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Designing Grease
Distribution Systems
Is Bigger Always Better?

s bigger always better? Not in the case of grease distribu- directly from the tank truck. Storage space, maneuver space
tion systems. This article explores some of the more and labor are all factors that affect the selection.
common problems with designing grease distribution
systems, highlighting several issues that could lead to Location and Disposal
improper sizing. An important factor often overlooked is the physical loca-
tion of the bulk grease tank in relation to the unloading spot.
Bulk vs. Individual Containers Environmental aspects (heat and cold) can impact unloading
Three major factors that must be considered when operations. The lack of heat tracing and/or insulation on the
choosing the method of receipt for grease include opera- lines can result in high-pressure requirements for the
tional needs, grease consumption by type and volume, and unloading pump, resulting in a ruptured hose. If the
total cost impact. For instance, the volume may be large, but hydraulics have not been properly calculated for grease
if several greases are used at various times, a bulk system may unloading, excessive time and damage could be encountered
not be the best choice. Changeover expense and the risk of when unloading a bulk grease truck. Because grease is a non-
adverse affects from contamination between greases may Newtonian, pseudo-plastic fluid, calculations must be based
outweigh the cost savings normally achieved with bulk deliv- on the actual shear rate characteristics for the selected
eries. Furthermore, if flexibility of the operation requires grease. Keep in mind that if the grease is changed, the new
usage units to access separate greases at different times, a shear rate data must be used to check the hydraulics.
central system and bulk grease would be more of a detriment If direct receipt of packaged grease is considered, factor in
than a benefit. Elements such as volume, operating time, the storage space and handling required and the disposal of
product(s) used and cost are all major factors to be evalu- the empty containers. Empty IBCs may need to be returned to
ated when choosing a system. the supplier; this adds the return freight and container repair
costs to the ultimate cost of the grease. If drums are used, the
Grease Storage user may experience additional costs for empty drum
The most efficient way to store grease is in bulk tanks. disposal, which in some cases could be high depending on
However, there are numerous considerations in selecting a local environmental regulations.
storage system. Obviously, bulk versus packaged receipt
carries a major cost consideration. Hidden factors should Distribution
not be overlooked when evaluating the options. The same Bulk/Central Systems - The design of a grease central
factors apply when considering bulk versus packaged distri- distribution system must consider not only the volume of
bution. Even if packaged distribution is considered the best grease used but the distribution of the grease to the using
for the operation, bulk receipt with subsequent on-site pack- units by rate, distance from the source, environmental condi-
aging could be a possibility if the annual volume of a grease tions (mainly temperature) and the grease-specific shear rate
product is sufficient. Intermediate bulk containers (IBC) can data. Unfortunately, a typical error in the development of
be filled on-site, either from a bulk tank within the facility or hydraulic calculations is using methods common to

52 January - February 2008 Machinery Lubrication

Newtonian fluids, which will likely result in oversizing the Drum/IBC System - Operational flexibility may dictate if
lines. Oversizing the lines is one case where bigger is seldom grease is received by drum or IBC, though it may have a
better. Oversized lines will cause the grease to channel higher unit cost and require extra handling. Multiple prod-
through the middle of the pipe, cutting a “doughnut hole” ucts and the corresponding lower annual volume for each
and leaving stagnant grease along the walls. The larger the product tend to shift the decision to local distribution
pipe, the larger the stagnant layer. Depending on the grease, systems. The same considerations outlined above should be
the stagnant layer can harden. This creates the potential to included in the decision and design process. However, the use
break off solid particles that can clog distribution nozzles. of grease supplied in drums can aggravate the logistics of the
Furthermore, if the grease being pumped through the distri- supply to the user, as well as result in additional house-
bution system is changed, it will be difficult to clean the line keeping problems. On the other hand, grease supplied in
of the old grease prior to introducing the new grease. If the IBCs can alleviate some of the logistics of the supply, but may
old grease is not cleared from the line, there is a contamina- result in partially filled bins when changeovers occur.
tion risk between the new and old grease that may affect the Partially filled bins often contain wasted grease which
end user. impacts the overall cost.
Another factor when considering a central distribution When considering the installation or modification of a
system is flexibility of the supported system and the potential grease supply system for multiple users, the factors listed in
for expansion. A central system does not lend itself to flexible this article are among many that must be considered when
operations. If flexibility is needed, a parallel system could be selecting and designing the distribution system. Improperly
installed to provide the using unit flexible access to a second sized systems can be detrimental to a cost-effective opera-
grease product. Economics will usually dictate the value of tion, both in the present and the future. Neither large nor
parallel central systems. small is, by nature, better.

Machinery Lubrication January - February 2008 53

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