitudes and values.

1.5.2 Work Engagement

Work engagement which is composed of three dimensions that include absorption, vigor

and dedication. Absorption means concentration and being engrossed in people’s work,

whereby passing time will be intangible and being detached from the job has some

difficulties for them. Furthermore, it is pleasurable to have job experience for individuals.

They do that, only for having that and paying high expenditure for job is not such

important issue which it is for the others. Vigor is another aspect of work engagement that

implies high levels of energy and mental resilience while working. There is also a

determined investment in the actual work, together with high levels of persistence even

when faced with difficulties. Motivation is strength of doing work or resistance against

that. So, strength and resistance are addressed as aspects of work engagement and their

concept is constant with popular definition of motivation. The third dimension is

dedication that refers to a sense of significance, enthusiasm, inspiration, pride, and

challenge. In another word, this aspect can be seen when a person has a great involvement

with his or her job. Dedication has a lot of things in common with job involvement which

is known as the amount of attachment and identification with job. This transformational

leadership focuses on the enhancement of followers’ involvement with the goals of the

organization leading to work engagement in the long run. A central aspect of this

leadership style is the inspiring vision of the supervisor and therefore acting as a bridge

between leaders and followers to develop clear understanding of followers’ interest,

values and motivational levels. Work engagement to assess the extent of an employee’s

psychological presence or absence at work. Work engagement refers to expression of a

person’s ‘preferred self’ in task behaviors that promote connections to work and to others,

personal presence, and active, full performances”. Work engagement is defined as“ a

positive, fulfilling, and work-related state of mind that is characterized by vigor,

dedication, and absorption”. Employees will be productive and perform well in the

company when they are really engaged in the work.

1.5.3 Organizational commitment

Organizational commitment could be defined as the feelings and beliefs formed

internally or as a set of intentions that enriches and employee’s desire to remain with an

organization and to accept its major goals and values. Organizational commitment has

also been described as a mindset that influences the behavior of an individual and binds

the individual to a particular course of action. It characterizes the employee’s relationship

with the organization and has implications for the decision to continue or discontinue

membership in the organization. Depending on how it develops, commitment to the

organization may take forms such as affective commitment, continuance commitment,

and normative commitment. Organizational commitment as a feeling of employees which

force them to be the part of their organization and recognize the goals, values, norms and

ethical standards of an organization. Identified three dimensions of organizational

commitment are affective, continuance and normative commitment. Organizational

commitment as an attitude reflecting employees’ loyalty to their organization and is an

ongoing process through which organizational participants express their concern for the

organization and its continued success and well-being. Positive, sincere and utmost

involvement of employee for its organization is called affective commitment.

Continuance commitment can be seen when individual is committed with the

organization because of some specific benefits like pension, insurance, medical and other

fringe benefits. Employees’ Commitment with the organization because of the ethical

standards or social norms is called normative commitment. Organizational commitment is

the strongest motivator that highly affects persons’ intentions to perform well, increases

his efficiency, and improves his skills. Organizational commitment is important for

organizations because it is a good predictor of organizational goals and objectives,

productivity, absenteeism and turnover. Organizational commitment is defined as a view

of an organization’s member’s psychology towards his/her attachment to the organization

that he/she is working for. Organizational commitment plays a pivotal role in determining

whether an employee will stay with the organization for a longer period of time and work

passionately towards achieving the organization’s goal. If an organizational commitment

is determined it helps predict employee satisfaction, work engagement, distribution of

leadership, job performance, job insecurity, and similar such attributes. An employee’s

level of commitment towards his/her work is important to know from a management’s

point of view to be able to know their dedication to the tasks assigned to them on a daily


1.6 Scope of the Study

I am doing the study that show the relationship of training and development on work

engagement & relationship of training on and development on organizational

commitment. I am descrying step by step the topics that my study will discuss. Firstly my

study is only based on banking sector in Bangladesh. There are many sectors in

Bangladesh such as manufacturing sector, SME sector, pharmaceuticals sector, leather

sector but I only focus on banking sector in Bangladesh. Secondly I only collect data bank

employee. I do not collect data are collect from managerial level employee & lower level

employee. My study is only covers employees’ perception Training and Development on

Work engagement and Organizational Commitment. Thirdly In my study I show the two

relationships between training and development on work engagement & relationship

between training on and development on organizational commitment. I do not written

anything other than two relationships. My study is fully based on relationships between

training and development on work engagement & relationship between training on and

development on organizational commitment. Finally My study is fully based on

quantitative research. I do not focus qualitative research. Through quantitative research I

prove the relationships between training and development on work engagement &

relationship between training on and development on organizational commitment.

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1.7 Structure of the Thesis

The thesis covered the following structure:

Chapter one includes Introduction, Statement of the Problem, Significance of the Study,

Research Objective, Why Chosen? Definition of Key Terms, and Scope of the Study,


Chapter two covers Literature review including Introduction, Theoretical Framework,

Research Conducted on the Issue, What did Past Researches describe Key Terms,


Chapter three covers Data and Methods incorporating Introduction, Research Design,

Data- Primary Data and Secondary Data, Conclusion.

Chapter four covers data analysis.

Chapter five includes relationship of training and development on work engagement &

relationship of training on and development on organizational commitment and


Chapter six includes Implications and Conclusion covering Introduction, Research

Summary, Practical Implications, Limitation of the study, Suggestions for Further


1.8 Conclusion

My objectives of the study to identify the relationship between Training and Development

on Work engagement and Organizational Commitment. I study some literature review

where I found most of the researchers did their research only quantitative research only

few researchers did qualitative research. So I am writing the report in view of that

problem. I read some literature review where I found most of the researchers did their

research based on western countries but I do not found any research where the researchers

did their research based on Asian countries especially Bangladeshi different sectors. I
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study some literature review I found this gap. So I am writing the report in view of that

gap. A new framework has been created in my study, that are seen in this framework are

training and development impact on work engagement & training and development

impact on organizational commitment. This framework can be applied in the banking

sector of Bangladesh. My study will contribute practical life because previous researchers

have more worked with training and development on work engagement & organizational

commitment is western countries like Canada, Australia, US etc. but I do not found any

research where the researchers did their research based on Asian countries especially

Bangladesh. My study is based on a new sector so my current studies are adding up more

information to the existing literature entities. Finally To study many literature reviews I

found previous researchers did their research qualitative research & mixed research based

study; no researchers have any work based on quantitative study. So my current studies

are adding up more information to the existing literature entities. Many writers worked

with relationship with training and development & Job satisfaction. But no researcher did

not prove relationship between training and development on work engagement &

organizational commitment. I have chosen this study because in the past no researcher

did not do I this research topic. I am first doing this research in relationship between

training and development on work engagement & organizational commitment. my study

is only based on banking sector in Bangladesh. There are many sectors in Bangladesh

such as manufacturing sector, SME sector, pharmaceuticals sector, leather sector but I

only focus on banking sector in Bangladesh. Secondly I only collect data bank employee.

I do not collect data are collect from managerial level employee & lower level employee.

My study is only covers employees’ perception Training and Development on Work

engagement and Organizational Commitment.

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